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The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Printable Version

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The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Etaphreven - 12-18-2007

' Wrote:Guess you can add in advancment, combat skills, and longiness of member in clan otherwise you all be Senior directors

Heh,you got that right.As far as I know,all LH members are great.So yeah,they'd all probably be senior directors in a week:P

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - mjolnir - 12-18-2007

hmm... nice...

some points

- I don't really see how should a trainee should get his hands on 3 million credits while flying a Dagger

- how a Technician should successfully pirate a transport on his own in a Scimitair or Slipstream (the shields will simply never go down)

... and more....

Also facing the *cough* LSF gunboat barrage *cough* as well as pirating with under VHFs and almost no bombers will get really difficult.

I would suggest you to re-think the ship allowances for different ranks (talking about the under VHF/Bomber level now)... it might be difficult for you to get members with the current ones....other factions offer up to 10mil or more for people to start their character

I would go as far as allowing Greyhound for Technicians and Sabre/Bombers for Specialists. There is simply not many low-level players to play against.

Otherwise I would really like to join.. but with the requirements as they stand It would simply take too long time to come to any decent level.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - LancerZero - 12-18-2007

Looks good and well thought-out. Good to see a real Lane Hacker faction at last!

However, I do have one question: why is the RHA on the "targets of opportunity" list? I know we won't likely encounter each other, like, barely ever; but Bs| are allied with the Corsairs, RHA is allied with Outcasts, and yet we're both in "targets of opportunity"? I wouldn't put us in "allies", but we should be in "friendly", I think.

And UKMG is listed in both "Neutral" and "KoS".:P

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Etaphreven - 12-18-2007

Oh Mjolnir you've always got something to critique(you know it's a joke...):P
Give the guy a darn,well-deserved break:)

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - mjolnir - 12-18-2007

meh.. he asked for it :)

to me as a seasoned pilot some of the tasks just seemed too difficult... there are many good RPers that were not really good pilots in the start

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - alance - 12-18-2007

Great work, well thought out, hope you succeed in getting this faction off the ground and active in game!

I think some of your advancement criteria are a bit steep for the smallish ships your pilots will be using. You're asking Technicians to SOLO pirate a transport using a LF... ugh, have you ever tried something like that?:D

I think asking for a CODENAME from someone flying a Dagger is pretty rough, but probably doable if you know where the codenames are.

I also think basing piracy fees on the target's rank is metagaming. You should set a standard rate and only use the target's rank to soften that rate if your target is poor. I.e. ask for a standard fee but if he's only rank 50 then be understanding (at least in your mind) that the target probably doesn't have much cash. Increasing your rates based on his rank just doesn't make any RP sense.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - chopper - 12-18-2007

Friendly in your list are Blood Dragons, Junkers and Hogosha.

I don't think this can work, because, Hogosha are enemies of Blood Dragons and Junkers, and allies of Corsairs (Lane Hackers enemies.).
Put them as Neutral or Unfriendly, my suggestion.

Apart from that, everything else looks great. Nice job.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-18-2007

All fantastic points so far. I don't have time to respond to them all right now, but I will consider everything.

A quick point about the Recruit and Trainee ranks:

These are designed to function as Boot Camp and Advanced Officer Training School.

Most importantly, they will automatically turn away teenagers who just want to join a pirate clan, immediately get credits to outfit the biggest baddest fighter or gunship they can, and go PvP everything in sight. We don't want such people in our clan, and making people work a bit for their early promotions will serve that purpose.

I and our current members are ALL undergoing the career advancement and recruitment procedures exactly as I have outlined them. So we will see for ourselves what needs adjustment to keep things challenging without becoming irritatingly difficult and tedious. I DO welcome all input about this, however!

I know for a fact that the Dagger is quite sufficient for dealing with any NPC threats in Liberty Space, and Trainees will be under rank 30 until they are promoted (by transferring credits to the clan bank as they earn them), so player PvP should not be a problem. Alternately, I can lower the financial requirement so as soon as they hit rank 30 they can be promoted.

As to piracy in Scimitars...I personally have solo taken down a transport's shields with a Scimitar using 2 Adv. Debs, 2 class 9 Hellflurries and a Hellflurry turret, so I know it is possible. Two or three Scimitars similarly outfitted and a transport is toast.

As to piracy in Daggers, one of our members managed to solo mug a trader for 500k using a Starflier last week. (It wasn't me, but I won't say who.) Obviously it wasn't due to tactical combat skills. It was due to exceptional roleplaying, which is exactly what we are looking for. Everybody keeps saying that they want to see better roleplay in space, but then they criticize based solely on tactical considerations. Personally, I think the lack of roleplay in tactical situations that we all have been seeing is largely due to the overpowered set ups that we have all been using. Bring down the arms race a bit, and people are forced to roleplay more to achieve their objectives. Besides, I personally think being the underdog is more reasonable for pirates anyway. Gov'ts and corporations will always have more credits to throw at ships and weapons than pirates, unless you are the Outcasts or Corsairs.

I don't expect everyone to do this in a Dagger. Trainees in Daggers can team up with other members and get an even share of the loot to reach their financial requirements.

I am considering waving the financial requirement for advancing from the Trainee rank if a member submits a detailed character biography. This could serve as a roleplay requirement for advancement. (Anyone detecting the trend here?)

And no, all members cannot advance to Director rank. Read the career advancement again requirements again. There may eventually be 5 Directors at most, if our roster justifies it. For the time being it is limited to 3.
Thanks for all of the input, I will be giving all of it serious consideration. And I am not trying to be argumentative here, at all.

The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - alance - 12-18-2007


The Lane Hackers, Faction Proposal - Xoria - 12-18-2007

Point taken, Morrigan.

I edited my post.