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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 10-01-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: General Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

We have a problem.
Quote:133. The secret to the Coalition's Military Might is a closely guarded secret.
134. It's Vodka, by the way.
Who revealed our secret?

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - T.A.L.O.S. - 10-01-2011

[Image: 18kcqc_th.jpg]

-Establishing T.A.L.O.S. Secured Access...Stand By.-

*Access to Mainframe Established, Accessing Transmission from T.A.L.O.S. Primary A.I. Core*

"The T.A.L.O.S. Administrator wishes to remind all Coalition Fighter Corps Pilots that drinking Vodka near a T.A.L.O.S. Terminal is a Class III Offense and is subject to being beaten by Commissars wielding Coalition Issued Shock-Batons on a high-setting. The Coalition assures all those who undergo this punishment that it is only fatal under specific conditions which include: Cardiac Health Issues, Prolonged exposure, improper use of the Shock-Baton, shoving of Coalition Shock-Baton into orifices that are not designed to accommodate the Coalition Shock-Baton.

Also the T.A.L.O.S. Administrator would like to remind all Coalition Citizens that the T.A.L.O.S. Public Library does not contain materials intended for adult audiences only and all materials within the T.A.L.O.S. Public Library are to be approved by a board of representatives of the Ministry of Truth."

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 10-01-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

Yesterday vas a gut day for ze Revolution! Myself und Senior-Lieutenant Villers decided to go on patrol in the Omega systems. We found nothing of note until we hit the Omega-7 system, we promptly dealt with a retarded pirate trying to destroy our comrades in the IMG.
Roc Destruction

An easy kill to be sure, the target ran into several of my mines till it had the unfortunate turn of running into one of Comrade Viller's.

Today's patrol started out in Omega-5, and simply put, I destroyed one cannibal with ease. Afterwards I spoke with one Solomon Harris for quite a while. A freelancer with Zoner weapons, an odd sight to be sure, but he seemed to be a happy worker so I left him to his own after I explained to him the importance of his rights as a worker und the importance of the working class to ze revolution.
Titan Destruction

Then I patrolled into the Omega-5 system where I found a mercenary that was promptly taken care of. He was shooting some Miners in the area.

Later we encountered a Corsair flying a traitor's vessel, an Arbeiter. We promptly disintegrated it.

Later we did a raid into Dublin and cleaned the system of a few Corsair vessels. Namely one Raba und one Titan class vessel. The Pirate Transport class vessel fled quickly when his comrades were going down.

Afterwards we raided the Stuttgart system, we had a busy day. We managed to take down a few Polizei fighters along the way. My vessel ended up being destroyed as well as comrade Lanakov's Revolution.

I was tractored up and returned to the Gorodok.

For the Red Dawn! For the Revolution!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 10-03-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

Today, myself und Comrade Major Ben Warner were being taunted by long-range communications by one pirate group called the "Rorry's Renegades." We had heard several reports in this group before, and heard that they had "taken over" the Omega-7 system, as they had claimed. Not very intelligent move on their part. We initiated operation "Turkey Shoot" und my Odin and the Dongfeng headed out to investigate. They were there floating, seemingly in position to pirate helpless IMG miners. We had to put a stop to them harassing the possible workers in the area. We jointly-killed the two vessels with ease, and scrapped any remnant that may have exploded with them. Their claims of "painting asteroids a shade of red" were correct, except it was their blood that painted it. Guncams below.

Havoc "Medb"

Ahoudori "The.Sea.Witch"

For the Red Dawn! For the Revolution!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-03-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID:Major Warner, CPW Lithuania

"May I go on, for the record, in adding a personal commendation for Lieutenant Claus, I've read over his reports and in my most recent sortie with the Lieutenant I must say I'm impressed with his zeal and ability to combat the enemy.

We must all strive to be as he is, full of zeal and always possessing the will to take the fight to the enemy, no matter where he may dwell.

Johannes Claus. I tip my cap off to you."

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-03-2011

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Major Warner, CPW Lithuania

"Tonight was a great success, after dropping off [CLASSIFIED] on [CLASSIFIED] the Lithuania departed for Omicron Gamma where we found and destroyed two Corsair Gunboats.

The Lithuania's bloody road to victory for the Coalition has two new bricks placed in the road that is ultimately freedom for all who believe in our glorious vision of peace.

Long Live the Coalition!

March on Lithuania!"

[Image: picsthuania-1693b.gif]


First Turkey Baked.
Second Turkey Baked

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 10-05-2011

[Image: vichi.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Chairman Devlin Chi
Target: Volgograd Industrial Trade ships and SCRA escort vessels.
Location: Volgograd Industrial Administrative Offices, Moscow Dome, Volgograd
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Commence operations.

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Trade Fleet Captains.
[color=#FFFF00]Negotiations with the Republic of Liberty have been concluded. You are all aware of the need to fill the coffers of VI for us to continue to expand the Coalitions goals and further our military abmitions. It is now that I will direct you to your objectives.

Captains are authorised to employ Molly miners at a local level to mine Gold Ore. If no Mollys are available - Consider the IMG. Be on the lookout for pirates at all times and if necessary, call in an SCRA strike wing. You are then to proceed to Detroit Munitions where you will sell your ore and return with a commodity of your choice to either be deposited within Omega-52 or to be sold at an allied base. One third of the profit for each run is to be directed to VI|Bank. This shall conclude Phase One. Phase two is highly classified and will be directed to individual Captains only. Reporting of Phase two to any unauthorised personal shall be concluded with a swift death. Business is cruel comrades.

In time, we will amass a fortune which will enable us to enact Phase Three of the operation.

Long life to Volgograd Industrial!

[color=#FFFFFF]Chi out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 10-07-2011

ID: Major Han Xu
[Image: xutransmission.png]

Soldiers of the Coalition,
[color=#FFFF66]Your orders are clear and distinct. The Order are not to be trusted. Any Order vessel found in the Omega's is to be immediately challenged and removed from our territory. These are the very same standing orders which followed our neutrality pact signed to end the brief skirmish between the Coalition and the Order. We are not friends, comrades - We stay out of each others Zones of Influence. If they encroach on the Omega's - Shoot them.

The result of this came to a head this evening.

We were outgunned, outnumbered and driven back in confusion over the petty squabbles of Zoners once more. I will make this perfectly clear. No SCRA soldier is to set foot on Freeport 1. How they run the station is their own business. If we are having to chase down any Order operative to the Freeport - They are to be engaged and destroyed however close they may be to the station.

I trust the above is sufficiently clear.
[color=#990000]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-08-2011

[font=Garamond][color=#33CC00]To: All SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Commissar-Colonel Tahiri
Priority: Medium
Subject: Promotion

---Communications Opened---

[Image: _51475417_bilal3.jpg]


I am ammending Major Han's orders.

Order vessels in the Omega's are to be met and challenged, if they refuse to meet the challenge with an answer, or are present in Omega-50 / 52 they are to be fired upon.

The Omega's are a vast place and the Wilde still stalk it, we should be mindful of this.

The Cerberus, however, still have to answer for their intrusion into our territory.

For the Ikon, my Ikon! Premier Katz

Belial out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 10-09-2011

[color=#33CC00]To: SCRA pilots
Comm. ID: Doctor XiaoBei
Priority: Medium
Subject: BNI-Uprades to all Odin-Hybrid Fighters

---Communications Opened---

[Image: Xiaobei.jpg]


I know the wait for the new XKR's is exceeding expectations... and Commissar Mendel is round my offices executing anyone who doesn't meet quota by stuffing them feet first into an industrial blender... I won't get into what he did to the station's anger management psychologist... all I ask is if you find pieces of him, please return them to his next of kin... I have some sandwich bags that should be the right size...

Now then, I do have some good news.

Firstly I am to confirm rumours that the Storm EV0 project is a success, and you can already find EV0's in service protecting the Coalition amidst it's elite Fighter corps.

[Image: screen229.png]

Along with our advanced <CENSORED> Project, that has yielded some interesting results in <CENSORED> and the infamous <CENSORED> Project that we all know you are waiting for eagrely, as it will spell certain doom for the <CENSORED>...

I am pleased to inform you that the Bio Neural Interface Helmets have been installed on all SCRA fighters.

These helmets allow better response time from your fighters, and an intuitive eye tracking system will allow you to instantly track and target far greater numbers of enemies when you sortie out to maim, sunder and smite the enemies of the revolution...

For those of you serving in the MIL ranks .. go smash more now....
[Image: BNI.png]

Now I must warn you if you experience any of the following side effects, you are to report to medical immediately.

*Unexplained sudden migraines
*debilitating incontinence
*spontaneous homosexuality

And yes the helmets are designed to whisper "All hail the Ikon" in your ears, don't worry, it's at a frequency that you will be able to tune out with some practice... Rumours of Batch VI's failure are greatly exaggerated, no they weren't subjected to experimental mind control experiments as a test group... that's all lies, total exaggeration... we'd never do anything like that...


Carry on then...

For the Revolution, and the True Ikon!

Doctor XiaoBei
Mykolaiv Director of Coalition Research

---Communications Terminated--