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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tomtomrawr - 03-20-2011


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#FF0000]Extremely High
ENCRYPTION: Extremely High
IDENTIFICATION: Junior-Lieutenant Katya Petrenko
SOURCE: Dom Hyraka


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-20-2011

To: [color=#FFFFFF]Scouters
Comm. ID: SCRA|SCOUT-Alvarez
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Pwned them!!!
[Image: Aljehandro-Alvarez.png]

---Communications Opened---


For, like, being totally epic, and gettin' in their heads, man, in their heads! Cruz... you have so earned a reward. They say that fear is the mind-killer... but we know that you are the Mind-killer around here!

So I am awarding you the merit badge in PSI-OPS.

[Image: MA-merit.png]

Wear it with pride, bestie!

Alejhandro Alvarez
Scout XO

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 03-20-2011

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCOUT-Alvarez
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Thanks man! Awesome!
[Image: scout6.png]

---Communications Opened---

Alvarez, you already know you're awesome. I'm going to tell you you're awesome again because that's totally my style. Getting into people's heads, making them happy with my positive words. Making them angry with my negative words. Making them laugh by whipping my hair back and forth.

Man, I'm welling up, this is so not cool.... *cry*

Thomas Cruz
Scout Enforcer

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - The Saracen - 03-21-2011


Great Volkhan,

Several Colonial Remnant pilots were identified in the Omega-5 system out of all places. How they got there and why they were in that system to begin with remains unknown to me. All I know for certain is that they have sided with the traitorous Rebels whom blindly follow their false leader Premier Katz.

I was offered a duel against one of the Colonial pilots who proved to be a fierce duellist, fortunately I received backup from three Straw Dog Operatives; Cataphract, Mangudai and Hashishin as well as a loyalist pilot from the Fighter Corps called Sayoko Kato. With our combined forces we managed to take care of the majority of the opposing force. However, two of them managed to successfully retreat and the last one, Lt. Cheese decided to duel Mangudai (at his personal request).

Lt. Cheese proved to be a rather skilled pilot and I was eventually forced to assist Mangudai in taking the pilot down. Straw Dogs isn't about honour or winning reputation, it's about forwarding the might of the Volkhan and I will not let anything jeopardize that. And rightfully so it was forwarded.

It is recommended that we keep a closer eye on the Omega-5 sector should further Colonial Activity be spotted, I also recommend sending a squadron of our SCOUT-units to deal with them, it will prepare them for future battles... should any of them survive.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 03-26-2011

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: Transmission received ::
:: To: Rebel forces ::
:: ID: Junior Lieutenant Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Subject: Patrol ::
:: Opening Message ::
Privet comrades!

Today I was patrolling the Omega-50, Dublin and Omega-49 systems. I entered Omega-50. There were no contacts at all near the anomaly. Honestly I was surprised. I ventured forth in the system, checked the Zoner installations. I have met a man there who probably was a Zoner. I asked him about if there were any Volkhanists around. He told me that I was the only SCRA who has seen today and he was about to ignite his cruise engines. I told him that I mean no harm. He calmed down and we started discussing about the difference between the Rebels and the Loyalists. He seemed quite intelligent and he understood everything I told him about us. After like 10 minutes of useless chatter I told him that I have to leave and patrol elsewhere so we said farewell to each other. I departed towards Dublin system through Omega-49.

Omega-49. The system was clear so far. A few corsairs appeared. They had gunboats. Firstly they wanted to shoot me because my affilation. I told them that wiping the corsairs out is not our primary goal, but if they attack I will defend myself. After a few short sentences they decided to continue their route to Dublin. They said they are going to pirate people and shoot them if they resist. I just shrugged. I don't really care about them until they are here to cause trouble. I followed them to the Dublin system.

Dublin. It has changed a lot. Busy miners were flying around near the mining zones. Strangely I haven't seen any transport ships. Maybe because the two Imperator class gunboats. They have got an individual signal that makes them quite easy to spot so the transport must have fled because of them. I met a miner there who seemed smart at the first time, but after he called me a pirate... I changed my opinion about him. Gave him a short lesson about the Coalition and I returned to the base.

To sum it up, it was a long and tiring day. At least I met some new people.

See you in space, comrades!

Stroganov out.

:: Saving message to the Archive ::
:: Closing Message ::
:: End of Transmission ::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 03-26-2011

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: Transmission received ::
:: To: Rebel forces ::
:: ID: Junior Lieutenant Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Subject: Patrol ::
:: Opening Message ::

Privet comrades!

In the morning I was patrolling the Dublin, New London and Cambridge systems, as ordered. I launched from the base and headed to Dublin. On the way to the anomaly I had no enemy contacts. It seemed clear. I jumped to the Dublin system. As soon as the anomaly dropped me out my sensors received red contacts. A few Mollys were harassing a miner in the so-called Arranmore field. Obviously they noticed me and made me stop. I started discussing with them about the local atmosphere and the miners. I got to know that they don't like the Gaians nowadays. They accused them of siding with... other beings. I found that interesting so I asked more but they did not give me more answers. They started chatting about the miners. They told me that their field yields the hugest amount of gold ore and the non-molly miners are lurking into the fields lately. I've noticed a gunboat patrol so I decided to move along. I've headed for the New London anomaly.

As soon as I reached the jumphole, I flew through it and I found myself in the New London system. I've checked my long range scanner and I only noticed a Bounty Hunter Guild member. I decided to investigate what is he up to but I did not manage to find him in the large New London system. I checked the installations in the system and found nothing interesting. I took the shortest way to the jumpgate, checked the Gate's vicinity and proceeded to the Cambridge system.

The system was quite crowded. When I entered the system I checked my long range. Noticed two possible convoys heading to New London so I moved away in order not to be detected. Luckily I ran into a BPA officer so I had company for a few minutes. He decided to tail me and investigate my objectives. I told him that I'm just patrolling. He ordered me to leave the system. I claimed that I won't leave until I complete my objective. He asked me if he could keep an eye on me until I lurk around in the system. I answered positively because I don't care about him until he does some things to my ship that would damage the hull. I finished my patrol and returned to the base.

That's all for now, comrades.

For Katz!

:: Saving message to the Archive ::
:: Closing Message ::
:: End of Transmission ::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Chucc - 03-26-2011

***Incoming Transmission***
Location: ***Encrypted***
COMM ID: SCRA- Rand Y'Bastahd
Clearance: ***Encrypted***

Greetings... I see that what was once a great revolution is dwindling into a mass of choatic petty rivalries and assimilation under some foreign force. I must say that I am glad that the TRUE Chancellor gave me the clearance and means to advance my own projects in the case of such an event. Granted, I'm sure most of you are running algorithms to try to track down who I am. There are recordds of me, I will not hide them from you. They will offer you a small glimpse but never tell you enough to find me. I am literally invisble. That is my crowning acomplishment in the name of the Revolution. I have managed to make One working cloaking mechanism with the help of some friends, based off of the captured Order technology the Nomads use in their own ships. I have no intentions of sharing this knowledge with your lot. Nor to even make more. I am sufficient with my personal living settings, and security. I am here to ask for a couple simple things.

1. As much as you all wish you could secure this channel, I have opened it to receive transmissions again from all that have previously had access, including a list that you all consider to be dead.
Any that are still loyal to the Revolution, not the petty arguements, please contact me thru this channel. I am monitoring it almost constantly.

2. For each of the current sides of this bickering, would the leaders please identify themselves so that I may entreat with you, as I have no desire to become embroilled into the debaucle, yet have some pressing issues I'd like to discuss, concerning the future of the Revolution.

3. To you, young fella trying to trace my signal. Does it freak you out that it says its coming from inside the Station? No, Now it shows as it is originating from YOUR machine itself. Why, Officer.... ARREST THIS MAN! He is sending it to us as he reads it.

HA HA HA I look forward to prompt responses, or I may have to forget that you people even exist and keep my intel and data to myself. Nobody would benefit from that but me.

Until then,


[b]***Transmission Ends***
***Signal Multiplies, covering every frequency currently being scanned.***
***Signal Lost***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 03-26-2011

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets (on both sides), Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

There has never been, nor will there ever be any officers in the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army by the name of Rand Y'Bastahd.

Any record of this individual is denied, there is no evidence in any of our databases to their existence. No domiciles maintained, nor family to support claims to the contrary.

Any such information remaining is an obvious forgery perpetrated by our enemies.

Any that say otherwise may find themselves under investigation for High Treason against the state.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 03-26-2011

[Image: Volkhan.png]

Straw Dogs,

Omega-5 belongs, rightfully, to the Red Hessian Army, and to us. These Colonial rejects seek to intrude where they neither belong, nor have a right to be. They seek to sup at our table, stealing the best bread and meat, leaving the true people with nothing but scraps.

This will not be tolerated, drive them out. Call upon the Red Hessians to act, and wash Omega-5 in Colonial Blood... Inform the Corsairs as well, I am sure they will be only too happy to see Colonial blood drenching the asteroids, rather than stomach these infidels stomping around the inner halls of Cadiz.

Though they do tolerate those yellow rats from Kusari.

Destroy them, utterly and without mercy,


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Yuveraj Khan - 03-26-2011

To: [color=#FFFFFF]The Ikon of Ikons
Comm. ID: Commissar Leon Mendel
Priority: HIGH
[Image: mendal.png]

---Communications Opened---

My Ikon, honoured members of the TRIAD, Leaders of the Coalition,

I have received some troubling news from Sevastapol depot, and I assure you that the orange outfitted harbinger's of doom have all been made to suffer a rather ill fate at the hands of one very annoyed Provost Marshal...

I digress.

Our fuel supplies are approaching critical.

Our consumption far exceeds our capacity to refine and process hFuel from Tiblisi, and considering the substantial defense patrols in and around Omega-52... we may have to consider drastic cuts in our combat operations... or secure a secondary source of fuel to tide us over until repairs are made to Sevastapol Depot.

For now, I am afraid that I must suspend cruiser operations, and transfer the fuel reserves to the Battleship Karl Marx, to counter any possible incursion by the CPW-Havana, confirmed to have defected to the Rebellion.

Our conservative estimates, place us at about eight weeks until we are back to satisfactory production levels, and even with the cuts, we will run out of fuel for our capital class vessels inside of a week... with fighter operations suspended at another two weeks after that. That means for five weeks, we will be completely unable to function outside of Omega-52.

If we suspend all gunboat operations, and the Karl Marx's tanks are transferred to the fighter corps, we should be able to last six weeks, falling short of the eight weeks needed by two weeks.

It is vital that we secure 8000 units of Hfuel, to extend our operations by those last two weeks, otherwise we will be sitting ducks to the Corsair nations, the Bretonians... hell, even the Zoners.

Leon Mendel
Commissariat of Public Relations

---Communications Terminated--