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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 08-29-2009

Balmung Azurius

Excellant Application

Welcome aboard.

Suit up, son. Money to be made.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Blaze - 08-31-2009

Name: Dan White
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Age: 22
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black

Hello This is Dan I am a Mercenary with a Mafic I have heard a lot about you Mandalorian Mercenaries . We have been hunters for generations.
I was born in New York Planet Manhattan. But now I am alone and I dont have to fight for anyone I fight for myself. I would like to join the Mandalorian Mercenaries to earn glory and fame. I hope that you will accept my application.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 08-31-2009

Mr White.

Another Mafic is a welcome addition to the fleet, if you are accepted. I get many kills with mine.

(Sounds of Consuls groaning in the background. The words "Flying bathtub" are heard)

Please answer the questions I have sent you.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Blaze - 09-01-2009

Hello Sir this is Dan White I have changed my ship to BH bomber

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-01-2009

' Wrote:Hello Sir this is Dan White I have changed my ship to BH bomber


Was hoping to add a member to the "Mafic fan club"

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Blaze - 09-02-2009

Hello again dont worry the mafic is Still in my hangar. I didnt sell it how could I even sell such a good ship?
So am I accepted or Rejected?

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - atlantis2112 - 09-03-2009

Incoming Transmission...
Sender: Goran Beviin
Target: Mandalorian Recruitment Office

My name is Goran Beviin. After having a talk with Billy Bishop, I have decided to submit my application. You will find everything that is required in the folder sitting on your recruitment desk.


End of Transmission.

' Wrote:Goran Beviin doesn't know where he was born. He doesn't know when exactly he was born. But he knows for sure - he's good at what he does.

At the young age of approximately seven, he had already been to at least twenty-four different worlds and stations, staying in no place for long. He had been dragged along with his parents, who were running from something. All he knew was as soon as he made a friend, he was torn away, thrown onto a cargo transport, and hauled away with his parents. His parents never talked to him much. They never talked much to anyone, especially his father. The only real time Beviin heard him was he was shouting at him, but he often wouldn't remember as soon after the words would rain down upon him, the vicious strikes would as well. Beviins father was a chronic alcoholic. Whenever something unfortunate would happen, he would crawl straight back into the bottle. And unfortunate things happened to the family often.

When Beviin was about nine years old, his mother was cornered like a stray dog and brutally killed by the people chasing them. Beviin was forced into a small cargo compartment, merely twenty feet by fifteen by his father. For the entire trip, as his father got drunker and drunker, the beatings became more intense. On the third week stuck in confinement, with his father near hysteria, he decided enough was enough. Somewhere along the line, something broke in Beviins brain. He no longer felt fear, or anger, or sadness. He only had two feelings that could be felt - the desire to live, and a burning hatred for his father. During the last beating of his life, he noticed his father's kicks were less powerful due to the alcohol's effect on his system. At that point, Beviin caught his father's boot, and twisted it. His father roared in suprise, and crashed to the deck. Beviin quickly and calmly picked up a piece of metal on the ground and slit his father's throat ear to ear. At the next stop, Planet Manhattan, Beviin left the
container transport and began his new life.

Through his pre-teen years, his life was that of a street-urchin, stealing what he needed to get by. During those years, what little he felt died. He no longer truly cared whether he lived or he died. As he got older, like his parents, found himself wandering Sirius.

After several years of travelling it was not unreasonable to say he was in his early-thirties. He had been gathering funds for a long-range transport ticket by flying escort missions for semi-lawful corperations. Even with poor equipment, he was found to be a good, reliable pilot. After many months, he had finally arranged transport to the Barrier Gate Station - he heard from a passing merchant that there was much mercenary work to be found on the Barrier Gate Station. As he sipped his Sidewinder Fang in the bar, a man approached him by the name of Billy Bishop...
Attatchment from Psychatrist
Opening the note finds a very hastily scribbled note on a piece of paper.
Quote:Despite what may be thought, Goran Beviin is in a very stable mental condition. Too stable. Nothing upsets him, nothing phases him. He rarely speaks, as he doesn't find many things to be worth talking about. Further inquiries will allow me into the depths of his suppressed memories...

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-03-2009

[Image: Msite_logo.jpg]

William Bishop looked over the applications, then shouted at his assistant.

"Firstly, I am told James Tainer has returned. He is to get his sorry self into a fighter and/or bomber ASAP. He's probably been spending the last few months drinking in a Crysanthemum brothel. He must have run out of money.. Good pilot, though."

"Secondly, advise Mr Dan White he is accepted. Any man that flies a Mafic is welcome to try to meet our standards. But he must take the time to learn our contract arrangements. We are brutal, but subtle. Hard to do, that."

"Thirdly, this Mr Beviin shall also make a fine recruit. but tell the psychologist not to look into his memories. We don't want to know. Plausible deniability is a GOOD thing. Moreover, I have a feeling Mr Beviin would tolerate the psychologist for exactly two minutes before throttling him, and he actually isn't a bad shrink; hate to lose him."

"Fourth, we need to close the door to more recruits. We are running out of money, and we need to train our existing new pilots. They need to be sharpened, like Katanas."

"Fifth, rye on the rocks, please."

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-21-2009

[Image: Msite_logo.jpg]

William Bishop checked the supplies list, ship lists and ammo dump reports.

"Seems we have new resources..", he murmured to no-one in particular.

His assistant heard though, turned her head and looked over her glasses at him. Realizing he was only talking to himself again, she turned back to her solitaire game. When she felt his hand on her shoulder, her heart almost leapt out her mouth. William could move quietly.

Bishop could not care less that she was playing a card game, but pronounced his requirements quickly, and did expect them met as quickly.

"Re-open the recruitment barracks. We have ships. Might as well fill 'em with pilots."

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Xavier.Fierceshot - 09-21-2009

Incoming Transmission:
Sender: Kandadu'Inya
Target: The Mandalorian Mercenaries

Greetings, I am Kandadu'Inya. I have heard of your mercenaries' status, and jumped at the opportunity of your doors opening again. I myself enjoy the thrill of a good hunt, and am no beginner in the hunting business to say the least. I hope I can learn many new skills from the Mandalorians, and I hope that I can be an asset in your operations.

Now, some background information about myself to show you warriors what I'm all about.

I was raised on planet Los Angeles, by a man of the name X. I myself, never knew much about X... all I knew is that when I was young, my parents abandoned me outside in the rain, and X found me. I soon learned why my parents had abandoned me, but I'll mention that later... Anyways, the mysterious X brought me to his shed, far up into the mountains. He raised me, and taught me how to fly a ship. He gave me food, shelter, and enough to get by living, but nothing more. I didn't love him, and he didn't love me. We just accepted each other for what we were. Funny thing it is... to live with someone for most of your life, and know about as much of him as you would know a stranger. He taught me how to survive, through many harsh trials. He would bring me to the seas, and force me to catch him in his boat while swimming. The sea's trials were harsh, but they improved my physique. Made me strong. As I approached the age of 16, X let me pilot one of his many ships. I recognized it as an Eagle from the few times I had ventured to the docking pads of the city. He trained me how to fly a ship in combat. Once again, his trials were harsh. There were many times where I was forced to jettison my ship and withstand severe damage to my body. The more I trained... the more sharp my reflexes grew... Then, there came the day when I found out a crucial piece of information about X. He is a hunter. I was heading back to my quarters when I caught a glimpse in a mirror of the words: BOUNTY TERMINATED : vanishing on his computer terminal. It had never occurred to me why X was so knowledgeable in the art of survival, but I should have seen it from the start. One day, I decided to ask X why he was teaching me, and raising me. He had told me long ago that he had no ties to me, but I knew there had to have been a motive. X's response shocked me to the core. I remember his words to this very day, 20 years later.

"You are asking why I am training you to be a survivor? Asking why I am forging you into something that is virtually invincible? You wish to know... why I am training you to become a hunter? Because Kandadu'Inya... I want you to become someone who can justify what it is that I have done. This is something I should have told you long ago, but I killed your parents. There was a bounty on their head, and business is strictly business. At the time, it meant nothing to me, just another job. However, as I was retracing my steps, I stumbled upon you... I recalled that your mother was carrying you as she fled through the city streets. As I looked into your eyes, I found something. Innocence. Your parents were wanted dead... for something they had commited. But you... you were innocent, there was no harm your existence could have possibly caused. And so I took you in..."

I had gone cold after hearing his words. That was the most X had ever said to me. As soon as he said those words, I saw an acceptance in his eyes, and he turned and left. He never came back. I could have had a normal life, grown up like any ordinary person. Someone like my parents. But I was robbed. It is strange however, that I do not regret my teachings. They will be applied to hunt down X, of whom I know is still alive. However, his existence is ever elusive from my grasp. One day I will catch him, and I will justify and complete the circle.

But first, I need more guidance, and more understanding in the art of the hunt. I have claimed small time prey with ease, but I'm ready to go for the big stuff. I hope you will consider me into joining the ranks.

Sincerely, Kandadu'Inya

Ending Transmission: