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Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Cashew - 04-27-2014

[Image: Logo3_zpse71afd63.jpg]

Mr.Blackburn, welcome. I hear you served in the Armed Forces. We are always welcoming X-BAF pilots. You are accepted, report to the Merchant Navy Headquarters on Planet New London.

Long live the Queen!

Commanding Officer Charlotte Brooks

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Unlucky_Soul - 04-28-2014

Bretonia Merchant Navy Recruitment Form

Name: Brian Scott

Age: 30

Brief background information: Born on Planet New London, I inherited a hand me down Clydesdale from my Uncle who has recently retired.Did some odd jobs here and there and I decided to do something for our dear Bretonia.

Transport or Squadron: Applying for Transport Captain

Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): No

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Big_B - 04-28-2014

[Image: Logo3_zpse71afd63.jpg]

Mr. Scott, its always good to see people helping out our nation in its most needed times. You application is hereby accepted. Report to the MN HQ in New London for further instructions.

Welcome to the Merchant Navy!

Executive Officer Anthony Robson

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Freeroamer - 06-22-2014

Bretonia Merchant Navy Recruitment Form

Name: Maverick Sanderson

Age: 27

Brief background information: I was born on Leeds before Gallia took the planet for there use I was given the chance of getting left behind or Joining the Navy. I chose the Navy

Transport or Squadron: Transport

Skype Name: BHG-Freeroamer

Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): Yes

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - The Merchant Navy - 06-22-2014

[Image: Logo3_zps70c1af17.jpg]

Good day , Mr.Sanderson.

This is Recruitment officer Robin Peterson.

I see your dripping excitement and extreme dedication to join the Merchant Navy, and serve Bretonia. but, as it stands, the Merchant Navy has a whole lot of protocols, rules, and steps to follow.

Hence, I am putting you into a trial
period of 2 weeks. Prove yourself to us, and you shall be a pilot, of the Bretonian Merchant Navy.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Robin Peterson,
Recruitment officer.

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Huursa - 07-18-2014

Name: Donnie Brasco

Age: 23

Brief background information: Born on planet New London seeing how Gallia took Leeds i chose the Navy to help Bretonia liberate Leeds .

Transport or Squadron: Squadron

Skype Name: d-devils97

Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): No

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - The Merchant Navy - 07-19-2014

[Image: CharlotteBrooksTBAR_zps8cd72c02.jpg]

Greetings Mr. Brasco,

After discussing your application with the Merchant Navy Command we have decided to point you in the direction of the Bretonian Armed Forces, seeing as you want to join the cause and liberate Leeds. You can find that frequency here.

Thank you for your application.

Signed Commanding Officer Charlotte Brooks

-=Transmission Ended=-

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Sparx - 08-31-2014

Bretonia Merchant Navy Recruitment Form

Name: Charles Windsor

Age: 27

Brief background information: I was born on Planet Cambridge and graduated from Oxford Flight Academy with flying colors. I learnt how to Trade and pilot large vessels.

Transport or Squadron: Transport. (I can fly smaller vessels though).

Skype Name: DariusMan

Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): No.

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - The Merchant Navy - 08-31-2014

[Image: CharlotteBrooksTBAR_zps8cd72c02.jpg]

Good day Mr. Windsor,

It seems you have several skills we could utilise. Report to the Merchant Navy Headquarters on Planet New London where you will be assigned a vessel and uniform.

RE: Bretonia Merchant Navy - Recruitment Frequency - Alexander - 10-04-2014

Bretonia Merchant Navy Recruitment Form

Name: Alex Hank

Age: 25 years

Brief background information: Alex was born in Planet Leeds , his parents were Bretonia Armed Forces officers . He learned how to fight in small ships and how to use transport at Planets Leeds. When gauls invaded Leeds Alex and his parents fought agains them , but gauls were more and we had to retreat .
After i landed to New London i bought a new transport "Percheron'' class and I tried to help the rest of the citizens who remained in Leeds with food , water and armaments.

Transport or Squadron: Booth of them but more transport.

Skype Name: blooodthirsty

Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide a link): No