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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 02-21-2010

Mr Antonio Merdon

Suit up, money to be made.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - PhantomBlade - 02-26-2010


This is Russel Touarty Pilot of The SwiftStrike,

I wish to join your organization and make myself worth something in this galaxy.
When i was young i saw countless battles on the edge of known space. The grand majority of these battles my family was involved in. My father was an escort for IMG for all of his life. He piloted a Gunship and escorted the minors across the galaxy to drop there load of minerals. The obvious issue in this would be a constant attck by enemy pirates. Normally he could handle it but one day the Corsairs brought a large battle group and outnumbered his ship. He placed me in an escape pod and launched it to the nearest planet as he fought them off. He may not of survived the attacked but the mining transport made it away.

Ever since that day i have done what i can to live up to him. I Now have my own ship and reside near Mannhatten to wait for possible jobs to defend traders. It provides a good income but now i feel i am drifting away from what I should be doing. That is why I have turned to you. I am hoping the Mandalorians can give me a better purpose and make me worth my fathers name.

Russel Touarty

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Malexa - 02-26-2010

Consul Diane Blane tried to get some distance between her life and herself - and gaining distance really fast, is being achieved best in the next available bar.

"Shhh - Hey - You!"

Diane could not even take a seat and order the largest bottle of scotch when some sort of thug approached her.

"Someone, someone gave me this message! I should deliver this for him! Yes, yes."

It was a little miracle that this thug really delivered the message, instead of bailing with the credits he got paid previous to the delivery.
Diane took the letter and used it as a table mat for her drink.

"No, noooot today!"

She made a sip from her glass. It was pretty obvious that she was bursting with curiosity.
Diane would leave the bar soon to write something back.
Hopefully not as drunk as she targeted for, once entering the bar in the first place.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Malenka - 02-26-2010


Greetings warriors,
I hope you really do get this message because the navy is right behind my back...
My real name I can't give you but I hope Garrus is anough.
I've been hunting a Navy captain a few days and finally he is dead.
My mission is complete, and my family is avenged...
I would like to join your cause, I will enhance your ranks greatly.
Send me your response in a secured channel please...


"The hunt never ends"

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 02-27-2010

Mr Russel Touarty and er, "Garrus"

Suit up, money to be made.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 02-27-2010

The Consuls were gathered around the desk of the Mandalore.

He was not in a bad mood, but not precisely cheerful either.

"Gentlemen, we must temporarily close the recruitment centre. Our costs are getting ahead of our revenues."

None of the Consuls looked surprised. Dha Pirunha spoke up first.

"About time. I think we have bought every spare Eagle, Sabre and Roc in Sirius."

The Mandalore nodded.

"Exactly, we are suffering equipment shortages. We must become more prudent."

He smiled, and reached behind the desk.

"I have no problem with being a victim of our own success. I got something for each of you."

He handed out Gallian wine, stolen from a GRN officer recently downed under contract.

Only slightly scorched.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 03-14-2010

The recruitment officer went into his office and spent a few minutes doing a partially-posteriered job of dusting.

1) Application Forms : Check.

2) Brandy in Lefthand Drawer : Check

3) Revolver in Righthand Drawer : Check

All set. Bring in the fresh meat.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - gekerd - 03-15-2010

Fresh meat walks into the office, mumbling; "Damn even these mercs know bureaucracy, sending you from one recruitment office to another, blegh"
Hello, what do you want?
A job?
And why do you think you should look here?
Because the only thing I can do is fly and fight in a damn spacecraft.
Then what's your name?
I'm called Heinrich, sir.
Why the mandalorians then, "Heinrich"
I heard you had good connections for jobs.
That's good, what was your last name again?
Didn't tell it, and I prefer to keep that to myself sir.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 03-15-2010

Yeah, yeah I know.

Sometimes I think we are the Post Office with guns...

I will send you a questionnaire, Mr Heinrich

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - darkxy - 03-24-2010

[Image: Mandalorians_Skull-1.png]

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Tory Lane

Good day my dear Mandalore.Please consider this transmission as an applycation of joining Your honourable ranks, to fight with the best pilots shoulder to shoulder.
I would like to join You'r organisation due to get rid of those criminals who have bounties on their heads, who tortures everyone arround the sirius.
When i was young, my dad used to tell me bed time stories about his battles on the edge of known space. Knowing that he was very known men, and one of the best fighter pilots I used to dream about to become one of 'em , like him.
I had many plans for the future, and one of them was to see the universe and have my own space ship.
I didn't hesitate, and I immediatly took the things in my own hands.But we were poor, and that was main threat of continuing education.I couldn't affoard it.
Then, as usual when I needed a hand, my father was always there to rescue me from the problem.
He took his last credits from the bank, and gave it to me so I could continue education.
I knew if everything goes right, in few years I could get my own ship and get lots of money.

But I will never forget that night ... the pain, fear ...
A friend of mine woke me up late at night and told me my father died ... I couldnt belive it.Those damn criminals ... I hate them!

- Now we're not talking about the same person ever again.

My life changed ... I quit everything ... my life, everything what I had left was gone... vanished...
t-th-e ... the p-p-ai-pain ... everything I had has been lost.
I never saw my mom, he says she got killed, but now this happend ...

But then I did not want to give up. This gave me strenght to move on. I'm fighter, I wont give up that easy!
I want to be some-one and somebody, to earn for my own life, I want to people remember my name!To know who I am!

''I belive there is a smallest thing, tiny one, to give people a strenght , to show them the path and not let them give up.No matter how big problem is or how many of them are, there must be any solution.''

Those said words by one wise man long time ago, made me the person who I am today.Known person, one of the best merc fighters who wants to join Your honourable ranks my dear Mandalorians, I hope I am educated enough and equal your ranks.

My Eagle is waiting on Planet Manhattan to serve You. I belive Mandalorians could give me better purpose and make me worth my father's name.

Please if You require any informations about my flight experience, please feel free to speak, but I asure You, You will not regret it.

-Your sincerely.

<div align="right]End Transmission