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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - ZeSKULLz - 10-20-2011

---Incoming Transmission---
IDENTIFICATION:Ilya Vetrov,Militsiya
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52
[Image: r1XQBGQo.jpg]
Greetings Comrades.Today I spent patrolling the Omega-52.As a result of my work I did undetectable.No trace of the enemy or offenders.
[Image: tOo7oGgP.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 10-28-2011

[Image: 6920ngmajor.png]

ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Chun Ki Ling
Target: All SCRA Assets
Location: Office of the Commandant, Kremlin Dome, Volgograd
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Subject: Promotion and removals.

Soldiers of the Coalition.
[color=#FFFF00]Following the near destruction of the Lithuania. I regret to inform you that we have been unable to locate Major Warner. Reports are sketchy at best,

Be at attention for the now Lt-Colonel Levashov! He has been tasked with overseeing the reconstruction of the Lithuania and is to drill the fighter corps in combat.

In addition to the above, many pilots may have found their wings stripped. If you are too lazy to fly patrols, then you will fly no more. Anyone who has an issue with this is to direct it to this office.

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#FFFFFF]Ling out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 10-28-2011

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: Major Warner

[Image: Snow_.png]
Forge here.

We have lost a great man. We can only hope Warner returns one day!

Congratulations to Lieutenant Colonel Levashov; may you continue the Lithuania's legacy. Her bloody history shall not end with this, no?

My comrades.

Do not let this, soldiers of the Coalition, dishearten you! Let this steel your resolve! We have yet one more name who we must fight on for!

For Major Warner comrades!

Forge Out!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheOrangeButterfly - 10-28-2011


[Image: johannesclausdone.png]

IDENTIFICATION: Johannes Claus, Senior Lieutenant
SOURCE: Zvezdny Gorodok, Omega-52 system
SUBJECT: Action/Raid Report

We received a distress signal from our comrades in the Independent Communist Miner's Guild. Arriving on scene we opened fire on several capital class vessels, under the label CCCP and BSTF.

A gunboat:


A cruiser:


We also destroyed two Rorry's Renegades.

I then retreated towards Edinburgh where I ran into a known nomad [RM-MND]Hans.Eckard. I promptly fled towards Islay base where a Bretonian Armed Forced destroyer arrived on station as well. For some odd reason it did not open fire on me. Perhaps Bretonians are warming up the ideas of the Coalition being a true house just as they are?? I believe this is one small step towards us becoming at least on talking terms with them. I managed to slip away while the Bretonians were speaking with the Nomad infected agent and returned to Omega-52

For the Red Dawn! For the Revolution!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 11-04-2011

>>>[color=#000000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION<<<

[Image: ketsumdpic.png]

[color=#FF0000]>>>[color=#000000]REPORT BEGINS -

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - "Prafect" Class Heavy Cruiser
Name - "Umberto"

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - "Prafect" Class Heavy Cruiser
Name - "Pedro_el_Corte"

Action of note - Vessel Destroyed - "Prafect" Class Heavy Cruiser
Name - "Suicide.Rusher"

Long range patrols caught sight of heavy Corsair capital muscle moving into the Omega 5 system, with intelligence reports believing a raid into the upper Omega's.
Fighter corps elements launched and RV'd with intent to seek out and destroy.

While intelligence reports had an Osiris Battleship present, the only forces encountered were Three (x3) "Prafect" Class Heavy Cruisers, in relative proximity to Cadiz Base.

Not missing the opportunity, the strike force, led by Comrade Rhade, pounced on the capitals, raining down fierce antimatter blasts. In time, we were joined by elements of the Hessian Oberkommando, and two Carriers from the Rot Front Movement.

In a matter of minutes, all three corsair vessels were wreckage.

Guncam footage below.

>>>[color=#000000]UPLOADING DATA

>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000171
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000172
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000176
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000178
[color=#FF0000]>>>Uploading File - Guncam #SЯ▲ 000178
[color=#FF0000]For the Red Dawn!

>>>[color=#000000]TRANSMISSION TERMINATED[color=#FF0000]<<<

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 11-05-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: General Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

As you may of noticed, production of the KSD Line of craft has almost ceased, save for a relatively tiny portion being built for new recruits. This is not a weakness on the part of the glorious Coalition. Indeed, it is a sign of strength. Work on the XKR Line has gone slowly, but it is in the final stages of completion.

The XKR's use the absolute latest in Coalition technology, including knowledge gained from the Gallics and [CLASSIFIED]. The KSD Line uses technology that went obsolete years ago. The KSD's cannot even be recycled, as everything in the KSD's are obsolete, even the metals used are inferior to that of the XKR's.

As such, you are to treat the KSD Line as HIGHLY EXPENDABLE. In a short amount of time, we will be phasing out the KSD Line in favor of the better in every way XKR's. Take risks, and take out as many enemies as you can before ejecting. Every ship that is destroyed in the line of combat is one less ship we have to worry about when it comes time to send the KSD Line into the sun. Make us proud.

That is all Comrades.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-06-2011

[color=#33CC00]To: SCRA Assets
Comm. ID: Doctor XiaoBei
Priority: Medium
Subject: Akula Class Destroyer

---Communications Opened---

[Image: Xiaobei.jpg]

Men, I can confirm for you that the strange vessel you have seen prowling around Mykolaiv is in fact, the new XKR Destroyer, undergoing pre-commissioning trials under General Rhade-Rhade.

The vessel is the first Sirian ship built specifically for a cloaking device, combining the advances learned from reverse engineering the Council Redemption and Phantom Techology, as well as boasting the impressive RECON system gleaned from the Kerimov program.

This vessel is the latest in a long line of new fighting equipment preparing to see front line service in the New year.

For the Revolution, and the True Ikon!

Doctor XiaoBei
Mykolaiv Director of Coalition Research

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 11-07-2011

[Transmission Begins]
From: General Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: rhade-1.png]
[Message Begins]

I am very pleased to announce that the initial test flights of the XKR Akula have been a tremendous success. Both the Trotsky and Radek completed a journey to [CLASSIFIED]. While attempting to reach [CLASSIFIED], we were stopped by a large Outcast fleet in Omicron Eta, no doubt tipped off by a Mercenary we had encountered earlier.

Unfortunately, they had too much firepower so we had to take a little detour via the Sigmas. Finally, in Omicron Alpha we proceeded North to [CLASSIFIED] where upon we jumped into [CLASSIFIED] and found [CLASSIFIED]. [CLASSIFIED] was quite a sight, now abandoned and filled with automated defense systems and drones. The Trotsky and Radek investigated [CLASSIFIED] in order to see if [CLASSIFIED] was true. [CLASSIFIED] proved to be [CLASSIFIED].

[Entire Section CLASSIFIED]

and after learning that we left for the Tau's where upon we encountered the Colonial Remnant.

We learned that there were two Kusari capital ships prowling Leeds, and I figured this would be an excellent time to test the Akula's combat prowess. Proceeding to Leeds, we finally caught up with the two destroyers, the both of them fighting a small wing of Bretonian Fighters. We proceeded to engage, and managed to annihilate the both of them. The Akula proved supreme. After telling the Bretonians they owed us yet another one for saving them, we returned home. The journey back was uneventful.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 11-15-2011

ID: Major Han Xu
[Image: xutransmission.png]

Fellow Soldiers of the Coalition,
[color=#FFFF66]Last night saw another small victory on the road to progress. With long range scanners detecting a possible Pirate build up, I was dispatched with the CPW-Radek to investigate.

Two sabres were hanging around Cadiz base. Both of them read as pirates, and oddly Bald.Pirate wore a Rogue identifier.

With greatest respect to the commander of the Radek - The job was started and finished by me. Two SNAC shots in quick succession brought death to the two enemy Sabres. I'm not saying the Radek didn't do anything.. More that it was there for moral support.

After the engagement, we accompanied a TAZ vessel to Freeport 14. The last stand point for the Rebels in the Civil War. While docked, I visited the small Chapel aboard and paid tribute to those who fell during the War. The crew of the Jackal will live on in this place.

[color=#990000]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 11-15-2011

COMM ID: Commander Nicholai Moscovin - CPW-Radek


[Image: Radekcomm.png]

Why you over inflated, short... little yellow bastard...

Moral support?

I'll show you moral support the next time we're out in space, you puffed up, over hyped excuse for a fighter pilot.

Not only did the Radek provide moral support in giving you the courage to get off your duff in the first place and actually fight the enemy, the Radek fired first, suppressed two Sabres long enough for you to take that rattletrap, broken down old Revo of yours, and fire a few final shots into their carcasses. After, of course, the Radek stripped both of them of regeneration material, all the while under the guns of Cadiz.

Listen up, puffin-boy... you want a medal, I'll gladly pin the Douche-bag of the Revolution to your damn forehead the next time you spout of a crock of garbage like that again. Rank or no rank.

Commander N. Moscovin

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса