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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 11-07-2010

Angelina Walks to Elena and ask'd What is it Elena ? *She turns for a moment to check on redline in case he decide's to run away and looks back at Elena* If your asking what is gong on sure. I think Redline just use'd Drugs on his Ba**s and now he is delusional.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 11-07-2010

She grimaces. That sick bastard would. Suppose I told ya 'bout the time I nearly caught him peepin' into women's toilets? She looks at Redline with disdain, but no pity.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-07-2010

*Redline is still sitting in the corner looking at Dimitrova and Standford with the stupid smile still plastered on his face*

'hey, eh, what'syourname and what'syourface, come here and bring me a drink. this, eh, cold medicine is getting to my head. I need a stiff drink'

*Redline looks up to see rain falling through the ceiling and pink rhinos flying around his head*

'wow... epic'

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-07-2010

Matt finally see's John and heads over to say hello to his brother

"Man ye' see tha' SNAC on tha'.. *hic* hacker.. He didnae know what hit him! BOOM! Cheer's fae tha' assist - have a beer on me!"

Matt see's Redline dazing into space and the girl's having, what seems to be, a heated arguement of some discription

"Eh Virgil pal, ye think yer spaced? Ye tried this purpla stuff? Tell ye what, shift's over aye? Well ya' nae drunk or high yet pal! Tha' nights young! Barm'n! A drink fae the commander!"

Matt looks at the girls

"Ye nae what? Dimitrova's nae bad after Oi've had a couple..."

Matt looks at John across the table, a look of shock and displeasure forming across his face


Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - ChillerMiller - 11-07-2010

John shakes his head and stands up to order a couple of drinks

"Matt you should stop behaving like a fool"

John sits back at the table

"Now lets drink and have a good time"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-08-2010

*Redline stands up and slowly walks towards the bar in a zig-zagging way*

'Purple stuff? never had it. lemme try'

*Redline takes the drink from the barman and slumps against the bar*

'wow, that's heavy stuff. and I didn't even take a sip yet'

*Redline falls down and sits on the floor with his back against the bar and starts giggling like a little girl*

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-09-2010

The next day in Matt's SLAM (Single Living Accomidation and Mess) room

Matt takes his flexiarmour off and throws on his leather jacket and rakes around his locker for the bottle of Whisky his uncle gave him for his birthday

"Aye, there ye are!"

It's a bottle of 790AS Denver Highlands whisky.

"Yer almost tae good tae drink"

He makes his way past the repair bay, his guardian has been electrically damaged from repeated Ion contacts in the Badlands.

"Bettah get tha' thing repaired, man that fight in Hudson was intense"

He wanders into the bar, keeping the bottle hidden from view. Seeing Redline plumped up on a sofa, dozing - He sits in the corner and waits for the rest of his patrol group

"Barm'n, whit beer ye got?

The barman gestures to Liberty Ale and more Liberty Ale

"Nevah liked tha' stuff, nevah mind - better than nothin' - Two more o'them please - They ain't for frecking me either!

He takes a seat with the other beers ready on the table and the whisky tucked safely into his jacket. He hum's a tune and awaits this nights after shift madness

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - ChillerMiller - 11-09-2010

John enters the bar and notices his brother Matt

"Ah there you are bro, do you have that stuff i was asking for?"

He notices Redline sitting on the couch, mumbling something about a pink rhino

"What the hell is wrong with that guy"

John takes a sheet of paper and draws a pink rhino and gives it to Redline

"There you have it..."

John sitts down next to his brother Matt

"Oh yeah finally the shift is over and we can have some fun"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 11-10-2010

Angelina enter's the Bar and the first thing that she sees is Commander Redline dreaming in to Space she sight's and turn's her look to the Smith's. She walked at the Bar and she order'd a orange juice. She walk's to the Tabble that the smith's have sited and ask's them. Hey guy's is this place free. Wile she waited for the Smith's to get out of their shock' she look'd at her watch and whisperer. Cammon Elena were are you.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-10-2010

*redline gets a piece of paper shoved in his hand*

'what the f- AH! not those again! no! no! anything but pink rhinos!'

* he jumps up and attempts to run away but his body doesn't agree and he falls face-down on the floor*

'gettitoff! gettitt off!'

*Redline flops around on the floor like a fish on dry land*