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The Green Hell Beergarden - DeathsOverture - 12-12-2010

Gregory and Druce had rejoined the conversation to hear Eriksson talk about Corsair hostilities.

Gregory crossed his arms briefly, then brought his left hand to his face and stroked his upper lip.

"Lately we've been pondering the nature of our relationship with the Corsairs. People forget, we are still very young on the Sirius time scale. Parents and grandparents of the modern ecoterrorist were the original activists. They shouted 'Gaia will not bleed' in the streets, and hollowed out this rock. Their blood is fresh in our hearts and minds." Gregory paused and took a swig of Sequoia's water. Bloody hell, how do I always end up speaking in clichés. I must be going mad. He handed the glass back to Sequoia and continued.

"The Gaians have grown in influence over the last seventy-five years... but I wouldn't say we have fully matured. The original relationship between Gaians and Corsairs developed out of necessity, but things have changed since then. Many 'amateurs' have flocked to our cause, but the extra numbers are a double-edged sword. While strength is important in many of our anti-terra-'firming' operations, it has been difficult to maintain control over the Gaian movement. Traditionalists such as myself and Banger wonder whether these new recruits actually understand the Gaian ideals, or whether they are looking to fill their own pockets. Stealing from the people is not going to help free Gaia. NLH attacks are very specific in objectives.

"These contingents, whom we call the Neo-Gaians, seek to maintain an alliance with the Corsairs. I, for one, would not trade the Queen for a Council of Elders, nor an Emperor for that matter. The Corsairs have little to offer the Gaian movement anymore - and the same is vice-versa. They apparently attacked neighboring Zoner Freeports for being 'obsolete,' and I believe they will adopt a similar behavior against the Gaians.

"Corsairs are no longer worthy of our friendship, of that I am certain."

The Green Hell Beergarden - Vizzini - 12-13-2010

* Will enters the bar and starts looking around, his face expression tells that he is looking for someone. *

The Green Hell Beergarden - Kontrazec (Somni) - 12-13-2010

*After a few days of absence,Jonah walks into the bar with an unusual facial expression literally RADIATING bliss.His microoptic eye seems to be replaced by a... normal eye? The new eye seems to be matching the colour of his other,vibrant green.He then casually walks over to the nearest table,tossing a casual wink to Sequoia,and signaling to the bartender.*

The Green Hell Beergarden - sadtranslation - 12-14-2010

In the relative silence disrupted only by Druce whispering something to Eriksson Sequoia stood up and stand in the doorway sipping the cool water.


Several days later she found herself standing on the same spot, looking at the same direction, thinking of the same stuff - it was somehow good for her that she had a day off in Baffin and a night off with, let's say, a certain person. Sequoia is still a shy lady and she won't inform the whole Hell about her current closest ones. The Hell itself also hardly changed - the same drinks, the same smog you can hang the hatchet on - the only difference was that man at the entrance that looked quite familar - and Sequoia supposed she met him in space.

Oh, a wink.

"Finally", - Sequoia sigh in a loud voice, - "That slowpoke that suggested me a nice evening with him arrived. And acts like he barely remembers his offer."

With a load of thoughts about the men who are all the same Sequoia stepped out in the direction of Jonah getting a drink.


Time paradoxes. Sequoia hated time paradoxes, but they were happening too often for the last time and with that déjà vu she felt quite unhealthy. It was like trying to remember a single episode of your past and suddenly realising that your memories are mixed like you've been in a couple of places at the same time. It hurts a bit. This time the feeling was much more obvious so she wanted to slightly bang her head against the brick wall a bit.

It happens.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Coldzero - 12-14-2010

Hikari enters the bar and gazes around at all the people and how well the room is set up...she gets a feeling of loneliness, not really knowing all the people...all of them being new faces.

She quietly makes her way to a corner and takes a seat then looks around at her surroundings and to see if Sequoia is around anywhere.

The Green Hell Beergarden - sadtranslation - 12-14-2010

Sequoia looked at the men discussing stuff and smiled softly. They were pretty cute while working, thinking, doing serious things. She loved Gregory for being able to stand up when needed and make a decision. She took out a cigarett and lighted it. She inhaled the smoke, closed her eyes and breathed out with pleasure.

She should definetely take a day off after the negotiations are over.


"Hikari!" - Sequoia waved to the young girl with quite a happy face. She was probably glad that Hikari will save her from the Jonah's company, probably because she was just glad too see Hikari around here for the first time. Anyway, now she was heading towards her in a speed of cruising liner.

* The Guide to Sequoia's Time Paradoxes for Dummies. It's simple - she was involved in two stoylines - the one with Order officers and Nature's Last Hope command and the other one with Jonah and with Hikari too, so for the little cute Sequoia paralelly exists in two time periods. Yes, she's approximately a Schrödinger's cat, but is quite different since she created no logical paradoxes.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Vizzini - 12-14-2010

As Will looks around, he notices two familiar faces, oh yes thats Sequoia and Hikari that he met in space. Will waves to the ladies and also notices another familiar person, Jonah. Will waves to Jonah as well.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Coldzero - 12-15-2010

Hikari gets startled and ducks under the table as fast as lightning. She peaks up and notices Sequoia waving and heading towards her and smiles, waving back to her

Sequoia-san! I'm so happy to see you here! Says Hikari with a big smile on her face as she takes her seat again.

She then notices something in the corner of her eye and looks in its direction. She smiles as its Will busy waving to her and she begins waving back almost immediately.

Afterwards, she draws her attention back to Sequoia and waits for her at her table

The Green Hell Beergarden - sadtranslation - 12-15-2010

That cigarette was what she needed after all. Sequoia yawned and straightened herself and while doing that she suddenly noticed a company of Cretans in the table closest to the door. Sequoia wasn't a fool, she knew the worth of anything in politics, no matter big or small - so the best she could do was sneaking back into the cavern and closing the door in the most silent and the least noticeable way.


Sequoia approached Hikari's hideout, chuckled with a happy face and asked in a low voice after landing a kiss on her cheek, - "Who had sca-a-a-ared you so much, ba-a-a-aby?" She obviously saw that Hikari tries not to appear afraid while being so.

She also found that it will be a good idea to call the brave Will - Sequoia smiled to herself remembering how Will used to get that smuggling Stork or that Orca one on one on his pesky little fighter - to join them here a couple of minutes later, so he'll be a gentlemen and get the drinks Sequoia had no will to get to bar for.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Vizzini - 12-15-2010

Will proceeds to the bar to pick up the drinks, as he picks them up he turns around disoriented since its his first time here. Will scouts around "ah there they are".
Will carries the drinks through the crowd to Sequoia and Hikari. "Here are the drinks Ladies"