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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 01-08-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID:Ben Warner, Major

Subject: Words of encouragement.

"Comrades, the last few days have been glorious for the men and women of the Fighter Corps, my brothers and sisters at arms. Our enemy, the Corsairs have been defeated multiple times at their own doorstep and their spirits are being crushed slowly.

But we must not stop here, there are still those out there who would see our glorious revolution stopped and the people of Omega-52 either converted to their corrupt 'House' Government styles or worse destroyed and no trace of the Revolution left.

I urge each and every one of you to continue the struggle for the Coalition, let none stand against us for long, we shall break the backs of those who dare to threaten our way of life and educate them of the errors of their ways. Take heart, for these victories are merely the first steps towards bringing true peace to our sector of Sirius, the enemy may have the advantage of numbers, however I believe each of you are worth One Hundred of their incompetent pilots who cannot even fly in formation, we can easily match and defeat a force of a Million and One Fighters with our combined might!

My Comrades. Raise the Coalition's Standard High. For this is a new era of warfare.

For the Revolution, for Katz and most of all For the Sirius Coalition!"

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Metano - 01-09-2012

ID: Senior Lt. Hans Minner
Le Subject: Humiliation, Destruction, Death, and then more death

*Hans looks at the title, shruging his forehead*
Yep, looking good.

Anyways, I've been awake for several hours now, trying to find words to describe what myself, Rhade and Juan just witness.

I got to say, that never in several years of the coalition, we have ever done something like this, few will ever be able to accomplish, very few. The corsairs are destroyed, every ship, every man, every planet, we destroyed everything.

It was godlike, the Premier himself will be pleased to see this. I guess I'll let the gumcam show the rest.

Gumcam Images: ^

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - aznremix416 - 01-10-2012

=====[color=#FF0000]INCOMING TRANSMISSION=====

[Image: juan1.png]

**Opening message**
ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Omega 52 system.
Submitter: Major Juan Coronel, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Recipient: Coalition High Command

Subject: Patrol Report: Battle of Crete Heights


What happened on this day is nothing short of a miracle and the showing of the skill of the Coalition.

It started out with a distress call. I headed towards the Omega-5 system to aid Coalition and Reaver elements
against a Corsair recon group. Not hesitating one moment, I loaded my guns and engaged the enemy. After a few minutes the skirmish concluded by a Corsair retreat, a small victory for us. But this small battle was nothing compared to with whats ahead.

After we dispatched the small Corsair force, me and Comrade Minner returned to Omega 52 when we heard of a Reaver and Mandalorian Mercenary task force moving in to engage Corsairs. Seeing this as a sound opportunity to show the cretards the might of the Coalition, Minner and I proceeded to Corsair space.

When we arrived, everything seemed to be against us. The odds were definitely not in our favor. We went against a huge corsair defense force consisting of 3 battleships, 2 cruisers, a gunboat, and countless amounts of fighters and bombers. Initially, we were being destroyed, the Mandalorians began taking casualties and we were outnumbered and outgunned. However, we were urged to continue fighting, and the willpower allowed us to turn the tide of the battle when we took out a gunboat and multiple fighters in a short timespan. Then, two bombers arrived, a Reaver, and our very own comrade Rhade. this was the watershed mark of this battle. Little by little we started to destroy everything. From the capital ships to the fighters, everything began to die. Comrade metano managed to steal multiple kills, which I still to this minute admire greatly. I managed to snab some kills myself.

At the end of the day, we were victorious. We were bloody and battered but nonetheless victorious... Our forces had manage to destroyed at least 20 enemy vessels on that day, and we left nothing standing. Due to my guncam being destroyed, I am unable to scour up pictures of the engagements, but I am sure comrades Minner and Rhade have many to show.

This victory, my comrades, will be a scar on the Corsairs' back for a very long time.

[font=Georgia]Major Juan Coronel signing off.



Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 01-10-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Colonel Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Soldiers of the Coalition,

Yesterday a mighty blow was struck on the Corsairs. A blow that shattered their confidence and taught the Corsairs the meaning of fear. Countless times we have attacked, and countless times we have won. However, yesterday in particular our Comrades distinguished themselves on the battlefield.

Major Juan Coronel, for braving the Corsair Hordes without hesitation or fear I award you the Halo of Valor, may your courage and dedication rally your allies and strike terror into the enemy.

Senior Lieutenant Hans Minner, for an absolutely impressive display of marksmanship when fighting the Corsairs, I award you the Eagle's Eye, may your weapons always strike true.

Comrades, learn from this, and aspire to be like the Hero's of the Revolution. I know it is within each and everyone of you, all it takes is dedication, heart and skill.

That is all Comrades, continue to make me proud.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 01-10-2012

ID:Junior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Hello Comrades! Yestarday I founded another trespasser through our territory. It was Zoner on Scimitar with alot of different cargo in his ship. He was under planet Volgograd, and had no Visa.
As Coalition law requires I asked him to stop, so he did it. I was quite surprised that he followed my order, but continued. I asked him who he are and why he here. He sayed that he was recearching new systems and did not heard about Coalition. I started to think that he is spy. As our Tac-Centre requires I gived him a chance to surrender and activate escape pod. He refused because ''dont want to loose my ship'' and he claimed that that ship dont have escape pod. I asked him to accept ''trade request'' and go to my cargo hold. He refused again and offered me money for his life. I refused.
Soon after he finally decided to ran from me, stupid decision... I started to engage him. Our fight ended up in Omicron Theta near sun, when I destroyed that Scimitar and threw that idiot into sun corona. Ater I convinced that he dead I returned back home. Thats all. For the Coalition, Revolution and Alvin Katz!

Attached files: 1 2 3

:Message Ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dane Summers - 01-14-2012

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace
SUBJECT: The Threats That Lurk At Home

[Image: truth.png]


Soldiers, and Citizens of the Coalition - Take Heed and Open your Eyes.

[Image: commissariatfile1.png]

Today at 07:38AM JiangXi local time, citizens still clinging to the words of a subversive traitor known as Father Marcion attempted to hold a public assembly near the Kursk Plaza. Local Forces of the Commissariat dealt swiftly with such attempts at obvious treason, as you see before you.

Let it be known, that it is the duty of every Coalition Citizen and Soldier to report possible subversives in your neighborhood, and military units.

Any reference to the teachings or words of "Father Marcion" will be regarded as High Treason against The State.

Our Coalition is Strong. We Shall Be Victorious.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 01-17-2012

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: More dead Cannibals.

[Image: 2qukh0w.png]
Forge here.

So, yes, Stroganov was prancing around on the Radek, getting a feel for it, when, hello, the Corsairs actually grew some balls and invaded Omega 52 with about four to five fighters, mostly Titans, one Black Dragon.
So, due to the fact we were testing out the new loadouts on the International, Trotsky, and of course the Radek, we along with Warner and Coronel, made for Mykolaiv, where we utterly crushed the Corsair invaders with no losses and no sweat.

I then left it to Captain Villers to ensure the International completed docking on Mykolaiv as I retired.

Rhade probably went to go back to working out and then Stroganov is probably back to prancing around on the Radek.

And Kirov asked me to remind you people to submit your guncams of the Gamma raid. I was told it was excellent. Let us see how it went, aye? It seems we are annihilating them by the dozens.

Forge Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - equinosz - 01-21-2012

Incoming emergency transmission.
Sender: Captain Dmitriy Vitalievich
Location: Coronado system
Attachment: ^

[Image: Dmitriy_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

This is Vitalievich! I have failed the mission! I repeat, my mission was a failure. We are trying to save a pack of civilian scientists from pirates, but they outnumber us. The Borodino is lost, we're going to crash land on planet Yuma. We require immediate reinforcements. If that is not possible, well at least we died trying to save the people! For Katz, for the revol.......

Signal lost...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Decktare - 01-26-2012


[Image: 0bb3d5490dca.jpg]

ID: Lieutenant Dmitriy Kolobov
Target: SCRA units


Investigation in Omega-3 was strange. It was especially strange - attack Order Gunboat to me. In the beginning I scanned the ships. All was normal. After several hours I have seen the ship which I never saw. Later after full scanning it it has appeared Order Gunboat. It at first has simply risen about me, I have asked it "What do you need?" He has asked to leave system. I have certainly refused, and it has threatened with attack to me. I have ignored also it have started to shoot. In fight I have put insignificant damage to its ship, but I have been strongly damaged and have been compelled to depart.

[+] [+] [+] [+]


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 01-28-2012

ID:Junior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Greetings Comrades
Two days ago I left Omega 52 to patrol nearby systems on Insurgent. Omega systms in fact. In this two days I made some good things to our people. Actually to all good people of Sirius.

In first day I patroled Omega 5, 7 and 11. In Omega 11 I founded lone Corsair Praetorian. After short dialogue we had fight and he lost it. No more interesting happend, so I landed on Freital and went to sleep.

Today was more interesting. In Omega 11 I located 2 Transports, one was carryed Artifacts, 3500 units. I asked him to drop them, and his friend sayed him to obey my order, so Artifacts was destroyed. Later in Omega 41 I founded Zoner Osprey named Bo.Alex-ZF with 1 Direlict Nomad Artifact. I ordered him to drop that so I could deliver it to Mykolaiv for recearches, but he destoyed it and escaped to Freeport. But at least Artifact destroyed...

After I done with patrols I came back to Zvezdny. I was almost ready to dock when got message from Corsair. He entered to Omega 52 so I went out to find him. It was Titan named Giulliano|Sails. That pilot was damn good in fight, but he cant match with SCRA pilot. After few minutes he blowed up and I was empty on repairs but not hardly damaged. I landed on Zvezdny to report and reapir my ship.

That is all that I can remember for now. Oh, unfortunatly Ion Storms damaged my camera so I cant prove you scans and pictures... a pity...

For the Coalition and Revolution! Dubovik out.

Attached files:NONE

:Message Ends: