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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Aegis - 02-21-2010

------------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------------

-------------Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin------------------------------
-------------Sender ID: 3-4-4 ------- Flieger Leon Fischer-----------------------------------------
-------------Priority of Message: Normal-------------------
-------------Topic: Patrol---------------------
-------------Displaying Message: Execute---------------------------------

Guten Tag. Here is today's patrol report:

Proceeded to Hamburg from the Battleship Strausberg. I check all the lanes in the system. I decided to make sure the facilities in Bremen were without threat. I jumped to Bremen. Half way to the Battleship Westphalia I received a scattered distress call from a Gunboat in Stuttgart. He reports he is being attacked by multiple Hessians. I change direction and head for Stuttgart. I see a Federal Police Officer and a fresh recruit from the Military Academy, I ask them to get to Stuttgart as soon as possible. On arriving to Planet Stuttgart there is no sign of the distress beacon anywhere. I got report of the Hessians in the Omega-7 System by the local miners. I charged my engines and headed for the gate. On the other side of the gate was two Hessians in fighters surrounded by a Bounty Hunter a Daumann Escort Fighter and several miners. Soon shots are fired and I engage the Hessians. Soon the Police Officer and recruit come through the Stuttgart Gate and immediately engage the targets. Soon one of the Hessians flee further into the fields. The other Hessian manages to destroy the Officer and a Miner that wandered to close to the fight. Soon enough the recruit managed to destroy the Hessian. We picked up any survivors and headed to Briesen Mining Facility for much needed repairs. We got word on the loyalties of the Hessians. They belonged to the Rot Front.

We finished the patrol path through Omega-7 Up to the gate to Omega-3. Then we turned back to Stuttgart. We flew the patrol paths there and headed back to New Berlin. On the way to Dortmund Station the lane was disrupted by the Hessian known as [RHA]MikeStah. The recruit charged at the Hessian and began to put shot after shot into the Hessian's shield. I ordered the recruit to stop firing. He did. Then a Civilian in a basic fighter came along and began to fire upon the Hessian. At which point the Recruit also once again started firing at the Hessian. I called once again to cease fire. They both did. I ordered the Civilian to leave the area. He did. Then I turn back to the Hessian to see half of his shield gone. The Recruit was firing again. This time both the Hessian and I told him to cease fire. He didn't. The Hessian fired a Supernova that solved that problem. At that point I told the Hessian he needed to leave or he would be killed. He picked the first option and left without a fight.

After that, I headed to Hamburg to finish that patrol and then back to Berlin. Then to Frankfurt and Dresden. Nothing interesting happened there.

This concludes today's patrol.

Guncam Photographs

[Image: rotfront.jpg]
[Image: santavon.jpg]

Well. I'm having the Techs on the Strausberg take a look at my ship. Something about a broken line in some of my weapons.

Flieger Leon Fischer signing off.

[font=System]------------------------Transmission Lost----------------------------
------------Signal Lost------------------------

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 02-22-2010

**********Incoming transmission**********

Transmission source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System.
Encryption code: AZ21-Z22-OI79-XT30-PK63

Checking transmission validity...
Decrypting transmission...
Establishing communcation link...
Establishing video link...

#Video file on screen#

[Image: voelkel-comms2.png]

Submitter: Major Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.
Subject: Issues to be aware of


All patrol wings,

Be notified that a new organisation of militant marauders have emerged in the homefront of Rheinland, they got to a level of openly attacking commercial and military targets alike, even in the very heart of the Vaterland. Their affiliation, supporters and motives are yet unknown, although we have reasons to believe that their leader is a Sirius-wide known lunatic mastermind, The Joker.

They are rather well armed with state of the art weaponry, as well as top-of the line vessels. They travel in packs, which consists of several fighters, one or two bombers and a Tridente-class Outcast Gunship as their spearhead vessel, which obviously contains their leader.

The hostile vessel classes we identified are the following:

Series Z "Sabre" Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter

[Image: joker-4.png]

Seemingly the primary fighter support craft of the hostile forces, I belive we all have some experience in dealing with these classes of vessels. Their armament differs, but most of their weapons are either CODENAMED or entirely unknown. The pilots could be acknowledged as lower-middle class, they don't seem to be trained soldiers of any sort. The exact manufacturer of both the weapons and the vessels are unknown, but they do not seem to be of Rheinlander origin. Treat these vessels with caution, do not underestimate the enemy.

CTE-6000 "Eagle" Civilian Very Heavy Fighter

[Image: joker-3.png]

Notably more rarely seen than the Sabre, also a bigger level of threat. The same could be said for the Eagles' armament and origin as it was of the Sabre. Occasional mini-razor usage can be noted, although with a low rate of efficiency. These vessels are rather agile, can be a considerable threat during a fight, but no military manouvers were seen from these pilots either, as of yet.

Tridente-class Outcast Gunship

[Image: joker-2.png]

This ship seems to be their checkmate move. Armed with a variety of primary weapons, as well as a pair of ion-powered missile launchers and armored to the forehead, this vessel is not only outfitted well, but also is piloted by a crew of considerable veterans. It is also believed to be housing their leader himself. Make sure extreme caution is used when you approach the ship, and even more when you are required to take it out.

Once the Tridente is dispatched, their fighting forces are diminished. With the obvious lack of coordination and firepower, the rest can be destroyed relatively easily.

CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian bomber

[Image: 254px-Roc-s.png]

The marauders use the Roc-class as their primary bomber support. We don't get to deal with these vessels too commonly, but they are believed to be more agile than the Falcata or the Thor.

Unknown Very Heavy Fighter

[Image: noimage400x300.gif]

One of the vessels the maruders were seen to be using is a class entirely unknown to our databases. It seems to hold similarities to the often seen "PT" class transports, often flown by Junkers, but it does not seem to be of a Junker design at all.

The vessel is otherwise very bulky, easy to hit and not compensated enough in armor plating. It should be noted though, that a cruise disruptor as well as a mini-razor was seen being shot from the same fighter. Since its fighting capabilities are unknown, caution is again advised.


Your objectives when encountering the marauders are the following:
  • Evacuate civilian assets from the marauders' vicinity. The opposing force will shoot at unarmed and lightly defended targets without a second thought.
  • Attempt to arrest the marauders, although cooperation is not expected.
  • Try to learn the motives of the enemy and the reason for their presence.
  • Gain any further information on their loadout, supporters, ship types and possible leadership structure.
If the above points fail, which they probably will at first, all patrol wings are authorised to use weapons. Try to tractor as many of their escape pods you can.

Major Voelkel signing off.

Powering down transmitter...
Cutting comm link...
Closing visual data...

------------------End of Transmission-----------------

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aznremix416 - 02-23-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

... Picture on Screen ...

[Image: 28v3h9d.png]

[color=#FFFFFF]Subject: The recent issues of the so called "Jokers"
From: Admiral Auzin Engels
To: All Rheinwehr forces
Copy: none

Danke herr Major fur this information.

Mein damen und herren, these marauders have been ravaging our borders recently. Before they constantly caused trouble in Bretonia, now they have moved on to Rheinland. Well mein herren, we will show them the way out. You are to dispatch these ignorant savages with no remorse. The Jokers are an endangerment to Rheinland and to the volk.

Make sure that we will have the "last laugh" piloten!

Admiral Auztin Engels

[color=#FF0000][Ends Transmission]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vrabcek - 02-23-2010

Patrol report #34

To: Rheinland Military
From: Hauptfeldwebel Gunter Weissman

...Uploading video sequence...

[Image: 150x150.jpg]
Meine Damen und Herren,

Yesterday after doing a lot of paperwork I have nearly miss my patrol duty. After getting some coffee I got into my ship and started the patrol. Hamburg was clear so I moved to the Berlin system. Suddenly after the jump I have seen pirate who was trying to get money from a trader jumping to the Hamburg system.I have ordered him to cut his engines but he didnt comply and jumped after the trader to Hamburg. I have followed him trough and was able to disturb his engines and try to arrest him. He dont wanted to hear anything about to surrender and made a silly mistake- he opened fire on my vessel. Propably he didnt realize that he is in a bomber and has a little chance for success. His vessel was destroyed in a while and I could continue with my patrol. In the next part of the patrol there were no problems and Rheinland was safe.

Location: Hamburg jumpgate NB system, New Berlin jumpgate Hamburg system


[Image: 70598056.jpg]

In the evening hours i have recieved a massage about a suspicious ship in the Stuttgart system. When i came there there were already 2 WD ships and 2 bounty hunters. There was no need to make a public theatre out of this and i ordered the WDs to continue in their patrols and the hunters so continue in their work. Only one bounty hunter left who was watching the whole situation. Well, i have talked to the herr who was just sitting near the lane flying a roc civilian bomber. He told me he is waiting for somebody. But it was too dangerous to let the civilian stay in the most dangerous trade lane connection, which is very often the place for pirating of the well known rot front. I suggested him to land on stuttgart and wait there for his contact. But he refused, when i realised that he could be actualy a criminal he engaged me. It was a one of the difficult fights and especially for me becouse my weakpoint in fighting bomber class vessels. He tried to flee three times but he wasnt succesful and i have managed to destroy his vessel.

Location: TL between Planet Stuttgart and New Berlin jumpgate


[Image: 63429126.jpg]

End of the report.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ebon - 02-24-2010

***Incoming signal, source Ravensburg ***
***Transmission received, title: Report #1, opening ...***

Tag Meine Damen und Herren !

Ich will to introduce short report from our yesterdays patrollen. Though patrol took a lot of time, there were not much activities in the area. Ordnung must sein, first things first.

Patrol 'Blietz' wing members:
3 'Wraith' VHF class vessels, 1 cruiser class vessel.

We started our patrol in New Berlin, though I joined Wing in Stuttgart system, taking destination point: Omega 3 system, FreePort 1.

Along the way we spotted two Hessian ships, though they were to far to start pursuit. Whole patrol until O 7 was peace and quiet. Fighters patrol wing received order from Herr Engels. Mine fields were clear from miners and pirates. Except one. I wasn't able to storage proof of this vessel, but while transmitting messages on wide channels, Mining ship disappeared. Yeah I know, we were surprised too. Just after that our shields and hulls started to drop rapidly. We left area instantly. No one knows what was the cause of all this, though we suspect some Nomad/Wild technology in this. We continued our patrol to Omega 3, FreePort 1. Whole area was clear, so Herr Engels decided to head back. Near O 7 JumpGate we spotted two Hessians, who earlier flew. This time we stopped one. Second left his comrade, still keeping 15k distance.


After little chit chat Hessian was forced to leave sytem, causing some damages to JG, because we werent able to dock for some time. Thats why he fled in O7. Everything was fine till we reached Stuttgart. Suddenly Herr Fisher reported some concerning infoz


He was ordered to dock ASAP at Battleship Karlsruhe to check all the systems. We lost communication with him for some time. Still we think that all this was caused by some unknown technologie, wir mussen check this matter closely during further patrols EXTREME CAUTION IS ADVICED. Further systems scannings showed none hostile targets.

Along the way Frau Admiral Malte joined and took the lead from Herr Engels. Long day ended fur mich in Ravensburg toilletten...

Signed: Franz.Kurtt

***Transmission terminated***
***Signal lost***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Aegis - 02-25-2010

[color=#006600][font=System]------------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------------

-------------Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin------------------------------
-------------Sender ID: 3-4-4 ------- Flieger Leon Fischer-----------------------------------------
-------------Priority of Message: Normal-------------------
-------------Topic: Patrol---------------------
-------------Displaying Message: Execute---------------------------------

Guten Tag. This is the patrol report from several days ago. It could not be sent due to a series of electrical shorts in my quarters.

My patrol started off by receiving a distress signal from the RNC-Tirpitz. He was being attacked by some Hessian bombers in the Hamburg system. I checked my equipment and launched. By the time I made the jump to the Hamburg system one bomber had been destroyed and the rest had fled back to New Berlin though the gate.

I turned my ship around and jumped back to New Berlin. I started to comb the Trade Lanes for them. I found them on the Dortmund to Planet New Berlin Lane. Two bombers. They told me to leave. I told them I wasn't going anywhere. The said fine. Then they engaged. The first bomber was taken out quickly by my mines. The other bomber held on for a much longer time. Eventually he succumbed to a combination of MiniRazor and Firekiss fire.

After getting all of their pieces of ship out of the way of the lanes I moved on with my patrol. First I headed back to Hamburg. From there I got a tip about a Gunboat sighted in Stuttgart near the Omega-7 Gate. I once again turned around and headed for the New Berlin gate. I contacted the RNC-Tirpitz to act as support. We proceeded to Planet Stuttgart. The RNC-Tirpitz stayed at the planet and I went to check the lanes out to the Omega-7 Gate. I jumped to Omega-7. I checked the lanes for the Gunboat, but found no one. I returned to Stuttgart reported to the RNC-Tirpitz that the target in question must have moved on to another location. I returned to New Berlin then back to Hamburg to finish the patrol. I checked all of the lanes and went back to New Berlin followed by a jump to Frankfurt. Once again it was clear. From there I checked Munich. Also clear. Headed back to Frankfurt. Then back to New Berlin. I then Jumped to Dresden. Checked all of the lanes there, flew out to Battleship Altenburg. Came back to New Berlin and headed for Battleship Strausberg.

Guncam images:

[Image: mikestah.jpg]

[Image: joachimliam.jpg]

Now that the electrical problem is fixed. I will be sending yesterday's patrol report as well.

[font=System][color=#006600]------------------------Transmission Lost----------------------------
------------Signal Lost------------------------

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Aegis - 02-25-2010

[font=System] ------------------------Incoming Transmission----------------------------

-------------Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin------------------------------
-------------Sender ID: 3-4-4 ------- Flieger Leon Fischer-----------------------------------------
-------------Priority of Message: Normal-------------------
-------------Topic: Patrol---------------------
-------------Displaying Message: Execute---------------------------------

Guten Tag. This is yesterday's patrol report.

I launched from Battleship Strausberg and got a hail from Admiral Engels on the [RM-RNC]Emden. We were to meet him in space at Dortmund. He got some information and quickly rerouted us to the Dresden Gate. When we approached the Dresden Gate. A convoy of Daumann Transports and Bounty Hunters emerged from the gate. Of the Daumann contacts. A 568-ARKG-B6 "Behemoth" Rheinland Heavy Transport, a "Colossus" Rheinland Train and an escort fighter. The bounty hunters had a various amount of fighters and bombers. If my judgment is correct there was about ten bounty hunters in total. We observed them for a bit and when we sensed no threat we moved on to the Stuttgart System. From there we had reports of two Hessian targets. We found them and pursued them for a little while until we lost them in a cloud. A Kruger, presumably the one who reported the sighting, followed them further into the cloud against the advise of the Admiral. We moved on to the Omega-7 System. We checked all of the lanes. Clear there. We then checked the mining fields most of which was clear. At the last field we checked we found an IMG Mining Ship. We hailed its captain and waited for a response. All of a sudden the ship disappears and we are hit by a strong radiation. Strong enough to take our shields down and do substantial damage to the hulls of our ships. We moved out of that pocket as fast as we could.

Admiral Engels called the Bretonian Armed Forces for access to Omega-3. Access was granted and we ran the patrol pattern there. Flieger Kurtt got permission to land on Freeport One for repairs and for a certain weapon he was looking for. After the patrol pattern was done we proceeded back to the Omega-7 Gate. The Hessians we were after earlier came through the gate. We managed to CD the one. The other managed to escape. We held the first Hessian for questioning until he made a Break for it. He got to the Gate and proceeded to Jump. Admiral Engels ordered us to Jump and pursue the vessel. I made it through the gate first and proceeded to follow the Hessian. I got called back by the Admiral after a good three minute chase into the clouds. We proceeded to move back to the New Berlin System. In the middle of the way back in a trade lane in Stuttgart I suddenly lost control of my Wraith. I lost all engine power and lost maneuverability. I was drifting quite a while then I remembered something I had learned many years ago. I dropped several of the Nuclear Mines I had aboard hoping they would give off enough radiation energy to help jump start the systems. Unbelievably it worked. I then hopped back into the lane to Planet Stuttgart. Upon arrival the Admiral ordered me to the Battleship Karlsruhe for repairs. We proceeded the rest of the way back to New Berlin. I requested a brief leave for a quick meal on the Battleship Strausberg. I was granted it. When I launched out into space again Admiral Malte ordered me to Planet New Berlin.

From there we entered formation and headed to the Frankfurt system. From there we headed to the Munich system. We were searching for a ship called the "Barbarossa" . The ship in question headed into the Alps cloud and we were unable to locate it. We then headed back to Frankfurt then to New Berlin. After which we met up with Hauptgefreiter Hans Putzkammer in his bomber. From there we proceeded to the Stuttgart followed by the Omega-7 system. Everything seemed normal. No contacts. We then proceeded back to New Berlin and to Planet New Berlin. The Admiral took leave and Hans had some paperwork to do. Franz had to report to the Ravensburg for toothbrush duty.

From that point Feldwebel Edmund Schiffer took over control of the Patrol Wing. He received some reports of activity in the Munich System. We went to explore. There we found the ship we were looking for before. The Barbarossa. We chased it down. Ordered it to halt. It did not. We CDed it and trained our weapons on it. Scanners indicated that it was licensed as a pirate vessel. It was hauling a large quantity of Silver Ore. The captain told us he was hauling it for Kruger. We were skeptical. But behold a Kruger Captain by the name of Braun contacted Herr Schiffer and told us the same thing the captain of the Barbarossa told us. We had no choice but to let him go.

We proceeded back to the lanes and then back to the Frankfurt System. There we found a Hessian flying towards us. As soon as he saw us he reversed his direction and beelined to the nearest trade lane ring. He docked with it and tried to gain on us. We too entered the trade lane and found he had left it after a little bit. We too left the lane and once again told him to stop. He didn't comply so we Cded him. He knew he was outnumbered so he asked for a one on one fight with me. Happy to oblige for most fights were not under fair one on one conditions. We proceeded to fight. We were both dropping mines. However his bomber was not as maneuverable as my Wraith. He got caught in the collision of both of our mines. His shield evaporated and his hull buckled. He promised me we would meet again.

From there we headed back to New Berlin. I headed to the Planet to get some well earned rest.

Guncam images

[Image: mikestahh.jpg]

Additional Guncam Images supplied by Feldwebel Schiffer.

That concludes yesterdays patrol patterns.

Flieger Leon Fischer Over and Out.


[font=System]------------------------Transmission Lost----------------------------
------------Signal Lost------------------------

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ebon - 02-25-2010

***Incoming signal, source Ravensburg ***
***Transmission received, title: Report #2, opening ...***

Tag Meine Damen und Herren !

Yesterday was very busy day. I jumped into my Wraith after whole night polishing toilletten. Ich muss admitt, I've learned a lot. In the moment I entered cockpit I received anonymous report about The.Joker presence in New Berlin system. Place, as usual, on the way to Stuttgart Jump Gate. I tunred on my cruise engines and came at place as first, and it appeared, alone. He appeared with following companions

The.Joker group members
2 Molly Gun Boat class vessels, 2 bomber class vessels.

Surprisingly there was also some unidentified, Militarian flagged ship. [RM]-Reash who joined me in short time. I was there all alone, with unknown 'member' of Military Forces, with no superiors. I've started talking then.

Full transmissions report

In the meantime I've sanded transmission through Emergency Channels with backup request. Gladly response was wide and in a short time more respected Militarians came. Jokers forces growed by one unit.

Rheinland Military forces included: HG.Hans.Putzkamm, Fl.Adrian.Wiesen, Ge.Tanja.Voelkel, Maj.Alec.Voelkel, Fl.Franz.Kurtt As expected, is short time Joker forces started to get weaker. Logs of their deaths You can see below:

Unfortunately I was wounded in this fight, and had to get back on Battleship Karlsruhe. As I said before, it wasnt easy day for me. I've received another SOS message, from some trader, with information about RF presence in Stuttgart system. Not concerning about wounds, I passed through info about this to rest of RM wing. In short time we were all there. They werent very talkative' and refused to give under Military arrest, so fight begins. Unfortunately it appeared that my ship was also heavily damaged. I'm not able to provide any documentation from this fight, because my main storage unit was destroyed. Last thing I could recover is hostile target list.


During fight forces of RF was getting heavy losses. It all ended suddenly when Ion Storm got through Sirius rapidly, completely destroying what left from my nav systems, and shield. I had to use my emergency cargo pod, and with help of Ambulance unit, escorted to nearest ambulatory. That was the end of the day for me. Indeed, I need to train more !

Signed: Franz.Kurtt

***Transmission terminated***
***Signal lost***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 02-25-2010

Admiral Malte was sipping from her tea when browsing the latest patrol reports.

"Outstanding work. Especialy those new recruits. Good addition to my fleet. Indeed. Solid work they do both in field and at the desk. I hope they keep up their good reports. Then I see a glory future for them."

She nodded and continued reading.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 02-25-2010

~ Incoming Transmission ~
~ ID: Flieger Adrian Wiesen ~
~ Location: Battleship Strausberg ~

Guten Tag Meine Herren,
Today I joined Other Military Piloten in space as soon as I heard a transmission about Joker and his thugs
somewhere around Stuttgart Gate. So I headed toward the Trade Lane as soon as I undocked from Strausberg.
When I got there I found Joker and his 'Thugs' threatening us again, and after a short talk, and another warning,
we engaged their forces.
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_1.png]
After a short while 'Joker's.Thug-Dorky joined them as well, But I didn't manage to get a scan on his ship,
First we targeted -Vasqes- as ordered, and the gunboat went down quickly, so we switched target to Joker,
who managed to survive longer because of all the Additional Armor Platings on his ship.
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_2.png]
After their 'Leader' was down, they all started to do stupid moves, which gave me enough chance to shoot them
down with my Antimatter.
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_3.png]
Last one went down just after Herr Voelkel ordered us to hold fire, but the target was already firing on me,
so I had to move quickly,
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_4.png]
After that we returned to Strausberg to repair and resupply, but we received a transmission about some Hessian
forces in Stuttgart System, so after finishing with repairs, we moved out to intercept.
Hessians decided to flee as soon as they saw us, but were back soon after with a greater numbers.
I was ordered to stand down, so I did as I was ordered as the battle took place.
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_5.png]
But right in the middle of the battle, a huge wave or Ion Storms hit us, which shut down all our systems.
After a few minutes My Ship systems finally came back to life and I managed to return to scene of battle,
But as I got there I realized Major Voelkel's ship is missing, so I decided to join in to keep the numbers even.
Fortunately, a few minutes later Major's Ship entered our scanners again, and he joined the fight as well.
But, Hessians got some backup as well, and the fight turned into a much larger one that before.
Throughout the Fight I had heavy fire on my back, but still managed to take down one of the Hessians with me.
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_6.png]
But Unfortunately, Finally I got shot down in the end of the fight.
As soon as my Pod was returned to Strausberg, I received a new ship and after a short rest to recover from
today's events, I left for space once again.
After doing a short patrol, I came across a 'Freelancer', which I believe was a Libertonian Scout, because he
didnt answer my Hails, nor my Orders to Halt, and when I got close enough to run a Scan on his Ship, I realized
He was equipped with Libertonian Weapons.
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_8.png]
So I ordered him to move to Strausberg to surrender his vessel, but instead, he decided to Escape, and I had
no chance other than shooting him down.
[Image: RM-MD-P-2_7.png]
After that I returned to Strausberg for a short rest, to resume my patrols tomorrow.

- Fl.A.Wiesen

~ End of Transmission ~
~ Transmission Terminated ~