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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 09-15-2011

>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<<

[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]RECOGNITION ID - Militsiya Junior Lieutenant Ketsu Shigemori
>>>[color=#000000]PRIORITY - GREEN
>>>[color=#000000]SUBJECT - Sortie Report

>>>[color=#000000]REPORT BEGINS -

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - Rheinland Gunboat
Name - "RNC-Bremerhaven"

With my Insurgent repaired, I went into Omega 7 on a pirate suppression patrol. Instead, I found a Rheinland Military Gunboat. Calling in Comrade Claus's Revolution Bomber for extra firepower, we proceeded to engage the gunboat. It put up a fierce resistance, but couldnt focus enough firepower on one of us long enough to do any real damage. In the end, it was destroyed, and we suffered no significant wear on our fighters.

Unfortunately, the presence of two mercenaries caused us to tactfully retreat from Omega 7.

>>>[color=#000000]UPLOADING DATA

>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000141
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000145
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000148
[color=#FF0000]For the Red Dawn!

>>>[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED[color=#FF0000]<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-17-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Junior-Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

Senior-Lieutenant Tori Villers called for a patrol today, and we mustered our forces in the Omega-52 system before patrolling in Omega-50 to Omega-49 and ultimately to Dublin. Comrade Ketsu und Thorvaldsson accompanied the wing in Insurgents. I was the only Revolution. There we spotted a single reaver, Silver Reaver, hanging out by the jumphole. We asked her what she was doing there, she said nothing. As we went to move on we were ambushed by other reavers coming from the jumphole. I managed to SNAC Silver Reaver right on the nose of her Mamoru. Alas my ship was destroyed shortly after, and my pod just made it back to the Gorodok. Guncam below.


This concludes the report for today, herr und frau Comrades.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jam - 09-17-2011

[[[color=#33FF33]Incoming Transmittion]]

Sender ID: [color=#000000]Junior-Lieutenant Sergei Levashov
Subject: Cannibals and Krauts burned
Priority: Low
Privet, Comrades!
Today, I launched my Insurgent to see a big mess in Omega-5. I immediately went there to engage some Cannibals, and of course, assist our comrades. I entered the fight under command of Han Xu, and I downed 3 of them myself. In the end, we were victorious.

Right after this fight, I was told to get to Revolution bomber. Me, Comrade Ketsu, and Claus accompanied Comrade Forge to Rheinland. I arrived first. I saw a Libertonian Dreadnaught LNS Pacifica fighting a Rheinland Battleship RNC-Augsburg. There were also two cruisers fighing each other. I engaged the Libertonian one, while waiting for reinfocements to some. They arrived. After some time, we forced 2 Battleships and a cruiser to dock. Hell, yes, what was awesome. Unfortunately though, some Unioners came for us, and we had to run for it. We can from them, but then Comrade Ketsu's ship was shot down by a random pirate Roc. Don't worry, I found his pod, and he is alright. I ended my day with returning to Zvezdny Gorodok.

For the Revolution!
[[[color=#33FF33]Transmittion Terminated]]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-17-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Junior-Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

Today was a good day for dur Revolution! SCRA und our comrades the RHA engaged in a very large furball stretching across the Omega-5 system. It went back and forth for several hours until we finally emerged with total victory. Eliminating several cannibal cruisers und the Sails flagship Osiris. It was a good day. Personal kills I made during the fight are below. Guncams.


After this great victory, Comrade Major Forge lead a raid on Rheinland. We forced several Rheinland capital vessels to dock when they were on fire. It will take a long time for them to repair. Comrade Levashov covered the engagements in Rheinland on his report.

I destroyed a Rheinland Military Recruit before he could fully bloom into the hated Capitalist he was destined to become:

Afterwards we took a rest on Gorodok, then Major Forge und I again took out of bombers. This time just the two of us. We raided the Stuttgart system, finding two RM Cruisers that were unlucky enough to pass by us. We destroyed them with ease, guncams below. This is when the mercenary "Aerealm" showed up. Forge ordered me to return to Omega-52. His ship was later destroyed, but his pod was picked up by a Hessian patrol and return to the Vogtland where we had another Revolution waiting for him. For the Revolution!



Lastly, the Reavers raided our O52 home once again. I managed to destroy one as it was attempting to flee to a Zoner station in Omega-50.

Lastly, an unlucky trespasser was destroyed.


For the Red Dawn!

This concludes the report for today, herr und frau Comrades.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 09-18-2011

>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<<

[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]RECOGNITION ID - Militsiya Junior Lieutenant Ketsu Shigemori
>>>[color=#000000]PRIORITY - GREEN
>>>[color=#000000]SUBJECT - Sortie Report

>>>[color=#000000]REPORT BEGINS -

Went on an evening patrol with Comrade Claus, hunting pirates.
In stuttgart, we chased a pirate who was riding in stolen hessian property, a gunship - before we could kill him, he sought refuge in the docking bays of Darmstadt depot.

Proceeding into New Berlin, we happened upon a patrol of two RM Wraiths, and a bounty hunter gunboat, "Orca" class. While we raidoed for backup, I did my best to try and eduacate them on the revolution. True, this was a stalling tactic, but the hope was always to get any soldier of the corrupt government, to pick up his arms for the people, and not the kanzler.

Appropriate logs below.

However, this didnt go as planed. With the Xi'An's arrival, so did two Reavers, and a Rheinland Battleship. We were joined later by the Lithuania, but at that time, the fight was fierce. The Xi'an suffered crippling damage and had to withdraw. With a Spyglass on our side, we were still outgunned, and the Battleship, together with a bergelmir bomber, turned the spyglass into waste around Vogtland base. It then turned into a fighting retreat to link up with the International- I had to to be tractored in by the Lithuania, after the bergelmir sheered off my port vertical wing with an anti-matter cannon blast.

Safe at Zvezdny Gorodok, I am told repairs will be extensive.

>>>[color=#000000]UPLOADING LOGS

2011-09-18 04:14:39 SMT
Adolf.Von.Hof: Then by all means SCRA speak your mind.

2011-09-18 04:14:47 SMT
Aye.Kill.Yu: no waaaaay!!

2011-09-18 04:14:47 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: We wish to eduacate you on the follies of your corrupt government

2011-09-18 04:14:51 SMT
Sidhomin: SCRA Pilots. This is Rheinland Military Sidhomin. Leave the area at once

2011-09-18 04:15:12 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Do you understand that Rheinland is ground under poverty?
2011-09-18 04:15:22 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: By a war that no one wants?

2011-09-18 04:15:25 SMT
Adolf.Von.Hof: Really?
2011-09-18 04:15:33 SMT
Sidhomin: Oh. I didn't know that

2011-09-18 04:15:33 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: The citizens yearn for peace, because they are starving

Death: Sergey1 was killed by an NPC
2011-09-18 04:15:57 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: They look to the Kanzler and the Reichstag to end this pointless war - and yet there leaders want only blood

2011-09-18 04:16:12 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Why else do you think there are so many revolutionaries in Rheinland?

2011-09-18 04:16:24 SMT
Adolf.Von.Hof: And what would you do if you where in control?
2011-09-18 04:16:24 SMT
Sidhomin: Because there are people like YOU around?

2011-09-18 04:16:26 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Hessians, Bundschuch, Unioners, LWB
2011-09-18 04:16:46 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: We are only another group - citizens of ALL sirious
2011-09-18 04:16:49 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: With a dream
2011-09-18 04:17:03 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: A Dream of a free, and un-corrupt sector
2011-09-18 04:17:14 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Where the monarchists are brought down

2011-09-18 04:17:23 SMT
Sidhomin: If so. Why attack Rheinland military?

2011-09-18 04:17:23 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: People have all the necessities of life

2011-09-18 04:17:24 SMT
Adolf.Von.Hof: And a Dream build on the blood of people killed of those who are UNFIT?

2011-09-18 04:17:30 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: No
2011-09-18 04:17:33 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: No one is unfit
2011-09-18 04:17:40 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: A revolution is made up of the People

Discovery Freelancer is a role-playing server. All attacks must be the result of some form of role play. Shouting "Engaging" or "Halt" is not sufficient.
2011-09-18 04:17:55 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: We attack the rheinland military because you defend the Kanzler
2011-09-18 04:18:01 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: And you make war, instead of peace

Death: Sergey1 was killed by an NPC
2011-09-18 04:18:11 SMT
Sidhomin: Unfortunately our IDs disallow us from engaging in illegal activities.

2011-09-18 04:18:19 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Were you to lay down arms, join our cause, you would be our closest brother

2011-09-18 04:18:31 SMT
Sidhomin: I somehow doubt that

2011-09-18 04:18:34 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Your ID is not a chain around your neck!
2011-09-18 04:18:40 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: It can be cast off!

2011-09-18 04:18:51 SMT
Sidhomin: I don't have the money for a new one

2011-09-18 04:18:54 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: The Revolution is for the people BY THE PEOPLE
2011-09-18 04:19:01 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: I will give you money, brother

2011-09-18 04:19:11 SMT
Sidhomin: I am not allowed to accept bribes

2011-09-18 04:19:14 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Does your family starve?

2011-09-18 04:19:24 SMT
Sidhomin: No. Of course not

2011-09-18 04:19:31 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: It is not a bribe - it is a gift, if you so desire it, if you so NEED it

2011-09-18 04:19:35 SMT
Adolf.Von.Hof: Interesting points of view SCRA i don't want to join you but i don't want to fight you. Unless you attack first make your
2011-09-18 04:19:39 SMT
Adolf.Von.Hof: points and go.
2011-09-18 04:19:48 SMT
Adolf.Von.Hof: me*
2011-09-18 04:19:58 SMT
Sidhomin: I will think about it. These decisions take time to make

2011-09-18 04:20:03 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: We are defenders of the people - every day i patrol Omega 7 - and i kill the pirates that assault Dauman, Kruger

2011-09-18 04:20:14 SMT
Sidhomin: Interesting

2011-09-18 04:20:40 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Do not beleive what the government liers tell you - the SCRA are your brothers
2011-09-18 04:20:59 SMT
SCRA|MIL-Ketsu: Only if you join us, for a better Sirius - a free one - an uncorrupt one
For the Red Dawn!

>>>[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED[color=#FF0000]<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 09-18-2011

[Image: xuodin.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Major Han Xu
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Cannibals beaten back

[color=#FFFFFF]Fellow Soldiers.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]A good victory last night as the Corsair expansion was knocked back at Cadiz.

[color=#FFFF00]Following reports that the Hessians had engaged the Corsairs in Omega-5, I mustered what troops were available and charged into the enemy.

The Sails were running rampant, and they even brought their pride and joy - The Black.Sails, to the party.

After issuing orders for all units to break and attack, we came up against stern resistance from its Solaris batteries.

Eventually, a couple of Vidar's joined in - Breaking the deadlock and we rained fire at the Osiris.

My last Mini Razor to the bridge was the killer blow as the vessel was reduced to a hulk.

A Gladiator and Titan thought it wise to engage me - I dispatched them with relative ease. The later Titan trying to run to Omega-41 to dock. It nearly got there, but finally - It exploded.

All in all, a good day.

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-24-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID:Major Warner, CPW Lithuania

"This is Major Ben Warner of the Lithuania reporting in. While our ship was on Local-Defense Duty we had a most strange encounter, we encountered two ships of Gallic Royalist design going by the designation CCCP|. A Gunboat and a Lynx-Class Fighter. When we disrupted their engines to capture the Gunboat and take the Lynx Pilot into custody they both turned and opened fire upon my ship. Thankfully the Local Defense Fleet reacted swiftly and suppressed them enough for two Pilots of the Primary Fleet to aid in suppressing the enemy while the Lithuania destroyed the enemy Gunboat. The debris has been sent to the good Doctor XiaoBei for further study by the way.

The enemy fighter, having lost a stabilizer crash-landed on JiangXi in the Radiation Zone of the Equator, a Patrol found him two hours later, however he had been mauled to death by the Acid-Spitting Rabbits native to the area, let this be a lesson to all Coalition Pilots, even Rabbits can be deadly."


Gunboat Destroyed

Report on the Crash Landing

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-26-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID:Major Warner, CPW Lithuania

"Once again those CCCP fools tried to oppose the Coalition which ended up with them being completely destroyed by the glorious Coalition.

The Lithuania now has two new GRN Gunboat kills painted onto it's hull, the primary report on the incident will be made by Comrade Claus."


First Gunboat Destroyed

Second Gunboat Destroyed

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 09-26-2011

[Image: 6920ngmajor.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Office of the Commandant, Kremlin Dome, Volgograd
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Promotions

Soldiers of the Coalition.
[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFF00]Renovation works to Gorodok have now began, following the near death of the station due to the TALOS... bug. Damage to the outer sections has resulted in a number of them becoming uninhabitable and unfit for combat usage. As such, I have relocated my office to the Kremlin Dome and the seat of Military power here. I also bring good news to the fighter corps.

[color=#FFFFFF]All recruit pilots have now been promoted to full Lieutenant.

Congratulations. You may remove the MIL designations from your combat ships. I have also put 1000 credits on the Klash's tab for you all to celebrate with. I apologise, I will not be able to celebrate with you - However General Rhade and Major Warner have strict instructions to watch over your celebrations.

[color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 09-26-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

Our patrols detected the presence of the CCCP in the Omega-7 system today. The Trotsky and the Lithuania, under comrades Rhade und Warner were dispatched as well as Comrade Major Xu Han. We eliminated the threat easily, two Gallic Royal Navy Gunboats und one Cougar bomber felt the taste of death by our hands.

First Gunboat

Second Gunboat

Cougar Bomber

The bomber destruction was especially an elation. The target must've forgotten he was a Gallic pig hated by all of Sirius. At first he tried to run to Aland, zen to FP1, then to some BAF bases in Cambridge. Then as a last ditch effort he tried to ram the sun. He turned at the last moment and fired a nova at comrade Xan, which was promptly detonated in his face. No remains were found in the aftermath. Probably the rabid-space-bunnies that consumed them.

For the Red Dawn! For the Revolution!