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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-22-2009

[Image: Msite_logo.jpg]

William Bishop looked across the table at the recruit.

"Kandadu'Inya. Your name is Kandadu'Inya."

The recruit nodded. He didn't seem the sort for unneccessary words.

Mandalore Bishop sat back in his chair and exhaled deeply.

"Do you know what language your name is in? Or what it means?"

The young man shook his head. "No. I was never told. The subject was never broached by my "father", nor did I ever pry. I had an.. unusual childhood. Spartan doesn't begin to describe it."

The Mandalore looked at him. "The name means, 'Noble Son in Flame'. It is a Mandalorian name."

The recruit was quite speechless. Billy continued.

"Your real parents, or your adopted father, were Mandalorians. Maybe they all were. Who can tell?"

"Point is, son, seems you've come home. And you will find your upbringing, harsh as it was, will suit you well in our profession."

Billy said only one more thing before returning to his paperwork.

"Suit up."

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Daerune - 09-22-2009

Victor walks into the barracks and grab's a Recruitment paper, he sits down on the closted metal chair and begins to fill it out

Eye Colour: Hazel
Hair: Dark Brown
Height: 5 foot 7
Age: 29
Medical: Sane and Healthy
Current Identification: Civilian
Place Of Birth: Cambridge

Greetings my name is Victor Vanguard alright that's my name now Background... my background.... well I guess where I grew up is a good place to start, yea that would be a good place to start, It was pretty peaceful where I lived, nothing really ever happened and it was basically just the same dull daily routines over and over again, so when I was old enough to fly and had enough credits I brought a civilian class "Starflier" which was second hand but it got the job done even though the belts that kept me in place would unbuckle and I would be left pulling my face off the cockpit window from time to time. The first places I began to explore were the Border worlds and things just basically picked up from there, I took odd freelancing jobs here and there, during this time I was experimenting with the ship, after a while I decided it was a good idea to watch others combat tactic's and spent most of my time learning from them. now its a year later and I've decided to join a organization to help me learn teamwork and to learn from others, I've lost my previous ship to a battle group in the omicrons while taking a job, so it might be a while until i can get my hands on a ship, I know the others applications may be ten times longer then mine but I am a man of very few words and only say what I need to.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-24-2009

Mr Vanguard

Please answer the questions sent to you in private comms.

Thank you.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-24-2009

Mr Vanguard, you are accepted.

Suit up, son.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Elven - 09-27-2009

Greeting, my name is Petr Diordienko, I'm independant mercenary, and I'd like to join your organisation.
I fully agree with your full of honour rules of fight, even if they make situations worse sometimess.. (like an ambush).
I understand now that alone mercenary business can't stand against mercenary organisations or guilds. I've chosen your organisation because.. We have same enemies... Also, I don't feel any sympathies towards Bounty Hunters Guild (some of them betrayed me some time ago.. ), so I prefer you.
I have expierence in flying Sabre or Eagle class fighters.
Let's make money!
Thanks for attention!

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-27-2009

Mr Petr Diordienko

Not ex-Coalition?

Not that it matters. We get all kinds.

Please fill out the form I am sending you.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-28-2009

Mr Petr Diordienko

You are accepted.

Any evidence of Coalition activity, and you will disappear. Kapiche?

Suit up.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - mwerte - 09-30-2009

A young man walks up to the Cheif Recruiter and bows his head.

"Sir, I am Kanricko Kadem, of the Aran clan. Being of due age I wish to pledge my life and honor to the service of the Mandalore.

I have been well schooled in all forms of combat, from hand to hand training to fighter combat simulations.

I fly well sir, and I fight better.

I wish to be a part of the 'family business' as it were, and bring us honor and credits."

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 09-30-2009

Son, if you can fly half as well as Ranov'la Aran, welcome aboard.

How are you related to him? And have you news of him?

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - mwerte - 09-30-2009

I am his third nephew. His grandfather's brother is my grandfather.

Last I heard he was exploring new options on the edges of known space. But that was months ago, he is probably out there making unknown aliens fear him.

I am not a Dha'wherd, that comes from the other side of our shared family tree.