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The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Printable Version

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The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dusty Lens - 02-26-2011

Exits apparently weren't his thing.

Mornings weren't either. The kind of morning where the idea that the pressure in your head might reasonably be released by the boring of a hole with some manner of blunt object/drill seemed entirely reasonable.

Exits turned out not to be his thing when he turned to the plan of the day and found that his very, very expensive gloves had been left behind on the Freeport. He didn't much fancy a return trip, but he didn't much fancy building another set to specs. Also he had a class to teach that day, or supervise with woe in his eyes, as it turned out.

He went through the motions of teaching his mob how to strip paneling of a ship without damaging the underlying structure. The generally charming cackles spewed by the children populating his humble academy rapping a shrill beat of pain against his troubled head. They seemed to recognize, something he wasn't sure how he should take, that Mr. Conner wasn't on his best foot forward that day. The most senior of his returning students took charge of the nubs and the class proceeded nicely. Crimson's Templar was halfway stripped by the end of the day, parts labeled and cataloged and all equipment back from whence it was taken. He loved the noisy little sources of unrelenting pain.

Apparently it was a day were pills were in order. At least he was almost entirely certain that he hadn't had an extremely ill advised romp with Silver. That was heartache and trouble the likes of which he had no intention of heaping into his day to day.

The Sabre was juiced, the trip was short, and he returned to the Freeport looking, if anything, even more like **** than he had the day prior to. His gun came along, she'd carry him as far as the door. With ragged sweater and jeans pulled over suit the slow saunter towards the bar was initiated, head down and hands in pockets.

The crowd looked... Similar? Maybe? The night before had been fuzzy. He mighta gotten someone's phone number? But there was the nosy stoner who'd swiped his pieces, that was the feller with whom he needed a chat. As such he gave him a rap on the shoulder and waited to get a span to talk his piece.

Heyo mate. I think you're still holding onto my hand warmers from last night. I'd be all manner of pleased to get them back.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - DarthBindo - 02-26-2011

Holme's eyebrows rose.
"That's uh.....deep, sah. A a lot deeper than what i was goanin' fer. But the first rule, and really, the only true rule, of warfare, is that ye never leave a man behind. But uh..."
Holmes laughed.
"Damn, ye threw me off mah story tellin' funk sah. Anyways, some bad things happened in the Navy and lots o former TF7 officers left, cludin' me."
Holmes laughed again and took a sip of the vodka.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 02-26-2011

Lev looked over his shoulders. "Mr. C, I am surprised to see you up, especially after last night. What your looking for is outside in locker 31. I have no use for them. Enjoy if thats your thing."

Turning back to the man across the bar Lev began again. "Ah, I see, but....but isnt there something in there that thinks a care free life would be appealing? I know there is, but see, it's not carefree, there is no carefree life, it's an illusion. We all have our crosses to bare, and for all I have heard, all I have read and all I have learned, all I have taken away from it is that we have to be able to sleep at night, and I do whatever I can to make sure I am ok with myself, and I know for a fact, thats the only thing any of us can control in our lives."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dusty Lens - 02-26-2011

It is my thing. You should try punching something sometime. It's cathartic.

He looked in brief around the room and realized he had less than no reason to scurry on home feeling like **** when he could sit here for a moment and feel slightly less like ****. Furthermore he had it on good authority that this man held a cure to what ailed him.

On the note of being on my feet I'm barely just. If you could score me a booth, a meal, a whiskey toddy and a joint I'd be well in your debt.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Blighter - 02-26-2011

Listening grew more and more to be less of her thing. Her eyes were still working however and she'd seen the man who interrupted the two's conversation at the bar. "Copper" it echoed in her head. She had an idea last night that might've involved him, something... dangerous? She didn't remember. Alcohol and exhaustion were starting to take their toll, a glass long discarded in favor of the whole bottle in her hand as she sat there, legs on the table now, her mind no longer racing as much as it had before.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - DarthBindo - 02-26-2011

"Sah........that....what.......okay. Now i know why Rush went to Canaria to learn wisdom. Apparently ye Zoners got it in spades."
Holmes turned to the other.
"Sah, ye look like a man of action. Ai dunnae suppose ye know where a poor assassin a thousand kilometres frem home could find a noice weapons dealer or black market salesman?"

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 02-26-2011

Lev pointed Mr Chambers to a booth in a quiet corner. "Head on over there Mr. C, I'll send someone over in just a minute to get you some food and drink, and I am going to roll you one out of my personal stock on the house, just give me a few minutes."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dusty Lens - 02-26-2011

Chambers looked down and briefly considered the man and the question, after a moment he took a hand out of his pocket and extended it with a gesture.

Aint a thing in life that's free. Fork over a smoke and a light.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - DarthBindo - 02-26-2011

Ian grinned.
The pack slid off the counter and shook vigerously, a single cigarette sliding out into the other's hand, and Ian's lighter clicking as he held it up for the man.
When the other had a light, he dropped it into his pocket and waited.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dusty Lens - 02-26-2011

He let the man light his smoke and took a deep pull with a measure of satisfaction. The thing was stale as hell and wasn't his brand, but there was something about a first smoke after a spell on the wagon. Smoke in hand and headache ebbing he regarded the expectant gaze of the "assassin" for a moment.

Man, if you've gotta ask you'll never know.

Chambers dropped the man's smoke, half burned, into the ashtray and sauntered over to the booth Lev had pointed out for him.