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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Landers - 04-06-2011


...Picture on Screen...
[Image: 200px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-R65485,_Joachim_Peiper.jpg]
COMM ID: Leutnant Joachim Landers
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr High Command
SUBJECT: Patrol report

High Command,
I inform you about the first victories of my new command ship, the Victoria. The Victoria won againts a libertonian and a lane hacker gunboat in the Hamburg system, without any hull damage. We couldn't detect any irregularity about the new weapon, navigation, life support and core systems. The ship was built in Alster and was finished at the begining of this month.

The first target was a libertonian intruder, gunboat class. We met him in New Berlin, near Dortmund station and opened fire on it. After a few minutes, the target moved to the nearest fields and then to Hamburg. Major Harkonnen and his men made a nice interception, and the Victoria finished the job.
[Image: screen1407.png][Image: screen1408.png]
The second target was a lane hacker gunship. It opened fire on our soldiers, then tried to leave Rheinland. Of course we didn't let them and used deadly forces on the cowards.
[Image: screen1410.png][Image: screen1411.png]
Leutnant Joachim Landers,
Rheinwehr Hauptflotte


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sabas - 04-06-2011

COMM ID: Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr High Command
SUBJECT: Patrol report / End action Report

Forces at disposal at beginning of the Operation:
  • 3x Wraith VHF's
  • 2x Berglemir Bombers
  • 1x RNC Cruiser class warship
Pilot Names:
  • Fl. Adolf Hoguf
  • Fl. Billy Watzmann
  • Ge. Alaric Kaufmann
  • Fw. Lilli Veleska

  • Peter Kranz [Secondary Fleet Member]

  • [Unknown pilot name] U-99
  • [Unknown pilot name] U-1153

  • [Unknown Captain] RNC-Kaiser Wilhelm
High Command,

I am sending in this report aboard the gunboat U-99, combat has just ended and the remains of our forces are withdrawing back toward Rheinland.

All visual data has been lost with my ship and for that I must apologize for the lack of evidence.

The patrol formed around 1720 Berlin standard time above Planet Hamburg, at my suggestion before we set out that we split our forces to cover more ground and permit at least one patrol to get in without being detected.

Agreeing with my sentiment our Feldwebel in charge split the bombers between the group, I recieved Flieger Hoguf and were assigned the system of Hudson as our entry point.

RNC Kaiser Wilhelm announced itself to me over private comms. and I forwarded this information toward Feldwebel Veleska stating they were on yellow alert and ready to assist if needed.

Once confirmed we broke into out squads and moved out, we entered the system of Hudson with nothing of interest to note and moved down the lanes into Texas. Once formed on me I lead my team into the Southern Dallas Debri Fields, keeping our vessels within the field to mask our presence against the Navy Communication bouys [locations lost with vessel]. Moving deeper into the debri fields we emerged in the dead space of the system with no vessels in sight. Continuing on both wings merged at Planet Chisos south of the Northern Dallas Debri field around 1740 Berlin Standard time.

Before the regrouping we kept our communications maintained, with myself sending status updates to Feldwebel Lilli Veleska repeatedly as we navigated the fields toward each other.

Knowing that our orders specificly mentioned not getting into a heavy fight, I veer my fighter and bomber wingman back toward Hudson. Feldwebel Valeska informs me we are to form togethor and move as one group, consenting to her higher rank I merge our wings togethor and we move off.

As we the group moves out Fw Valeska informs the bombers to ready themselves as a gunboat is their first target. Pulling into a hard dive Fw Valeska wheels the entire group into a 90 Degree Dive onto a LNS gunboat, I did not have time to even review it on IFF before it was skuttled. That is the end of where it was going well.

Soon an LPI vessel had arrived with a LN vessel in tow, both fighter classed vessels which broke and engaged. The fighting drew us closer to Houston and the battleship station above orbit opened fire. This was about the time the Liberty Battle Cruiser class warship arrived from the New York Trade lane and joined the fray. Shifting our bombers toward the LABC we focused fire on it, quickly destroying its shields and moving onto its hull, at this point U-99 and U-1153 arrived for the battle with RNC Kaiser Wilhelm in tow bring our forces to its maximum.

Forces at disposal for the later half of the Operation:
  • 3x Wraith VHF's
  • 2x Berglemir Bombers
  • 1x Fafnir Bomber
  • 1x Rheinland Gunboat Class warship
  • 1x RNC Cruiser class warship
Seeing the heavy fire from the Battleship stationed above Houston I yell at the other pilots to clear its umbrella of operation to no avail and I am forced to remain within it.

Our first casualty began soon after with Flieger Hoguf ejecting from his vessel due to heavy fire upon his ship.

The fafnir begins its attack on the Battle Cruiser using Nova Torpedos, the warning to clear the vessel came far to late and my ship was engulfed within the blast, ejecting me instantly.

Peter Kranz follows the same fate from a second attack, forcing him to eject as well.

Tractored aboard the RNC Kaiser Wilhelm I cleared my pod and moved toward an evactuation deck as the Cruiser had joined the battle by this stage.

Within three minutes the RNC Wilhelm had suffered massive amounts of damage and the crew evacuating, myself included. Some where within this span of time U-1153 was forced to eject, his fate is unknown. By the time we were once again picked up by a friendly vessel, reportedly by U-99 the Rheinland Gunboat.

At this stage I believe Fw Veleska sounded the order to retreat with our remaining forces escaping toward Hudson and Bering Systems.

Enemy Losses/Damages

  • Libertonian Gunboat class vessel
  • Heavily mauled LABC
Friendly Losses/Damages

  • RNC - Kaiser Wilhelm
  • Alaric Kaufmann's Fighter
  • Peter Kranz's Fighter
  • Adolf Hoguf's Bomber
  • U-1153's Bomber
Forces after the battle:
  • 1x Rheinland Class Gunboat
  • 1x Wraith VHF
  • 1x Berglemir Bomber
Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann,
Rheinwehr 15th Kreuzer Gruppe

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cond0r - 04-07-2011

Incoming Transmission...
ID: Flieger Niklas Keller

Tag meine herren.

After being assigned to a ship and rank I started out my duty with a simple patrol, that turned out not to be.... that simple.

While flying through New Berlin und Hamburg things were quite peaceful so I decided to dock on planet New Berlin und call it a day. Though, as it seems, fate had another plan. Just as I was approaching the planet, I received a distress call from another Military pilot. It seemed that he was under fire by unknown vessels designated as pirates.

As soon as I got in range I fired up my guns and jumped in to help my fellow officer. The ships that he was facing were quite odd, I can safely say that I have never seen these types of ships in my life. Though, their intentions were to pirate and murder so I didnt really stand idly to examine them. After a quick burst both of the enemies fell, and the members of the secondary flotilla that were there got the last shots on them.

After this incident I docked on New Berlin as planned before and called it a day.

Attached Images:

[Image: md1.png]

Für das Vaterland, für den Kanzler!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Tabris - 04-07-2011


ID: Herman Voss, Feldwebel.

Subject: Schlacht-Gruppe Ostwind

"Guten Abend, today was a major victory for Rheinland, We engaged the Corsair barbarians near the planet Kurile, I was assigned to escort the Passau, most of my time was spent keeping a Corsair Bomber in what seemed to be a GC ship off our vessels. It eventually retreated back into Omicron Theta later on with massive damage.

At least Five enemy Battleships were destroyed by our glorious Battlegroups, however we lost one of our own Battleships due to intense fire, but their sacrifices was avenged in this fight.

Fur Rheinland und der Klanzer!"


(Enemy Bomber forced to retreat)

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cond0r - 04-07-2011

Incoming Transmission...
ID: Flieger Niklas Keller

Tag meine herren.

Following is the battle report from todays patrol.

While doing runs through New Berlin, two Military pilots got jumped by the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary army. The communists attacked them with three ships, but at the scene were also two Outcast pilots who decided to target the Military pilots as well. Myself and frau von Gross rushed to the scene to assists. The Communists were strong in words, but it seems that they could only "talk the talk" and not "walk the walk". Some of them even decided to test my ship out in a duel while the others were targeting the whole group. A bad idea that was.

Quote:[07.04.2011 19:12:36] Death: SCRA|Valentin.Chirkoff was killed by [RM]Fl.Niklas.Keller (Gun)
[07.04.2011 19:32:30] Death: Andres.Perea killed himself (Mine)
[07.04.2011 19:34:25] Death: SCRA|Mei-Li.Cheng was killed by Adrian.Zaehler (Mine)
[07.04.2011 19:35:41] Death: -VF)Erik.Adler killed himself (Mine)
[07.04.2011 19:40:11] Death: SCRA|SD-Mamluq has died

After that we headed over to the Omega 7 system following reports of Hessians causing trouble. We found a bomber and a gunboat at the scene and engaged them. They tried to run but to no avail.

Quote:[07.04.2011 20:07:38] Death: Hermann was killed by [RM]Fl.Niklas.Keller (Gun)
[07.04.2011 20:09:42] Death: Vogelsberg.:Kpt.Ian has died

Thinking that that marked the end of our patrol, I headed back to Stuttgart, or so I thought. Our squad of three ships piloted by Feldwebel Lilli Valeska und Flieger Engelhard Sulzer got intercepted by a squad of more Red Hessians. We were engaged by the damn failed miners and were forced to retreat because of damage that we suffered from the combined battles.

When we finally reached Stuttgart, two Mandalorian Mercenaries decided to engage us as well. They again, assumed that we are easy prey. How wrong they were.

Quote:[07.04.2011 20:46:15] Death: MM~Simon.Templar. was killed by [RM]Fl.Niklas.Keller (Mine)

After taking care of that Mandalorian pig, I safely docked on Stuttgart while the rest of my squad finished off the second one.

*music is heard playing in the background*
"....Well you don't know what we can find, Why don't you come with me little girl, on a magic carpet ride...."

Für das Vaterland, für den Kanzler!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sabas - 04-07-2011

COMM ID: Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr High Command
SUBJECT: Assault on Sigma-17 / Capture Report

To: High Command,

Today is a great day for the Kanzler's fleets. I was unable to participate in my Wraith VHF but I attended the action aboard the heavy Kreuzer RNC - Passau during the action and the subsequent follow up.

The Passau was originally in the mothball fleet earlier this week; following the formation of Battlegruppe Ostwind she was recommissioned and re-armed as per standard operating procedure for Fleet Operations. Assigned as the lead Kreuzer of 5th Kreuzer Gruppe along side the 7th and 15th Gruppe. Each Gruppe recieved two Rheinland Gunboats, six Wraith VHF's, and two Rheinland Battleships with Bombers shared amongst the gruppe itself.

Total forces came to:
  • 2x Rheinland Battleships
  • 3x Rheinland Kreuzers
  • 6x Rheinland Gunboats
  • 18x Rheinland Wraith's
  • 4x Rheinland Bombers
At our designated time the Battlegruppe converged on Mainz Storage Facility and formed there, sorting through all the ships each Kreuzer recieved its designated Gruppe load out. Given the move out Order the forces moved onto the [CENSOR] and from there the second battleship joined the Battlegruppe completing our compliment above [CENSOR]. Reforming the Gruppe moved out under correct orders moving into the [CENSOR], minor damages were incured on debri within the field but all vessels reported in successfully on the far side. Moving into our designated jump off point the 5th Kreuzer Gruppe (reinforced) jumped into the Sigma-17 system with all other forces following suit. Regrouping again the Battlegruppe moved off toward the designated target the Kunashir cloud. GMG forces in the area sent several distress calls with locations, the vessels were never found nore recovered.

Upon entering the cloud the first contact was established a Corsair Benitez member was registered to his IFF. The Rheinland pilots maintained good discipline and did not break rank and chase it. As we moved deeper into the cloud the IFF system went crazy as contacts registered at close range. Two Osiris class warships, one Legate dreadnought with several bombers and fighters spread out amongst them. The Kreuzer Deutschland of the 15th Kreuzer Gruppe sounded the attack in the name of Kanzler and Rheinland. Our fighters waited for their bombers to drawn near before they broke, swarming them in pairs as our heavy warships jockied for position against the heavy warships. As the RNC - Hannover opened fire and their Legate exchanged in kind our bombers broke their ranks and swarmed in, the Passau could not register their IFF's amongst the enemy warships but they are all brave men of Rheinland and his Citizens.

Sticking close to the Hannover, the Passau focused its attention on bombers tailing the Hannover and opened fire, destroying one [listed below as confirmed] and chasing down another before a fighter finished it off. As the bombers thinned the Passau broke away from the Battleships engaging the remaining two Osiris's at mixed ranges. Using its mortar equipped to the bow the Passau was able to aide in heavily damaging both remaining Osiris's and in their subsequent destruction. As the skies calmed Battlegruppe Ostwind counted its dead and licked its wounds. With the staggering amount of wreckage, it was an even staggering number of how few we had lost.

One fighter is MIA, with a confirmed loss to a single bomber. Regretfully I must say our second battleship the RNC - Wallenhorst was destroyed. Recovery operations began immedietly, 4321 of her 6000 crew were recovered, the space above planet Kurile is currently being cleared of those that gave their lives for Rheinland, Rheinlander or otherwise. RNC - Hannover suffered heavy damage but the Kreuzer Passau transfered repair equipment and she got under way once more.

Once the battle was concluded Gruppe Ostwind's remaining forces repaired and rearmed, taking up defensive positions around Kurile and within the cloud itself.

Total Force Losses:
  • 1x Wraith VHF
  • 1x Bomber [Unconfirmed on which class]
  • 1x Rheinland heavy Battleship
Enemy Force Losses:
  • 5x Osiris Class Battleships
  • 1x Legate Dreadnought
  • 3x Bombers [Unconfirmed types]
  • 2x Fighters [Unconfirmed - one escaped]
Visual Confirmation:
Visual Aide Confirmation

Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann,
Rheinwehr 15th Kreuzer Gruppe

Rheinland Military Message Dump - TheOrangeButterfly - 04-08-2011

ID SIGNATURE.... Feldwebel Lilli Valeska
Encryption Level... MAXIMUM CAPACITY
Message Level: Priority.
To:RMHC Reporting Station

Guten Tag.

:::::Report Begins.

I was doing a standard patrol in zeh Omega-7 system und came across two Hessian terrorists. One Heimdall gunship und one Falcata Bomber. They were eviscerated, und we continued on our patrol. I had Flieger's Niklas und Engal wiz me.

[Heimdall destruction]
[Guncams of deaths]

:::::Report End

- Feldwebel Lilli Valeska

End Message Body
Signal trace...Somewhere in New Berlin.
Transmission source..offline.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DartStriker - 04-08-2011

.::Incoming Propaganda::.
[Image: digisg.png]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sabas - 04-08-2011

COMM ID: Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr High Command
SUBJECT: Cargo Seizure Law 1 Section 4C Paragraph Two

High Command,

Forgive the tardiness of this report, I encountered a smuggler within the Frankfurt system several days ago near Mainz Storage Facility. I was able to catch the smuggler thanks to a vigilantee whos identity is enclosed with the standard visual package. Due to his reporting he held up the smuggler till my fighter arrived and took over.

Speaking with the smuggling pair, it turned out to be a man and woman in the vessel of the names Casini Dela Chrisostomo and Leonardo dela Tigre, they were operating a Junker Freighter Class vessel using nothing but Junker weapons on their ship. They registered as Freelancers but as they began to talk they begged me to compensate them for their cargo of 500 Black Market Munitions. I let the vigilantee decide their face as a reward for capturing the smugglers and tasked him with delivering the cargo to the nearest Rheinland warship which he agreed to and flew off.

Once he was gone the couple open up and began to ask if I had seen a man spying on the Hessians for the Corsairs and they acted like I was not even in the Military at this point and continued spill their life story to me how they plot to kill this man named Casus Richiardino dela Machete. I informed them that I didn't know such a name and then they went on to ask if I knew another member, the name eludes me, but it was decidedly a Corsair of some sort.

In the end I captured 45 Black Market Munitions and another 100 Units were delivered to the nearest battleship while the remaining Munitions were destroyed directly in front of them.

They were released for cooperating freely with a warning.

Visual Package Information

Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann,
Rheinwehr 15th Kreuzer Gruppe

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sabas - 04-08-2011

COMM ID: Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann
RECIPIENT: Rheinwehr High Command
SUBJECT: Patrol Report - Kunashir Cloud - Numero Dust Cloud // Cargo Seizure

Forces Beginning Operation:

  • 1x Heavy Kreuzer
  • 3x Wraith VHF's
  • 1x Fafnir Bomber
High Command,

While still aboard the Kreuzer RNC - Passau under orders from the Deutschland [15th Kreuzer Gruppe - Lead] a Kreuzer detachement of 5th Kreuzer Gruppe (reinforced) was mobilized and Hauptmann Helmut Kohl of the Passau designated priorieties to each fighter within the Gruppe, Reservists Light Drone and Schmutz were designated as the inner screen with Schmutz's fafnir free to engage capitol warships or transport if interdicted.

Standard impulse was ordered till the patrol cleared the cloud and the first point was designated 6D on the star chart, nothing was sighted and the patrol moved on 6B as its second point. Clearing the cloud the patrol went into Kreuze to cover the uninhabited dead space. Reaching point 6B the Scout Gruppe moved onto C3 where a report came in of an unknown ship within the Sigma-13 system, establishing a spread out screen the forward fighter screen flanked the registered Sigma-13 jump hole with the Passau and her own escorts covering the exit side of the hole in full view. Going to full alert the Gruppe maintained silence till a contact appeared, it registered to an Order agent with the designation 63rd|Razor was his callsign. The Passau informed him that he was within Rheinland peace keeping territory while a Gefreiter from one of the Wraith's called it Rheinland's newest territory. The Order agent sent an immediet message off to GMG reportedly declaring what he had heard and the GMG were not pleased and rather angry at the matter. The interaction with the Order vessel was cut short as a GC flagged vessel appeared, Cardimine in tow within its hold. With no orders pertaining to the GC vessel the cargo was siezed [As dictated by Law A of Rheinland Military Rules Paragraph 2 Subsection C] and it was released to continue on its way.

The continued interaction with the 63rd Member ended with a warning which sent him packing from the Kreuzer Passau as the patrol curved back to its original flight path toward the Kunashir Cloud and planet Kurile and the Forward Operating base of the RNC-Hannover.Reaching the end of the patrol an Osiris class warship entered the cloud towards the Theta JH, scrambling for intercept all fighters broke off, on order, and stopped the vessel in its tracks. Hauptmann Kohl opened a channel with the vessel tagged as Ezio and read him the memorandum as follows. "Corsair vessel you have entered Rheinland Peace Keeping Territory and by order of the Kanzler you are to be destroyed." The fighters immedietly broke off into the attack with the Passau inching forward to begin long range bombardment of the Osiris warship.

As it entered range the first call from the fighters asking for fire support were established and the main guns of the Passau opened fire with the hatred of the House of Rheinland at its back. The first round reportedly hit amid ship and the Passau continued to fire, consistent hit after hit was established by the gunnery officer on deck.

As the vessels whittled down the Osiris a second Corsair appeared from Theta, a lone snub crap and proceeded to hound our only bomber.

Unable to shake him our only casualty was occured with the loss of the bomber before the Osiris reached the Theta Jumphole and leaped out of system with the Sails member conducting a fighting retreat.

Unwilling to give chase Rheinland reclaimed the system's Kunashir cloud and the patrol was finished. Just as the enemy cleared the system the brother ship of the Passau arrivedd, the RNC - Nassau. With the Kunashir cloud reinforced Kurile is once again secure.

Total Forces lost:

  • 1x Fafnir Bomber
Visual Package Information

Enemy Forces Damage:
  • 1x Osiris Heavy Battleship
  • 1x Snub craft [Unconfirmed]
Gefreiter Alaric Kaufmann,
Rheinwehr 15th Kreuzer Gruppe