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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-04-2011

[Image: 7014ngxian3.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Chun Ki Ling
Target: Junior Lieutenant Akim Ivanov
Location: The Boar's Inn, New London
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Suit up Junior Lt.

Let's get the pleasantries out the way. There's a war on and we have work to do. Ni hao, you will find me harsh but fair in all my dealings. Do your job well, serve the Coalition well, and you will have earned my trust. That is all I have to say on the matter.

Ling points at the tactical viewscreen. There is a sea of red dots in the Omega systems. In amongst it is the CPW-Havana.

Quite frankly, I dislike the fact that Alvarez has drawn all the Volkhan's forces on top of him. However, the bee's have attracted themselves to the honey pot and we've managed to do our jobs significantly unhindered.

Ling picks up an electronic pad and downloads co-ordinates and a flight plan.

I want you to find out exactly what the Volkhan has to ensnare the Havana. Your job is purely recon, find out the strength of his forces and see if there are any gaps in it. Consequently, I want you to plot an exit course accordingly. Once we've got the Havana safe - we'll be able to enact our end-game strategy.

For Katz!
Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Pacific - 04-04-2011

COMM ID: Alexei.Stukov
LOCATION: Zhukovski Station
TARGET ID: Coalition Assets
[Image: stukov.gif]

Dobri den comrades from the glorious Coalition. All Hail Volkhan. Today on my little patrol earlyer this morning I encountered nothing in our space of Omega-50 system so I decided to make a Little trip to bretonia.

I went to Dublin but nothing for the first time I see that system empty. Well seems the scums there killed each other,so I proceed to Leeds were I saw two Bretonian Armed Forces Ensigns shooting at each other.
Was fun to watch but they noticed me and stoped they even called a Some one named Piett. Really a odd guy. But They had Better things to do so I let em go.

On my way back I saw no wait I smelled rebel scums once I entered back the Omega-50 system. When do I see the Chinnese miss Chang and the Kusarian miss Kato having fun with the rebels.

Well I called the battle call and rushed in to combat. And for some reason they decided to shoot me. Ha those rebels seems they need to learn a thing or two from the Reapers. Yet again I provided time for my comrades to wipe the enemy while I keep majority of the enemy fire on me. And with all that fire on me I did not have the time to take gun cams.

We went out of there Victorious that is what matters . LONG LIVE VOLKHAN

Stukov out

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Akim - 04-06-2011

Junior Lieutenant Akim Ivanov
Major Ling

SUBJECT: About the recon mission

Major Ling,

As you ordered, I did the requested recon mission in the Omegas, comrade major. I was walking to my ship, when comrade Stroganov came to me with a premission to fly with me. I don't have the right to refuse, so we started our patrol in the area.We did this, without any unnecessary systems and weapons.

[Image: screen473.png]
[Image: screen475.png]
[Image: screen476.png]
As you can see in this tactical map, the loyalist activity is high in the marked sectors. We could detect at least 5 gunboat class vessels at the marked areas. We did the long rage scan from Boa Vista, then got out the system as soon as we could.
[Image: screen477.png]
[Image: screen478.png]

[Image: screen489.png]
In Omega-47, we could catch a transmission, definetly coalition. They were talking about their position, though the transmission was interfered with something. The four red dots arethe possible locations of the loyalist main forces in this area. Also, sector B4 could be a possible ambush point for the loyalists, be carefull there.
[Image: screen482.png]
[Image: screen490.png]
Loyalist forces have something big in sector D6. They usually do a patrol between Omega-5 and that.
I hope these information will help in our futher missions.

For Katz!

Ivanov out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ryummel - 04-06-2011

>>Incoming transmission.
[Image: 5xq1zd.png]
Captain Sergei Lazarev
>>Target: Lt. Colonel Alla Alesky
>>Subject: Colonial Remnant Emissary
Medium priority message, Lt. Colonel. I came across a Colonial Remnant pilot who was identified as 'Leutnant Quinn' near Lanzarote Base asking for your presence with the mere purpose of gathering information for the their colonel about our situation. The Remnant also asked about an estimation of the ending of their operations in Omega 5. That'd be all, Lt. Colonel.

<div align="right]Lazarev out.
[font=agency fb][color=#FF6666]End of transmission...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-06-2011

[Image: 7014ngxian3.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Chun Ki Ling
Target: Junior Lieutenant Akim Ivanov
Location: The Boar's Inn, New London
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: RTB.

Excellent work comrade, I am glad that you managed to penetrate the Volkhan's web with success.

Ling updates his tactical viewscreen. He pauses to allow himself time to think.

I will forward this information onto Alvarez and formulate an escape plan. By the looks of things, we will need to move within the next day or so. I will prepare the Xi'an and a wing of bombers.

He looks down at a roll of papers which contain combat reports, casualty lists, statistics, fuel consumption and many other topics he does not wish to read and sighs.

Return to our base of operations in Omega-49 Junior Lieutenant. Ensure that you are not followed.

For Katz!
Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Johnny_Walker - 04-08-2011

[Image: sovietunionussrgrungefl.jpg][Image: sovietunionussrgrungefl.jpg]
[Image: sovietunionussrgrungefl.jpg]


...::: Encryption Level: High :::...

...::: SOURCE: Omega 50 , Puerto Novo :::...

...::: TRANSMITTER ID: Junior Lieutenant Alec Mason :::...

[Image: 1118129-alec_mason_large-2.jpg]

Bonjour , 'Comrades'

This is my first Operational Report , I'll try to keep it brief and Objective.

In my patrols today , i found one of the Volkhans Pigs

[Image: chithcar.jpg]

When he realized , he was facing superior training and equipament .In a Foolish attempt to have hes proud and honor intact he committed suicide ! ha-ha

[Image: Selfkill.jpg]

Allmoust immediately this Freelancer Jumped in :

[Image: FLSCRAChat.jpg]

And he thought that the best course of action was to open fire on my 'Insurgent' , Resulting in hes Death .

[Image: AlecKill-1.jpg]

One i blewd up his ship into tiny pieces , hes loot got my attention , he appeared to be smuggling Code-named weapons.

[Image: Weapons.jpg]

I must turn in these weapons now , Please advise ;

This is it for the time being .



<div align="right][Image: sovietunionussrgrungefl.jpg]
[Image: sovietunionussrgrungefl.jpg][Image: sovietunionussrgrungefl.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lukas Wexler - 04-09-2011

[font=Cambria]MEDICAL NOTICE

[color=#FFFFFF]Lieutenant-Colonel Lukas Wexler has successfully recovered from the attack in Omega-50 and is fully capable both physically and mentally to assist the leadership of the rebellion. With this health status in mind, Major Ling is effectively put back to his previous field-commanding position and Wexler reinstated as the second-in-command of the SCRA Rebels.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sanjar Kazimi - 04-09-2011

[Image: SanjarKazimiCommID.png]
[font=Cambria]Rebellion Leadership,

By your command I'm ready to serve on-field bringing destruction and chaos to your enemies.

They will learn to fear the name of Sanjar Kazimi!

[color=#66BBEE]For the Coalition!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lukas Wexler - 04-11-2011

[Image: SinaScraTrans-1.png]
[font=Cambria]Today I have received the honour to promote several pilots for their dedication to the Rebellion Movement and for their contributions during Operation: Red Riot as well as skirmishes in the Omega-50 system.

[color=#FFFFFF]Joshua Jimenez
- It is safe to say that you have always responded to the call of duty whenever requested by superior command, for your dedication and service to the Rebels you are hereby promoted from the rank of Lieutenant to Senior-Lieutenant. With this new rank your responsibility within our organization grows ever stronger and you are expected to fulfil tasks with much more efficiency than before.

Valentina Koslova - It is for similar reasons you are also promoted with one additional side-note, your combat skills are rapidly improving making you a valuable asset in battles. Refine those hidden talents and make sure they develop you into a stronger pilot. You are hereby promoted to the rank of Senior-Lieutenant.

Aleksei Stroganov - A young recruit within the Rebels who was hand-picked by Lt. Colonel Alla Alesky, he has indeed done yet another brilliant choice and given us a promising pilot. For your solid dedication, continuing service and acting as an able pilot on-field, you are hereby promoted from the rank of Junior-Lieutenant to Lieutenant.

Do not make me regret my choices.

Wexler out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-11-2011

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition


[Image: Katzcommx.png]

The Dawn of a New Revolution will soon be at hand.

The Volkhan finds himself in his Twilight, and the shadows are growing about him.

Lt. Colonel Wexler, are my forces ready?

Lt. Colonel Allesky, are our allies ready?

Men, are you ready?

For the Dawn!

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса