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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Boss - 11-20-2009

[12:09:54 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: also
[12:09:54 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:09:56 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:09:59 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:00 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:01 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:02 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:03 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:05 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:06 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:06 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:07 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:07 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:07 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:09 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:09 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:10 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:11 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:11 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:12 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:13 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:14 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:14 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:14 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:15 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:15 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:16 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:16 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:17 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:17 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:17 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:17 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:18 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:18 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:18 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:19 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:19 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:19 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:20 PM] Joe (Jihad) says: D:
[12:10:20 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:21 PM] Boss says: D:
[12:10:21 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:
[12:10:22 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: D:

I can haz skype - Lunaphase - 11-20-2009

[5:42:08 PM] elsdragon.the.dragon says: OBJECTION
[5:42:39 PM] Lunaphase says: overuled.
[5:42:59 PM] elsdragon.the.dragon points finger Pheonix wright style

[5:43:18 PM] elsdragon.the.dragon says: OBJECTION
[5:44:14 PM] Mike Oerlemans (Exile) says: [23:43:18] elsdragon.the.dragon: OBJECTION

<<< [color=#CC0000]OBJECTION
[5:45:55 PM] elsdragon.the.dragon says: if this gets ichs
[5:45:59 PM] elsdragon.the.dragon says: the forums will die

Just to piss off els.

I can haz skype - Saronsen - 11-21-2009

[5:03:31 PM] Saronsen: BEAT SOME WILL INTO ME
[5:03:50 PM] Sarawr/DiscoJew: !?!?!?!?!
[5:04:04 PM] Saronsen: DO IT NOW, NO QUESTIONS
[5:04:17 PM] Sarawr/DiscoJew: ZOMGOMG
[5:04:20 PM] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Sarawr/DiscoJew paunches
[5:04:23 PM] Saronsen: AGAIN
[5:04:34 PM] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Sarawr/DiscoJew pawnches moar
[5:04:38 PM] Saronsen: HARDER

I can haz skype - Zapp - 11-21-2009

[8:00:33 PM] Zachary (Zapp) elbows Joe "When in Rome..."
(Edited by Zachary (Zapp), 8:00:38 PM)

[8:00:53 PM] Connor McNeil (McNeo) says: But this isnt Rome!
[8:01:30 PM] Zachary (Zapp) says: WAS I TALKING TO YOU?!
[8:01:39 PM] Connor McNeil (McNeo) says: YOU ARE NOW!
[8:01:44 PM] Joe (Jihad) dances like a roman.

[8:01:54 PM] Connor McNeil (McNeo) sits on a sofa like a roman.

[8:02:14 PM] Joe (Jihad) eats badger's noses like a roman

[8:02:35 PM] Connor McNeil (McNeo) puts Emperor Claudius on the throne like a roman.

[8:02:59 PM] Zachary (Zapp) stabs Caesar like a roman

[8:03:06 PM] Joe (Jihad) slaughters christians like a roman, then embraces christianity and makes it the state religion in a fit of hypocracy, just like a roman.

[8:03:24 PM] Connor McNeil (McNeo) wears lorica hamata, like a roman.

[8:03:52 PM] Joe (Jihad) has a civil war like a roman

[8:04:00 PM] Connor McNeil (McNeo) wins like a roman.

[8:04:17 PM] Joe (Jihad) wonders how one can win a civil war, like a philosophical roman

[8:05:15 PM] Connor McNeil (McNeo) is trying to find inspiration for his essay on workplace resistance, like a lacking of intelligence roman.

I can haz skype - Boss - 11-21-2009

[10:22:54 AM] Soul Reaper says: who thinks I should rename thunderpantz ?
[10:23:12 AM] Boss says: ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!
[10:23:21 AM] Soul Reaper says: its actually LNS-Thunderbolf..for those who dun know

I can haz skype - Carmen - 11-21-2009

[21:36:47] Verminator the Mongol Khan: hey
[21:37:40] Georgia: (wave)
[21:38:11] Verminator the Mongol Khan: How iz you in UK?
[21:38:35] Georgia: Fine thanks.
[21:38:48] Georgia: How are you in the US?:P
[21:39:03] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Terrible.
[21:39:10] Georgia::(
[21:39:14] Georgia: What happened?
[21:39:55] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Something got messed up on Mod Manager, so i cant play right now.. And another thing, but dont worry about that.
[21:40:07] Georgia::(
[21:40:11] Georgia: Reinstall Disco?
[21:40:25] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I will later
[21:40:30] Georgia: okay
[21:40:40] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Hopefully It'l work after reinstal disco and MM
[21:42:07] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Sooo. Wana talk about anything in-particular? Or are ya busy?
[21:43:07] Georgia: Reinstall MM? Why?
[21:43:39] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I dunno. i thought that would work
[21:43:40] Verminator the Mongol Khan: er
[21:43:47] Verminator the Mongol Khan: maybe that wont do anything
[21:43:57] Georgia: It won't.
[21:44:20] Georgia: Just remove the mods\discovery485 entry from your windows registry and it'll be fine!
[21:44:37] Verminator the Mongol Khan: huh
[21:44:44] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Delete the mod...
[21:44:44] Verminator the Mongol Khan: and
[21:44:49] Verminator the Mongol Khan: it will be fine?
[21:45:08] Georgia: Yeah.
[21:45:15] Verminator the Mongol Khan: .............................................................
[21:45:28] Georgia: Delete the mod, copy over your Vanilla install, change MM to the new install dir.
[21:45:28] Verminator the Mongol Khan: You're telling me to stop playing FL?!
[21:45:31] Verminator the Mongol Khan: WAI!?
[21:45:32] Georgia: No.
[21:45:40] Verminator the Mongol Khan: huhh
[21:45:43] Georgia: Delete the Discovery copy of FL.
[21:45:47] Georgia: Keep your Vanilla one.
[21:45:50] Verminator the Mongol Khan: mhm
[21:45:51] Verminator the Mongol Khan: mhm
[21:45:59] Georgia: And please, PLEASE don't tell me you didn't keep your Vanilla copy!!!
[21:46:18] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I prefer Mint flavored copies.
[21:46:25] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Thats just me though
[21:46:40] Georgia: Georgia facepalms.
[21:46:46] Georgia: Your saying...
[21:46:57] Georgia: You didn't keep your un-modded FL...
[21:46:58] Georgia: !!?!?!?
[21:47:08] Verminator the Mongol Khan: get your hand off of your face! You're gonne leave a mark!
[21:47:10] Verminator the Mongol Khan: oh
[21:47:14] Verminator the Mongol Khan: uhm
[21:47:15] Verminator the Mongol Khan: im not sure...
[21:47:19] Verminator the Mongol Khan: ill check later
[21:47:20] Verminator the Mongol Khan: but
[21:47:28] Georgia: Georgia facepalms.
[21:47:31] Verminator the Mongol Khan: if i did keep the Vanilla, then what?
[21:47:52] Verminator the Mongol Khan: err
[21:47:53 | Edited 21:48:01] Verminator the Mongol Khan: mint
[21:48:02] Georgia: If you did, make a copy of it, call it Discovery.
[21:48:10] Verminator the Mongol Khan: or maybe chocolate
[21:48:16] Georgia: ARRGH!!!
[21:48:24] Verminator the Mongol Khan: hm?
[21:48:26] Georgia: Do you not know that 'Vanilla FL' = 'Unmodded FL'?
[21:48:42] Georgia: Georgia faceroads.
[21:48:48] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I thought that was strawberry....
[21:48:51] Georgia: :@
[21:49:04] Georgia: Four letters.
[21:49:05] Georgia: I
[21:49:05] Georgia: C
[21:49:06] Georgia: H
[21:49:06] Georgia: S
[21:49:29] Verminator the Mongol Khan: No... thats in the fruits section. This is ice cream.
[21:49:48] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Im sorry...
[21:49:55] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Are you actually mad?
[21:49:59] Georgia: (shake)
[21:50:05] Georgia: I'm sitting here loling at you.
[21:50:18] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Ok. It's good to Lol
[21:50:29 | Edited 21:50:35] Verminator the Mongol Khan: How many times have you loled today?
[21:50:44] Georgia: Not countable by human means.
[21:50:52] Verminator the Mongol Khan: so.... alot?
[21:50:59] Georgia: (nod)
[21:51:35] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Good! So far the philosophy of Brechtism is what you're following! Good!
[21:51:48] Georgia: So... That means...
[21:51:50] Georgia: (party)?!
[21:51:54] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Noooo
[21:51:59] Georgia::(
[21:51:59] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Its complicated.
[21:52:00] Georgia: ;(
[21:52:03] Verminator the Mongol Khan: But!!
[21:52:05 | Edited 21:52:09] Verminator the Mongol Khan: wait
[21:52:52] Verminator the Mongol Khan: When you follow the philosophy of Brechtism it = party all throughout. You feel like a giant party!
[21:52:57] Verminator the Mongol Khan: (party)
[21:53:30] Georgia: Yay! (party)
[21:53:44] Verminator the Mongol Khan: i just noticed something
[21:53:56] Verminator the Mongol Khan: erm
[21:53:59] Verminator the Mongol Khan: nevermind...
[21:54:05] Georgia:;#entry810006
[21:54:08 | Edited 21:54:10] Georgia: Ah-hem.
[21:54:51] Verminator the Mongol Khan: jus?
[21:55:05] Verminator the Mongol Khan: oo oo!
[21:55:09] Verminator the Mongol Khan: im a movie star!
[21:55:19] Verminator the Mongol Khan: 8-)
[21:55:22] Georgia: Just a good excuse to put up a big 'TO BE CONTINUED...' sign up on the forums. (rofl)
[21:55:42] Verminator the Mongol Khan: like Marburg always says...
[21:55:47] Verminator the Mongol Khan: "Dont drive angry"
[21:55:56] Georgia: :S
[21:55:58] Georgia: :@?
[21:56:08] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Wheres the camera? I want them to get my good side
[21:56:17] Verminator the Mongol Khan: 8-) right here
[21:56:18] Verminator the Mongol Khan: oh ya
[21:57:30] Georgia: (wave)
[21:58:17] Verminator the Mongol Khan: huh
[21:58:28] Georgia: Georgia shrugs.
[21:58:30] Georgia: (wave)
[21:58:48] Verminator the Mongol Khan: uhm
[21:58:53] Verminator the Mongol Khan: i added another episode
[21:58:58] Verminator the Mongol Khan: If thats alright
[21:59:03] Georgia: (nod)
[21:59:30] Verminator the Mongol Khan: OH ya
[21:59:34] Verminator the Mongol Khan: whos carmen btw?
[21:59:41] Georgia: Me. |-(
[21:59:45] Verminator the Mongol Khan: isnt she that LPI chik
[21:59:48] Verminator the Mongol Khan: huh
[21:59:48] Verminator the Mongol Khan: oh
[21:59:54] Georgia: |-(
[22:00:26] Verminator the Mongol Khan: That's quite intriguing.
[22:00:38] Georgia: (nod)
[22:00:38] Verminator the Mongol Khan: And puts me in an absolute awkward position.
[22:00:44] Georgia::P
[22:01:00] Georgia: (nod) ]:)
[22:01:02] Verminator the Mongol Khan: With boundaries so narrow the scrutinization of walls cannot be fullfilled.
[22:01:09] Georgia: :^)
[22:01:37] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Which is quite abnormic proposterously silly if you ask me...
[22:01:49] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Oh dear. The walls are closing in.
[22:01:49] Georgia: (nod)
[22:01:58] Georgia: On you - they are.
[22:01:59] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I feel a song coming on
[22:02:02] Georgia: (shake)
[22:02:08] Verminator the Mongol Khan: mhm...
[22:02:12] Verminator the Mongol Khan: (nod)
[22:02:35] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Hmmm Dum dee dum..
[22:02:48] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Walls... Closing in! oh no!
[22:02:53] Verminator the Mongol Khan: EEEEKKK!
[22:03:01] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Verminator the Mongol Khan is squished
[22:03:16] Georgia: ]:)
[color=yellow]DISCLAIMER: Carmen reserves the right to not continue.


I can haz skype - Death.RunningVerminator - 11-21-2009

Are you getting my good side? When's the next episode!?

[1:54:34 PM] Georgia:;#entry810006
[1:54:38 PM | Edited 1:54:40 PM] Georgia: Ah-hem.
[1:55:19 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: jus?
[1:55:33 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: oo oo!
[1:55:38 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: im a movie star!
[1:55:48 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: 8-)
[1:55:52 PM] Georgia: Just a good excuse to put up a big 'TO BE CONTINUED...' sign up on the forums. (rofl)
[1:56:11 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: like Marburg always says...
[1:56:16 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: "Dont drive angry"
[1:56:25 PM] Georgia: :S
[1:56:27 PM] Georgia: :@?
[1:56:36 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Wheres the camera? I want them to get my good side
[1:56:45 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: 8-) right here
[1:56:47 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: oh ya
[1:57:59 PM] Georgia: (wave)

I can haz skype - Carmen - 11-21-2009

[22:03:45] Verminator the Mongol Khan: (music) Ohhhhhh The mongol Kahhhnnnnnn he's baaaakkkk from the graaaaaveee. He seaaakkkssss his... REVENGGGGGA! (music)
[22:03:56] Verminator the Mongol Khan: (music) dum dum dum! (music)
[22:04:32] Verminator the Mongol Khan: (music) His armyyyyy of horse flinging pooooooop... is at hisssss... DISPOSAAAAAALLLLL (music)
[22:04:44] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Get my good side!
[22:04:52] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Verminator the Mongol Khan turns to camera
[22:04:56] Verminator the Mongol Khan: 8-)

I can haz skype - Death.RunningVerminator - 11-21-2009

[2:06:49 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Alright im bored
[2:06:50 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: cya

I can haz skype - lw'nafh - 11-22-2009

[9:39:36 AM] Christopher (Rouge): ZE BUMPA CAR!
[9:39:53 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Onoez.
[9:40:47 AM] Christopher (Rouge): Joo haz been concripted.... report to Incindre for your suicide missions and Jacky for more suicide missions
[9:40:51 AM] Christopher (Rouge): NOE MARCH!
[9:40:57 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): NEIN!
[9:41:00 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): GO DIE IN A HOLE!
[9:41:12 AM] Christopher (Rouge): Joo will first MUHAHA
[9:41:18 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Yay.
[9:41:25 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: POWER WORD AARD!
[9:41:43 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: No stereotyped Australians in here plox.
[9:41:46 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Huh, you like penis?
[9:41:48 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: It's friggin' derogatory.
[9:42:00 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Hey mate, wanna' come 'ave sum 'roo burgahs?
[9:42:19 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: Don't make me go all Witcher style on yo' ass.
[9:42:23 AM] Christopher (Rouge): most people in erre are aussies fool
[9:42:25 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): >_>
[9:42:39 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: I don't think his fighting style takes into account that body parts tend to fall off when you hack at them.
[9:42:50 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Hahah.
[9:42:51 AM] Christopher (Rouge): ay
[9:42:55 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: So it leaves a bloody great mess of chunks of flesh. Independent of the rest of the body.
[9:43:07 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: I don't think I've been eating enough on the weekends :/
[9:43:12 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: But there's liek nothing to eat.
[9:43:16 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: And it's so hot I can't be bothered.
[9:43:29 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Heheh.
[9:43:32 AM | Edited 9:43:36 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Sydney?
[9:51:18 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Ugh... Supposed to be 39 in Sydney today.
[9:51:27 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Means it'll hit the 40's here.
[10:21:50 AM] Reverend JacquiSG: Witcher crashed -.-
[10:22:46 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Hah.
[10:49:18 AM] Incindre: I'm dishin out suicide missions! Anyone interested?
[10:49:39 AM] Incindre: D= Kanga the Ignorant is here!
[10:50:02 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): ONOEZ
[10:50:09 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I'z in ur chat, ruining ur lulz.
[10:50:19 AM] Christopher (Rouge): Noe...
[10:50:23 AM] Christopher (Rouge): you bring lulz
[10:50:36 AM] Christopher (Rouge): make Snake skin boots outa dis fellow incindre
[10:50:47 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I'z in ur chat. Being lulz.
[10:54:07 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I'z in ur house, stealing ur electricity.
[10:54:28 AM] Christopher (Rouge): I'z in ur house..... Killing you with my electricity
[10:54:42 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I'z in ur room, fapping ovah u.
[10:54:50 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I'z in ur room, killing u wiv a pillo.
[10:55:01 AM] Christopher (Rouge): I'z in my room.... activating mah flame thrower.
[10:55:24 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I'z in ur room, covering ur face wiv plastic bag.
[10:55:53 AM] Christopher (Rouge): I'z in ur gelexy..... firin mah sun crusher
[10:56:14 AM] Incindre: I would fix your spelling Rouge, but I can't
[10:56:15 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): I'z in ur homeworld, blowing eet up wiv a starkillah.
[10:56:29 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): [10:56 AM] Incindre: I would fix your spelling Rouge, but I can't

<<< 'cuz you fail?:P
[10:56:45 AM] Christopher (Rouge): coz i is host
[10:56:46 AM | Edited by Christopher (Rouge), 10:56:58 AM] Incindre: 'cuz I like you Kenga
[10:56:49 AM] Christopher (Rouge): and i dun wanna spell righ!
[10:56:56 AM] Ben (Kanga the Ignorant): Ecks dee.
[10:57:07 AM] Christopher (Rouge): RAWR!