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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Turkish - 12-05-2009

Preston staggered his way into the office. Some young hooligan hadn't held the elevator for him, no matter. He was feeling good, he was good. That morning shot had done him well. Old politicians trick, you know? A little extra courage before a big race.

Everyone did it back home. Of course no one talked about it either. You had to keep form naturally. Preston looked around. There he was, interesting looking man. He seemed to be in charge none the less.

"Excuse me, I need you to put me in touch with someone who can handle applications. Name is Manning."

"I'm from Alberta, Liberty, lovely country. You've never seen better bovine genetics. I've got some flight experience, and a stint in the Liberty Navy. Though I've always been a man of words."

"Whats that? Why do I want to join?"

"Well see, I was in bed, dreaming, quite happily. I'd gone on business to Quebec, and if you've ever been you'll understand its a hard working place. You gotta be made of some hard stuff to do business there. But at the end of the day you play hard."

"So there we were, having a few gentlemanly drinks after securing the contract. And there was this woman, beautiful, really. She was dancing with these feathers, shaking her way through my head. She got down to her top, and was well undoing it."

"And like I said, this was in Quebec, and they're different down there. Loose with their morals. So she unbuttons the last of it, and pull it off. But do you know what I saw? JOIN MM! in big, bold, ample letters."

"I was so disappointed."

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-05-2009

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't get your name, hard of hearing. Artillery." The recruitment officer leaned forward.

The recruit leaned forward and bawled, "I'm PRESTON MANNNNNNN-INNNNG!!"

The recruitment officer nodded, completed the form, and sent the new recruit on his way.

Something odd about the last two..

[Image: 385c87894c31884b0728df503c05.jpeg][Image: mercer.jpg]

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Patriot - 12-06-2009

****Incoming Transmission****

****Link Open****

Greetings Mandalorian

My name are Michael Ignatieff,people consider me as a controvertial person,i do politic a bit a long time ago,but i rapidly learn a lesson,all this bla-bla,serve no-one,i rapidly sell all my possesion,drop my wife(I can find a more sexiest),buy a very nice fighter(A Manta),and start exploring Sirius.

Very fast,i gain a tough mercenary reputation(I need to live after all),some faction want my head on a silver plate.but who care,we can't have friends whitout ennemy,and the gain of credit always,always hurt someone,somewhere.

I also realise,i need ally,strong ally,and you.....The mandalorian seems the best option for me,im sure you guys will give me the protection i look for,be a mandalorian are a great fear factor,people will think twice before attack me if i join your great organitation,they will know all the back up i have now.

If you accept my application,be sure im gonna fight to the best of my capatity for you,i will claim many bounty,and were gonna make a lots of credits together.

Waiting for your answer

[Image: 111314-michael-ignatieff.jpg]

Igantieff out

****Link Close****

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-06-2009

"Mr Michael Ignatieff..."

"Your accent; Gallian, perhaps?"

The recruitment officer leaned back and shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't mind hunting your countrymen. Certain parties who will remain nameless have hired us to test the Gallians in combat on occasion. Is that a problem for you?"

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Patriot - 12-06-2009

Hunt my countryman a problem..............i will hunt who you want........for a generous reward.And yes your right im original from Gallia,Languedoc,quillan planets for be exact.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-06-2009

Right then, suit up.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Ridisk - 12-08-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
***Transmission Source: Ajax Tremor***
***Source Location: Freeport 10***

[Image: chris-pine-kirk-poster.jpg]

Honorable Mandalorian Mercenaries, I seek to join your ranks as I start my new life in Sirius space. Long story short, I was born into slavery on Malta, but even as a child I've had a need to fight. My masters saw fit to take this personality trait and use it for entertainment. They would pit me against others, out number me against other children my age, and watch, laugh, gasp, as I won. Then when I got older, and they got tiresome of the fist fights, so they brought in weapons. The story didn't change much, but the details became incomparably more brutal and bloody. What I have done is nothing I expect anyone to blame me for, as a slave I was a tool for my masters, a tool that had one specialty, killing. Soon though it got too bloody, and my master's beautiful wife wanted him to end it, so with much remorse he did but it took a few years of her pleading to him. Then they came to the problem of what to do with me. They decided to see if they could educate me, and after learning the ways of the world through my education, I realized that they were trying to tame me. I used this realization to gain my freedom. My master became my teacher, his wife became my mother, but I knew to them I would always just be that slave boy, cause when ever I was close to them and would go wave or scratch my head, they would still flinch. So the day they gave me the option to leave, I did.

Now I come to you at the age of 22, ready to work hard, and carry out your clients bidding. I have no remorse for killing a man, cause thats just the way of the world. If someone has a price on their head, or my commander tells me to end someone, I will do my best to coldly and cleanly(unless asked to do otherwise) carry out the mission, cause that's just the way of the world.I have no hard feelings against my masters, again, just the way it is. I was a tool of destruction given an education, and now I feel that to be a mercenary, more importantly a Mandalorian Mercenary, is the life I want to live.

Oh and here is my only picture that I have of what I used to look like as my days as a slave.

***Incoming Image***
[Image: wallpaper12_10241-1.jpg]
***Image Received***

I eagerly await your reply.

***Transmission Ended***

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-09-2009

Mr Ajax Tremor

Your skills will be very helpful to us.

I'm sorry your childhood was clearly unorthodox, but it will prove helpful to our bottom line, I'm sure.

Suit up.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Rudo - 12-19-2009

(A grinning face appears on the screen. The man has the traditional cocky demeanor of fighter pilots seen in Libertonian holovids. His teeth are too white. His haircut too immaculate. His jaw too square. Easy to hate if he just didn't have a certain goofiness about him.)
[Image: FOX-HowieLong_orig.jpg]
(He speaks. He seems chipper and earnest.)

I... really dunno what to tell you here. The name's MacQueen, Jarvis MacQueen. Captain, 78th Interceptor Quadron, Liberty Navy. Yeah, I was a Black Raider. Retired a few years back. I ain't here for some easy payout or revenge. I ain't some sob story. I just miss what I had, havin' a ship to take care of, seein' a formation on my wings. I'd re-enlist but that'd mess up the pension I'm collecting. And my ex-wives got their hooks in that pretty good. I want an income they can't touch.

I've heard about you guys. Heard about ya since my days in the fleet, when the squids would tell big stories before we'd hijack 'em, shave their heads and leave 'em in women's underwear for sittin' at the wrong table in the mess.

(He reminisces and chuckles to himself, before grinning again.)

So here I'm hoping this finds the right guy. I left the channel open. Talk to you soon, Mandalores.

(The feed ends.)


Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-19-2009

"Well, Mr MacQueen, we can keep the divorce lawyers off your income. You can make some of it under the table. You'd be surprised how little The Liberty Revenue Service knows about what goes on in Coronado."

"Moreover, our grease monkeys were saying you were interested in cleaning up and flying a Waran and Marauder we had out back?"

Billy shrugged.

"You want to fly em, be my guest. You can have the run of the Engine and Body shops while you get them up to standard."

"Welcome aboard, son."