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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Darth_Icy - 11-20-2010

***All Members Of SCRA***
***Name=Nikolai Petrov***

Greetings Comrades, I have recently been accepted into SCRA and would like to thank you all for allowing me to join the revolution... I would like to say more but I'm currently trying to get my fighter commissioned but I will hopefully see you all in space very soon.

***Nikolai Out***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tomtomrawr - 11-20-2010


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF9900]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Robert Miller, Sub-Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Reporting the assault on Omicron Alpha and the outcome

[color=#FFFFFF]Good day Comrades, Sub-Lieutenant Robert Miller reporting. This is my fourth report, dated 19.11.818 but written one day late.

Shortly after the events of Omega-5 (see previous report) we re-gathered and decided to raid Omicron Alpha. When my Revolution was replaced with one of the Trolls and I took off, most Coalition ships were already waiting outside of Freeport Nine in Omicron Theta. My late arrival proved beneficial actually. Several transports believed to be Corsairs had passed by the Coalition forces at the Freeport, but the angle I was approaching the Freeport at allowed me to intercept them. We then destroyed the transports and moved to the Omicron Eta jump hole.

Upon jumping, we detected an Outcast destroyer. Our force at this time I believe consisted of five fighters and three bombers, so the destroyer was quickly dispatched. The trip through Omicron Eta was long and torturous due to an incessant number of patrols cruise disrupting many of our ships. But eventually we arrived at the Omicron Alpha jump hole and jumped.

I was actually late in arriving at the jump hole, being one of those who was disrupted on several occasions. I had heard there was a battleship on the other side, and me being one of the only two bombers (fate of third unknown) my presence was required immediately. So I jumped into the system and was plunged into a battle.

We were doing well, and the battleship was in retreat. The fighters were drawing its fire while I took shots from a distance. But then two Outcast fighters showed up and immediately targeted me, which slowed my attack on the battleship so much that the tide of battle immediately turned. More battleships began to show up until they had four, with four fighters and a gunboat. We were ordered to retreat, so I made my way slowly toward the Omicron Eta jump hole.

We rallied on the other side and when a fighter jumped through we all pounced on it. Then a gunboat arrived and that was the next target. But as the battleships and other fighters began to arrive it was a hopeless battle. Many Coalition pilots were able to cruise away, but I was trapped with Outcast fighters preventing my escape.

In a stroke of luck, I managed just before my ship exploded to destroy one of the Outcast fighters pursuing me. But that changed little, and I was forced to eject.

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[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tomtomrawr - 11-21-2010


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF9900]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Robert Miller, Sub-Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Reporting the assault on Corsairs in Omega-49 and its outcome

[color=#FFFFFF]Good day Comrades, Sub-Lieutenant Robert Miller reporting. This is my fifth report, dated 20.11.818 but written one day late.

We had detected a Corsair Legate passing through Omega-50 and had scrambled to intercept, but by the time we had organised it had jumped to Omega-49. We were not going to take this, so we gathered a bomber strike team to move in and attack.

I was the first to arrive at planet Gran Canaria, where I discovered two Legates. They talked about how luring the SCRA there was a trap. But what I am still curious about is why, when I was alone, they did not just attack before the other bombers arrived?

But they didn't take the opportunity, and soon five other bombers joined me and we launched our attack. We decided to target the second Legate, which to our knowledge had not been trespassing, first as its armour was weaker. The battle commenced, with us losing two bombers quite early on. But our remaining bombers developed a system and we were soon landing Snack shots on the Dreadnought at every turn.

When the other Dreadnought decided to, it also entered the battle. So now we were combating two Dreadnoughts at the same time, which wasn't a particularly difficult thing to do.

The first Dreadnought was soon destroyed, but that was when Corsair support began to arrive. A few heavy fighters, and later on bombers arrived to provide support for the capital ship, but we were unstoppable. New bombers kept coming and we soon must have had seven bombers there.

Then the Havana arrived, a beautiful sight to see it move in to support us. With the Dreadnought completely distracted we could freely assault it, and soon the battleship was giving the order to abandon ship.

The Havana retreated to land on Gran Canaria, its job now done, and we began the battle with the bombers and fighters. Both bombers were destroyed at my hand, but then I was recalled to Omega-52 and had to leave the battle.

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This was a total victory for us. Long live the Revolution!

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 11-21-2010

[Image: 2wrotqq.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Commandante of the Fighter Corps

"Effective immediately I stand down as Commandante of the Fighter Corps, in the last few weeks it has become obvious to me that I am no-longer fit to lead these fine men and women into combat.
It is not lightly I step down, but I feel in order for the Coalition to evolve as a fighting force sometimes one must move aside for new and fresher faces to take up the banner and proclaim that they will not abide by the House's unnatural law.

I shall remain in office for a week to wrap up my administration duties and put forward my recommendation for a suitable replacement to the Commissariat and the Premier himself. I will not accept any opposition to this, even if it means my own death, so none within the Fighter Corps are to question this decision in either S.K.Y.P.E. Protocals nor in person.

That is all Comrades.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-21-2010

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Omega-52

TARGET ID: Captain Warner

[Image: commid.jpg]

Apology Accepted, Comrade Warner.

With the loss of Omega-50 your resignation is accepted. You are hereby demoted to the rank of Commander, and assigned to Command the CPW-Lithuania.

Your replacement will be named shortly.

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 11-21-2010

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commissar Yuveraj Khan
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Promotions/awards
[Image: khan.jpg]

---Communications Opened---


Accepting responsibility for the disastrous campaign in Omega-50, Commandante Warner resigns. His successor, Commandante Sky Marshal Ethan Scott, will outline his new strategy.

"To defeat the Reapers of Sirius, we must out think them..."

Our forces shall fall back to defensive lines around the Omega-50 jumphole, in anticipation of the Reaper of Sirius assualt. The Havana, rushed back into service despite the fact that it hasn't had sufficient time in dry dock, will place Captain Ricardo Alvarez where he is most effective, in command of a ship of the line.

Commissar-Commander Santorini is named to High Command to take over as head of the military arm of the Commissariat, and ordered to enforce discipline with an iron rod. She will outline her rules for military Discipline shortly.

Commander Jayce Brooks has been named CinCSTORMWING, promoted to High Command as well, to ready our line of defense around Omega-50. ALL FIGHTER CORPS are ordered to report for Gunboat cross training, and our shipyards are ordered to produce more gunboats for the coming battle.

The BATTLE OF THE LINE is our final defense of the system. We must stand here, and draw a final line. See to it that our enemies cannot and will not cross it.

The defense of Omega-52 is now paramount.

For Katz, the Premier, Comrades!
Khan out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-21-2010

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: Commissar Khan
Comm. ID: Captain Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: The Line

---Communications Opened---

[Image: wip4.jpg]

Salud, Comrada Khan!

I understand the Dire situation at the Omega-50 front, I was there, and despite my best efforts, I was unable to make a difference. I am afraid Comrade Warner's failing is one I share.

The Havana is in no condition to engage in sustained combat, but we will do what we must do for the defense of the Coalition. I will take the Havana from where she is moored, and seek outside assistance in getting her ready for combat... mayhaps one of our allies will assist in our dire time of need...

Si, hermano...

For the Revolucion, mi comrada, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-22-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: Coalition Citizenry
SUBJECT: The Recent Purge

[Image: truth.png]


A plot against the Premier has been thwarted by the loyal members of High Command, and the SCRA Corps.

Go back to sleep, your government is in control.

You are all safe.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 11-22-2010

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: VCoalitionC5.gif]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Sub-Lieutenant Sean Lee, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition High Command

Subject: Request to return to active duty


Friends and Allies, Ni men hao.

I have been away for a long time now. A couple of months actually. I needed to return to Planet Jiangxi to attend to dire matters and was not able to uphold the Revolution in space. I asked for an extended leave and worked back at Jianxi for a while. I was not used to the change, however I was happy, as I had gotten to meet relatives and family that I had never met in my entire life. But comrades I am tired of the boring life down on Jianxi. Actually, I am suprised I am still alive rather than floating in space.

I have been away from space for a while, and worked for the Coalition in other means. I am here today to request to return to active duty as a Coalition Pilot. I have heard the news... Omega-50, Reapers of Sirius, antirevolutionarys. And I believe it is time that I lend my helping hand to the People and for Communism. I am ready to fight and die for what is right, and I am ready to rejoin the River of Revolution.

[font=Georgia]Sub-Lieutenant Sean Lee signing off.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Capt. Henry Morgan - 11-22-2010

From: Lieutenat Commander Robert Thacker

Good day, Comrades!

Today, I had intended to complete an anti-piracy patrol of Omega-3 and Omega-7, however circumstances forced a change of plans. As I was flying through Omega-5, I encountered a small group of Corsairs near Cadiz. Not wanting to fight outnumbered and with the base's guns on me, I continued to cruise, hoping one would pursue. No such luck. Once I reached a safe distance, I dropped out of cruise and attempted to provoke a confrontation. Two of the Corsairs flew away and the third docked. I think the Coalition's reputation had preceded me. The Comm log of the encounter is attached to this report.

Communications Log - LTCMDR Robert Thacker][21.11.2010 22:51:43] Alejandro.Hernandaz: Not your domain
[21.11.2010 22:51:52] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: Sure it is!
[21.11.2010 22:51:56] J.P.: Excuse me?
[21.11.2010 22:54:21] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: Not even an attempt to stop me, Corsair pig? I guess cowardice is in you blood.... A pity.
Shortly after the cowards ran, someone asked for directions to Omega-52 over system chat. I warned them off, but someone else gave them the coordinates. Once I realized they meant to ignore me and go to 52 anyway, I turned around and went straight back to 52. I arrived before the intruder and was met by Commander Steele. When the intruder arrived, we gave him a very warm welcome. After a short engagement, he ran back to Omega-5, where he was engaged by the CPR Kerimov as well. He fell soon afterwards under the combined fire of myself, Commander Steele, and the Kerimov. Communication log follows.

[quote=Communications Log - LTCMDR Robert Thacker Wrote:
[21.11.2010 22:55:46] Bedou1n: anyone can help me get directions to O52?
[21.11.2010 22:55:57] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: Bad idea, son.
[21.11.2010 22:56:21] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: You go there uninvited, and you -will- die.
[21.11.2010 22:57:21] Bedou1n: to o52?
[21.11.2010 22:57:38] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: Yes. That's coalition space, and we don't like intruders.
[21.11.2010 22:57:59] Bedou1n: why is that?
[21.11.2010 22:58:25] Hand_Of_Liberty: its at 6d
[21.11.2010 22:58:43] Bedou1n: I'm just prospecting
[21.11.2010 22:58:50] Bedou1n: oh thanks
[21.11.2010 22:58:51] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: Fine, come on in. We'll roll out the welcome mat.....

[21.11.2010 23:00:03] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: Potential intruder coming from Omega-5.
[21.11.2010 23:00:07] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Understood.
[21.11.2010 23:00:41] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: When he ignored my warnings to stay away, I told him we'd roll out the welcome mat.
[21.11.2010 23:00:48] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Good work.
[21.11.2010 23:00:53] SCRA|CPR-Kerimov: Hola.
[21.11.2010 23:00:59] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Right, he'll be dealt with should he show up.
[21.11.2010 23:01:06] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Does he know where the Jumphole is located?
[21.11.2010 23:01:21] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Priviet.
[21.11.2010 23:01:28] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Question Answered.

[21.11.2010 23:01:44] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: Mistake coming here. Enjoy the fireworks.
[21.11.2010 23:01:47] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: You were warned to keep away. You're clear to fire Thacker.
[21.11.2010 23:05:15] SCRA|CPR-Kerimov: Attention unknown contact. This is Commander Brooks aboard the Kerimov. You have entered restricted space. Prepare to be destroyed.

[21.11.2010 23:06:13] Death: Bedou1n was put out of action by SCRA|CPR-Kerimov (Gun).
[21.11.2010 23:06:33] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Let this be a lesson. Tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again.
[21.11.2010 23:06:37] SCRA|Robert,Thacker: I'd say we gave him a warm welcome, wouldn't you?
[21.11.2010 23:06:44] SCRA|Daemon.Steele.: Very warm.
As a side note, the one who gave Bedou1n the directions, Hand_Of_Liberty, is a Freelancer flying a Spatial, and has had dealings with the Corsairs, as I saw him undocking from Cadiz. If I may be so bold, I think he deserves a gift of hot plasma for getting involved in the situation.

I certify this report complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Lieutenant Commander Robert Thacker
Капитан-лейтенант Робэрт Текер