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The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 03-13-2008

"Midnight" (Part V)

'Yersinia Pestis Captured.'

The words flash in Damiens' sightline as he enters the northern cavern.

With a resigned sigh, he picks a stock answer from a response list, & sends a message back to the posse that he sent to collect the former Plague Dog.

'Return to Islay Station'

Along with the numerous businesses housed in equally numerous storefronts crammed in together with a smattering of small residential apartments lining both sides of the narrow streets that snake & fork into the distance, the Green Hell is very literally covered in plantlife.

Because of the climate extremes experienced on a daily basis, the plantlife have evolved & adapted. Not only have they adapted, they also have become indiginous...not just to Islay, but specifically to Hell itself.

The northern cavern is a real jewel in the eyes of Hell's regular customers, & is simply known as 'The Woods' and it serves a dual purpose: It provides a large area for numerous breeds of plantlife smuggled in from Gaia, to climatize & cross-breed for however many years it takes to learn to endure their new environment. As well, it also serves as a temporary retreat for station residents who begin to succumb to claustrophobia from living in space for extended periods.

Dimi unsheathes the machete resting on his hip, & hacks his way down a thick overgrown trail towards Banger Grimm's cabin.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 03-15-2008

"Midnight" (Part VI)

Banger Grimm opens his front door & allows Dimi entry without a word.

They both head to the tiny kitchen & pour themselves a cup of tea, & make their way to an equally tiny den.

After a few minutes Banger breaks the silence & asks: "How did you know I wouldn't poison you?"
"I didn't" Damien replied without looking up.
"Well, you deserve to be."
..."I know."

The older man rises from his seat opposite the younger, & steps over to look out his window.

"It looks like Day is going to break in a few minutes..." the man said, while staring at the position of the moonlights shining from their casings & onto the cavern celing. "You should start heading back into Dis before your bloodhounds return with Yersinia.

At that, Dimi finally looks up to meet the eyes of an old friend, only to see someone that has turned his back on him.

Matthew 'Banger' Grimm is the very first resident of the Green Hell, & is the primary reason that it is a living one.

Having spent the majority of his career as a herbology professor on planet Cambridge, he was stripped of his tenure & fired for his ongoing, outspoken dissent against the Bretonian government & support of the Gaian cause during his classes & lectures.

Blacklisted by the Royal house & unable to find work, he made his way to Edinburgh for a fresh start.

Finding employment on Islay as a miner for the Level 66 project, he eventually formed the 'Gravedancers Union' as an effort to improve the working conditions within the six unfinished caverns.

As the years went on, Matthew was a constant thorn in Caulobacter's side, & gained a reputation as a hero among the workers for his ability to bang out beneficial agreements for them.

Eventually, in spite of themselves & their constant arguing over pay, housing, & medical benefits, Caul & Matt realized they have each met their match, & eventually buried the hatchet, & became the best of friends.

After the mining was finished, he retired to a small stone cabin in the northern cavern & began his attempts to improve the air quality by bringing in untold tons of plantlife via former Gravedancers & volunteers.

After almost a decade of failures, something finally clicked, & life began to take hold within the bowels of Islay Station.

"Where the hell do you get your information?" Dimi asked, staring at the back of the older man; in a tone both 'suprised' & 'not at all' at the same time.

"Kiss my a**." he said without turning.

Damien could do nothing but quietly leave Banger Grimm's cabin & slowly walk back to the central cave as his heart breaks in unison with the dawn.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 03-16-2008

"Dawn" (Part I)

Damien returns to the lobby of Colin Tower & heads towards the back stairs that leads up to his office.

"Mr. McEwan!" the woman behind the front desk calls out as he passes. "...There are a couple of people waiting for you upstairs, Sir."

"Yeah, whatever. Thanks Hon!" he says without breaking his stride.

He leaps the steps two at a time, up to the tenth floor.

At the top, he takes a moment to catch his breath, & then opens the door.

Inside, his vision spies Yersinia Pestis, battered & bloody, & chained by the neck, being forcefully held by Jeremy 'Checkerboard' a dog on a leash.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 03-16-2008

"Dawn" (Part II)

Damien blinks, & at the speed of thought, transfers Jeremy's bounty payment through his neural net with a sharp, but quickly subsiding pain at the base of his spine.

"Thank you sir, you are free to go." he says out loud, while begining to glare daggers at the chained & collared woman.

Jeremy Morgan relinquishes custody of the bloodied & former Plague Dog, as he hands the chain over to his superior.

Not bothering to wait for Jeremy to exit, Damien looks at the woman with nothing less than complete & utter hate, & begins to ask in a low menacing growl:

"Where... is Typhoid Mary"

At that moment, he twitches in pain & recieves an encrypted message from Omega-49, before he can even hear an answer that he already knows Pestis would rather die for than reveal.

In the span of a moment, Dimi's demeanor completely changes, & yells out to Jeremy as he begins to close the office door behind him.


"Take this B**ch down to Arena 66 & string her up!"

"Really?" Jeremy replied questioningly.

Marburg cracks an evil smile, & drops what he's doing, & knocks Yersinia Pestis to the floor as he darts away at top speed towards the stairwell, like a bat out of Hell.

Next- Living the Life of Riley: "The Harvest"

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 03-21-2008

"Dawn" (Epilogue)

For the second time today, Jeremey "Checkerboard" Morgan relinquishes custody of Yersinia Pestis.

As she is led to her cell by an employee of the Green Hell's 66 Arena, He signs the transfer papers, & turns to leave.

On his way out of the jail that doubles as a small bloodsport coliseum, he recieves a message from the boss, as a series of words that flash across his sightline, originating from the console of Damien's ship as he & Riley Mackenzie pull away from Islay Station, on their way to Omega-49.

'Understood, thank you Sir.' he responds wordlessly, & walks out of the jail, towards his new duties as he replaces Damien during his absence...& into the rising temperatures & quickly oppressive heat of Hell's Dawn.

The Gates of Hell are now open

The Green Hell Beergarden - Malaclypse 666 - 03-21-2008

A rather non-descript, middle-aged, middle-height man wearing an outrageous plum-colored frock coat exited the lift at Level 66. His eyes swept about the central plaza of the Green Hell, taking in every unique detail.

"..So this is where Reggie's newest 'item' hails from..

"No wonder she was so keen to accept his offer of running Hope's Haven! Good Goddess, this humidity would make that gorgeous red hair of hers wilt in a matter of moments.."

He slowly walked forward to view a holographic "map" of Level 66. "Now.. where is this street that has supposedly been named after me... Hah! And "Dis Way".. how amusing!"

Another attraction on the hologram catches his eye, a drinkery known as the "Fellow Hoodlum".

"Well, one has to start somewhere!" he muttered to himself as he turned in the direction indicated by the map. "It sounds as if the lads have the defense of Canaria in hand. A drink or two can't hurt..."

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 03-21-2008

A message sent via the neural net to all Gaians, Allies, & those otherwise neutral to us here on Islay:

The Green Hell Beergarden Complex is a grounds for "cross-pollinization." A place for people & stories to cross paths, but not tarry. A place where plans might be shared, deals made, plots exposed, rumors spread, and lasting friendships cemented.

There is only one 'law' here on Level 66, & it's simple to remember:

"Don't be a fool, follow the Golden Rule."

Do not test us on this.

Enjoy your time here & please, don't forget to tip your waitresses.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 03-26-2008

Yesterday Morning...

"Yes Sir, he's over there..." says a waitress, while pointing towards a table nestled in a quiet little corner of Hell.

Dimi crosses the Fellow Hoodlum Pub & sees a rather non-descript, middle-aged, middle-height man wearing an outrageous plum-colored frock coat...slumped over; sweating profusely & snoring loudly, as the daylights shine on the walls in the 'six a.m.' position.

Standing over the soon-to-be very hungover man, he can't help but snicker out loud.

"Alright Malaclypse, time to go home buddy" Damien says as he does his best to lift the guy to his feet...& not doing very well.

"He*hic*ey! Marbushi..Marclin..." Mal tries to say w/ a groggy & sloppy smile while waving his free hand in the air. "Have a dri*hic*nk with me, it'sh happy flour!

"We just had one Mal, remember?" replied Dimi, humoring the man, as a couple of onlooking bouncers rush in to aid the new Beergarden manager with the heavier man's extraction from his seat.

You're a good egg Markley, but you *hic* schould really do schomething about the temperaturesh in here.

"Well, we try Sir, but accually, around here, this is considered kind of a cool morning.

After a fair bit of effort, Dimi & the two bouncers place Mal in a rickshaw parked outside, & Dimi pays the runner to take them both through the central cavern & towards the front entrance, & closest to the escelator that leads up into the docking bay in the upper section of the station.

...Moments pass...

The Green Hell Beergarden - I_m_rdy - 03-26-2008

Sean never really changed since his childhood, staying the curious little kid like two decades ago. As he heard of the opening of The Green Hell, he was eager to explore the new level. He went up to level 66, which practically was The Green Hell. A hot and sticky jungle grown in a single base. It didn't even need biodomes to fully overgrow the whole level, which was huge compared to the other levels of Islay. Sean felt like he was on Gaia.

Sean found himself in the central chamber, where most of the poplation of The Green Hell lives. Everything is here for human life, ranging from schools and universities up to malls and small market places. Sean noticed the huge opening to the west of the central chamber, which led to Erinloch, the lake of level 66. Sean almost jogged to the huge entrance t Erinloch, and at it he faced the big lake and the even wilder plantlife. Thats when his exploring urge came up. Like a small kid, he ran into the jungle without a thought about how he could come back again.

And so, Sean got lost in Erinloch while visiting The Green Hell for the very first time...

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 04-06-2008

Dimi McEwan sets a waypoint, & heads back to Islay with another Raven's Talon flying in close formation.

A number of days ago, after watching the Zoners defend Omega-49 from their new threat on a viewscreen in the Veranda on Gran Canaria, the Gaian paid his tab & headed back to Islay for a good nights sleep.

He snuck past the Molly patrols in Dublin, & slipped into Edinburgh.

Once inside his system, he set a course for home & sank into his seat as his cruise engines sucked in the surrounding particles & gave his ship a burst of speed.

Dimi's scope shortly picks up a friendly transponder signal he's never seen before, & changes course to offer an equally friendly 'howdy'

Once in range, he scans the other Talon & spies a hold full of bounty hunters.

"Krakah, this is copy?" he said after flipping on the voice comm. "Nice goin' on all those hunters...Wanna form up & fly with me back to Islay to unload?"

"No." came the woman's reply over the cockpit speakers, "I'm having too much fun at the moment!"

"Alright then Hon, have it your way...I'm dockin' on station for a few hours rest before I go back to work."

"Wait!" she said, just before Dimi flipped the 'off' switch. "Before you get out of range, could I have a quick word?"

"Yeah, ok...why not?"

He soon flies up nose-to-nose to the other identical Talon.

"Alright, How can I help ya Miss?" Damien asks.

"You can sit still while I test my new weapons!" & she takes down his shields with her mini razor & a giggle.

"What the hell??" he yells, & hits the thruster on instinct & takes a pot-shot of his own, using his razor to return the favor, & 86'ed her shields as well.

"Ok, if you're going to be That way, I'll just take my ship & find someone else to play with!"

Dimi could hear the smile she was wearing while trying to bait him into a duel over the comm, & quickly decided to be a good sport about it.

They spent the rest of the day shooting at each other, & had a grand 'ol time.

...And this has been going on for days now.

They would meet up in a quiet corner of the system & practice their fighting & taunting skills on each other, only flying back to Islay for repairs, food, & sleep breaks.

Today, as they approach the station & break formation to dock, Islay's automted system takes control of his ship as Dimi asks: "What's your name anyway?"

The group channel closes without a word.

After a few minutes of kicking back & waiting for his ship to be towed into 'docking bay 1' from the landing tube, he sees the Krakah powering down closeby.

Out of all the times the've flown together now, this is the first time the dockmaster parked him close enough to have the opportunity to accually meet her.

As he signs the docklog, The pilot of the other Talon approaches, & waits her turn.

"Hello." she says to Dimi as she pulls the log away from him to sign her own ship in for the night as well.

He lifts his eyes from the sign-in pad to greet her, mumbles something in reply as the sight of her burns through him & affects his pulse rate, but has no idea what it was he accually said.

"Thanks again for the fun, Dimi...See you again tomorrow?"

He blabbers something else incoherent as she walks on her way out.

Just before she hits the exit, she turns to flash a wink & a smile & says: "Eowyn Ravenwood" & disappears out of the bay.

The dockmaster chuckles to himself & rolls his eyes & says, "Snap out of it Sir & unslack your look like an idiot"

"Huh?...oh, right."

Dimi exits the bay trying to remember what just happened.

All he can remember now is a killer smile, long flowing green hair, & a frame so tone you could probably bounce a gold credit off of her backside.

Shaking it off by the time he reaches his cabin, he begins to plan how to approah Moira in 'Hopes Haven' to explain why he killed Caulobacter Phage.

"Crap! she's probably gonna kill me for it." he says to himself.

...& he's not kidding.