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Retreating Daylight - Printable Version

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RE: Retreating Daylight - Remnant - 11-28-2014

"Oh of course you're not the first. And you indeed sure as hell won't be the last. You answered the question I was just about to ask, that means i'm going right along to the next one. Why should I trust you? I've known you for a good few minutes now.

While I really may not care much about who you are, I do care about what your intentions are. Believe me. We've had a few people step in here to try to figure us out, they didn't last long. We're not stupid. Well.. Not usually. We have our lazy moments, although that's within the boundaries of this ship.

The one thing I don't really like, is someone coming in here such as yourself who makes the request right away. The annoying part about it? That's what any sane man would do. Aaagghh.."

Rubbing her head, a little frustrated. "You have a hell of a lot to learn if this truly is what you want. Might as well start with the speech on who you are fully then, hmm? It'd be a step forward on the 'trust' notion of things."

RE: Retreating Daylight - Daerune - 11-28-2014

"Why should you trust me? to be honest I am not yourself - if you are to trust me that is something I am going to need to earn for what ever reason there might be, philosophical or not. If you require a specific quality, then its that I am honest and what I do is to work towards the common good as I see it - though that's contradicting as I am from a back ground of lairs and its not like I've never lied."

"My intentions are to seek a future where a child might grow up not knowing what it is to suffer or to know what the meaning of war is - The way that things are going, humans are more in a state of repeated violence. Even though nomads probably pushed it along, its not like Humans need much of a push to spiral into violence, sometimes things need to be broken to be remade into something better."

"Contradicting, you tell me you don't care on who I am and then request to know who I am, In this I will just say in what I was, Black Squadron - Order - Phantom - Bretonian Armed Forces - Reapers of Sirius. a few coats but my disposition hasn't changed, which I have already said - I am an observer who acts on what I perceive and see, killing if deemed the necessary path for the betterment of the longer run - I seek to know people, understand them and treat them accordingly. I will not lie, I will seek to know of those of you here - but that is merely to see how I fit in here."

RE: Retreating Daylight - Remnant - 12-02-2014

"You'll find that i'm contradicting in a lot of what I say. Of course unless it comes down to something where I can't afford to be."

Swaying back and forth ever so slightly. "Thinking of this from this.. 'justice' standpoint, the only path you can walk down is working under the knowledge that the people who aren't involved in militant action usually are not targets of the things we do. Taking down the warbringers of Sirius. Of course it's not really far off the mark too. Purge the ones bearing swords, leave the ones holding wisdom to do their own work in peace."

"Or so i'd like to say. It's not as streight-forward. I can't say this is all flowers and daisies. You merely being here is probably taking a step over the line of your own complete freedom. We aren't good people. We betray the human race, and we sure as hell make sure that we do a good job at betrayal. I can't even offer you a way out at this point, seeing that you indeed do know quite a bit about this."

"Well? Second thoughts? Sell your soul. Don't take your answer as a light and easy one either."

RE: Retreating Daylight - Daerune - 12-02-2014

Vaelin remained quiet, his mind seeming to go over a few things. His attention wavered from her for a fraction of a moment before focusing once again. “The War-bringers of Sirius are part of the problem I have well enough, such as the Orders Admiral – as I hear, he’s on the ‘war’ path. I can only guess that those with wisdom are being left mostly because the Nomads would wish to have their knowledge collected when things settle over.”

“When it comes to killing, nothing is flowers and daisies; I will seek to do as I have always done. To do what I believe is right. To betray something would mean you have to be loyal, with the current state of the human race? It’s pretty hard to be loyal to something that’s more bent on tearing itself apart constantly. I’ve had extensive contact with nomads and Spectres before; though I am sure the later one is dead. “

RE: Retreating Daylight - Remnant - 12-02-2014

"Hmmph. It seems like you have already thought about everything else I was going to say. Fine. If that's the way you want it to be, so be it." Slowly standing up, beginning to set off into a room further inside the vessel. "Know any Kusarian?" She says with a slight shrug during her walk.

She finally comes to a room where she quietly enters before him. "Ooohh Izzummii, I have someone for you to meet."

By the time he enters the room, a Kusarian female (Presumibly named Izumi) was standing with Tara, looking at the newcomer curiously. "Ooh? A curious one if you actually took some time out of your day to see me. You never say hi." Tara gives her a look, rolling her eyes slightly. "Yeah, yeah.. At any rate. He's all yours. I'll get a room ready."

Tara walks out of the room, leaving the two alone.

"Well, well. Nice to meet you. I'm Izumi. Izumi, Izzy, whatever name you like fits. I don't really care either way." Walking up to him curiously, beginning to circle him. By the time she gets back in front of him, she holds her hand out, palm up. Opening it slowly, revealing a small figurine. "Do you know what this is by any chance?" As if a big hint, there was a very, very faint glow coming from the small object. "And if you answer yes, can you take a wild guess on what it's purpose may be? Ooh i'm leaving you in the dark, I always loooovvee asking beforehand though. Gives me something to do."

RE: Retreating Daylight - Daerune - 12-03-2014

Vaelin had only lofted a brow to Tara’s actions and words. “No, I don’t know any Kusarian.” He had returned as he followed her into the other room, his eyes scanned over the room first rather than looking at its occupant. He remained quiet as Tara would make her exit and when Izumi would hold her hand out with the figuring on it. “Imzui, you seen very enthusiastic to some regard.” A twitch of a smile spread across his features as his eyes turned to the figurine once again. “Considering its glowing, I can only guess it’s an active artifact and in this I can probably also assume it’s a device that allows you to connect to the minds of the other spectres – that or just merely a means of communication.” He offered a shrug at the end. “As for the room, I am not entirely sure that will be necessary – I believe Tara has over looked my words about me being able to provide something, I have a large ship within my possession that could be able to provide accommodation.”

RE: Retreating Daylight - Remnant - 12-04-2014

Slowly moving her hands, placing them on his shoulders. "Oh but you misunderstand. I'm not asking her to make you a room up because you'll be staying here permanently. Of course we're not interested in other vessel. At least not right now, something a little more.. immediate." Maneuvering her body so an arm was actually around him. Despite being a little shorter than him, she had a shallow grin on her face. Slowly reaching around, pressing her palm against the back of his neck. The artifact being pressed between the fleshy skin of the neck and her hand. "And you're a little off on the purpose of the artifact."

His consciousness slowly begins to turn to black. The artifact feeling very hot at the back of his neck, his mind slowly falling into a deep sleep. With the position Izumi was in up close to him, there was very little he could do physically before he became too weak to fight off the effects.

Tara comes back from setting up a room nearby, noticing the man in Izumi's arms. Rolling her eyes slightly, helping to move him to the nearby room, finally the two manage to lay him on a bed at the edge of the little room. Izumi sits next to the man, producing three more artifacts. These slightly bigger, yet they didn't get any bigger than about two fists put together in size. Laying them against the male, Izumi slowly closes her eyes. Re-opening them, a faint purple glow played around the edge of her pupils. "People always come.. A funny race. You keep up the receptive good work as always I see Tara. Well. You all do very well."

The artifacts slowly begin to glow brighter around the man. Tara has seen this done a few times, merely watching with a straight face. Perhaps letting out a quiet sigh if anyone was listening close enough.

People's minds were funny things. Amusing almost. Especially to Izumi. The Artifacts slowly beginning to invade the mans head, finding.. searching.. winding.. moving through all of his memories. It's purpose was not to learn what he knew however. Izumi carefully manipulating the positions of the strange rocks, certain feelings and thoughts started to become stronger. The Nomad race as an ally. The human race as the enemy. And.. Loyalty to the causes of the Nomads. There was no telling if a human could change his mind about the entire change of heart in the future. Going back to the humans, reporting what he knows causing a lot of damage in the process. This systematic approach and manipulation of the mind was merely.. assurances that he would stay where he now belongs. Inside the enemies gate. No longer a friend of the human race as a whole.

Izumi merely hums quietly during the process, slowly removing the stones once it was complete. She gets up slowly and leaves the room with a slight wink towards the other female in the room.

Tara sinks down slowly into a nearby chair, leaning back boredly as she lets out a louder sigh this time. Well. Vaelin was going to wake up with a headache.

RE: Retreating Daylight - Daerune - 12-04-2014

Vaelins eyes would open, his brows furrowed slightly before he would swing his legs to the side of the bed and he would sit up. His elbows were on his knees while he rubbed his face trying to dispel the throbbing within his head. With a rough shake of his head he would look to Tara and his eyes narrowed slightly before he would lean back against the wall. His hazel eyes took a moment to regard the room while his mind was in a state of haze, a small expression of confusion as his perceptions had changed so dramatic and it wasn’t something he was entirely new to either.

Vaelin would have made a move the stand but ended up sitting back down as he lacked a desire to currently go anywhere. He looked towards the mirror and found that this state would change; he moved toward it and squinted at the reflection his eyes trailing over his hair and facial hair.
“I Believe a little tidy up will be in order.” His attention now turned full to Tara, still quite aware of the throbbing within his head.

RE: Retreating Daylight - Remnant - 12-04-2014

Tara gives him a slight shrug. "This place serves as a resting area for plenty of people. If you need anything, find one of us usually when you decide to stop by. We have all this space and not enough people afterall, no shortage on supply storage.."

Letting out a breath. "Leave the room, walk down the hallway and take a left. The crew bathrooms should be around there. My brother usually keeps some disposable razors or whatever else you guys use around the sinks." Slowly beginning to stand up. "Sorry about Izumi. She's rather.. enthusiastic. It doesn't get better after what you went through either." Chuckling quietly.

RE: Retreating Daylight - Daerune - 12-04-2014

A sad smile makes its way to his lips as he listened to Tara's comment. "I find things never really get better, but that's mostly the course of life." He Ran his hands through this hair which only gave a slight irritated sigh. "I'll keep that in mind thank you, for now I think ill go tackle the great bush." He motioned to his features. "I'll come find you later, if that is alright - I would take it also that I am to meet the others that are here at some point, do you have any pointers to help with integration or am I more likely to be thrown to the wolves?"