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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 03-15-2011

COMM ID: Provost Marshal Col. Vicenta Gonzalez
LOCATION: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 System

[Image: vickiecomm.jpg]

Attention, people of the Coalition.

I do not know where these baseless rumours that I have fled the system to join the rebels have come from, but they are undoubtedly the work of those seeking to undermine me and the Volkhan.

I remain steadfastly loyal to the Coalition and to the Red Dawn, and any insinuations to the contrary are the lies of traitors and filth.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blighter - 03-15-2011

[Image: 2v8iste.gif]

Rec: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
Sdr: Lieutenant Alissa Kalinin
Sub: I'm going.

[color=#FF9944]Rhade, I'm tired.

I've been tired when this whole thing started already. And when the call came to relocate I've hesitated, so I'm at Trafalgar now. I'm not going to join up with the rest. It's not my place to be there, and this isn't my war.

You know, I've heard some of the messages, the speeches. I've heard Razin's words. "Keep together, and don't loose sight of our goals." he said. I've been asking myself what those goals are, comparing them to what they were. And I've been remembering the Volkhan's words and just how true they were.

Regardless of what the Volkhan did, I'm unable to just blindly follow and dismiss it all as untrue, and unable to just do as said when all I can see of our "goals" right now encompasses more slaughter and bloodshed among our own. It's not what I ever signed up for, not what I wanted, expected, even dreamed of.

And I still only managed to catch a glimpse here and there of what's going on, between me spending hours trying to find rest and working on machinery in the last days... weeks. I don't know where this is all going to be honest. And I know it's going to be disappointing to hear, but, I don't really care that much at this point, because I know it's going where I don't really want it to go.

So that's about it. I'm going, getting out of here. I'll see about finding a safe refuge somewhere for the time being, until the storm's over maybe and yeah, I'll be there if needed, just don't count on me taking up arms against our own again.

Before I forget, about two weeks ago when we were still aboard Toronto, before we got kicked out, that one day you got, y'know, upset and walked off, one of Volkhan's men approached me afterwards. I don't know who he was, just know what he said and did, and what he offered. You can figure out what I'm talking about. I'll hold onto it for now until you need it, and then just holler I guess.

And no, the thought of... well using it, it's not crossed my mind. Would be just as wrong as shooting our own.

Anyway, I'll get going. Good luck.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-15-2011

Incoming Transmission
Scout Squadron
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela
[Image: scout7.png]
[font=System]Those.... Those... ARGH I have no words to explain myself.

Today I was in Omega-50, ya know, doin' my stuff and then out of nowere some rebel dude pops.

He was all like "Come here lil' kid, I'll give you candy!"

And I was all like "CANDY? WHERE?"

I mean.... DUDE. FREE. CANDY.

Then, when I got there, he started to shoot me! What a moron! I hope he dies real soon! He's name was Alla or something, what a freak!

Good thing I pressed a wrong button and the ship dived in the planet, I was all like "WHOOOOOSH WHOOOOSH" When I finally got to ground I pulled my sweet gun and managed to get a computer, I sended a message to some other Volkhan followers and there I was, back to my mommy.

Guess that's all.

[font=System]Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ryummel - 03-16-2011

>>Incoming transmission.
[Image: 5xq1zd.png]
Junior Lt. Sergei Lazarev
>>Target: Rebel forces report terminal
>>Subject: Successful strike against Volkhan forces in Omega-50
My Insurgent undocked from Holmfirth Base at the designated hour and joined a communications channel with Lt. Colonel Alesky. I was ordered to move the ship to Lanzarote Base in Omega 49 so I took the shorter –yet more dangerous- route through Newcastle, Chester and Dublin systems. No hostile encounters.
Side note: Some IMG members based on the Hood showed certain repulse when they spotted me. Apparently, Volkhan forces have been launching attacks into Dublin and these IMG pilots were among their targets. It wasn’t hard to convince them I was in the ‘other side of the fence’.
Once I reached Lanzarote, Lt. Colonel Alesky reported a Loyalist patrol in Omega 50 so I refueled and moved there. I spotted two vessels bearing the Coalition’s transponders at 9K from the jumphole. They immediately approached me asking for my allegiance. As soon as I mentioned “Katz”, they were confirmed to be the Loyalist patrol reported.
The first of the ships was an Insurgent ship under the callsign of “SCRA|Alexei.Stukov”: Standard Coalition’s loadout, AK-2’s, SVD-2’s and the bad habit of pulling the trigger of the nuke launcher like a madman. He swore he’d kill me and we began to fight, but as mentioned, his nuke launcher did the job. Threat level: Medium.
The second pilot, whose ship’s callsign was “SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela”, was flying an Odin again with the standard Coalition’s loadout. This individual seemed to behave in a very childish way. Or suicidal behavior, rather. Ear plugs and a good aim were enough for Alesky to make this kid to detonate his own ship near Planet Tarrafal orbit. Threat level: Medium.
After this, we reported to Wexler about our victory and returned safely back to Lanzarote base.
Side notes: 1) There was a comms signal coming from a member of the Reapers of Sirius. Alesky had a brief chat with this individual over the system channel. No visual contact made.
2) I came across a Reaver (Callsign “Silver”) near Planet Gran Canaria orbit. The pilot didn’t show any hostility towards me nor followed me. Perhaps we –should not- worry -at all- about these people.
That would be all, Lazarev signing off.
[font=agency fb][color=#FF6666]/*Attached files:[Image:][Image:][Image:]
[font=agency fb][color=#FF6666]End of transmission...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blighter - 03-16-2011

[Image: 30lyuyg.gif]

Dest: High Command
Iden: Viktor Zdroga, Lieutenant, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Fighter Corps, Straw Dogs
Subj: Patrol Report

[color=#CCCCCC]On 1430 hours I drafted Lieutenant Tazingo, Junior Lieutenant Lang and the Scouts Myagotin and Petrov for patrol duty of the Omega-50 system. Two contacts had been reported in the area, designations [UF]-Nate and [UF]-Jarvan. As we made way into 50 I requested them to state their business and affiliation, but received no response. Pondering what kind of people those two might be, Lang remarked that they plain and simply were "utterly f'd up". Given the outlook at this time, that was certainly fitting, as after numerous tries to get a response out of them I designated them as hostile.

According to protocol, our flight did a routine sweep of the system, and after a short while we found them in the vicinity of the Omega-49 jumphole. Judging by the conversation that followed afterwards they hadn't known that I had been talking to them, which I thought a shabby excuse at first. However upon closer inspection both vessels appeared to have Civilian transponders, identifying them as such. After a more friendly reminder of Omega-50 being Coalition space - and not Zoner and Corsair space, as they believed - and that they should, in the future, not keep our men waiting by being silent and state their business right off the bat, we let them continue their journey to Omega-49.

At this point we encountered two Freelancers emerging from the aforementioned jumphole, designations "FL|Nick.Manheim" and "FL|Vladimir.Manheim". After making clear that they were treading in Coalition territory the conversation revealed that, according to them, they wanted to "get out of here". Considering that all the words they spouted made not much sense together with them being in Omega-50, I decided to play it safe.

Well, not safe for them. I ordered them exterminated, and our men promptly complied, Junior Lieutenant Lang and Scout Petrov vaporizing Nick's ship on the spot. We then proceeded to Omega-49, giving chase to the other Freelancer, Vladimir Manheim.

Upon a closer look I realized he didn't pose a significant threat and I let the Scouts handle him. They did so rather well and earned themselves their first pat on the back, so to speak.

After that I surveyed the long range scanners and decided, with no further contacts inside 50 or in its immediate vicinity, that I would give the Scouts another taste of real warfare. Unfortunately at this time Junior Lieutenant Lang was being recalled to Gorodok. To be honest, his recent promotion went unnoticed by him and he had to report for immediate reassignment, as he is no longer part of the Militsya fleet. As this was my first experience flying alongside Lang, what little impression I gathered of him tells me that he most likely deserved the promotion, as he had acted professionally throughout the entire patrol.

To continue, with no contacts in the area I chose to proceed to Dublin. Given the recent Rebel activity and the rather target-rich environment it was a good way to both extend our patrol and introduce the Scouts to some more "entertaining" bits of space.

As we arrived in Dublin we barely managed to power up our cruise engines before Lieutenant Tazingo reported a hostile contact. Identified as "Maximus", it was an Outcast Tridente-class Gunship.

I designated it a priority target and we immediately set course for its location. I asked the Scouts if they had ever faced Gunships before, and much to my liking they responded that they had not. I ordered the Outcast's destruction, and I have to note here that regardless of the Scouts' lack of "verbal discipline" and combat experience, they actually performed rather admirably against the threat.

However the other locals, especially the stray IMG pilots flying around the area, did not take kindly to our presence, some of them not hesitating to open fire on us. They posed no threat however and we worked steadily on destroying the Gunship.

I personally think that it is rather hilarious that the apparent lead pilot of the IMG present, a particular "John.Bartlett", commented on us going to "backstab" them after I said he should be thankful for us exterminating the Outcast pest for him, seeing as what he did was no different afterall.

Regardless of that, once the Gunship was taken care of we proceeded to work on the other hostiles. I have to note here that, to my dismay, before we could complete the Gunship's metamorphosis into a fireball, it made for Arranmore and proceeded to do a crash-landing on the station just as its hull was reaching critical status. Unfortunately a few moments after Myagotin's ships suffered from a lock-up in its control systems and his Loki ended up beng introduced to the plethora of gunfire coming from the nearby hostile Molly patrols.

At this point things began to heat up a little more, and I stressed that my comrades should utilize evasive tactics and focus on attacks of opportunity only - a necessity at the time, as a hostile Scylla-class Destroyer, designation "Bobby_Drake", had made its appearance on the battlefield.

I had expected Lieutenant Tazingo to comply easily, but I have to admit that seeing Scout Petrov do the same was a welcome surprise. With coordination we managed to avoid most incoming fire and to whittle down the hostile strikecraft in the area. The first to fall before our guns was the IMG pilot "Alice.Fox", apparently the winglady of the aforementioned John Bartlett. After finding the weakness in her flying we quickly exploited it and none other than Petrov landed the final blow.

The next minutes were filled with intense fighting, with the Scylla trying to snipe us in-between volleys of suppressive fire, which made maneuvering difficult, considering that we were fighting inside Arranmore's minefield.

But the next kill eventually came as I filled an Eagle, designation "IMG|Jack_Henderson[D]" with tachyon-charged antimatter and then blew up the Nuclear mine he had just dropped. With the remaining hostile strikecraft not presenting much of a threat, we decided to focus our fire on the Scylla. However we were lacking in our shield-busting capability and so were forced to switch targets while I called for support. Having to wait for our comrades to arrive we went back to swat another fly out of the sky, a Molly fighter, designation "Liam.O'.Hlomhair". The credit for the final blow goes to comrade Tazingo. In the middle of that all, we were also engaged by a hostile AI-controlled Cruiser, designation "Malkuth", but we were already used to dodging the firestorm from the Scylla so that additional capital ship's weaponry didn't pose that much of an issue.

We simply worked on the next hostile, "IMG|Captin_Sheridan[D]" while dodging the hail thrown at us, and just as his ship was slowly approaching critical status, reinforcements arrived in the shape of none other than Saracen, who promptly sealed Sheridan's fate.

With another Straw Dogs pilot on the way and about to arrive, namely Janissary, and even Hashishin to come after him, we switched our focus to the AI-Cruiser. Now that we had sufficient shield-busting capability we were able to whittle it down steadily and effortlessly.

Unfortunately just like the Tridente before, the ship made an emergency crash on Arranmore just seconds prior to its demise, but there still was the Scylla left.

We obviously ruined it and set it ablaze in the name of the Volkhan.

The area quickly cleared up during our combined assault on the capital ships, with, as expected, that spineless opportunist Bartlett having already vacated the area minutes ago. Personally I think that were we ever to get our hands on that gentleman, he would make a really fine SCUD, but that's for another time to discuss. It is also worth noting that a Civilian was present during the whole ordeal, and by what I have gathered, he seemed to have outright enjoyed our glorious display of might. A particular Molly, "Sean.Mac.Ateer" had also been watching the happenings, but for some reason he didn't help out his comrades despite requests made, refusing to land on Arranmore as well until the onslaught was over.

To finally conclude this report, with the area clear of hostile elements and us having successfully displayed the might of the Volkhan on the battlefield, I ordered my flight to return to Gorodok.

On a related note, I would like to commend Scout Petrov for both his flying during the whole Dublin engagement and for his discipline. Despite his young age and childish demeanor he followed all given orders to the letter and managed to outperform all expectations, not only bringing his Insurgent back to Gorodok in one piece, but also keeping the pressure on the enemy as much as possible at all times. Just as Lieutenant Tazingo, Petrov played a key role in this engagement, and while I don't want to jump the gun here I am confident that Petrov might grow to be more than just a fine addition to the Fighter Corps one day.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-16-2011

To: [color=#FFFFFF]Scouters
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Alvarez
Priority: HIGH
Subject: I killed a CROOSER!!!
[Image: Aljehandro-Alvarez.png]

---Communications Opened---


Oh my god... like OH - MY - GOD!!!

First my face + Cindy's nuke mine = ouch!

But, like, then Cruz and I go out into Omega-5, and spot, like, these three Corsair Cruisers!!!!! So totally big and badass... yeah, so we call them out, while Cruz ducks off to get some extra firesupport, I chase them with Scudder-3... like straight into Omega-7...

Then this Big Red Hessian Carrier shows up, and it's all like Blammo-Blam-blam... and I am dodging, while firing my missiles ... dooooooooooooooooooodes, I LUV missiles!!! but yeah, so the first Cruiser is all "Oh crap W.T. EFF...?" and blows up... Then the next one goes pop, like, right after it... and I am like
No way man, get outta my country... so I like go to school on this last cruiser...

and guess what?

That's right...

[Image: croooser.png]

I am


Alejhandro Alvarez
Scout XO

---Communications Terminated--

((image above is modified to fit with RP in the message dump, actual ship used was an Odin))

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-16-2011

Incoming Transmission
Scout Alvarez
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela
Subject: I'm soooooooooooo sorry

[Image: scout7.png]
[font=System]Oh geez, erm, yeah, erm, well, erm, sorry.

I guess your face just like mines...

Not really my fault. Keep your eyes on the prize, know what I mean? No, well, erm, well, yeah.

Anyways, my mom told me to make it up for it, so yeah, how about dinner?

I'll pick you up at 8 kay?

Now I'll go get spanked by my mom! Yay!

See you later bro!

Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blighter - 03-17-2011

[Image: 30lyuyg.gif]

Dest: The Scouts
Iden: Viktor Zdroga, Lieutenant, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Fighter Corps, Straw Dogs
Subj: Homework

[color=#CCCCCC]Privyet, my young comrades.

In light of recent events it has come to my attention that you all seem to be quite enjoying serving for the Volkhan out in space.

Now this has its good and bad sides, kids. I think each and every single one of you has experienced that it's...


To have your ship explode from right under your behind.

So, because it's totally uncool and bad and the like, you guys will have to do a little homework and learn some basics on weapon safety and orders.

1): When I'm firing at Capital Ships, I will not, under any circumstances, "spam" Nuclear Mines, Missiles, or any kinds of Fighter-Torpedos at them when my friends in their fighters are engaging the Capital Ships as well.

1a): Unless if I'm a SCUD, but SCUDs are super-mega-uncool and we aren't SCUDs.

2): When I'm in the middle of a fight and my superior officer - the grumpy guy who keeps shouting orders at me - tells me to stay on my target and stick to my job, then I will not question it and keep calling Cinderella a girl or sling insults at my enemies - those are the grumpy guys who keep shouting AND shooting at me - but instead I will do as told, or else Mendel Junior's dad will take away all my cookies and gummy-bears.

3): When I'm told to dodge like mad, or run like hell, then I will do it as hard as I would if General Eichel was after me, wanting to spank me with a sledgehammer.

4): If my name is Cinderella, I will not ask Lieutenant Zdroga to spank me. That's just bad. And weird. And all kinds of wrong.

Now kids, I know you're all already not liking the thought of homework, but, if you all learn those basic guidelines, I promise that we will have a huge party on Gorodok's main hangar deck. We might even get a Pinata-lookalike of Mendel Junior's dad. Or of General Eichel. And you'll get to make it pop and keep all the candy inside.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 03-17-2011

Incoming Transmission
Viktor Zdroga
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Cinderela
Subject: Spanky
[Image: scout7.png]

We'll follow orders, but you know, we like to get punished aswell sometimes.

No worries, my mom did all the hard work for you.

I hope you didn't have a nice day. You candy stealer. I think we speak for all of us, that we like Candy. Got it?

That's all. Keep walking.

[color=#33FFFF]Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blighter - 03-17-2011

[Image: 30lyuyg.gif]

Dest: The Scouts, especially Cinderella
Iden: Viktor Zdroga, Lieutenant, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army Fighter Corps, Straw Dogs
Subj: Candy

[color=#CCCCCC]Cindy, while I understand your... desire to get "punished sometimes" it is not exactly appropriate to ask an officer of the Army's Fighter Corps to spank you, so I highly recommend you keep things like that between yourself and your parents or else I'm simply going to get the logs, print out the necessary details, and then plaster the prints all over everywhere in your school. And you wouldn't want that, right?

Now do your homework before I'll have all your gummy-bears and candy given to Petrov and Alvarez.

Then again I could just tell your mother to ground you for a week, but that would be too cruel and I ain't the bad boo-man, da?

Keep walking.