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The Green Hell Beergarden - The Banger Grim - 12-01-2010

[Image: BangerIDPic2.jpg]
Feeling a bit spent and kicking back on the prostitutes couch, Matthew takes a long draw off of a joint rolled from the latest experimental micro test crop of 'organic synthweed' & turns on the Colony News Service. Thinking back over his actions earlier today, he replays the memory of his outburst over & over as the minutes pass.

'If that guy had known how badly I wanted to rip his throat out today' Matthew's internal voice narrated, 'he'd have probably $#^% his pants.'

A twinge of regret begins to cast its shadow over him.

"Locate Druce Faolan"

The CNS fades from the screen & is replaced by a map stating that Druce is currently stationary at Grinder's Grill.

'Good, he must have salvaged the moment after my screw up.'

He takes another deep hit & listens to the sound of the woman taking a shower in the other room and then it dawns on him how funny of a word 'pants' is


'pants, pants, pants, pants, pants, pantalones, pantaloons, anti-panties, Miss Smoothparts McHairlessness Pinky von Non Pants'

The smoke expels from his lungs painfully as his body juggles hoarse coughing with intense laughter.

The beautiful whore enters the living room wearing a towel and a confused expression, wondering what the hell is so funny.

Eventually, Matt gets control of himself, springs to his feet & takes the woman into his arms.

"Baby, I think I finally got the formula right!" & without hesitation, plants a firm kiss on her lips.

She pushes him away, and he breaks from her easily & briskly leaves the apartment with a wink & a smile, then trots down the hall towards the exit.

"Kissing costs extra you bastard!!" she yells at his departing form from her doorway.

"Bill me!" he replied with a wave, but without a backward glance.

"Bite me!!" she managed to retort before the exit door closed behind him in the distance.

After a few seconds, she cracks a smile herself & goes back inside her flat to pick up her fallen towel from the floor and proceeds to finish drying herself off.

The Green Hell Beergarden - The Banger Grim - 12-01-2010

[Image: BangerIDPic2.jpg]
As Matthew jogs from the residential cavern to the reservoir, he realizes that he forgot to begin timing his high when it began to take effect.

'Short term memory loss is a good sign' his inner voice told him, 'plus, your failure documenting the data allows for further personal research.'

The rest of the way to the water, his mind concentrated on possible marketing strategies & indulging his imagination at the obscene amount of credits that could be made for the faction in the future if everything is done properly & efficiently from the top down.

He kneels at the loch for a breather and scoops up a small drink with his hands before joining the NLH, the Zoner & the Orderman on Grinders small five table dining patio.

Banger kneels again, this time at Eriksson, so that both men can share dead-level eye contact.

Sir, allow me to apologize for my angry exit today. Please understand that I am a human with high passions and an extremely fierce protective instinct for my people.

('Oh yeah, you're definitely high alright' his inner voice teased him.)

My actions earlier today reflect poorly on both the faction I am a member of, and the biosphere I administrate...furthermore, since I don't wear the NLH leader pants, it was not my place to allow my emotions to possibly jeopardize today's meeting...I was wrong, ('heh!! you said pants!!!') and I'm truly sorry.

Matthew stifles a snicker with a snort & does all he can not to smile & begin a snowball effect into another uncontrollable laughing fit.

I, uh, would be honored if you allow me to join you all for dinner & put the past behind us.

'But in the future' he reminds himself silently, 'if this deal goes green and ends up screwing us Corsair-style at some point while I'm alive, I'll force you to bite a curb on your knees & kick the back of your head till your eyes turn the color of an empty, soulless gray.'

"However, because of my actions, if you would prefer the absence of my company, I will understand & would not blame you in the least."

The Green Hell Beergarden - ErikssonJeny - 12-01-2010

With all due respect Mr.Grim, I should be the one apologizing, since my metaphor came out wrong and came you thinking I wanted to annex the Gaians into The Order. This is entirely not the case. By all means, join us.

*turns to Druce*

I will by all means send you all the info on the Nomads in Bretonia and beyond including the Wilde if they decide to attack Bretonia as well if the admirality approves it. Which I'm 99% positive they will. As for the technological pact I'm willing to have a nice dinner with you all until Mr.Hunt arrives. Also I received word that adm. D'Souza would like come to this meeting as well, but then again he might not, but just as a heads up don't get surprised if a 'sair comes through the doors of the Green Hell and decides to crash the meeting.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Kontrazec (Somni) - 12-01-2010

*Jonah turns around to face Eriksson,giving him a half-puzzled,half-appauled look."Ey,mon...say whatcha will,but dat was some lousy choice o' words there.Da Order o' Bretonia...pfft."He then approaches Banger,and asks him as quietly as possible: "Ya want me ta...make 'im...disappear,mon?". whilst carrying a disturbing grin on his bearded face.*

The Green Hell Beergarden - etiainen - 12-03-2010

Druce overhears a few of Jonah's words, catching his eye contact and giving him a "naah, behave!" face, trying not to let out a grin. "Heh, this new guy's got spunk", he thinks, then he turns his eyes over to Eriksson.

"A Corsair crashin' th' meeting?", he asks curiously. "It's not like someone outside of a few peeps actually know WHY you came here in th' first place... 'xcept if someone shouted it out to 'em with sure confidence of succeeding..." , he adds, hoping that the choice od his last words didn't sound too bold towards the guest

The Green Hell Beergarden - ErikssonJeny - 12-03-2010

Hmm...good point Mr.Faolan. However I don't think he will be able to navigate to our table, so do you think you will be able to send someone to get him once he arrives?

The Green Hell Beergarden - Kontrazec (Somni) - 12-03-2010

*" do you think you will be able to send someone to get him once he arrives?" *Upon hearing those words, Jonah discretely waved at Druce from behind Eriksson,and most likely subconsciously let his hand slide over the handle of a rather large kukri sheathed at his waist.He then vaguely pulls out a multi-coloured flute and starts playing a catchy little tune.*

The Green Hell Beergarden - etiainen - 12-03-2010

Dinnae worry, I'll go bring him in person if I had ta.", Druce chuckles lightly, and closes his eyes as Jonah's tune flows into his ears. Everybody seems to have reached a consensus in their minds and nobody breaks the colorful woodwind sound for about a minute and just sit back, until Druce opens his eyes, reaches under his jacket and pulls out two what it seems to be two parts of a flute. Then he assembles the two pieces together, and joins Jonah’s melody with a lower one, adding more harmony to the ears of the people sitting around them, and even farther, as the two melodies danced together harmoniously, being carried on by the echoes of the caverns. The warmth and peace in the hearts of the listeners would be sufficient to warm up the deadly vacuum around Islay...

The Green Hell Beergarden - Kontrazec (Somni) - 12-03-2010

*As the melody reached its end,Jonah slowly picked himself together.With a smooth motion,he popped his flute open,and clapped it around one of his dreadlocks.He then spoke in a sort of distant,dry voice: "Excuse me,mon.I got some 'tings I gotta be doin'.I be in my quarters if ya needin' me." That spoken,he slowly walked out of the room.*

The Green Hell Beergarden - sadtranslation - 12-04-2010

[Image: Izzy_2.png]

"Gentlemen, - Sequoia looked at the men around and made the unusual serious face that was even somehow scary, - since Erik wanted to pay some specific attention to the Cretan case, I suppose we should sit down and carefully discuss it." Sequoia leaned on a table and unfastened top buttons on her dress to attract the attention of the male auditory. "We know nothing about the alien threats Erik and the others told us about, we're on a distance from it. We know that it exists, but we're not concerned on fighting it that much - Hope don't have powers needed for that and our and Order's interests quite differ on the matter. But."

Sequoia smiled because finally people were listening to her. "Erik never told me a lot, but from what I heard, the Crete nowadays is a strange place. When I heard that they started open conflict with Zoners, who, - Sequoia pauses trying to remember something, - who were sending them food for years as I heard from my visit to Freeport Nine some time ago, - but even not that makes me cautious towards them, but the fact how they affect our business. And I suppose that they affect it in a bad way. We all know that."

"I'm not only a cute addition to a party, yay?"


Sequoia looked at the men around, straightened her dress and wondered, - "Was anyone listening to me at all or what?