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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-20-2011

[Image: majorlinginsurgent.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Chun Ki Ling
Target: Premier Alvin Katz and Commissar Leon Mendel
Location: Bruchsal Base, Frankfurt
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Dialogue with the GMG opened

[color=#FFFFFF]Comrade Premier and Commissar.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]I bring good news from the Frankfurt system.

[color=#FFFF00]Based on the information which Commissar Mendel provided, I sought out the GMG in order to start the process of rectifying the fuel situation.

As you may be aware, we have a secondary fuel operation in the New London system at the Boar's Inn station. That fuel, however, is no where near enough to sustain the entire Coalition fleet and fighter corps - even in their current depleted state.

I took my Insurgent fighter to the Frankfurt system and met with Nozai Ichimoto. He is a Board member of the GMG and has a say on their business deals and, importantly, he has the ear of their CEO.

They seem initially positive to our proposals and needs. I kept the information I provided to an absolute minimum and I feel so did he. This, in my opinion, bodes well for further meetings.

Details I did manage to gleen are as follows-
  • The war with Kusari means that the GMG has no clients within its borders. This has cut a market off to them.
  • The Kishiro company are not being allowed to export the GMG's H-Fuel into Liberty due to a current embargo.
  • The GMG are in desperate need of new clients to buy the surplus stock they currently have.
  • Relations between the GMG and Rheinland are still very frosty, this leaves only Bretonia as a viable long-term market however they are out of reach.
We could be the saviour to the GMG's needs, as much as they could be the saviour to ours. In effect, this will look like the perfect piece of business if we can pull this off.

What was suggested is that Premier Katz or Commissar Mendel makes contact with the CEO of the GMG to begin full negotiations.

In effect, we need each other. I am not a skilled diplomat so will yield to your superior negotiation techniques comrades.

[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 04-20-2011


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 04-21-2011

Comm ID: Lieutenant Colonel Alla Alesky
Location: Zhukovsky Station
Target: Ulrich Eichel

Encryption code input sucessful

Transmission Initiated...

I can only say it surprises me to see that you made it out of this mess alive. As you carefully put, whatever happens will be the choice of the Premier, Alvin Katz. I can only assume that you want a messenger, that being myself; very well.

I assume there is also no point in my asking why you don't go to the Premier yourself, otherwise you would not allow me to ask. While your brief acknowledgments are appreciated, they are as you know unnecessary. Regardless of your coming to me, I'm sure you are fully aware none of us will pass up the opportunity to apprehend the Volkhan; dead or alive it matters not.

As you undoubtedly know your request will most likely be granted, but I may return one of my own, remember that.

Lieutenant Colonel Alla Alesky

Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Doc Holliday - 04-21-2011

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Tombstone Estate, Planet Gran Canaria
To: Premier Katz

Kallisti, Alvin,

I've been reading the reports on the re-capture of your home system. It's good to know that a sense of normalcy has returned.
For those who require medical attention, I will fly Med.Force.One to Boa Vista.
Alvin, I'd like for you to report aboard at some point for a follow up.

And to all in the Coalition, thank you for giving the residents of Omega 50 and 49 some easier breathing room.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 04-22-2011

::Incoming Transmission::
::ID: Lieutenant Aleksei Stroganov::
::To: Premier Alvin Katz and Coalition forces::
::Subject: Battle Report::

Privet, comrades!

Dublin System

Today I requested orders from comrade Premier Alvin Katz. He ordered me to patrol the Dublin system in order to protect workers and sweep the enemy - the monarchists - out of Dublin. The Premier told me that to gather the others so I won't fly all alone. I found Akim Ivanov in the canteen and asked him to come. We went to our own quarters, changed clothes to pilot-uniforms and rushed to the landing bay. We took off and the whole thing started. We have flown through the Omegas and arrived. The Dublin system was silent and empty as usual. No traffic at all. Our long range scanners have detected a signal coming from an unknown place but we couldn't find it. We decided to move on. We entered the Leeds system.

[color=#FF0000] Leeds System

The reason why we entered the system was a short signal coming from there. A Bretonia Armed Forces snub-signal. We have scanned the whole system but we couldn't find anything. Just like in Dublin. It was very strange. Another signal came from the New London System.

New London System

New London. One of the most dangerous places in Bretonia. For us, I mean. Loads of battleships used to lurk around the stations and tradelanes. We had to be very careful so we turned the stealth-mode on. The signal which has been detected in Leeds was still in New London. It was moving towards an anomaly. We followed it to the jump hole but when we got there, it disappeared. We weren't sure about that whether he jumped or not but when he returned, we were. I opened a channel towards him, but instead of the usual coward "Please don't kill me" messages, I received a threatening. He wanted us to leave the system, but we did not comply because we would disobey the order then. And that would be our last action in our lives. So we decided to attack the lone fighter. After a few seconds, I noticed a very very usual and old tactic in his maneuvers so I placed a mine in front of him and moved. It worked. The ship disappeared in a reddish ball of fire. I think the escape pod worked properly on his ship, because we couldn't find him. I'm sure that he jumped to the Salisbury system. The name is known because we sent a probe into the system a few days ago. We have checked the probe's signals and it detected a small object coming out of the hole. That's why I think that he managed to escape and stay alive.

I have taken a guncam snapshot in order to prove my action:
Attachment 1

Ivanov's help was very useful in the fight. He managed to jam the scanner of the enemy ship and that has increased the chance of scanner failure. We think that this failure caused the explosion of the ship. He could not detect my mine on his scanner, so he ran right into it. He could have opened his eyes, though. I don't think that a BAF Ensign would be this careless. The fight was too short.

::End of Transmission::
::Message saved to the Archive::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 04-23-2011


[Image: Via.png]

Greetings, victorious rebels over the terrifying might of the Volkhan. I bet this looks bad; you seeing my face at a time such as this, yes? Well, let it be noted in the records that I was a sympathizer the entire time. Sure, a few fighters and gunboats burned, but that is necessary. A good spy keeps his cover.

I have been sending information to your forces for a quite a while, my dear friend Katz. But...I doubt you are staring at this message with the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you look upon a puppy.

What will keep you from pressing the "End communication" button is this:

I know where your friend the Volkhan is.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 04-24-2011

::Incoming Transmission::
::ID: Lieutenant Aleksei Stroganov::
::Subject: Strange report from a strange Zoner::
::To: Comrade Premier Alvin Katz and Coalition Forces::

Privet, Comrade Premier Katz!

I have something important to report. Yesterday I was in the canteen on Gorodok when I received a message from a Zoner ship. Her callsign was SlowCat. The being onboard claimed that it has seen 2 Outcast Ranseur class Dreadnoughts. I rushed to the docking bay and launched. However I did not believe the story at the first time because I've never seen Outcasts in the Omega-50 system yet. Corsairs used to lurk around there. I don't think that they would risk flying through the dangerous Corsair systems in order to have a fight before our sensor probes in O-50. When I arrived to Omega-49 the being sent me a Probecam-snapshot and it looked real. The ship managed to identify the callsign and the equipment of a Dreadnought but the second is not on the picture. I collected all the data from the Archive and forwarded to you, comrade Premier Katz.

Requesting orders!

-Lieutenant Aleksei Stroganov

::End of Transmission::
::Message saved to the Archive::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 04-24-2011

COMM ID: Premier Alvin Katz of the Coalition
LOCATION: Office of the Premier '€“ Kremlin Dome, Volgograd, Omega-52


[Image: Katzcommx.png]

You have your exoneration, you and General Viatichslav both.

Now the information.

For the Revolution, I am the True Ikon,

Premier Alvin Katz
Премьер-министр Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shryke - 04-24-2011

COMM ID: Ulrich Eichel
TARGET: Premier Katz

My premier, it is a joy to see you in full health, and back in rightful seat.

The usurper has barricaded himself into a former copper mine, drilled into the mountains of one of the southern continents of Volgograd. Hiding under the Coalition's noses, so to speak. I will update the mine's location now.

Co-ordinates flash across the screen.

A frontal assault is not wise. The mine is very heavily fortified for just such a scenario. There are turret batteries as well as booby traps littered in the twisting cave. However, in his haste, the Volkhan has either overlooked or accepted a flaw in his bunker.

There is a ventilation shaft in the side of the mountain. It is not large enough to fit a fit a human being, however it is possible to launch gas containers down the shaft. You can effectively flood the corridors of the mine and render the Fedaykin loyal to the Vokhan incapacitated. The turrets can be de-activated from the control centre. When the time comes, I will seize it and disable them. All that would be left is to get the Volkhan who will be in a secured room in the lower levels.

I will leave that part up to you.

I will upload the schematics of the mine shaft as well as the turret encampments.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Shagohad - 04-25-2011


[Image: Via.png]

Dear Lord; it appears Ulrich showed up so quickly that I need not say it. Essentially, Ulrich is right on the money. Oddly enough, he invited me to hide out with him. I politely declined, reassuring him that I could fight off the Rebels alone. So amusing that he was so desperate in his times of failure.

Shall I and Ulrich meet you 'in person' at the location?