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The Green Hell Beergarden - etiainen - 11-30-2010

“Ah, good t’ see yer up, lad! Siddown an’ have a piece of pie”, Druce says teasingly to Jonah, then puts his head down and scratches his beard while thinking over Eriksson’s proposal, then he raises his head and leans towards the table, having both hands resting on elbows.

“Well, t’ be honest, Eriksson, I feel a tad uncomfortable doin’ proposals of such scale without Greg bein' ere, and" he looks towards the direction where the woman ran off to, "from what I was told, it may take a while till' he gets 'ere, but I can tell ya in advance that, since we Gaians are mainly scientists to th’ bone, our facilities at Islay, including Glendale, Skye an’ Holmfirth are full an’ sufficient in resources right now, that includes weaponry research an’ engineering. One thing ya must know ‘bout our engineers, is that their pride of buildin’ up stuff from scratch an’ th’ results being as unique an’ far from others’ designs as possible.” , he adds with a grin, “so I reckon that it’ll be a tad difficult. I believe, though, that Matt oo’er there might tell ya a tad more ‘bout any possibilities of a technological cooperation, since he’s spent a lot of time with th’ chaps”, he turns around and waves at Matthew Grim, who notices him and gives him an “I’ll be right there” sign.

Druce sits back into his chair and closes his eyes again.
“One thing our scientific division would definitely appreciate an’ make use of, is more information on…th’ original inhabitants o’ Sirius. Ya see, we’ve got an artifact route crossin’ Islay, so we do have a xenoarcheology branch oo’er here, but all we can do is theoretize.” He opens his eyes again and looks into Eriksson’s ones. “You chaps, on th’ other hand, have lived close to ‘em, seen ‘em daily, their tactcs, movement, even seen them interact to some extent.”, he picks up his jug of mead he nearly forgot about and takes a gulp.

“Of course, th’ possibility of resource exchange is open, as well as helpin’ protect Bretonia from…th’ natives. We may be eco-terrorists, but nay terrorists. We care ab'oot civilists an' realize what a threat an invasion may be. Other than that, maybe Greg would think of somethin’ ta add."

He looks into Eriksson's eyes again

Until then, my question fer ya is: What yould ya fellas require in exchange fer th’ intel, an’ other points which may arise?”

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 11-30-2010

[Image: BangerIDPic2.jpg]
Banger catches a glimpse of Druce out of the corner of his eye & gives him an 'I'll be right there' sign.

"Thanks for coming in & helping out today Matt," the bartender said, "I owe you big time."

"Meh, don't worry about it," he replied dismissively as he pressed down on the thumb scanner to clock-out. "Hell, I'd work down in the sewers if I was asked to."

Anyway, my feet hurt & I need some air, so when Greg gets here, tell 'im that I moved the meeting with that Order bloke over to the banks of the reservoir...I doubt he'd mind.

"Oh, also: kill their table mic and send the transcript to my neural-net if you would please, Sir."

"Consider it done & done Mr. Mayor." the barkeep replied dutifully. "Now if you could be so kind as to piss off & get outta me bar, I'd appreciate it."

The two men trade chuckles & one-fingered salutes as Banger turns and proceeds to do exactly as requested.

Arriving at the table, he quietly takes a seat while Druce continues to speak.

"Until then, my question fer ya is: What would ya fellas require in exchange fer th'€™ intel, an'€™ other points which may arise?'€

"Actually, before you answer that Sir," Banger said to Eriksson with a raised hand, "I'd like to continue this conversation on the move if that's ok."

He meets the eyes of everyone sitting at the table, one by one, hoping for agreeable nods.

"Right then, cool...Grab what's left of your drinks & we'll get 'em refilled in another place over by the water. C'mon, dinner's on me."

Rising & taking the lead towards the door, he holds it open as Eriksson, Sequoia, Smiley-Shirt, the one-eyed new guy & Druce file out one by one into the comparatively open air of the central cavern.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Kontrazec (Somni) - 11-30-2010

*Jonah slowly enters the cavern,pondering to himself if questioning this notion was intelligent.After deciding against it,he slowly speaks:"Where we be goin',boss-mon? I still be feelin' bad from dat green stuff da bartenda gave I won't be in much of a fightin' spirit anytime soon,mon.Or flyin' straight,for dat matta." He locks his eye(s) on Banger and gives him a questioning look.*

The Green Hell Beergarden - ErikssonJeny - 11-30-2010

*continues talking to Druce as they're walking towards the center of the cavern*

Well, I think that setting you up as "The Order of Bretonia" won't be that hard since, as you said already yourself, you have the research, the manpower, the resources...perfect in other words. I have no doubt that we will be able to share xenotechonolgy with you. However what we want in return is a little extreme even for my short the admirality wants you to case being allies with the Corsairs.

The Green Hell Beergarden - sadtranslation - 11-30-2010

[Image: Izzy_2.png]

Sequoia was listening to the men carefully all the time, but at that moment she made a face full of curiousity and asked: "But what is the point of being Order of once upon a time in a galaxy far away for all of us and what is wrong with those sweaty Creteans? And are we allies with them at all?". Now it seemed like the men will be talking about complicated stuff in complicated words and Sequoia could have her enjoyment of listening.

The Green Hell Beergarden - ErikssonJeny - 11-30-2010

Well, my dear, first of all they aren't the allies of the Order which says enough for itself. Second of all they've attacked the Zoners which isn't at the least very nice.If you attack the Zoners who's politics we're at 0 for 200 years or in other words they had one policy an dthat was neutrality, destroying such a group would definitely bring upon unwanted consequences such as Corsairs overrunning Dublin for instance...And, well, yes you are allied with them if I remember correctly.

The Green Hell Beergarden - sadtranslation - 11-30-2010

[Image: Izzy_2.png]

"Honestly, I never seen them doing something exept hiding behind Islay and robbing miners, but if you are saying that we're a-a-a-a-allied... And, Zoners? Who had attacked the Zoners? What? Where? How?"

Sequoia was getting annoyed of Eriksson seeming not to tell the most interesting stuff.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 11-30-2010

[Image: BangerIDPic2.jpg]
"Where we be goin', boss-mon? I still be feelin' bad from dat green stuff da bartenda gave I won't be in much of a fightin' spirit anytime soon, mon. Or flyin' straight, for dat matta."

"Huh? Oh!" Banger extends a hand to the dreadlocked new guy. Sorry I haven't had time to give you a proper welcome before now, but I've read your file, Jonah & I'm glad you're here...but please, I'm not your boss mon...I'm your wing mon! He said with a genuine smile.

As the six of them make their way up the alley towards the Erinloch reservoir, he half listens to Eriksson & Druce with one ear, while he plays the audio transcript he received through his neural-net with the other.

As they pass a particularly large bluish-green bush on the curbside, he plucks a small leaf & offers it to Jonah.

Chew on this. Swallow the saliva, but make sure you don't swallow the plant matter itself. I promise you'll feel better in a few minutes.

"Well, I think that setting you up as "The Order of Bretonia" won't be that hard since, as you said already......."

As Matthew breathes the air those words are carried on, he is instantly choked with rage & stops in his tracks as if he hit a brick wall.

He takes a couple of deep breaths to keep himself under control before continuing his footfalls

The conversations continue & the Banger Grim stews.

"Pardon me?" he finally asked Eriksson as politely & diplomatically as he could through gritted teeth while imagining the specific sound this mans neck would make if he decided to go ahead & just snap it.

"You are our guest here Sir," Matthew said in a calm & measured tone that betrayed his extreme anger. "so with all due respect, I'll tell you right here & right now that if the Order is entertaining any delusions whatsoever of trying to fold us within your organization as some sort of "BRANCH" or something, then you've wasted your time...Please Sir, do not for a moment overestimate your organizations importance to the Gaians!

"Excuse me everyone, I have business to attend to in the residential cavern."
Banger turns & walks off before he does something truly rude.

Turning the corner towards the north alley, he absent mindedly wipes the blood on his shirt that he drew when his fingernails dug into his palms through his white-knuckled clenched fists mere moments ago.

The Green Hell Beergarden - ErikssonJeny - 11-30-2010

*Eriksson tries to explain but Mr.Grim walks away too fast*

Well..I didn't mean it that way. My gosh no. What I meant was that if you wish to protect the Bretonians from the Nomads alongside us we will encourage you with any means necessary.

The Green Hell Beergarden - etiainen - 11-30-2010

Druce watches Banger leave, then turns to his Order companion with a dense expression on his face.

'€œEriksson, in all respect, '€The Order of Bretonia?'€'€, he emphasizes the four words doing bunny ears with his fingers, '€œAye, we are willin'€™ ta provide ya staging grounds ta help ya monitor alien activity in Bretonia, heck I willnae mind a bit of '€˜danger extermination'€™ should th'€™ dire need arise, but our goals lie in a tad different direction, which is mainly war against environmental exploitation, terraformin'€™, poachin'€™ an'€™ so on. We are willin'€™ ta become supporters an'€™ partners ta some extent, but NOT'€¦'€, he raises his index finger in the air peremptorily, yet in a non-aggressive manner '€œ'€¦a field office of any sort.'€

He then continues to walk towards their original destination.

'€œI dinnae approve th'€™ Sairs shootin'€™ down innocent civilians, dinnae think that. We have maintained zero presence in th'€™ conflict, with th'€™ exception of providin'€™ aid fer those who come an'€™ seek it in us. Furthermore, ya may or may not have known this, but Nature'€™s Last Hope in general holds quite a bleak-ish stance towards th'€™ Cretean Hispanians. It'€™s mainly under their influence that our cause has deteriorated an'€™ brought a broad rage of lowlives an'€™ pirates inta our bases, an'€™ all they do is bring dirt to th'€™ Gaian name.'€

'€œBecause of th'€™ aforementioned, though, th'€™ lot of us are quite'€¦leary an'€™ distrustful of new paths that may bring even more piss onto our name, if ya know what I mean'€¦I'€™m sure you could picture several drawbacks, should it come to it'€¦nay?'€