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The Green Hell Beergarden - Kontrazec (Somni) - 12-17-2010

*Jonah's eyes suddenly widened with surprise.

"Ya...ya will? Really? Dat... dat be amazing!I got someting' ta' do before me show ya,so ya free ta' follo' me,or stay 'ere.I be back in da evenin',me tinkin'."

He stands up,and looks back at her.

"Thank ya for da trust,girl."

He gives her an iceberg-melting smile and turns away,then walks out of the bar.*

The Green Hell Beergarden - Coldzero - 12-17-2010

Hikari walks in after resting and goes to her seat back in her corner. Shes calm and relaxed, yet hardly takes not of the surrounding people...she feels and emptiness inside her of wanting to belong..she misses her childhood friends and wishes she could see them more...but unfortunately, things never do work out exactly as planned.

There are always flaws, always unexpected evens that turn the tides and throw things off course...

After a while, she starts looking around at the people in the bar, making out what they say but not really understanding what they mean. She gets up and makes her way to the bar and takes a seat there. She remembers a time that was important to her, celebrating her eighteenth birthday with her best and closest friends: Aaron and Mason.

She signals to the bartender then asks for any wine or rum then she leans on one hand staring into space, but in with a sad expression on her face.

The bartender hands a glass of rum to her, the last in stock, and she thanks him...she stares at the glass for a few minutes...still remembering the past. Afterwards, she lifts the glass and takes a small mouthful of the rum then puts it down.

The Green Hell Beergarden - DeathsOverture - 12-17-2010

' Wrote:So, I think we came to a agreement then...

*Eriksson clears his throat*

1. Nature’s Last Hope and the Order agree on cooperation in resolving diplomatic issues in Omegas, Taus and Bretonia and to help each other when a certain diplomatic channel is needed.
2. Nature’s Last Hope will receive theoretical information and practical trainings to be able to protect themselves or assist in fight against Slomon K’Hara as known as Nomads.
3. Nature’s Last Hope will provide the Order with information on K’Hara activity in Bretonia and report any encounter with K’Hara or any related group or person.
4. The Order will provide technical specialists to add significant updates on Nature’s Last Hope’s vessels including high-end scanner technology and protection systems.
5. The Order shall send some information and intelligence specialists to help the Nature’s Last Hope to fight on the informational front.
6. Once Banger Grim finishes his "organic weed" The Order shall help distribute it amongst it's allies.
7. Nature’s Last Hope will grant The Order access codes to all their installations except the security grid in Lewis system and Glendale base. The Order will grant Nature’s Last Hope access codes to Order facilities except the security grid in Omicron-100 and the installations located there.

Also, I took the liberty of uploading it to your datapad , Gregory, so you can easily edit it if you wish.

' Wrote:[i]Druce, after a long moment of going through the lines, silently brainstorming, his almost complete motionlessnes interrupted only by brief sips from his mead, looks into Eriksson's eyes for a second, then closes them and nods his head in agreement. Then he turns his head to Gregory and awaits his reaction.

Gregory reads each article carefully.

"The first three articles are satisfactory... and I would say the fourth as well. The fifth... unless they volunteer, I wouldn't want your top espionage agents to be assigned to Islay for the rest of their lives, far away from their families in the deep Omicrons." Eriksson seems a bit surprised by Gregory's remarks, and Gregory takes notice, "I'm not completely devoid of human compassion. At least not yet." They share a chuckle.

"Maybe in five to ten years, after working closely with your well-trained agents, we will have a significant enough intelligence force to send your men home."

"I'm glad we have an agreement on the sixth condition. Banger's organic weed could bankrupt the synthetic weed dealers. Those filth deserve nothing better."

"The seventh article, I'm in full agreement with. We will likely hold out on actually visiting the deep Omicrons until we've had some training on how to deal with the nomads."

"Okay, if there are no issues, I think we can go ahead and sign. Of course it would override our previous non-aggression pact."

The Green Hell Beergarden - sadtranslation - 12-17-2010

Finally. "Well, it wasn't that bad", - Sequoia thought and smiled, - "Everything is changing, but who cares - we'll all be that same good old ones". Surprised with so profound thoughts she bended forward to Druce brushin her cheek against his cheek and whispered, - "So, I suppose we will have party and afterparty soon, right?"


From her seat in the far part of the cavern with an Opera House of Sydney made of glasses on her table, calm with a melancholic look at her face, Sequoia flaccidly half-lying on a kind of tiny sofa barefooted watched Hikari sitting at the bar and sipping a drink. When Jonah left, the bartender used the right moment to pass Sequoia a glass of something she tossed off and the repeat her request several times until Sequoia finally returned to her equilibrium state of mind.

Hikari hardly looked too cheerful, obviously sitting and thinking of her own. Sequoia was approximately the same, missing the point of sitting in Hell today, but she hardly had the will to try something different at that certain second.

The Green Hell Beergarden - ErikssonJeny - 12-17-2010

*signs the treaty*

I'm glad we came to a agreement. I propose a toast to our new found friends & allies! *cough* And possible husbands. *stares at Sequoia*

Well, Mrs.Hart I believe a party will be in order, does Mr.Grim have a special location for this feast?

The Green Hell Beergarden - DeathsOverture - 12-17-2010

Gregory also takes the stylus and signs the document.

"A party? Spectacular idea."

The Green Hell Beergarden - etiainen - 12-17-2010

Druce leans over to the stylus and signs himself on the designated line below Gregory's signature, then sits back as Sequoia jumps near him into an immediate vicinity.

"I'd love ta join ya, but I'm afraid I still have some business ta do. I may come a tad later, dinnae worry. It was a pleasure, fellas, lookin' forward ta th' mutual future!", he salutes to the gentlemen and the lady and he walks off.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Vizzini - 12-17-2010

"Ok than, once again pleasure meeting you" Will seats back, looks at his drink and mumbles "Its just me and zoners" Takes a sip of the drink "Yup, still tastes good" Will looks around him, scanning the bar with his view, looks back at his glass and takes another sip, sets the glass on the table and starts staring at it, thinking.

The Green Hell Beergarden - The Banger Grim - 12-18-2010

[Image: BangerIDPic2.jpg]
ID: The Banger Grim

Matthew wakes up in his seat with a yawn. His beer warm, flat and half touched.

He makes a mental note of how much time might have passed...the meeting seems to be over.


Banger logs that this most recent test batch of organic synthweed is a little off as well. The sedative affect is far too stealthy and strong.

"Test crop 66 will be the golden ring. Well, hopefully anyway"

He deactivates his neural-net and stands to stretch.

From the restaurant patio that overlooks the bank of the Erinloch Reservoir, he catches a glimpse of the narrow, boarded-up former residence of his nephew, a decent & good arms' stone throw away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he catches a shadow move on the porch. He jerks his head and glares directly at it.

The shadow rises from its seat & glares back.


Banger Hops the short iron half-fence that separates the restaurant patio from the lochside walkway & briskly stalks towards the shadow as it mirrors his approach & the two forms close the distance between one another.

Damien McEwan's warm and welcoming smile and outstretched greeting hand was met with Banger's fist doing its thing across the younger man's jaw, slamming Dimi to the ground and filling his mouth with blood.

"WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD YOU SELFISH PIG^#@%ER!!!" snarled the enraged uncle from above him.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 12-18-2010

[Image: DimiID2011.png]
ID: Damien McEwan
The shock of pain sent Dimi off his feet like a ton of bricks.

'Yep. It feels like home alright' he thinks to himself with a grin as he lifts his head and spits blood onto the grass.

"Get your ass on your feet!" barked the older man, his hand extended in an offer to help the kid back up.

Marburg takes it & the old man embraces the breath out of him.

"Welcome back you little $#%!" he says with a genuine smile. "Where the hell have you been all this time?"

The two men take a seat on the grass where they stood & Damien keeps his cards close to the chest and only tells of his day up to now. (#10-14)