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Gallic Underworld Bounty Board (Maquis, Brigands, Gaians, Corse) - Printable Version

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RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 04-04-2021

I saw a Gallic Navy battleship

I killed it.

Payment owed to [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire: 20,000,000

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Front de Libération de Gallia - 04-05-2021

All claims PAID. Keep up the good work. Pour Gallia!

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Front de Libération de Gallia - 04-06-2021

Propaganda handout Hand out propaganda commodity with at least some roleplay about the goodness of The Maquis, Front or evils of Union/GN/GNI to any ship. Be Creative.
Flat Rate:10,000,000

1) Meet any (Non-Maquis, Corse or Brigand) ship
2) RP with them
3) Make them accept your propaganda commodity
4) Show screenshot of propaganda in their hold, RP line(s) excerpt

And 10 Million is yours. Go spread the word. If we will make it to officialdom, a custom made Front/Maquis propaganda commodity will be designed and requested via a perk eventually that you will be able to hand out.

This reward can be added to forced roleplay statement from Gallic Corps and/or cargo acquisition from anyone. e.g. convince trader to give you some of his cargo to support our cause (or to not get killed in case of Gallic corps) hand him propaganda, make a Communicaton Zone post - you earn 60,000,000

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 04-06-2021

Quick, make a wish! Gallic Navy putains are falling!

Payment owed to [FLG]VG-Revolutionnaire: 40,000,000

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Lionel Bourcher - 04-09-2021

The GMS have and big at their disposal

We spread the thruth about the Union to the crew. I recommend if you see this GMS|Moon's-Luxury-Yacht floating around, you bring transport ships. I am sure they will be more than happy to share some of the resources after the thruth about The Heroic Maquis was spread to the crew

Money Owed to [FLG]Propagandiste-1: 10,000,000 (propaganda handout)

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Buka - 04-09-2021

Your Ship Name:[FLG]Louis.Fontaine
[Image: 865f08a6b0468903f0af57664ea40a79.png]
[Image: 317c74c718c48e3343f7e0cace1a0452.png]
Money owed: 20,000,000
Account to send to: [FLG]Louis.Fontaine

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Balian Remi - 04-15-2021

Your Ship Name: [FLG]Balian.Remi.
Target: GNS-Paris
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans):
[Image: Freelancer_2021-04-15_11-28-35-88.png?wi...height=351]

Forum link (If Applicable):
Money owed: 20,000,000
Account to send to: [FLG]Balian.Remi.

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Balian Remi - 04-17-2021

Your Ship Name: [FLG]Balian.Remi.
Proof (ID,Time,Kill/Cargo/Delivery/Fulfilled RP demand scans): [Image: Freelancer_2021-04-16_12-47-02-53.png?wi...height=351]
Forum link (If Applicable):
Money owed: 10,000,000
Account to send to: [FLG]Balian.Remi.

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Front de Libération de Gallia - 04-19-2021

Civilian Death List
Individual bounties on trade ships that are notorious for silent thrusting to dock points and no respect for The Maquisards during multiple interactions with different Front members.
Kill on sight, execute the crew, make them an example and get paid 30,000,000 every time you do.

Bonus on /S/ tagged ships
The Seigneurs, or S***heads are the military governors of the Gallic Union , /S/ are their security force.
If they are stupid enough to leave their palaces and move out in the open, destroy their ships and earn
25,000,000 for Snubcraft, freighters, transports and 40,000,000 for Gunboat or bigger.

Rewards will be paid later this week - apologies for the delay

RE: Rewards Board: Maquis Front de Libération - Front de Libération de Gallia - 04-23-2021

Fleur Royale bounties added. Aded bonus in Oriflamme (Ori|), Fleur (Fleur-)

All claims PAID. Keep up the good work. Pour Gallia!