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Estergebirge: Welcome to Hell [RP Thread] - Printable Version

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RE: To: The Independent Miner's Guild - Tabris - 05-25-2016

[Image: Warner.png]
Comm ID: Premier Ben Warner, People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition
Subject: Survey & Development

"The Data provided has proven quite useful in determining the course of action the Coalition will take in this project. The State Duma and the experts consulted at the Katz Institute have agreed that the best action we can take is to establish a small mining camp planetside in the Ugam Range. Volgograd Industrial will ensure there are enough pre-fabricated facilities for such an operation and begin clearing a landing zone for IMG specialists and heavy equipment as soon as humanly possible. Workers from JiangXi and Volgograd will be transferred planetside to begin the work in a timely manner.

The Coalition shall also utilize localized weaponsfire from Storm Gunboats to help remove obstacles that cannot be removed by the machines our brave pioneers utilize in order to ensure a landing zone for the colonists and infrastructure."

Ben Warner, Premier
Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция

RE: To: The Independent Miner's Guild - Jack_Henderson - 05-26-2016

The Duma was clear in their plan to establish a mining camp in the Ugam Range and Chief Engineer Rebecca Jameson was stunned when she looked at the plans that she had been sent. The Coalition's plan was gigantic in terms of manpower. The beginning stages did not consist out of a few hundred experts and heavy machinery, but out of brute force and human labour. Not hundreds but many thousands of workers would be transferred planetside once the necessary infrastructure to house and supply them would be present.

"Insane... do they really...?" she shook her head secretly wishing for such manpower on her Guild projects. She tried to imagine what 12.000 workers could do in their excavation projects on the Falkland asteroid, but then just shook her head. It was impossible, not economically feasible. But in the Coalition's society it was. It opened new horizons and possibilities in transforming this planet, breaking nature's will and forcing it to comply with human demands.

It had taken weeks for the Coalition pioneer teams to blast a large enough landing zone to transport goods and equipment to the planet's surface, but the use of military grade weaponry proved very expensive as they lacked penetration. Having a lot of experience in how to shape a landscape, an IMG team had drafted a suggestion and sent it to the Duma, and they had managed to get the permission.

"Mountain Top Capping" as a method to open up seams holding resources was nothing too special, however doing it for the Coalition was special and Rebecca could not help feeling excited and somewhat afraid when she was shown the amount of explosives that her team was provided with. The Guild would have arrested and tried her for handling these explosives, but this was not a Guild operation. Together with 200 trained Coaliton Army Pioneers, serving under Commander Vasily Rykov - a bald, 5' 9" short veteran officer without a sense of humour - and 500 helpers of the People's Assistance Brigade, they went to work to drill holes and place the charges.

[Image: sprengung-v-bergkuppe.jpg]
Coordinating with the military experts, especially with Rykov, who was detail-fixated to an extent unknown to Jessica, was not easy for a civil engineer. It was even harder than adjusting to the much more powerful explosives, which proved to be nearly impossible as all her automated modelling attempts were literally blown apart by the capacity of the ordinance they brought to this 'fight'. It was a fight against nature that the Commander was determined to win. Within a week of climbing the mountain sides, drilling more than 20.000 holes into the solid rock, and placing the explosive charges, the cultural differences had been fading away and she had come to love the way the SCRA leadership did things: on a huge scale, without regard to the cost, and with the mentality of 'whatever it takes'.

The moment of truth had come when all crew were evacuating the blast area. Rebecca and her team had calculated a minimum safety distance of 5 kilometers, but the Pioneers insisted on staying at 2,5 km. For a last moment they all looked at the top of Mount Rujan. Then the mountain top vanished in thousands of detonations and rocks and dust were thrown hundreds of meters into the air. The ground was shaking, and the sensors registered an earthquake of a 2,4 magnitude that quickly translated into rockslides on the hillsides. An inexperienced IMG engineer lost his balance and fell - and he was not the only one. Moments later, everybody was taking cover when small rocks started to drop everywhere. The hail of small stones left the vehicles pockmarked with hundreds of little dents. There must have been injureds, if not deaths somewhere, but Jessica was too fascinated by the pillars of dust that were hovering over the mountain top. It reminded her of volcanic erutions, just that it was man-made.

[Image: topelement.jpg]
It would take another 6 weeks to completely clear the million tons of rock that once had been the mountain top. Workers did it by hand at first, until a landing patch had been created to ferry in heavy machinery. For weeks, explosions would keep rocking the area, sending fountains of dust and rocks into the atmosphere, but with more and more landing zones springing up and more and more heavy equipment being ferried in, the mountain top started to finally be transformed into what looked like a table mountain - just that it had not taken hundreds of million of years to erode it but brute force.

When the survey drone snapped the picture of the terraced white chalk rock surface, the first stage of this mission was completed, and the real work to prepare the development could start. This would be the entrance for large airlifters and transport shuttles that would bring in the material to create barracks to shelter the crews that would be doing the prospection work. She was one of the first to move into the first container that was airlifted in and many others followed fast. While she was planning the first excursions to map, measure and prospect the ridge, explosions would keep rocking the area, making the tables shake and the lamps swing.

[Image: eso1139e.jpg]
The Coalition pioneer squad would continue capping adjacent mountain tops for other projects that Jessica could not get any information about even though she tried to. The only thing scientific curiousity was able to find out was that these actions were of military purpose and that she was better advised to think about her own mission and not waste any thoughts on this that were of no interest to her - in very clear words that were spoken to her by Commander Vasily Rykov after she had made a few too many inquiries. It was true what his soldiers said: he really had no sense for humour. But he was good at what he was doing here, she could respect him for that and she hoped he respected her for what she was doing here.

While the rocks were still being cleared away, it became clear that the Coalition was constructing defenses on capped mountain tops all around the airstrip and their slowly evolving mining camp. Air defense platforms were springing up, their guns pointing into the sky aiming at the deterrence of potential threats.

"Nature isn't our only enemy here... I guess..." Jessica realized with a grim expression when she saw the heavy turret of the ground-to-air battery being airlifted in by a Storm gunship while tiny creatures barely visible from her position with her binoculars were working to get it working. For a moment she thought whether she should call Commander Rykov, but she decided against it. Either his short temper would cause another argument about military security, or he would not pick up and she would feel annoyed.

RE: To: The Independent Miner's Guild - Tabris - 06-02-2016

[Image: Warner.png]
Comm ID: Premier Ben Warner, People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition
Subject: Survey & Development

"I am calling to asertain the IMG's progress on the Surveying of our mutual interest. My field reports from Commander Rykov is full of 'platitudes' and 'numbers'. However I seek the IMG's angle on the progress of the Survey-Mining Site development, it's rate of progress and areas of improvement that can be expanded upon by either the Coalition's Pioneers or the Guild's own people and how we may best be able to ensure the steady progress that we have 'apparently' been making according to Rykov.

Furthermore the Coalition Corps of Engineers on Mykolaiv are discussing the possibility of establishing a local satellite network in orbit to ensure transports are safely guided to the landing zones and to better cut through any interference caused by the radiation caused by the orbiting asteroid field to the Communications Relays to orbiting Kamchatka Station and would like the Guild's input on the issue if it would be effective or not. "

Ben Warner, Premier
Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция

RE: To: The Independent Miner's Guild - Tabris - 07-09-2016

Weeks had passed since the ground-breaking. Progress had been slow due to the planet's day-side heat that required the use of Hazardous Environment Suits for all workers in addition to specialized cooling units for inside the pre-fabricated buildings that had been erected by the Coalition Pioneers. The site had seen many changes since the first blasts started to clear space for the cargo vessels coming and going to Kamchatka in orbit. Commander Rykov wished he could wipe the beads of sweat that was forming on his brow under his sealed helmet as he watched Pioneers and IMG specialists go about their business. The Mining Camp was constantly being improved due to the planet's conditions in both temperature and landscape, shield-generators were to be installed in order to both protect the Mining Camp from orbital bombardment in addition to providing a reprieve from the constant fall of ash that required a steady schedule of shoveling the ash from the landing field and pathways. The ash they found had come from one of the volcanoes that had erupted miles away from their location, once the shield generator was online they could stem the tide of ash-fall until the sky cleared up.

Rykov sighed as he sat down on the boulder overlooking the camp from above, brushing a gloved hand through the ash beside him, the latest readings proved promising with traces of Platinum and Copper being reported by survey teams during the first delves into the planet's surface. In addition to the potential for Uranium Mining of the asteroid field in orbit the planet looked like a solid investment by the People's Republic provided they could maintain worker safety in such a harsh environment.

With a heavy sigh he checked his O2 Tank's readout on his right wrist, he had only 20 minutes left before he had to head back inside the main complex. With a grunt the man lifted himself off of the boulder and hit the ground, the mixture of rocky soil and ash made him feel like he was on Planet Volgograd for a moment with the ash reminding him of the tundra's snow as it cushioned his feet's impact with the ground and started to walk down the hill towards the Primary Operations Complex.

[Image: 270b8107b8cc1022b2f46ec948620cac.jpg]

RE: To: The Independent Miner's Guild - Jack_Henderson - 07-27-2016

Diary Entry of Rebecca Jameson (IMG Engineer):

Hell is an understatement. Today we had a record of ash falling from the atmosphere. Incredible 3,5 meters in the course of 24 hours. The volcanic eruption about 400 miles to our southwest was of the explosive kind, that's why some traits of water is to be expected to trigger such an explosive eruption, should be phreatomagmatic in nature, but who knows. Hell has its own rules. Basalitc lava flows are useless for resources, but at least they are far enough away from us to endanger us. Thank God we chose not to build the camps in the valleys.

[Image: 100424-volcano-hmed-10p.grid-6x2.jpg]

The People's Assistance Brigades managed to clear enough of the ash to keep the buildings from collapsing. We are lucky that humidity is low, or else the weight would have crushed some of the hastily built baracks. Heaps of ash are being pushed down the slopes. If this goes on, we will fill the valleys in the course of the next years. Working in the hazard suits is horrible, however we are getting somewhere as our surveys. Planetary surveys will be concluded the next week.

Commander Rykov is still an asshole, however I have to admit he is capable. We clashed yesterday again over his orders to restrict our survey team's movement radius. I would have slapt him, if we were not stuffed into these suits. Today they refurbished some of the APCs with large metal sheets in front to move the ash. Pioneer material is also being put to use, and the shield generators will at some point hopefully work. About 30 % of our work force is bound by this Syssiphos task every day, and with the eruption intensifying, more is headed our way.

Baldie Rykoc's guard and my team of geologists did a flight to the volcano to install some sesimic equipment to evaluate the volcanic activity. James Ilman was hit by pyroclastica in the head and died before he could be med-evaced to the sickbay when an eruption blew off parts of the southern crater. That's the area before the surprising explosion. And what looks like snow, is volcanic ash so fine I have never seen it before.

[Image: iceland-volcano-air-travel.jpg]

Six more were injured, partially severely, three light injuries in my team. I am currently being treated for 2nd degree burns on my right arm. Remind me never to curse about the protection suit any more. Our equipment is lost, we are glad to have made it out with our lives. So much for researching the volcano. That equipment was unique. Writing the letter to James' parents was horrible. This planet is cursed. The Coalition is crazy to keep pushing, it's true what they say about their determination.

RE: Estergebirge: Welcome to Hell [RP Thread] - Tabris - 07-27-2016

Log Entry, Commander Rykov, Estergebirge Mining Colony, New Beijing System. Entry # IX

"So far while the prospects are promising by the initial surveys we are still waiting on the final results to give us the full picture, I have to say this is one of the worst assignments of my tour of duty, even counting when I was assigned to the Kursk Special Tasks Group when they were constructing Kamchatka Station in orbit under fire from both the aliens that frequent New Beijing and recent interlopers from The Core."

A sigh is heard

"If it isn't the weather, a nice gloomy rain of ash falling from the sky from that damned volcano eruption, it's the constant bickering between myself and the local IMG 'specialist' Rebecca Jameson...That damned foolish girl wanted to expand the exploration radius despite the danger of what we are already facing! I thankfully managed to derail that line of thought as we have our hands full with the area we are already excavating and developing... If this is what I have to look forward to for the next few months than I fear I may be tempted to shoot her out of sheer spite...

In any case...Aside from the...Issues with the weather and my own personal disagreements progress on the Ugam Mining Colony has been progressing on schedule, there have been a few accidents due to the falling debris and having to constantly clear the ash from both the buildings and the pathways but what losses we do take have been deemed acceptable by the State Duma. Moscow needs this, our people needs to continue to fuel the war effort against both the Houses and those infernal Corsairs who continue to fight us on all fronts across the Omegas...We received several new colonists from Volgograd yesterday, bringing the Coalition's total head-count for Ugam up to 800 Men and Women. We will have to expand the Operations Complex if we receive any more people here, but on the bright side it means that there won't be a worker shortage, almost a third of us have been keeping busy in ensuring the ash fall doesn't block off the paths or crush the complex under it's weight."

A brief pause is heard and the distinct 'clink' of a glass being put onto a metal table could be heard

"One more item to note, the Pioneers and Colonists have given Estergebirge a nickname, one that's oddly fitting if a bit superstitious."

A sarcastic scoff could be heard as he continued on.

"They've taken to calling it Hell, one man even joked that we were all 'Hell-Mates'...He was assigned Shoveling Detail for two weeks for both the pun and to keep him busy. Still the name is quite...apt if not a bit foolish. Still the nickname caught on fast and even gave the Colony the nickname 'Perdition'. I must go now, I hear those IMG Specialists want to take a ship out to one of the Volcanoes for some research or something like that, I honestly don't care much for that as my job is to ensure the success of the Ugam Colony, not go chasing after geese. Rykov signing off."

RE: Estergebirge: Welcome to Hell [RP Thread] - Jack_Henderson - 08-02-2016

[Image: IMG-TB-Jack9_zpskzocuqbk.png]

Fwd: Warning Message to all IMG Personell in Hell:

[Image: c21310eb0957e2524ffff3c4287f0ca9bdc5a7f6_m.jpg]
This is Dr. Mark Johnson speaking. The results of the screening of the Estergebirge expedition staff are back. You'll get your individual report, but there is the necessity for a general reminder and warning.

I'll spare you the scientific details and show you the most deadly adversary you are facing at the moment on a daily basis. What you see there is one particle of volcanic ash under a very powerful microscope. 20 ym, that's really small. It's small enough to be breathed in. And it's the material that darkens the sky and rains down on us every day.

Look at the form. You'll recognise the sharp, jagged edges of lava in it that so many of you already came into contact with in the basaltic lava fields. Razor-sharp, that's what lava can be. Now, these ejected particles are small enough to go into your lungs and cut the tissue there. Respiratory illnesses resulting from prolonged exposure are to be expected. Their range can be from light to lethal, depending on the damage to the respiratory system, especially the lungs.

Furthermore, some of the gasses and chemical substances encountered on the field trip are still unknown when it comes to their effect on the human body. Further laboratory testing is required.

Therefore, the IMG exploration team is reminded to always wear full protection gear, even during very short field trips. Do not underestimate the invisible dangers just because there are so many obvious. The chance to die from lung cancer in 5 years is a few 100 times higher than being hit by a molten rock.

Stay healthy, stay safe.

Doc Johnson, out.

RE: Estergebirge: Welcome to Hell [RP Thread] - Tabris - 08-11-2016

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commander Rykov's Office, Ugam Mining Colony Administrative Division
To: Coalition Personnel of the Ugam Mining Colony
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]

"All personnel are to be advised to keep track of your Oxygen Readouts when traveling outside the Complex, Estergebirge's atmosphere is unfriendly if not outright hostile due to the amount of volcanic ash in the air not to mention the extremely thin atmosphere. It is thus imperative that you ensure adequate oxygen for any excursions outside and that great care is taken until the shield generator is online.

Furthermore the use of Cigarettes, Cigars and any other method of smoking is prohibited unless in a designated smoking area where the filters are reinforced, any comrade smoking outside the designated areas will be assigned a week on shoveling detail by hand. Air is a precious resource here, let us all do our part to ensure that it remains clean for your fellow comrades to enjoy.

In other news leave to Kamchatka Station in orbit has been scheduled for those who have applied for it. The Ministry of Plenty reminds all those partaking in leave are to return bright and early upon it's end and that workers are not to show up drunk, hung-over or intoxicated in any manner. Failure to adhere to this will result in disciplinary action decided by the Ministry of Peace.

Furthermore the results of Test Drill Delta will be available tomorrow, members of the Surveying Team will be advised to attend the briefing to discuss the findings and discuss the protocol for the acquisition of resources located. No food or drink will be permitted during the briefing.

Finally, rumours that Commander Rykov is or has been part of the Ministry of Truth is to cease immediately by order of the Ministry of Plenty."

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: Estergebirge: Welcome to Hell [RP Thread] - Tabris - 08-26-2016

"Rebecca Jameson, Rebecca Jameson, please report to Commander Rykov's Office. Rebecca Jameson to Commander Rykov's Office." a 'pleasant' female voice toned overhead from the speakers that dotted Ugam Mining Facility's Operations Complex. Causing Coalition Engineers and Geologists to pause in their work briefly before returning to it when they realized it was not for them. Work on Estergebirge had progressed well, however there were several accidents in the recent days that could not be ignored. Commander Rykov stood in his office, the latest report in his hand on when the Guild had it's 'misadventure' to that volcano. With a growl he glowered at the report, this was exactly why he set up restrictions in the first place, they had enough problems dealing with what area of the planet they were drilling and the Guild having it's little 'expedition' to places like that bloody volcano put many people at risk and even killed a person from what he was able to tell.

It was his responsibility to keep all personnel on Estergebirge safe as they can, hence why he had Jameson called to his office in order to 'be frank' with her about IMG's adventure-seeking behaviour. While he couldn't restrict the Guild's exploration teams he could voice his concerns and ensure that Coalition personnel are safe at the very least...

His office was very spartan, only a desk with stacks of data pads cluttering up most of it and his personal console in the center of the metal desk, his chair was designed to not be comfortable to ensure he couldn't catch 'cat-naps' in it while the rest of the room was bare of decor aside from two more chairs of the same design infront of his desk for 'guests'. With a deep sigh his right hand rubbed the bridge of his nose in annoyance, the final reports were being prepared for the State Duma on the initial survey results, he couldn't afford any catastrophes right now, not with the Premier himself breathing down his neck!

The door chimed as he set down the report, straightening his uniform raised his voice so he could be heard from where he was sitting.
