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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Max Morse - 08-13-2013

"Um... uh yeah, more beer." Michael manages to stammer out while looking at Zoe, noticing that her already overly tight uniform was now wet too. "Well that's just plain hot." he thought to himself, while downing another beer.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Lythrilux - 08-13-2013

Zoe begins swaying back and forth, her resistance tested by the 3 pints she has had already. "Bartender... more beer please" She said as she spoke across the room. The Bartender began to insist that she might be having too much, but she ignored him. "More beer for the beer god!" She said as she laughed.
Her fourth beer eventually found its way to her. She pushed aside her other third glass and began to down her fourth, drastically missing her mouth at one point and splashing in front of her.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Max Morse - 08-13-2013

"I swear she's doing that on purpose." Michael thought as Zoe spilled more beer on her chest. Trying to put those thoughts out of his mind, he quickly downed his third beer and reached for another.

"What's the matter Zoe, had too much already?" he teased, downing his fourth in one go.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Lythrilux - 08-13-2013

"Pffft, what are you on... This is nothing..." Zoe said as she turned round and pointed at Michael and then her beer. "I could do this all day!" she joked as she finished her fourth beer. "Aw crud my clothes are all wet though"

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Max Morse - 08-13-2013

"Oh come on, you can barely talk, I have this in the bag." he teased, finishing his fifth beer. "Damn she looks good, the things I would do to her... No, can't think like that."

"My my, you are a messy drinker aren't you Zoe." he teased again, reaching for yet another beer.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Lythrilux - 08-14-2013

"If messy is another word for someone who can hold their drink, then yes I am a Messy drinker!" Zoe bellowed. "Bartender, I need 3 more drinks for myself ASAP! The queen of the Liberty navy demands it!" it was evident she was drunk mow her speech wwas slurred and she was swaying back and forth.
The Bartender looked really pissed off with Zoe, though he didn't care, as long as he got his pay at the end of the day.
He came to the table and placed Zoe's 3 drinks in front of her before muttering something under hus breath and then subsequently leaving.
Zoe then began to down her fifth beer.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Max Morse - 08-14-2013

"Oh Zoe, just admit it, you can barely drink another beer." he said, finishing his sixth beer and grabbing another.

"Has Zoe always been this attractive, or is it just the alcohol talking?" he thought to himself, feeling a bit tipsy now.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Lythrilux - 08-14-2013

"screw you and your beer" Zoe retorted, as she then began to down her next beer whilst tilting her head back, the beer splashing her face and making her hair wet.

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - t0l - 08-14-2013

Ensign Hudson Ravis walks in again, evidently happy about something. He eyes the two sitting near each other and approaches them.

"Oh, uh, mind if I sit here?"

RE: Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Max Morse - 08-14-2013

"I swear to god, if she keeps doing that I'm gonna jump her right here in the bar." Michael thought, watching the beer slowly drip all over Zoe's body.

"Just admit it, there's no way you can beat me at this." he said, downing his seventh.

"Sure Ravis, go right ahead." he said, looking at the other man as he sat. "Me and Zoe here were just having a friendly competition."