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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-16-2010

Matt ducks as the can come's at him

"Holy... "

Matt see's Tom sneak out the bar

"Ye bloody coward!

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Maximo Valeri - 11-16-2010

Black leather-boots fell heavy on the floor.

Navy gloves tightly equipped.

Cigar in his mouth.

This guy had it all. The Walk. The Hair. The Style.

And a killer grin.

He walked towards two certain sub-lieutenants, and before they could even say a word he snapped with his fingers.

"Hey miss. I want three glasses on the table."

He took off his sunglasses.

[color=#FF7700]"Let's get this show started fellas."

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-16-2010

Matt picks his brother off the floor, and ushers him down for a seat. The bar maid puts three glasses down.

Matt takes out the bottle of Vodka, the bottle of Whisky and buys a bottle of the mysterious purple rubbish from the bar

"Aye it's simple, I go first - then you repeat"

Matt pours the three liquids into the three glasses, and downs all three without even blinking

"I hate wasting good whisky like that, but hey.. The bar disnae have any'th better."

Matt looks at Maximo's jacket

"Hah, ye got dandruff on yer jacket pal, messing up yer look eh?"

He laughs, realising that this night is probably going to get messy

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - rainth345 - 11-17-2010

A vessel loomed beyond the vastless space. Judging from its appearance it appeared to be a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser. As it passed by the Bar & Grill's large glass window, her name can be seen thoroughly. [font=Lucida Console][color=#FFFF00][size=medium]LNS-Douglas as the people in the bar can see. The sheer size of the ship compared to them undoubtedly halted all noise in the bar. When the ship passed, the people inside resumed their usual business.

A few minutes later....
One man entered the bar. He was wearing a blue navy uniform with a hat bearing an eagle insignia. A pin on his collar shows him to be part of the Secondary Fleet. Two men hastily follow behind him. The first one, judging by his uniform, was clearly a Lieutenant. He was carrying a small pouch that people might think to be the Captain's documents. The next person was in a full-body armor holding a standard-equipped pulse rifle of a Marine. The Captain motioned the marine to wait outside.
The two remaining men take seats at one corner near the large glass window.

Speaking in a young, calm and orderly manner,"Lieutenant, are my papers ready?".
The Lieutenant replied, "Ready when you are Sir".
To which the Captain called a waiter to bring two glasses and a bottle of white wine.
"Good, good. Ready my fighter. I shall spend and record flight hours on it to pass the first test.
The waiter brought the order and the Lieutenant quickly poured wine over to the two glasses.
"But Sir, don't you have a problem with dog-fighting?"
The Captain tasted the wine. Looking outside the window; said,
" I believe those Primary Fleet pilots can help me."
He smiles looking towards those group of Primary Fleet pilots drinking.
" I think those guys won't be able to help you after that charade.", the Lieutenant said feeling unsure of the Captain's eagerness.
" Oh don't be like that, Lieutenant. It's their reward for protecting Liberty."
The two look out the stars admiring the huge vast space.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-17-2010

Matt looks at the Primary Recruit / Secondary Captain

"Pfft! Wine? And secondary ensigns lapping at his feet?! Pah, next he'll be stickin' a sheet down w'ere he sit's! Hah!"

Matt looks very suspiciously at the newcomer

"Who he think he 'is aye?! Prob's die in tha' vacuum wi' his "wine", hah!

Matt get's back to finishing off a bottle of vodka, laughing at the ridiculous sight

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Maximo Valeri - 11-17-2010

Maximo spat away one of those small wooden sticks that he was biting on, you know, those that are used for tooth cleaning.

After Matt had swept all three drinks down in a matter of seconds he grabbed a hold of those bottles again and filled them up for Maximo. As the various types of liquor were being poured Maximo gave off a slight grin.

"You know Matt. They say that if a man finishes his drink before he can even begin to enjoy it, he lacks class. But even worse, he's more scared than a teenage girl trapped in a haunted house.

You know what I'm trying to say here?"

Matt's face was full of confusion, did he really just try to insult his capabilities of drinking?

[color=#FF7700]"Oh yes, you bet your damn ass I just dissed you.

You are chicken-shi* coward Matt. Just like your brother. And you two are going down, you going down real hard."

And as Maximo finished his last words he began steadily, but sloooowly, drink those three glasses down.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-17-2010

Matt couldn't believe the flith coming from Maximo's mouth

"Did I nae say tha' I didnae want tae waste tha' whisky?! Is this nae a drink'n contest till tha' last man aye?!"

John looks at Matt, obviously Matt's Bretonian accent was coming on a lot stronger after the drinks

*cough* "Yes, of course how silly of me"

Matt looks at Maximo and his condesending stature after merely sipping the three drinks on the table

"I'll gi' you credit for sipping the purple stuff mate, that stuff is more suited to being engine lubricant"

Matt look's at the half bottle of vodka, open's the top - and finishes it all in a couple of gulps. He cough's manically

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - rainth345 - 11-18-2010

The Lieutenant noticed the Primary pilot looking suspiciously towards them.
"Captain, one's looking at us."
The Captain slowly turned his head to face the pilot. He then looked at his wine.
"Maybe he's looking at this."
He points to his hat and then realizes that its still there the moment they sat down. Slowly but surely he takes the hat off and places it neatly at his side.The Lieutenant suddenly looks around the place and sees almost everyone drinking beer,whiskey, etc.
"I think we're the only ones who have ordered white wine."
The Captain follows the Lieutenant's lead, "Your right.... Lets make this more interesting."
He calls the waiter and asks for the Grill's specialty. The waiter hurries to the kitchen to deliver the Captain's order. Minutes later, the waiter, obviously sweating, carries two plates of steaming, sizzling burger steaks. The crackle of the plate attracts the attention of the bar. Many stop to see what they were hearing.
"A fine choice... eh, Lieutenant?" As the Captain said while grinning the Lieutenant.
"I'm su-ure it is, Sir.", the Lieutenant unnervingly said.
The Captain flings the serviette across his lap, much like the waiters do on those fancy restaurant, and readies himself for the meal.
The waiter carefully sets down the plates,
"Careful, gentlemen. It's still cooking."
The waiter immediately hurries back to the kitchen but before he can move, the Captain grabs his hand and conspicuously hands the waiter a hundred credit note.
"Thank you, my good man."
To which the waiter replied, "How gracious of you, Captain."
The Captain smiles and assuringly says, "No need for thanking me."
The Lieutenant looks at meal, "Quite odd for you to be ordering this." The Captain shrugs, raises his glass and stands up. In a calm and orderly voice he says,
"Ladies and Gentlemen." He looks around at the Bar. "I would like to give a toast to the Liberty Navy. For Freedom, Justice, and Liberty. And may our war with the Rheinlanders end in our favor."
He sits down and immediately stands up, "Oh, and a free round of drinks from me."
The Captain smiles and finally sits down. He nods to the Lieutenant and to the waiter whom he tipped awhile ago.
The two start to eat their meals

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Commissar - 11-18-2010

A young man marched into the Grill, his conspicuously bare uniform identifying him as a Primary Fleet Recuit. He still walked like one, the precison drilled in at West Point not yet worn away by reality. Nor had the brutally short haircut. The mans brown hair had only just regained sufficient length to be known as such. His name tag identified him as Ripper.

David Ripper wore a curious badge on his breast, it consisted of two crossed Army-Issue Pulse rifles, differing from their marine counterparts in that they lacked the advanced sighting equipment. They were Infantry weapons, pure and simple. The marksmanship medal was unusual amongst Navy personell, it was a rare fighter pilot trained in any form of Infantry combat. However; it was reasonably common among Liberty Army troopers.

The Recuit casually grabbed a beer off a passing waiter, nearly dropping it upon seeing the Captain. Ripper threw the man a crisp salute, at the same time intercepting his tumbling ale.

"Sir. What's going on over there?" The junior officer jerked his head toward the slightly inerberaited Matt.

David grinned, sipping his ale, he couldn't have picked a better time to turn up.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Jihadjoe - 11-18-2010

Captain Jasmine Greenson leant on the end of the bar. Not many people had noticed her yet, but she'd been there some time. Watching the amusing posturing of the secondary fleet captain, as Valeri and Smith drank themselves into a coma. She picked at a salad infront of her disinterestedly, pushed it back across the bar and ordered a beer.

"It's on the self important captain in the corner" she said with a half smile.

"Right ya are Jas" responded the barman, grinning as he handed her the opened bottle.

She perched herself on a bar stool and turned her gaze to Valeri and Smith as they continued their drinking competition. 'Kids' she thought to herself, standing up and walking over to where Valeri and Smith were sitting. She sat down next to Valeri at the bar.

"So what are you boys drinking? Looks like it's some proper manly competition and..." she lowered her voice slightly "I doubt I'd be able to keep pace with you two..."

She grabbed the attention of the barman again.

"I want fifteen shots of Houston Blueshine."

"Oh god... Not again Jas. I don't think they're..." He grinned "Urgh... What the hell. Why not... Gentlemen, you only live once."

He started pouring the drinks.