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RE: World of Tanks - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 10-16-2012

(10-15-2012, 02:04 PM)Dashiell Wrote: 0_0

Proto can blast straight through the frontal armor of an IS4?

wanz haz.

Anyone here aside form A&L have a T28 Proto? I need a good credit maker.
I dont play premium. Is the proto a good money maker or will it just bankrupt me?

Im asking cuz Im interested in getting one but I just heard horror stories about losing tons of money, getting istakilled and a useless 120mm gun.

T28 Proto fully upgraded is awesome, and can pretty much pen anything at 100 meters.
The new After Battle Report is included in the video, so you can see how much profit I would have made without premium.

Its not a credits grinder. If you want a decent high tier credits grinder, spend the 7200 gold to get the Super Pershing, and play it like a heavy and slow Hellcat that can take a frontal beating. Its so far the only tank in game that has broken the 200K credit intake in one battle.

T26E4 3 kills 91K credits defeat Steel Wall Ruinberg Encounter battle NA server - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 10-17-2012

As we all know, Premium tanks are great credits grinders. The T26E4 Super Pershing is AFAIK the only tank so far that have breached the 200K+ credit income for a single battle. Even during a defeat, it still makes a lot of credits, as can be seen in this battle.

91K credits, with 3 kills, and a Steel Wall achievement. That it is also among the cheapest Tier 8 Premiums, just sweetens the deal.
If you consider getting a Tier 8 Premium to grind credits, the Super Pershing comes highly recommended.

As usual, available in 1080p HD for the full gory details.

Battle: Ruinberg 17. oktober 2012 21:28:28
Vehicle: T26E4 Super Pershing
Experience received: 1.065
Credits received: 91.059
Battle Achievements: Steel Wall

RE: World of Tanks - Dashiell - 10-19-2012

I just found out, after a year, that my Sherman crew never got to use any of their perks cuz they were all red (they re from the M7 originally.)

So Ive been driving an Easy 8 and now a Jumbo for over a year or so without perks n skills while they all had 2 reasearched Tongue

such -epic- fail.

RE: World of Tanks - Aurigae - 10-19-2012

Bought a Lorraine 155 50.

Aside of SU-26, that is. But it's fun to outrun half the light tanks and all the medium ones while throwing damage around and so on.

RE: World of Tanks - ryoken - 10-22-2012

Saving teams ass all alone yet again. Why do teams all lemming 1 way every dam game. T25/2 speed at its best.

RE: World of Tanks - VoluptaBox - 10-22-2012

Guess it's high time I posted some replays as well D:

Sadly, my HDD exploded not long ago, and I lost my huge collection of replays. I only have replays from the past few days. Not the best I've ever had, but they'll do.


Bad, bad team. I did a lot of mistakes as well, mainly when pushing that T62A. I though he'd be facing the other way and I completely ignored the huge rate of fire that thing has. I took way more damage than necessary. Still, I dealt 6k damage that battle, yet the team was rather useless (including, sadly, my platoon mate). One thing I kept telling him and he kept ignoring me. When round starts, I always do a quick spot. When done properly, you'll spot a lot of tanks and usually even arty. That's why I always point where I'll spot and ask our arties to just bloody aim there at first, and move later (they'll have all the time in the world). You can usually kill arty or at least cripple some of their top tanks, making the game soooo much easier. Yet no ever listens..


I'm not particularly fond of lower tiers, but this tank is just a blast to play. I totally recommend it to everyone.


I still bloody love this tank. I know many, especially Dashiell (Tongue), hate it, yet I still have tons of fun with it. I did mistakes (I always do), but it still was a good round.

Cunningham (yes, really)

I consider this tank to be rather OP. I've only recently bought it, so I have a bad crew on it, yet it just pawns. With my crew, it takes around 11 seconds to load a clip, yet it butchers any tier 1 tank within seconds. Another tank I think anyone should play. Especially since it's free.

AMX 13 90

It's supposedly lost some of it's charm lately, but I still love it. Decent enough game, showing how this little bugger is a threat to even the biggest tank.


I haven't played this a lot lately. Actually, since the T110E5 got rolled in. Then tier 10 mediums, TDs, the LFP nerf and so just doesn't shine as it used to. But it's still a great "in your face" tank, which is why I still have it in garage and still roll it out from time to time. A 6k damage I had the other day. Noteworthy is how the M103 and the E5 just penned it every time, all over the place.


(T)Rolling my dash 2 with Dash. I always have a bigass smile on my face when driving this.

IMO, must watch Bat Chat game

Was platooning with a friend of mine. This guy has thought me all I know about the Bat Chat and he's the best Bat driver I've ever seen. This battle, both me and the other platoon mate failed (I got double artied, he had a brain fart), but Ykanji just played brilliantly. He eventually ended up not having enough ammo to kill the last guy, so he had to draw it out. Still, a very, very good game, from his point of view.

RE: World of Tanks - Dashiell - 10-22-2012

That desert game with the Chaffee was good fun. Cool

when Ive time Ill hit you up for some more 'tooning if ya feel like it. Im even getting half-assed decent results out of the Failshing now 0_o

T26E4 Standard account 2 kill 68K credit 1st class Sand River Encounter SEA server - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 10-22-2012

Some people claim that the higher Mastery badges are only for Premium account holders, because its based on how much XP you earn, and a premium account gets 50 % more XP in a battle. But it is still possible to get the Class 1 and Ace Tanker mastery badge on a standard account.
After having grinded some credits and gotten some modules for my Super Pershing on the standard account I use on the SEA server, and with my crew nearing 90 % basic training, this battle netted me 68.671 credits, and a decent 1115 XP, plus a Class 1 Mastery badge. (After Battle Report and garage view included at the end of the video)

Remember, the mastery badges are assigned based on the amount of XP you earn. You earn XP based on the amount of damage you caused, whether it was from spotting for other team members, or dishing it out yourself.
So a high Mastery badge is absolutely possible with a non-premium account - Just make sure you do as much damage as possible.

As usual, available in 1080p HD for the full gory details.

Battle: Sand River 22. oktober 2012 15:44:57
Vehicle: T26E4 Super Pershing
Experience received: 1.115
Credits received: 68.671
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: "1st Class"

RE: World of Tanks - ryoken - 10-22-2012

I have to agree with you A&L. Even without premium mastery badge is easy on alot of tanks. A friend i have known for 20plus years, and plattoon with on NA server "Legend7" has about 10 mastery badges, and has never used premium ever.
That said. It is far easier to get badges on the newer, or less used tanks then on tanks like KV1/M4/PIV just because of their huge number of games played. I got Mastery on my ELC game 3 after it came out with a 6 kill game as everyone else still considers it a scout, where i use it as a fast re-locating sniper.

RE: World of Tanks - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 10-22-2012

The amount of XP needed for the mastery badges are based on the amount made over the last 7 days. Its not based on all the battles since the introduction of the tank.

Also, the mastery badges are based on the regular XP, before Premium status bonus and any daily double/tripple/quintuple bonus are applied. So if you do better in that battle XP wise than 50 % of the people driving that tank the last 7 days, you get a Class 3, better than 80 % driving the tank over the last 7 days, you get a Class 2, better than 95 % driving that tank over the last 7 days, you get a Class 1 and if you do better than 99 % of those driving that tank the last 7 days, you get the Ace Tanker badge.

Still there are people who claim in the chat, that premium account is necessary for the higher classes. This is proof that it isn't. (And its actually fun to grind a standard account again Big Grin)