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Kruger Meeting GMG with unknown intentions... - Printable Version

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RE: Kruger Meeting GMG with unknown intentions... - Doria - 05-04-2014

[Image: Wys8a2V.png]

Wachmann Thomas Müller looked at the screens while the GMG representative vehemently denied any agreement with Kruger, but was caught by surprise by him rising from his chair and all the delegation leaving the room...

"Klein... quick! Send the two guards at the door to follow them as protection! I don't want any hostilities going on in this station, specialy on my watch!" - Müller walked to the door - "Alert all security detachments! And send a few guards to protect the Kruger personel also! And find out where the GMG is going and tell me, I am going after them..." - he ran out the door.

Müller went into the direction of the Conference Room. Klein called him on the communicator:

"Herr Müller, they are going to the other side of the station, to the docking bays. Looks like they are really leaving..."

"Ok, then..." - Müller was thinking - "Alert the docking bay personel, the GMG delegation security is our priority, ja ? But they should do nothing more than protect them. They are our guests here, and therefore free to leave if they want. And what is the Kruger people doing?"

"They are about to leave the room now, aparently. I have sent three guards to escort them..." - said the metalic voice at Müller's ear.

"Good..." - he was still running - "Keep the guards on them... Where is the GMG now?"

"They are really going to the docking bays... You should not be too far from them..."

Müller was starting to sweat. But he was getting to the docking bay wing entrance. As soon as he turned into that corridor, he should see the GMG delegation from the distance.

He called out to the sentinels at the big double doors as he passed by in a fast pace:

"Hey, you two! Follow me!"

As he turned into the lengthy corridor that led to the several docking bays, followed by the two guards, he saw a big group of people from the distance. It could only be the GMG delegation. Müller waves and calls out to them:

"Gentlemen! Excuse-me?! May I accompany you?"

RE: Kruger Meeting GMG with unknown intentions... - Daumann Heavy Construction - 05-04-2014

- One, two, three...

Captain of DHC-G117, Camara-class freighter was very busy counting hairs inside his nose with prominent help of tweezers and pocket mirror.

- Damn hairs, like they have no other places to grow.. - captain muttered, forcing himself to tear troublesome hairs out of his nose. - Henrik, what about supplies?! It's getting late and I want to get to Stuttgart before weeked starts, family's waiting for me!

- Aye aye captain...We're about to finish. Just few containers more and additional fuel tank, and we'll be on our way - answered voice from the outside of opened freighter cabin, when monitor in the cockpit lightened up.

- Donnerwetter, new freight orders? Now? Have they lost their minds? - captain of DHC-G117 surely wasn't big fan of his job. - GMG..meeting...urgent need... Huh, that's not for my head. I need to contact The Ring - said amateur of clean noses and started calling headquarter's frequency...

RE: Kruger Meeting GMG with unknown intentions... - Kruger - 05-04-2014

Helene and Ulrich did not expect the response of Katsuo, but were prepared for the best. Upon the last words of Katsuo when he left the station they decided to inform the Rheinland Federal Polizei about the matter for them to close down the station. “Ulrich can you activate that 1st thing on the datapad? I hope you made sure it was well prepared?” Ulrich nodded “Yes Helene, I will do that, you just make sure to inform asap the Rheinland Federal Polizei about the matter. Do not forget to make clear why we tried this approach.” Ulrich opens his briefcase again and gives Helene a communication transmitter, after that he presses 3 buttons on his watch..

It activated a hidden virus in the datapad, upon activation all the evidence will be deleted from the datapad and on all the infected data storages it was copied too. Within less than one minute the virus deleted all data and data copies and erased all tracks of the virus and copies of itself. The entire process ran in the background and the deletion wasn’t noticeable until the data was fully deleted.

Helene started to write a transmission to the Rheinland Federal Polizei to inform them about their findings and let them decide what to do with it. Also explaining that they wanted to confront the GMG face to face with this, then to sent it by transmission. For now they are hoping the Rheinland Federal Polizei will succeed more with negotiating then the fearsome stance between Kruger and the Gas Miners Guild. Their past succeeded them even in the current time. Helene Schmidt is saddened that their aggressive attempt backfired instead of succeeding into making a progress to improve the economical position of Rheinland.

Just after she sent the transmission, Ulrich and herself drank up their glasses and grabbed their gears. Then they headed to the docking bays, hoping something will happen from the Rheinland Federal Polizei about this matter. If not now, then in a distant future. When arriving at the docking bays they ignore the Gas Miners delegation and thank the officers for their effort on the station. Ulrich spoke to an officer near the docking bay. “Thank you officer for all of your hard work, would you thank Herr Müller for his effort. Tell him to contact us on a secure communication channel.” While Ulrich spoke those last words Helene was boarding her ship, Ulrich did board his one not that long after that.

RE: Kruger Meeting GMG with unknown intentions... - Asbestos - 05-05-2014

The GMG delegation headed towards the docking bays through the corridors of Bonn Station. Guild Master Taro Katsuo was surrounded by his bodyguards in the center of the group, and they were all walking in a brisk pace. Hiromichi Shino, with his limp, had taken to the rear of the group. He was going over the information given to them by Kruger on the data-pad. Nothing new here, he thought, though a few of our own reports are more indiscriminating than this.
Suddenly startled, he turned around as he heard a man shout in his direction. Anticipating that fighting would break out at any minute, Hiromichi held his weapon ready to use, I knew Kruger wouldn't let us get away this easy...
Expecting a Kruger employed hit squad, Hiromichi were quite surprised to see Polizei officers waving and approaching, and as the officers caught up, he recognized one of them.
"Wachmann Müller, good to see you again before we're off. Please, feel free to accompany us to the docking bays." Hiromichi was still on edge, but felt slightly relaxed again now with the station security personnel accompanying them. He figured that Kruger wouldn't be stupid enough to do anything with the Bundespolizei escorting the GMG group. Though he realized that he wouldn't be very surprised if they actually did. Hiromichi turned to speak with Müller as they walked.
"Anything new regarding security, Wachmann? I took notice of your... timely leave at the meeting earlier. Anything we need to worry about?"
As he listened to Müller, Hiromichi heard a beep coming from the data-pad and took a quick glance at it. The incriminating data had been purged. He briefly smiled, thinking, So they're scared, after all... He made a mental note to contact the Hessians upon his return to Guild space, and ask if they've got their own report of the Kruger mess up in Okinawa, and wondered if it at all could prove useful.

RE: Kruger Meeting GMG with unknown intentions... - Doria - 05-05-2014

"Well sir... To be honest with you, I was sent here to overview the station's security during your meeting, not to play babysitter. I could not stand there all day, like if I did not have many other things to take care of. If needed I could've sent any guard to stand there, and of course we have security cameras all over the station...."

As they walked, Müller was looking around and saw some prisioners boarding a freighter going to Vierlande. That made him think on the subject of how the GMG was thinking to leave the station. Their early departure probably meant that their vessel had not returned yet. It was best to make sure they would arrive safely in the sigmas.

"Sir... do you already have transportation? The Bundespolizei can provide a transport to take your delegation, let's say, to Fulda Border Station, right next to the Sigma 13 gate, where a Guild vessel could easily meet you..."

RE: Kruger Meeting GMG with unknown intentions... - Daumann Heavy Construction - 06-17-2014

After confirmation from his headquater, captain of the freighter wrote an answer to mysterious to him datapad NeuralNet answer:

"This is captain of DHC-G117, I am waiting in the hangar, I cannot promise any luxuries as this freighter isn't adapted to passenger transportation. How many men am I to take aboard?"