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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - sn!p3r - 10-01-2007

Comm ID: LSF CIC Sn!p3r
To: SA and LSF

****incoming transmission****

Attention everyone ,AW has officially entered the war along side with HF. i want all LSF ships Stationed in Cali fully equipped and armed. don't leave California system unless you really have to. Admiral Phelps, think you can do the same for your pilots?

****End Of Transmission****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Jack Archer - 10-02-2007

Comm ID: Captain Mitch Woods, aboard the Bluenose
Reciving ID: Liberty Forces High Command
Subject: After Actions report

Engaed a fleeto f LDGGD Ships today at Mojave, outcome was good, a quick reponse from LSF troops allowed myself to clam 3 of their ships, all Fighters "Ravens Talon"s and one GB to be claimed by a LSF ship, details to be followed later.

Capt. Woods out

Liberty Forces Message dump - sn!p3r - 10-08-2007

Comm ID: LSF CIC Sn!p3r
To:Liberty Forces

*** New Transmission Opening Transmission Log***

***Playing Transmission***

Xenos Terrorist Call sign Hatch was spotted in california and engaged by SA pilot Mitch Woods. i was in my bunk at new haven when i heard the fight was going on. I suited up ,loaded my ship and took off. a few seconds later mitch's ship was destroyed. Worried and Angry i rushed to California. turns out mitch was ok and being looked over by a doctor at san diego. i spotted Hatch 2 k away from the Magellan jump gate and quickly engaged.. The Fight lasted about a minute when he attempted to shoot a missile at me and was jammed. the missile blew up destroying the ship and himself with it. Liberty Police Officers went to the scene and reported no survivors. i suffered minimal hull damage.

Sn!p3r Out.

*** Transmission Ended Closing Transmission Log ***

Liberty Forces Message dump - Thor - 10-11-2007

COMM ID: Adm. Adamson - [SA]-Thor
The rumors circulating about my demise are greatly exaggerated. Just a quick note, while on combat patrol there was no HF activity but I did intercept a smuggler HK-Trucking Inc. trying to get a load of cardamine into California. I asked him to drop it and he opened fire. I did destroy a few cargo containers but he got away. Place this guy on the KOS list please. Adamson out.

-Transnmission Terminated-

Liberty Forces Message dump - RamboSlayer - 10-11-2007

Comm ID: Ensign Matthew Roberts
Destination: Liberty High Command

This is my first report and would first like to say it's a pleasure to be serving along side you. However this report has to be the bearer of bad news. In orbit of planet Houston i was attack by the Terrorist Thomas. East. The attack was unprovoked and according to other reports not his first. My ship was heavily damaged by his opening barrage and i was forced on the defensive. After about a minute of fighting my shields had failed and i attempted to retreat. At that time a over ambitious police pilot collided into my fighter inflicting severe damage. Luckily my ship was tractored away from the fight by a Police Patrol ship before i could be targeted and killed. I am now waiting for repairs to be completed.


Liberty Forces Message dump - greg911 - 10-12-2007

Comm ID: Greg
To: SA

Reporting in, ready for assignment...

but before that, answer a few of my questions:

1) whats my rank now?
3)why are my ships scattered all over the universe? *looks at Razr*
4)can i get an SA sig too? *looks at Thor*

I'll be flying regular patrol runs in a day or 2, see you out there...

Have fun,


Liberty Forces Message dump - Vtec - 10-16-2007

Comm ID: Intoxication

Message to: South Alliance

It disturbs me that a SA jumped in Chugoku, And joined forces on its own with the BSG without any reasons
But i suggest you will keep your dogs on a leash, Before havok will break loose in liberty with all kinds of terrorists attacks that you could not imagine

Intoxication out!!!!

Message end.

Liberty Forces Message dump - GlyphStorm - 10-16-2007

Comm ID: Erwin Rommel
Target ID: Vtec

Pardon sir, but your gunboat attacked me after I informed you that I am doing a mapping mission, and that I intend no harm. You opened fire, I defended myself. You chose that with your own head, no need to threaten. If you do bring your ships to us... I will personally take care of them.

Rommel out!

You can't invade SA message dump. It is an offense of out of roleplay. No other chars outside the faction can post here. You have to say something to SA, do it with PMs. No probs with you attacking me, you pirates I am lawful. But don't do hasty moves, as I have been in RP only.


Liberty Forces Message dump - Etaphreven - 10-16-2007


CommID: Diehardt, Michael
Target: Southern Alliance HQ,Virginia

While patrolling the Texas system,engaging the lane from planet Houston to Bering jumpgate to be more precise,I was intercepted by a small Liberty Rogue squadron.7 Wolfhounds and 2 Gunboats were heading towards me,perhaps they knew I was going that way *who knows?*...I ordered my crew to open fire immediately for they did not look like they want to play.While fighting I managed to hit one of the gunboats with the forward gun,dealing heavy damage.The gunboat retreated and I noticed the others were following it.I sit there,not knowing what was going to happen.I was really confused,why would they attack me and then run away?!No activity in the following 15 minutes.I decided to contact the BS Mississipi.While reporting to a vice admiral on the battleship,my tactical officer suddenly tell me that there are 7 Rogue gunboats inbound.I couldn't believe it.

Opening communications log file no.77-#56A
Lt.Cmdr.Diehardt: Requesting immediate backup!Repeat,requesting immediate backup.
Vice Adm.White: Copy that Lt.Cmdr.Diehardt!Engaging cruise engines.We are en route to your position.
Lt.Cmdr.Diehardt: Understood,Sir!Hostile is firing upon me!Returning fire.

I barely managed to kill 4 of them,my shields being down and the hull at 37%.

Opening communications log file no.77-#56B
Vice Adm.White: This is battleship Mississipi.We have you on our radar.
Lt.Cmdr.Diehardt: Copy that,Mississipi!Hurry up!

Mississipi open fired on the gunboats killed 2 more of them.Me and my crew were exhausted,though happy.

Opening communications log file no.77-#56C
Incomming transmission:
Rogue Gunboat Captain: This is Cmdr.Alfred.Cease fire!We will surrender.
Vice Adm.White: Copy that,Cmdr.Scan him,folks!
Crewman Atkins: He's clear,Sir.Shall we open "the door"?
Vice Adm.White: Affirmative.

And so we've got ourselves a Rogue Gunboat,undamaged this the Rogue crew as a bonus.
Mississipi escorted us -more like "carried" us if you ask me,even our impulse engines were down- to Norfolk Shipyard.We needed lots of repairs...And by lots I really mean lots!We've lost 4 turrets plus the forward gun,our shields were practically vaporized,we've lost life support on several decks and our main systems were offline.

End of transmission

Liberty Forces Message dump - Razr - 10-17-2007

Comm ID: Admiral Christopher Phelps
To: Southern Alliance and Liberty Security Force

It seems there are reports of Southern Alliance vessels out in Kusari space without a permit, this time I'll overlook it. Now I have given the NovaPG a few conditions so I expect there will be no further sightings of Southern Alliance vessels in Kusari, or else a demotion will be the least of your worries I garuntee it. If your doing "mapping missions" take an undercover ship, I don't want the Kusari Naval Forces to think we're building up a military force there. I also advise the Liberty Security Force to follow the same agenda, although the final word is always your Sniper. I can say this for my boys, if your clashing with the NovaPG it had better be (for your sake) in liberty space or Taus- 23, or 44. As the Commander in question who was present during this mishap was fighting along side the BSG our allies I'll let him off. From here on out we'll be fighting the NovaPG ONLY, I repeat ONLY if it's in self defense or defense of our allies, unless they have broken the conditions of which I have set forth.

End transmission..................