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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-12-2010

* finally some MP charge into the bar and see Redline flopping around.*

'that must be our man...'

*they grab Redline by the shoulders and drag him off*

*vacant screams of 'Rhino!!! freakin rhino!' can be heard in the hallway, which slowly fade out as the bar door slams shut behind the MPs*

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 11-12-2010

He's bloody insane... Elena mutters to herself. She had sat quietly all this while, listening to the conversation between Angelina and the Smiths, occasionally venturing to make an exclamation of agreement. At Matt's comment about Dreadnought commanders, she laughs.

Yer Aigh't of course. Some of them are incompetent suckers that wouldn't know the front end from the back without the crew's help. Thankfully, most of 'em are more competent, or we'd be sufferin' a lot in this war.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 11-12-2010

Angelina Turn's to Elena Thank god indeed. Well there is away's my brother to keep em in line on the Texas front. She Look's at the Smith's. So guy's tell us abut yourself ,and Matt you use again that ascent again, I will slap you.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-12-2010

Matt sips his whisky, enjoying the taste and flavour fully before swallowing. The gorgeous drink is making him tipsy.

"Angel my darling, I cannae control my normal accent ai'ght? The posh Libertonian one I had tae develop in order to not have my head dunked in toilets and etc."

Matt finishes his whisky, and after seeing the state Redline got himself into - thinks he should probably leave the bottle as is.

"More about me though? Hell well I'm fae the Denver Highlands, parents are Bretonian - My dad's now an Investment Manager for Interspace. He used to run his own company but sold it to Interspace - making a huge profit and that's how he got his money. That in turn helped fund me through me Navy training. Mum's wi' Ageria as a Scientist. I think John's me brother, Mum always talked about a "lost son", neither of us know - but it's nice the way things are just now."

Matt coughs heavily

"Ach probably c'ming down wi something"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - ChillerMiller - 11-12-2010

When John herd the words "Lost son" he nods

"Aye my mother told me a year ago that i am not her real son and that i have a brother out there but she had no idea who he is or where he lives"

John opens a beer

"Well but now everything is fine i've finally met my brother"

John smiles

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-12-2010

"Yeah it is nice, hopefully we'll both last long enough to go see her back on Denver, ye never know - I could end up meeting your ma' eh? Hah!"

Matt looks at the half bottle of whisky and coughs

"Well, ye only live once aye?"

Matt opens the bottle again and pours out 4 drinks, one for himself - one for John - one for Angelina and one for Elena

"Right ladies, as John knows - This has a kick to it. Ye either love it or hate it, a lot like me hah!

Matt looks at the others around the table, all of them have a look of "Oh god!" on their faces

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-16-2010

A couple of days later

Matt throws his pilot's bag into his metal locker, he takes out the latest piece of bounty - a bottle of the clearest coalition vodka

"Couldn'ae believe ye were floatin' around in space!"

Matt packs it into his leather jacket, then heads out of his SLAM room and down towards the bar. Upon entering the bar, the place is nearly empty. Save a few Ensigns and Rookies. Matt take's his usual seat in the corner and throw's his jacket down under the table. He goes up to the bar and orders himself a beer, and put's an interesting tune on the jukebox, he check's his watch

"Better be a good night, We've got tha' tools fer it.. We've downed plenty of bad-guys tha' day, and Maximo is gonna end up pukin' in tha' loo's tanight!"

He sit's and waits for the others to arrive, he daydreams slightly - and hopes that Angelina may be here tonight as well

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - ChillerMiller - 11-16-2010

John enters the bar with an huge smile on his face

"Aye that was a good day, now where is my bro?
Ah there is he."

He sits next to Matt

"Oh i can see it Maximo will lose that challenge"

He can see the smile on Matt's face and both of them start to laugh

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-16-2010

Matt laughs with pride at a job well done today

"Aye, the big man may have let himself in fer too much tha' night lad"

Matt show's John the bottle of clear Vodka he found flying in space

"Pretty ain't it? Maximo won't know what hit 'im!"

Matt toast's the kills of the day

"A Scylla, A heavy fighter, A gunboat... Another gunboat.. and a pirate fighter? Haven't missed anyone 'ave I?!"

Matt laughs, but then coughs again mysteriously

"Ahem, really better get that checked out one day"

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Enojado - 11-16-2010

Tom walks in and flings a garbage can at Matt Smith while hitting his annoying little brother on the head with a dismounted magma hammer turret.

"Damn you Smithies"

He walks out again.