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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - horvat - 09-10-2009

--------------Incoming Transmission---------------

Comm ID: Coalition Fighter
Pilot identification: Luis Gellantra
Subject: Mission report

Comrades, i have assembled a wing to carry out Admirals orders. Our Priority targets were Rheinland ships in Hamburg. But before i must say thanks to our allies Hessians and their allies Unioners. They were a great asset to my already perfect wing. With our combined forces we started our march from Dresden to Hamburg. On our way there we decided to free some political prisoners, and workers of Rheinland who were doing their time on Vierlande. Warship Lithuania immediately started to bombard the prison as ordered while our commando strike force took over the control room. All Prisoners were saved except those Corsair pigs. I made sure they don't leave the burning station. Let's just say they walk with the dead now. Our Mission was successful even though Rheinlanders managed to gather a big force to prevent the escape. All of the ships were destroyed with only one casualty on our side. Our Hessian Friend is alright and is currently resting. I must commend my wing men Viktor, Ymir and Nickolai for their outstanding performance which made my job a lot easier. I must also commend and mention Hessian pilots who followed my orders as if I was their own commander. This was a great victory for both of our movements, and I am sure it will not be the last.

[color=#FFFFFF]Uploading Gun cam 10%.....25%.....40%.....60%.....70%....90%...100%...

I must note gun cam broke at some point, there were far more kills on our side.

For Coalition!!! FOR RED DAWN!!!!

<div align="right]Luis

[color=#000000]----------End of Transmission------------

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Banza - 09-10-2009


At 1500 hours a wing was launched from star base onto a glorius mission. Task, that we were given, wasn't easy, to say the least.
As comrade Alaric simply said, Corsairs just forget about us.

We bypassed Cadiz' defense permiters, and headed for Omega 3 system, where we recieved distress call from another comrade, a Hessian member, that was attacked by a Corsair gunboat, a pirate transport, and two bombers.
That wasnt my first time inside fireworks, but it left big impression on me. Our forces, of course, led superiorly by comrade Alaric, came out as victourios party.
But the show wasnt over yet.
As comrade Alaric ordered retreat to Omega 52, our wing was intercepted by large Corsair force based in Omega 5.
Alaric soon called for help, and help did arrive, in shape of comrade commander Luis Gellentra.
Long march towards Omega 52 has begun.
In retreat, we did manage to destroy five enemy ships, four fighter class ships and one bomber class.
Of course, there was always room for spreading propaganda.

A fate you can expect if you stand in the way of the Revolution.
Small talk with Corsair pilot in Omega 11.
Lovely photo!

Viktor Heinz,
For the Red Dawn

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Belco - 09-13-2009

Comm-ID: Sub lt. Stenka Razin
Destination: SCRA Command

Greetings comrades, i have multiple encounters to report, but very little guncam footage due to a malfuntion, i'm having technicians aboard Zvezdny Gorodok rectify the situation as i broadcast this.

Lead by Lt. Stacy Winters, myself and Sub Lt Mikhail Petrov launched from Coalition space bound for Bretonia, on entering Camebridge, we disabled the Armed Forces weapon platforms and comms satellites surrounding the lane there, and as such, our progress through Bretonia went unnoticed.

A group decision was made to alter our original plan of spreading the revolution in New London and we changed course and headed for California in Liberty.
In transit, we picked up a merc who followed us into Magellan, where we asked of his motives. upon finding he would not support a communist revolution, and that he valued money higher then life, we destroyed him.

As we were fighting the Merc, a lane hacker gunship moved into intercept us, we inquired about the piloets business, briefly engaged, before withdrawing and heading for california, as we did not have the firepower to take down a gunship.

Once we had entered california, we headed for the ice cloud and prepared to broadcast to the citizens of Los Angels. Comrade Petrov went ahead to scout for liberty forces, while i told the citizens of liberty how corrupt their government was, how they were being exploited, and that their real enemy is not rhineland, but liberty itself. Petrov soon joined me in broadcasting, and we gained the attention of a naval bomber, callsign "Zoki_32".

sending guncam frame.....
[Image: screen12.jpg]

unfortunately due to our previous skirmishes, we were short a few batts/botts, and comrade Winters, being in a heavy fighter was the first to be targeted and destroyed. after some excellent piloting by myself and comrade Petrov, i myself was hit by a lucky razor shot from close to a K away.
I returned to Zvezdny Gorodok while another bomber engaged comrade Petrov and he was forced to retreat.

Lt. Winters was recalled and i made my way into Cambridge to rendezvous with comrade Petrov and ensure him a safe return. I shared my supply of Batts/Botts and CM's with Petrov, with the plan we could make it to the Hessian Ronneburg Station and resupply, but upon entering the vicinity, the hessian's turned hostile to us, and we were forced to return to coalition space.

After resupplying we were called into Omega-5 where Victor Heinz was engaging superior corsair numbers, both myself, Petrov and shorty after, Nickolai Alaric fought against at least 8 contacts of OPG and their allies over the course of the battle.
Dumping Recent Sensor Contacts.....
[OPG]Nightmare (pirate transport)
..... Complete... sending guncam frame...
[Image: screen17.jpg]

Through the course of the battle, the corsairs pulled us to Cadiz base, where we lost Comrade Alaric, but through comrade Heinz leadership, managed to destroy [OPG-GR]Prix, Jerry, [OPG]Nightmare and [OPG-M]Fear-.
Heavily damaged, and with fresh corsair pilots coming into the battle, comrade Heinz made the call to retreat, and we ran to the Omega-52 jumphole with the corsairs on our tail. The remaining corsairs jumped after us, but fire support had been made ready on our side with our destroyer firing upon the corsair wing as soon as they jumped.
sending guncam frame...
[Image: screen18.jpg]

I'm sorry to report i was taken down shortly after that frame and did not see how the battle ended, having been tractored in and bought to medical abound Zhokovsky for minor injuries and dehydration.

*Transmission Lost*

//im really not sure about the O-5 battle, and some details may be wrong, feel free to add to it
also, didnt have any blue messages showing up for some reason, gotta fix some FLhook settings :/

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Herastean - 09-13-2009

Incomming message
Destination : SCRA High Command
Comm ID : Sub-lieutenant Youri Aliabiev
Location : Zvezndy Gorodok, Omega-52
Subject : Pilot ready/Information

Greetings Comrads, i receive today my ship and my equipement, i'm ready to serve the Coalition into the war for freedom. My Partisan figther have been tested with help of Zvezndy Gorodok Station officers : All is working.


After testing the ship, I receive for orders to patrol into the system, all was normal until I receive a communication with an other pilot. Ben Warner, from the Liberty Revolutionnary Front. This pilot said me he was in contact with the Lieutenant Winters, and that he got information about a Liberty Navy ship for the SCRA. //Its a little desordonate, sorry but I forgot one screenshot.

[Image: screen21b.png]
[Image: screen23lf.png]
[Image: screen22m.png]

I scanned the informations that he send me, there is apparently no danger about thems, this is the gunshot of the ship, his cargo and his equipement.

[Image: screen1276.png]
[Image: screen1277.png]
[Image: screen1278.png]
[Image: screen1279.png]
[Image: screen1280.png]
[Image: screen1281.png]

I hope that thoses information will serve the SCRA into the fight in the sirius sector. Youri Aliabiev over.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 09-18-2009

CommID: Commissar-Captain Alexi Karchov - Gold Lead
Message Target: SCRA High Command
Message Origin: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega 52

I took out my Insurgent today to get the feel for the ship again. It's been too long since I've gotten into the cockpit. As I was on patrol, flying through the superstructure of Zhukovsky, Sub-Lt. Alvin Katz came online, taking his new Partisan on a shake-down cruise. I decided this was a good time to evaluate the young Katz's skills. Lt. Molotov joined in his Insurgent, then took advantage of the extended training session to take out his Revolution bomber as well. We three held several training exercises, and each pilot (including myself) learned valuable tactics to put forth for the Red Dawn.

Sub-Lt. Katz had to leave after a few sessions, and Molotov left as well, both having to finish some reports. I took the time to switch from my Insurgent to
Natalia. She is still a good ship, and responded like I never left. She was ready for action as well. I took my Revolution on a short trip through the Omegas. Long Range scans showed that the Mentira was in Omega 3, no doubt harassing civilians.

Natalia and I flew through Omega 5, buzzing Cadiz and dodging patrols, and launched through the Omega 3 Jumphole, hot on the tail of the Mentira. As we cleared the Jumphole however, a strange Praetorian was waiting on the other side. The apparent Corsair, named HAZ-R-Abaddon, was spouting something incomprehensible to me, then all I heard was "SCRA GAY" and poured Antimatter into the sorry fool. He didn't last long, and Natalia had her first kill.
[Image: 091709pic2.jpg]

I continued on toward Freeport 1, trading taunts with the OPG Mentira, and pulled close to the Freeport to discover something even worse, a BHG. Inexplicably, the BHG went after me as a Coalition freedom-fighter instead of the Corsair, even after I'd asked why he doesn't defend the people by taking care of the pirate. I flew
Natalia around the huge ship while trying to discuss the finer points of target priority, and was appalled to see the ship fire on me when it was right next to the Freeport.
[Image: 091709pic1.jpg]

After several more minutes of "discussion", the Battlecruiser opened up on my bomber, and I was forced to retaliate.
Natalia and I danced with the Battlecruiser for several minutes, I unloading several rounds of tachyon-encased fury into the Bounty Hunter's shields, it was clear that no matter how long we fought, Natalia and I were no match for the huge Battlecruiser, so we broke off without incident and flew back to Omega 52.

I'd like the Bomber wing to keep a few rounds of antimatter for the
[CRO]="KOBRA" , that ship needs to disappear from the Omegas.

Commissar-Captain Alexi Karchov

Message Send...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-19-2009

Comm-ID: Sub lt. Alvin Katz
Destination: SCRA Command

It had started out a hard day. But he lifted the recorder to his lips and began to speak.

Snub-fighter training under the Commissar himself and Comrade Commander Ymir Molotov had been a rough awakening to exactly how long the road was going to be ahead of me. Though I did learn key tactical maneuvers that hadnt occurred to me before.

The demonstration of the might of the Coalition wasnt wasted upon me, it was impressive and terrifying all at the same time.

My new Partisan was a sturdy vessel, tight in its cornering, with a broad roll-out of the turn, excellent for afterburner turns. A maneuver I have been practicing repeatedly since.

Mines remain a puzzle I am eager to solve, requiring a complete and radical re-think to my initial fighter strategies. And of course there had been the control problem, Id encountered a problem of muddling the control for the Counter-Measures and the Mine Launcher, and ended up firing a spread of mines that I later ran into, much to my dismay.

There is something to learning in the breach. It was a mistake I will never repeat.

The Commissar and the Commander were excellent instructors.

I finished training to return to my reports, departing on my dawn patrol ahead of schedule. Leaving through the Siberian Ice Fields and making my way up through the Dublin System and into Bretonian Space.

He sat in the archive cubical at Fighter Corps Command, a thermos of coffee that the barmaid, Tangerine, had made for him at his request after he had returned. Maps and diagrams spread out across the table behind him.

I have a Medical report from the infirmary taken upon my return from my Dawn patrol. The enclosed transcripts of my flight recorder, and of course the detailed scans Id taken of the Keeper fighter are enclosed on a separate data feed for Commands review. As per situational discretion, I have forwarded a copy of these files to the TAZ Ambassador, explanation to follow.

I am not a researcher, I am a political ideologist. There were members of Military Intelligence that would be better suited to the task of assessing the value of the information that I have collected. But then, I am not exactly clear on what I have discovered.

I would like to pursue further research on this matter, before I attempt a fuller report on the Keeper, Wilde and Nomad mind control techniques. It was decided, for the safety of the SCRA Command echelon, that no specimen be returned to Omega-52, as there is no conclusive proof that the Mind Control techniques cannot be used to subvert Command level Officers during interrogation. I will terminate all captured prisoners/minds/contaminants unless ordered otherwise.

He was smoking again, the ashtray overflowing from the pack hed already gone through in the course of his studies. And he was thankful for the fact that A. no one really bothered to come down to the archives. And B. No one cared that he smoked.

He sipped the coffee, clutching the cup from the sides, savouring the Irish Cream that Tangerine had added. Thankful that shed realized he was off duty, and could use the hit of something more potent than the coffee pot could provide.

There is some connection between Cardamine the Keepers and a Black Squadron all rumors I managed to acquire in the course of my patrol. But again there is nothing concrete to report beyond that I am investigating further. I have leads that have taken me to the Zoners Ambassador Doc Holiday, and point towards the Outer Omicron sectors. An area I will patrol in a few minutes after filing this report and rearming my Partisan for the journey.

I have learned from my communications with Ambassador Holiday of counter techniques to the Keepers voodoo. And I quote: I do know one thing about the Keepers, like their Wilde Cousins they dont like the strong minded

It had been Marx that had saved me from doing something stupid. I merely recited the ten tenants of a successful communist revolution, and of course the Maxim: Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society; all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriation.

It was recited like a mantra to drum the Euphoria-spider out of my head, that and a very powerful Order Gunboat chasing the Keeper Kharybdis out of the trap I had set for it.

The oldest play in the SCRA playbook. Im here, come get me sent to the Keeper, and tipping off the Order vessel to the incoming vessel at the same time. I deftly played one side off against the other, and it had kept me alive long enough to get some detailed information. Such as an order Code-name that I believe refers to the Nomads in some fashion. The Information is transmitted in a Classified file separate from this report.

The knowledge of the Baffin System, and the Keeper interest that is something I hope would pan out into something. As yet there is no further information on that matter to report. However, since the system is not important to the SCRAs immediate plans, and knowing that further information was. I used the information to open a dialogue with the TAZ zoners, which proved fruitful in gathering more information, such as the resistance technique. But a more effective and permanent counter to the Mind Control remains elusive, I must explore further to learn more.

[Image: Untitled-3.jpg]

To sum up what I learned: Keepers are some kind of Nomad Hybrid and they fly ships that are not seen often the rest was all some kind of Liberty Security secret, which I will attempt to access at a future date. I am working with contacts in the Revolutionary network to gain the files.

He stopped his pacing, suddenly remembering the Atropos, the freighter that had been so supportive of the Coalition.

I have a further issue to report. My fighter had been smashed repeatedly by Corsairs, leaving me to limp across the Cambridge system, trying to avoid random Armed Forces patrols, when I come upon a freighter that saw I was in distress and Coalition. The Freighter immediately stopped and supplied me with the parts needed to affix repairs and press on with my patrol.

This incident that only reaffirms my belief that the common folk out in Sirius are supportive of the Coalitions goals.

I would strongly recommend that if you encounter the Atropos to show them the gratitude of the Coalition and allow them to pass on their way.

Sub-Lieutenant Alvin Katz

Message Send...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-19-2009

Comm-ID: Sub lt. Alvin Katz
Destination: SCRA Command

Dawn patrol proceeded flawlessly, despite communications problems with my Partisan.

I have continued my pursuit of a possible counter-agent to the Keepers-Wilde mind control, and have secured some good leads that might develop.

Following an Archivists advice I made contact with an old Junker, who seemed amused at my requests. He referred me on to others... but the trail seems stale. I will pursue another avenue in the future.

I encountered two Kusari gunboats operating a siege in the Leeds system, it appears that the Kusari are foolish enough to allow their gunboats out of their home-territories without a fighter escort.

I decided, for a safety matter, to drop to a low planer altitude and play upon the Kusari Commander's lack of experience with the SCRA, posing as a gunboat, and convincing a terrified local vessel to co-operate by screaming blue murder about it into the open frequency. Both Kusari vessels appeared to withdraw as a result of this, though I doubt I can take credit for that.

What I can, however, take credit for is the encounter with one [OPG-M]fear... Who was prowling the trade lanes at the time of the Kusari retreat.

A simple broadcast of "Chicken" over my open comm. Had the gnat running for the nearest jump gate, brown-shorting it the entire way.

Not a bad score, two gunboats and a OPG-M retreating from a Partisan... I think our reputation has preceded us, Comrades.

My patrol concluded with a rather uneventful return journey to Omega-52.

My Partisan performed extremely well, despite communication's problems, and I didn't have to return to base for repairs the entire patrol.

I think she has earned a Paper Tiger, maybe my Kusari friends would be kind enough to send me one if I asked?

A round of Vodka, on me for my first uninterrupted Solo Point-to-point patrol.

Message Send...


Comrade Petrov required assistance in breaking though an OPG blockade in O-5. Being the only alert officer on station, I agreed to assist. Offering to fly through the Jump hole and draw fire from the good Comrade, while he set out on his patrol.

Technical issues meant that Comrade Petrov arrived first, where he made a successful breach of the blockade. I followed and headed for the center of the system, issuing an open challenge to all pirates in the area to meet me at the Hoffman Hole for a duel if they were so inclined.

All Five of the Pirates in the system fled. And the Osiris class warship they sent to the area, chose to pointedly avoid my position, preferring to communicate with a Gaian than face the wrath of my formidable Partisan fighter...

Permission requested to Christen my fighter "Paper Tiger" in honour of this rather amusing day.

Message Addendum END

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 09-25-2009

COMM ID: Sub-Lieutenant Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station

Hola, comrades.

Went on a shakedown cruise around Omega-52 and charted our facilities. I also took a brief look into Omega-50, but I was forced to retreat to Sevastopol when my Partisan was attacked by a Corsair patrol. I shall try to patrol with others the next time.

I have most of Omega-52 charted, however I was ordered not to dock on Mykolaiv. I understand, comrades, I would not entirely trust myself right away either. I shall post more reports as they happen.

Dosvidanya... is that how it is pronounced?


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 09-26-2009

COMM ID: Sub. Lt. Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 Zvezdny Gorodok Звёздный городок

This mornings Dawn patrol went exceedingly well.

I completed a full circuit run from o-5-Cambridge then up into Liberty, finally returning via New Berlin-Stuttgart and back to o-5.

I have mapped a number of jump holes, Red Hessian, Unioner and LWB bases into my nav computer in the process.

The interesting aspects of my patrol are as follows.

While in New York, transmitting a Pravda Radio program, I encountered a USI convoy, five advanced trains and a senior USI Vice President. Mister Trenton.

Upon inspection by Mister Trenton, permission was secured to transmit a broadcast to the crews of the five transports, and information was disseminated. The whole affair was quite civil, and I suspect that Mister Trenton has Revolutionary Sympathies, something I intend to follow up on.

I encountered a number of pilots showing interest in both the SCRA and the LRF, I referred them to the Commissar and the location of their nearest LRF meeting. One of particular note was a Captain Drake Calvin, who was remarkably well informed on the revolution.

Following this, I proceeded into RL territory and made contact with the Red Hessian Army to observe tactical maneuvers and to learn of outposts and bases that can be used by the Revolution as re-supply and repair stations.

I observed an obviously drunk RM-Boki attempt to provoke a fight with the Liberty Navy definitely not the smartest thing I have ever seen from a RL-er.

There is nothing else to report, save for a military action last night Under Sub. Lt. Razin (an officer who is an excellent Wing Leader and instructor) where a pair of Corsairs attempted to penetrate Omega-52 space.

I successfully destroyed a Titan Heavy Fighter of one Lord.Vader, and Lt. Razin drove off the Corsairs Gunboat Shocko- in the same action. A feat worthy of note as he was in a partisan light fighter at the time.

The operation evolved into a Search and Destroy mission led by Comrade Heinz into the New London system, the results of which were not favourable due to Reaper interference.

I concluded that evening by returning to ZG and discussing the development of the Nomad inhibitor weapon with Doc.Holiday I will attach a report once it is completed.

Sub. Lt. Alvin Katz
мла́дший лейтена́нт Элвин Кац

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Сириус Коалиции Революционера Армия


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 09-29-2009

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky
Priority: Low
Subject: Promotion

---Communications Opened---

Good day, comrades.

Sub Lieutenant Alvin Katz is being promoted to Lieutenant, for hard work and perseverance, now becoming a full officer of the Coalition. He shall now undergo advanced command training under Commander Norman Bethune, in his gunboat, the Social Credit. If training goes as planned, the education initiative shall be expanded, and Lieutenant Katz shall be assigned command of his own vessel.

More news should be coming soon.

Rokossowsky out!

---Communications Terminated--