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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-20-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier – Omega-52

TARGET ID: Commissariat

[Image: commid.jpg]

I am satisfied that this man was dealt with by the full force of the Commissariat and the Provost Marshal’s Office.

Let this serve as a warning to all SPIES that dare enter our ranks!

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-20-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

Today I set out from Omega-52 in order to hunt down the capitalist pigs. Myself and Comrade Dan Balan received word from a Red Hessian that he needed assistance. We immediately set out to Omega-7 where we found the Hessians engaged in combat. The enemy had a Mjolnir and two wraiths. The Mjolnir was destroyed by me and one of the wraiths fled. The other wraith was still fighting a Hessian when Comrade Balan picked up some Corsairs on long range. We departed and set a course for Omega-47. We arrived and began our sweep. Scans showed nothing and it appears the enemy fled to Gamma. It was decided that we would take the fight to the enemy and do a "Punch and Run" as Comrade Balan put it. We arrived and quickly found a target. The Corsair kept fleeing until backup arrived at which point we attacked and began fighting them. I'm pleased to announce that our forces suffered minor damage and we inflicted massive damage on the enemy. Later a Gunboat came along and we destroyed it. Somehow the Red Hessian that came along got his name recorded, but I assure you, Myself and Comrade Balan did most of the work. We proceeded to target another Corsair and yet again the Red Hessian got his name recorded even though we did the work. It was decided then that the error was caused by Ions and we decided that our raid had been successful and we returned home before the Ions damaged our systems. Once the Ions die down I will proceed with my next mission, which is to loop Sirius.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Hidamari - 06-20-2010

// greetings, i have uploaded the video of the fight from last night.
very well played.

forum flood section link

direct youtube link

thanks, it was fun.

PS: sorry for posting in your message dump.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-21-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

I undocked and received orders to complete a loop around Sirius. My journey began in Omega-52. I then proceeded to Omicron Alpha and made a quick fly-by of the Hispania. I was spotted by Outcasts but I managed to evade before they got a lock on me. I proceeded uneventfully to Omicron Gamma. I then set a course to Omega-52 but I noticed an Outcast trailing me. I jumped into Omega-5 and waiting for him. He jumped in and it turned out he was flying a Falcata. I attempted to question him on why he was following me but he remained silent. I found it best to terminate him before he found the Omega-52 jump hole. I finally arrived back at Omega-52.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 06-21-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: Commissar-Commander Vicenta Gonzales

[Image: truth.png]


You are to be reassigned from the Commissariat of Truth. In future you will be acting as a full line officer, Executive Officer of Captain Alvarezs Task Force, and Adjutant to the SCRA.

Good luck on your new Duties, Commander Gonzales, Adjutant.

This is a grave, and somber responsibility, do not fail Captain Alvarez, who requested you personally.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 06-21-2010

[Image: CommBrooks.png]


Source: Lt. Commander Jayce Brooks, aboard the Coalition Peoples Warship "Social.Credit"
Subject: Kills, and a name for the list

'Sup. After days of patrolling and searching, I finally was able to engage the HMS Dagobaz and her cowardly captain in a one on one, man to man fight to the death. Or, at least, the best situation I had come across. Sadly, the Credit sustained a fair bit of damage, so the image of the wreckage and the internal scans of the ship were lost... Seems to be a recurring theme... I might get that checked out. After engaging the Dagobaz alone, her captain thought it would be a good idea to enlist the help of the stationary warship "Stirling." Even with this assistance, and the assistance of multiple destroyer patrols, the Dagobaz was no match for the golden girl of the fleet, the Credit. A fitting reward and revenge for lives lost, ships destroyed, and pride hurt nearly beyond repair. Thanks to Lt. Steele and Commander Broch, Steele destroyed a few capital vessels so as I could concentrate on the Dagobaz, and Commander Broch supplied me with her Nanobots, allowing me to pull off a win.

Later on, I encountered a Kusari "Ahoudori" Explorer, with the name "Bad-Dog." After a very swift engagement, the Explorer was downed with minimal losses. The ship has massive Ion counts, to boot.

As the icing on the cake, I was able to destroy a pair of Gunboats, the -El_Dedazo- and the RNC-Victoria_Luise. The Dedazo was destroyed without much trouble by the Credit, so I went straight into dispatching the Victoria Luise right off the bat.

All in all, a good day for the Coalition.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-22-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

Today I decided to perform a "Punch and Run" in Gamma. I must say, I had no less then Two Cruisers, a Praetorian and two Titans attacking my lone Revolution. One thing that concerns me is that these Corsairs attack in silence. We should be vigilante near them lest they catch us off guard. I'm pleased to say that I managed to kill a Praetorian and a Titan before having to withdraw due to the excessive fire of two Cruisers and a pair of Titans that had just arrived on site. I proceeded back to Omega-41 and docked at Freeport 6. No doubt the Zoners will understand why I used their base. FOR THE RED DAWN!

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jayce - 06-22-2010

[Image: CommBrooks.png]

Source: Lt. Commander Jayce Brooks, aboard the Coalition Peoples Warship "Social.Credit"
Subject: Mid-day report

So I started out the day slow, heading to New York, when my Tradelane was disrupted by a multitude of Outcasts. It seems I have this habit of not recording scans, but I can describe the ships. 4 of them were Sabres, and though most had sub-standard weaponry, they had powerful weaponry; Codenames specifically. The first to go down was a Sabre by the name "Maudrimm" who decided to ask how much I valued my life. I replied with something along the lines of "A lot more than I value yours," before I gave him a facefull of battle Razors. The next two went down without a struggle, both Sabres, by the names of "DARKWiNG" and "Anton_Chigurh." They ate Razor just as fast as the first. The last kill was an Eagle by the name Raiden, he was the best pilot of the 5, and had the best equipment, however, it was still no struggle for the Credit and I. The last Sabre, "Crazy_Yvan" ran off, presumably to cry to his mother.

[Image: th_screen2.jpg]
[Image: th_screen1.jpg]

Next up came my daily patrol of Omega 5, where I was set upon by a Mamaoru bomber piloted by a Corsair. He was downed in 3 passes, no real damage to speak of...

I ventured to 52 for a drink, and when I returned, I was accosted by a Praetorian. He decided it would be a smooth move to sit beside Cadiz and not move, and he paid for it.

Then, along came this little Imperator who put up a stiff fight, but was no match in the end for the Credit and I.

I shall continue hunting later today, but now I need a stiff drink...


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-22-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

I'll cut right to the chase. I performed another "Punch and Run" in Gamma. This time, I used my reliable Insurgent. Upon entering, I quickly encountered two Corsairs. One was promptly dispatched and the other Corsair fled once his friend was shot down. Next up was a HAF Corsair that was again, dispatched by my weapons. I resumed my patrol and encountered two more Corsairs. Again, I killed them both. I then decided I'd done enough damage and retreated before they called in their Capital ships.

***Terminate Transmission***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-23-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

> CommID: Daemon Steele
> Location: Omega-52 System
> Encryption: Romeo Foxtrot Hotel
> Subject: After Action Report

Priviet Comrades,

Today I was ordered by Captain Alvarez to proceed to the Omicron Alpha region and find some Outcasts. Enroute I found a filthy Bounty Hunter that was terminated within a minute. When I finally arrived at Alpha, I began a sweep of the area. I eventually found an Outcast that was terminated as well. Sadly, I was recalled to Omega-52 to deal with an intruder so I was unable to continue my hunt.

***Terminate Transmission***