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The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Printable Version

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RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Trogdor - 06-03-2014

I'm done talking to you now, Thyrzul. I've had quite enough of you telling me who my character is, what he can't do, how he's not important, and how nobody would be interested in interacting with him in any situation.

Side Note: If Gallia does, in fact, decide to resume hostilities with the Zoners as they suggested, and we can't mount an effective defense because the independent Zoner caps are all pushed out to the Deep Omicrons and can't get to the Taus? It would be perfectly logical and inRP for the GRN to crush TAZ and destroy everything in Baffin for the next mod update.

..That's actually kind of appealing, now that I think about it.

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Pavel - 06-03-2014

But Trogdor...
Zoners don't have any "fleet" of some sort or anything.
Giving them caps was a mistake, at least surely giving unrestricted acces to them instead of making them SRP-available ships.
If Gallia decided to krieg Zoners again, Zoners wouldn't defend FP6, no matter how hard they'd try.
If Gallia goes to Baffin to "crush TAZ", they'll probably have to deal with CR-LN reinforcements there and OCs/Privateers/Exiles harassing their Tau supply lines.

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - SnakThree - 06-03-2014

In all honesty, how many lolwhut are causing actual problem in house? Even those rare ones allows for an interaction to happen. If they break rules, report them and be done with that. Trying to decrease the amount of interactions is counter-productive for our small community.

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Pavel - 06-03-2014

Lowering RP standards and letting Zoner caps travel into House space, caps which Zoners shouldn't even have in the first place, is no less counter-productive to general roleplay level on the server.

How many dedicated roleplayers, faction leaders and devoted to the mod people left because it kept becoming more and more about random pew instead of well planned and thought out roleplay?

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - SnakThree - 06-03-2014

The RP standard is not lowered because of idiots. It's not such widespread as the idiocity of LNS, yet we don't have restrictions for lawful capitals being in house space instead of fighting wars in border systems, do we?

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Sath - 06-03-2014

(06-03-2014, 08:10 AM)Pavel Wrote: How many dedicated roleplayers, faction leaders and devoted to the mod people left because it kept becoming more and more about random pew instead of well planned and thought out roleplay?

Benitez in that sense. And many of the factions that isnt based on just pew pews are dying/quit due to the increase in PvP over RP.

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Pavel - 06-03-2014

It is to be expected to be engaged by a capital ship from hostile House, and lolwuts will keep appearing in all factions.

However, it's probably shocking for someone new to Disco who played vanilla, how comes Zoners as a playerbase have capital ships, keep bringing them into Houses and create problematic, warlike groups. That's something unexplainable by normal RP standards.

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - SnakThree - 06-03-2014

How many different Zoner Battleships have you personally encountered in the last 30 days?

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Pavel - 06-03-2014

None. I am busy with exams and cannot play much now.

Does it matter though? People yell about even potentially overpowered PvP combinations, hence we have technerf chart, but problematic issue is now ok because due to lowered server activity it's not that much visible as it used to be?

RE: The end of zonerzonerzoner - Rewrite the Zoner ID - Sath - 06-03-2014

It doesnt really matter how many, because the first choice BS for new players nowadays seems to be the Nephilim.

And regarding the interaction part, really? They never interact. In my recent encounter against two of them, the only word they spoke were, after being destroyed, the system wide message " Thanks for the fight, it was fun"

If that is called interaction, then fine, we have some amount of interaction with Zoners treading their caps into house space.