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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Pheatos - 03-04-2009

Deungo Caladon - I don't use a call sign, I don't hide who I am (No offence meant)

I was born and raised in the Manhatten system. At an early age, I figured out a clever way to smuggle some contraban over from the nearby Rogue bases in the system. I not only made quiet a living out of this, I also gained a cursory knowledge of the Liberty Systems. As well as some friends in the Liberty Rogues.

After a while, I got a little cocky. I tried to land a huge score on Manhatten, and I got tagged, arrested, and shipped off to prison. 3 years I spent in that hell.

Currently, I'm working out of the Alcatraz Rogue base. The only problem is, most of these rogues are too afraid to even stand up for themselves, let alone others.

And I know what people say about Rogues. Petty pirates. Just to get it straight, I've never pirated once in my life. Make your own living, don't steal others.

My info is as follows:

Deungo Caladon
Born in Manhatten, New York, Liberty Space
Currently jumping in where the law refuses to
And my biggest weakness (or maybe a strength) is that I like the big targets. Allways go for the gunboats and cruisers first. Especially in fighters. It's just more fun that way.

Currently flying a Civilian Bomber

Look forward to hearing from you.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - tfmachad - 03-04-2009

Interesting comment about the call sign, Duengo, as we hardly ever use any ourselves. You may think otherwise because of our somewhat 'excentric' names as far as you're concerned, but should you join our organization you'll understand what's behind them.

I'm curious as to how you have acquired knowledge of the Mandalorians (if you had any prior to our encounter yesterday or have gained any further knowledge after that), what is your understanding of what we are and why do you wish join us, and finally what do you presume you can offer this group not in terms of skills, as those can be learned, but your attributes.

Furthermore, would you be willing to completely change your life as you know it now?

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Pheatos - 03-04-2009

As a comment to the call signs....
I've come to a realization.
That it's not so much a call sign, as a new name. It shows a turning point now that I think about it.

Actually, after our run in yesterday, you suggested that I check out your recruitment center. But before I did, I decided to look more into your history. I think of it as prudent planning. I like to know what I'm getting into. I'de heard the name a few times before, mentioned in passing, and that's what sparked my curiosity. I did once hear a story about a group of Mandalorians. I think one was named Sev...

As to my understanding of what you do...
You are a group of elite warriors "putting the smiles back on people's faces" as you put it. You take the contracts that other people don't want to touch. And you finish them with a great deal of efficiency and skill. That sounds like my kind of thing.

What could I offer you other than skills?
Well, I am respectful of the other factions in Sirius, as much towards their culture as I am towards their stigma. I also have a great appreciation of the chain of command. Without structure in a group, you can't get anything done properly.

Am I willing to change my life?
I think now is the perfect time. I haven't really found my niche yet, not with the people I"m involved with at any rate. I think I'm in more of a transitional phase, and your organization seems like the perfect opportunity to pull my life together.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - tfmachad - 03-06-2009

Sorry to keep you waiting, Deungo. I'm willing to give you a chance in our organization. You can contact either me or any of the Consuls (Billy [forum name: Dieter Schprokets] and Kal [Drifter84]), about setting you up. If you're willing to change your name as you've mentioned, you're allowed to do so.

The pattern we use on our ships is MM~FirstName.SecondName. Please send in a Neural Net contact so we can contact you faster ((Skype contact, if you don't already have one I suggest you make one as "everyone" in Disco uses it)). We're ready to help you setting up your ship, but if you wish to speed up the process, we use the Bounty Hunter IFF (tag) with Mercenary IDs.

Feel free to contact me directly should you have any further doubts. Hope to see you in space soon.

Also, when you feel you're ready, please post here.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Pheatos - 03-06-2009

I look forward to working with all of you.

I have contacted Billy, who says my ship configuration is sufficient. I also have Bounty Hunter as my IFF, as well as a Merc ID. (I will be setting up a skype account, check my profile, it'll be there)

Also, I actually have decided to pick up a call sign.


Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Recoil9000 - 03-11-2009

Good day Gents, I am Zeller McKryzen;

I have never fully known where i belong in this universe. From what I know, I was born on planet Manhattan. When I was very young, both my parents died in a tragic accident. I was left in the care of my uncle who had never agreed with my father. He decided that he couldn't take on the responsibilty of raising me and sent me off to a military school. There I stayed until I was 17, when one day I just packed up my stuff and left. Those years at that school were some of the worst of my life.

For several years after that day that I left that school, I have put what skills I have into fighting for who ever would pay under the call sign of "Carbon Zealot". When there was no one willing to pay, I spent my time smuggling contraband throughout the systems. My life continued like this until Gallia decided to reopen its borders.

I found myself a small piece of land out on one of the less populated planets of Gallia. Life was good except for one thing. I soon found that I could not live this way. I thought to myself "All my life I have been trained for war." There was no way I could continue to live like that.

So I set to reestablish my ties with the Bounty Hunter's Guild to resume my old ways. Then one day the opertunity presented itself. I got chatting with someone I see often on my smuggling trips and he told me about this Mercenary group that he had heard about. He described a life that I had been looking for to a pin's head. So I set out to find out more about this group of Mercenaries, and today i find myself here applying to be a Mandalorian Warior.

For your interests...
I know my way around most of the systems in Serius.
I have my ways of coming out with information (I have friends in high and low places)
And lastly, I am willing to almost anything it takes to get the job done.

One of the few weaknesses I can see in myself is that I will most likely have to be trained your style of combat. To be honest, I am only now learning skills that I wish I had known years ago.

I pray that you will at least take this application into some consideration. After all, it is posted that you are looking for new recruites.

~McKryzen signing off...

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - tfmachad - 03-11-2009

Mr. McKryzen, it is always a good thing to receive new candidates. And, yes, we are always looking for new blood. You see, we fight at places the militaries won't even go to if they can avoid it. So you can presume how risky a business ours is, and how it is that we must keep replenishing our ranks.

You seem to have a very curious background, Mr. McKryzen. I see in your application file that you were born on Planet Manhattan and studied there, then you left school to work as a Mercenary, and that afterwards you have settled in a small Planet... in Gallia space? Let me get this straight. Gallia? You mean the territory that up until this last weekend was completely unknown to the four Houses, Gallia? You have travelled from Manhattan and somehow managed to enter their space and settled there, like nothing?

Pardon me my skepticism, Mr. McKryzen, but you must understand my bewilderment. Pray tell, how is that even possible? First, how did you manage to find your way into Gallia in the first place? And after you did, considering you have made no indications that you have been imprisoned there, why didn't you come back to one of the four Houses and disclosed your find? You would have been made a rich and powerful man for that alone.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Recoil9000 - 03-11-2009

' Wrote:Pardon me my skepticism, Mr. McKryzen, but you must understand my bewilderment. Pray tell, how is that even possible? First, how did you manage to find your way into Gallia in the first place? And after you did, considering you have made no indications that you have been imprisoned there, why didn't you come back to one of the four Houses and disclosed your find? You would have been made a rich and powerful man for that alone.

You are going to have to forgive me, for I did not specify how long I stayed in Gallia. It is true that I spent some time in Gallia as a Freelancer, but it was not for long. As the war in Gallia continued, my calling to combat haunted me. There was no way I was able to stay there for long.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Drifter84 - 03-12-2009

' Wrote:Good day Gents, I am Zeller McKryzen;

I have never fully known where i belong in this universe. From what I know, I was born on planet Manhattan. When I was very young, both my parents died in a tragic accident. I was left in the care of my uncle who had never agreed with my father. He decided that he couldn't take on the responsibilty of raising me and sent me off to a military school. There I stayed until I was 17, when one day I just packed up my stuff and left. Those years at that school were some of the worst of my life.

For several years after that day that I left that school, I have put what skills I have into fighting for who ever would pay under the call sign of "Carbon Zealot". When there was no one willing to pay, I spent my time smuggling contraband throughout the systems. My life continued like this until Gallia decided to reopen its borders.

I found myself a small piece of land out on one of the less populated planets of Gallia. Life was good except for one thing. I soon found that I could not live this way. I thought to myself "All my life I have been trained for war." There was no way I could continue to live like that.

So I set to reestablish my ties with the Bounty Hunter's Guild to resume my old ways. Then one day the opertunity presented itself. I got chatting with someone I see often on my smuggling trips and he told me about this Mercenary group that he had heard about. He described a life that I had been looking for to a pin's head. So I set out to find out more about this group of Mercenaries, and today i find myself here applying to be a Mandalorian Warior.

For your interests...
I know my way around most of the systems in Serius.
I have my ways of coming out with information (I have friends in high and low places)
And lastly, I am willing to almost anything it takes to get the job done.

One of the few weaknesses I can see in myself is that I will most likely have to be trained your style of combat. To be honest, I am only now learning skills that I wish I had known years ago.

I pray that you will at least take this application into some consideration. After all, it is posted that you are looking for new recruites.

~McKryzen signing off...

-Incoming comm-
-Comm id : Consul Kal Vergebuir-

We have reviewed your request and as the Mandalore stated above , certain parts of your story leave us feeling a little....ah....uncomfortable .

To better judge if you have the 'right stuff' to join our little band , hail anyone of our pilots in space . Fly with them and they will report back to the Mandalore and Consuls on your performance , skills and character .

We have a complex and sometimes confusing web of clients , it is vital that you have a full understanding of the nuances before flying for us .

I , and the rest of the MM , look forward to making your acquaintance in the arena of true measure ... the cockpit !

Consul Kal Vergebuir

-Comm terminated-

//OOC : Basically what this means is , you are accepted on probationary status . Equip an acceptable VHF or bomber , rep as a Freelancer , ID is Mercenary ( Do not tag as MM~ yet , use only your name - Zeller McKryzen ) . Check for any MM~ tagged chars when you're in space , give us a hail and fly with us for a while so we can get to know you . Coolios ?:)

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Recoil9000 - 03-12-2009

I look forward to meeting you all, and possibly working with you.

//I guess I did go a little over the top for my RP...