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I can haz skype - Printable Version

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I can haz skype - Feartrue - 12-12-2009

[16:34:12] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: We are Legion. We shal live, forever.
[16:34:33 | Edited 16:34:43] ggngunner: But your balls are inert, meaning you sort of don't give/have a ****.
[16:35:18] Feartrue: I didn't kill ya
[16:35:22] Feartrue: just resetted ya
[16:35:28] Feartrue: now yer a single bit
[16:35:30] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: We are Legion. We controll everything electronic. We controll every sexual aparatus. We have sex with many women at once.
[16:35:46] ggngunner: But your balls are inert.
[16:35:54] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: We are Legion. We do not need balls
[16:37:03] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: We need more Trap Triggers
[16:37:31] ggngunner: Legion needs more Trap Triggers?
[16:37:42] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: We need Meow Meow Mix, please deliver
[16:38:02] ggngunner: Legion needs a me.. WAIT.
[16:38:03] Feartrue: Feartrue goes CAVEMAN on Legion
[16:38:04] ggngunner: Wut.
[16:38:15] Feartrue: RAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
[16:38:29] ggngunner: Yuknow.
[16:38:46] ggngunner: SWEET JESUS NO.
[16:38:57] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: Meooooow
[16:39:04] Feartrue: Feartrue takes over legion
[16:39:08] Feartrue: I am legion
[16:39:12] ggngunner: There is no legion
[16:39:16] Feartrue: You are not legion
[16:39:18] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: We are ... you ?
[16:39:22] ggngunner: Good point.
[16:39:35] Feartrue: I am all
[16:39:45] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: I am sexy
[16:39:52] ggngunner: Doesn't that mean joo are a gawd?
[16:40:03] ggngunner: and we all know that no gods exist.
[16:40:08] ggngunner: Cept for ceiling cat.
[16:40:53] Feartrue: ceiling cat is a fake
[16:40:57] Feartrue: I am ceiling cat
[16:41:08] ggngunner: Arrr
[16:41:12] ggngunner: You are not a god.
[16:41:16] Ceiling Cat: Dum dum dum
[16:42:18] ggngunner: We Are Ceiling Cat
[16:42:24] ggngunner: We are all.
[16:42:37 | Edited 16:42:39] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: ICHS?
[16:42:52] Ceiling Cat: I am ICHS
[16:43:06] Ceiling Cat: I am ALL
[16:43:08] Ceiling Cat: I have clones of myself
[16:43:19] Ceiling Cat: I am ALL of those clones.
[16:43:24] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: GARBLE GARBLE GARBLE
[16:43:41] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: I am me
[16:43:44] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: I am you
[16:43:45] Andr? Jord?o aka AJBeast: I am everyone
[16:43:48] Ceiling Cat: you are not
[16:43:52] Ceiling Cat: You are...
[16:43:58] Ceiling Cat: You dare defy the true Ceiling Cat ?
[16:44:03] Ceiling Cat: The weakest link. Goodbye!

at the end, we had 3 ceiling cats who were legion

I can haz skype - Sprolf - 12-13-2009

And tonight, we bring you not Skype, but the Discovery Mod Radio IRC!

<schlurbi> Well you can kill a whole town, but not schlurni!
<schlurbi> *schlurbi >.>
* AutoDJ is now playing "Dance Assassins - Never Leave You Alone" on Discovery Mod Radio!
<Eric> You manage to misspell your own name?
<Eric> Hehe.
<Eric> Smooth.
<DiscoveryUK> You have to be amazingly awesome to do that.
<schlurbi> I was drinking while typing.
<Eric> Don't drink and type.
<Eric> Think of the children.

I can haz skype - Dab - 12-13-2009

[2:16:27 PM] Austin Goodmen (Murphy) says: Better than what Yue was going to do with Joseph if he insulted her. >_>
[2:16:33 PM] Dabbykins says: Kiss?
[2:16:36 PM] Dabbykins says: INCEST
[2:16:38 PM] Austin Goodmen (Murphy) says: No
[2:16:46 PM] Austin Goodmen (Murphy) says: Bed + Gallic Oil + Fire
[2:16:47 PM] Dabbykins says: Royal family orgy?
[2:16:47 PM] Austin Goodmen (Murphy) says: >_>
[2:16:53 PM] Austin Goodmen (Murphy) says: Wtf ?
[2:16:55 PM] Austin Goodmen (Murphy) says: XD
[2:16:57 PM] Dabbykins says: :lol:
[2:17:06 PM] Dabbykins waits for Exile to run in.
[2:17:20 PM] Mike Oerlemans (Exile) says: I'm mind****ed atm
[2:17:22 PM] Mike Oerlemans (Exile) says: So..
[2:17:23 PM] Mike Oerlemans (Exile) says: Wait wut

I can haz skype - hribek - 12-14-2009

[1:40:19] Sarawr/DiscoJew: OHAI U GUISE
[1:40:27] Sarawr/DiscoJew: HERD U DON'T LIEK FANTUMS?
[1:40:30] Sarawr/DiscoJew: YA WELL
[1:40:34] Sarawr/DiscoJew: DON'T LIKE U EITHER.
[1:40:34] Sarawr/DiscoJew: OLOLOL
[1:40:37] Sarawr/DiscoJew: WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!
[1:40:45] Sarawr/DiscoJew: *shoots plasma thing at building*
[1:43:05] Michael (Zelot): wow.
[1:43:23] Sarawr/DiscoJew: x3
[1:43:24] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Hai
[1:43:39] Michael (Zelot): hai!
[1:43:44] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Yus!
[1:43:46] Michael (Zelot): ?
[1:43:48] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Sarawr/DiscoJew cuddles
[1:43:54] Michael (Zelot): Michael (Zelot) cudles.
[1:43:57] Michael (Zelot): Michael (Zelot) purrs.
[1:44:01] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Wheee
[1:44:04] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Sarawr/DiscoJew pets
[1:44:08] Michael (Zelot): o.o
[1:44:24] Michael (Zelot): thehehe
[1:44:47] Sarawr/DiscoJew: ^_^
[1:45:20] Michael (Zelot): >.>
[1:46:00] Sarawr/DiscoJew: <.<
[1:46:11] Michael (Zelot): V.V
[1:46:24] Sarawr/DiscoJew: Sarawr/DiscoJew huggle
[1:46:26] Sarawr/DiscoJew: hai
[1:46:30] Michael (Zelot): hey.
[1:46:31] Sarawr/DiscoJew: I'ma go lurk in Conn on my Phantom
[1:46:37] Sarawr/DiscoJew: and maybe rape NY a little bit
[1:46:38] Sarawr/DiscoJew: xD

I can haz skype - Altaris - 12-14-2009

[1:18:39 PM] Qashqai: yo
[1:57:01 PM] Altaris: yo
[2:27:27 PM] Dashiell: yo
[3:36:58 PM] Dave(Ceoran): yo
[3:38:11 PM] Caltu: yo
[3:38:33 PM] Alex (Alehandro): yo
[3:39:39 PM] Joe (Jihad): yo
[5:16:36 PM] Bossghest: yo
[5:17:47 PM] Vitaly ([Shadow]): yo
[5:31:51 PM] The Doc (D. Jameson): Hello.

101st chat

"F*cking Y-Y-Y-YO BREAKER!"

I can haz skype - Boss - 12-14-2009

[10:44:13 AM] Urfoo: Boss
[10:44:14 AM] Urfoo: stfu ro die.

I can haz skype - Jansen - 12-14-2009

A few minutes of Colonial Spam:

[19:49:27 | Bearbeitet 19:50:03] Scotty (J.Ryan): no NO U or you will go to the land of muteness, k? k...
[19:50:18] =CR="Crazy"Kaze Dagon: ?
[19:50:27] Scotty (J.Ryan): Jansen edited me
[19:50:29] Scotty (J.Ryan): So I responded
[19:50:32] Scotty (J.Ryan): With an edit.
[19:50:47] Jansen: Jansen gives cookies for all the good kids here
[19:50:55] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) wants a cookie
[19:51:00] Nejimaki-dori: Nejimaki-dori *nom nom*
[19:52:21] Nejimaki-dori: So what now? We can't be in the system as long as they're there
[19:52:25] Romaniuke: im 17, do i get cookie?
[19:52:28] Nejimaki-dori: Or wait 4 hrs
[19:52:42] Jansen: Jansen gives BIG cookie to rommie
[19:52:54] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) steals BIG cookie from rommie
[19:52:54] Romaniuke: Yum Yum *happy face*
[19:52:57] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) eats big cookie
[19:52:57] Romaniuke: Nooooo
[19:53:02] Romaniuke: Romaniuke cries
[19:53:06] Romaniuke: Romaniuke angry
[19:53:10] Jansen: :O ?
[19:53:16] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) is safe.
[19:53:23] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) IS IN HIS ROMMIE-PROOF BUNKER
[19:53:23] Romaniuke: Romaniuke throws scotty out the window
[19:53:37] Romaniuke: Romaniuke snac's scotty
[19:53:55] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) is in his bunker
[19:53:59] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) is therefore untouchable.
[19:54:03] Jansen: Jansen open rommie proof bunker because rommie proff bunker isnt jansen proof
[19:54:12] Romaniuke: yay
[19:54:13] Scotty (J.Ryan): OSHI
[19:54:13] Romaniuke: nau
[19:54:22] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) runs away to his CR proof bunker
[19:54:34] Romaniuke: Romaniuke snacs Scotty through the open Rommie proof bunker
[19:54:39] =CR="Crazy"Kaze Dagon: Mao? What happened?
[19:54:40] Romaniuke: Romaniuke chases Scotty
[19:54:42] Jansen: Jansen brings some GC lesbian adult movies
[19:54:56] Nejimaki-dori: Nejimaki-dori kills everyone witha nuke
[19:54:56] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) grabs the porn, goes back inside
[19:54:59] Romaniuke: Romaniuke makes peace with Scotty
[19:55:20] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) has Rommie killed
[19:55:27] Romaniuke: Romaniuke breakes peace because he stole the porn
[19:55:32 | Bearbeitet 19:55:44] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) dances around the fire wearing Rommies skin
[19:55:34] Romaniuke: Romaniuke haunts Scotty
[19:56:07] Romaniuke: *due to all the haunting, Scotty commits suicide
[19:56:10] Romaniuke: end of story
[19:56:29] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) haunts Rommies haunting haunter.
[19:56:39] Romaniuke: Romaniuke haunts Scotty's haunting
[19:56:56] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) haunts the previous haunting, which in turn reverses the haunting given before it.
[19:56:57] Jansen: Jansen sits down on the old chair, in front of the fireplace and grabs to the story book
[19:57:00] Scotty (J.Ryan): Scotty (J.Ryan) respawns.
[19:57:18] Romaniuke: Romaniuke kills admin.therefore scotty is disconnected
[19:57:22] Jansen: Jansen bookhammers everyone with the story book
[19:57:26] Romaniuke: thats right

I can haz skype - Daerune - 12-15-2009

[12:37:16 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Bow chicka wowow
[12:37:32 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I lost out on a big prize! D:
[12:37:57 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan:No. Get your funky jazz remix outta here.
[12:38:16 PM] Christopher (Rouge): You have to beat me in a fight
[12:38:20 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: This is a Metal skype chat only.
[12:38:24 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Iz made my own test1
[12:38:25 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I can
[12:38:28 PM] Christopher (Rouge): You cant
[12:38:28 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: And i will..
[12:38:30 PM] Christopher (Rouge): you tried
[12:38:31 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: can
[12:38:32 PM] Christopher (Rouge): and failed
[12:38:36 PM] Christopher (Rouge): and even if you kill me
[12:38:36 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I tried.
[12:38:38 PM] Christopher (Rouge): I get 20mil
[12:38:39 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: No
[12:38:47 PM] Christopher (Rouge): So in the end I still win
[12:38:47 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: You only fail when you stop trying
[12:38:52 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): Guys
[12:38:53 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Nope.
[12:38:58 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): Moar messagedump plox.
[12:38:58 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I'll kik ur ass
[12:39:02 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Bring et
[12:39:12 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Fine.
[12:39:16 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): Ehh
[12:39:18 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Bring et ya old goat. -grabs the bared-
[12:39:24 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Tommorro, meet me at St.Louis.
[12:39:26 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Christopher (Rouge) Rips it off
[12:39:42 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: dude, that's irreplacable...
[12:39:44 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Where dat
[12:39:52 PM] Christopher (Rouge): I know
[12:39:52 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: I said i says...
[12:39:54 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: meet me
[12:39:55 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: at
[12:39:57 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: st.
[12:39:57 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Christopher (Rouge) rofls on the ground
[12:39:59 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Louis.
[12:40:05 PM] Christopher (Rouge): wheres dat
[12:40:13 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Christopher (Rouge) Sence of direction sucks
[12:40:17 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Christopher (Rouge) could get lost with a map
[12:40:23 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Down the street, where all the fights take place.
[12:40:26 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Duh
[12:40:34 PM] Christopher (Rouge): just come to my school.
[12:40:38 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: You know, the little general goods store
[12:40:43 PM] Christopher (Rouge): dats where the fights happen
[12:40:45 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Fine.
[12:40:50 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Where do you live
[12:40:52 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: er
[12:40:53 PM] Christopher (Rouge): with knifes and what not
[12:40:54 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Nz
[12:40:56 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: where's your school
[12:40:59 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Hamilton
[12:40:59 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: ill beat ur ass
[12:41:01 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): reavengitair (equanimitee) rapes both of you.
[12:41:05 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Oh yes
[12:41:07 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: ahh
[12:41:07 PM] Christopher (Rouge): Christopher (Rouge) Beats on reaven
[12:41:08 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): GET MESSAGEDUMPING NOW!
[12:41:11 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Thats the spot
[12:41:13 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: ohhh
[12:41:15 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: yes
[12:41:18 PM] Christopher (Rouge): O.o
[12:41:20 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: more plox?
[12:41:20 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): :^)
[12:41:30 PM] Emily Stauffer (Elrainn) (Alexial): I don't message dump
[12:41:32 PM] Christopher (Rouge): some ones thinking dirty thoughts
[12:41:33 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): reavengitair (equanimitee) rips off ironwatsas's penis and uses it as a dildo.
[12:41:42 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: O.O
[12:41:43 PM] reavengitair (equanimitee): Take this biatch.
[12:41:47 PM] Verminator the Mongol Khan: Ouch
[12:41:55 PM] Emily Stauffer (Elrainn) (Alexial): What the hell!
[12:42:01 PM] Emily Stauffer (Elrainn) (Alexial): The thing's bleeding!
[12:42:04 PM] Hunter: |-( and this is a faction skype chat

I can haz skype - - 12-15-2009

My eyes!

I can haz skype - Divine - 12-15-2009

[17:45:47] Altaris : boss!
[17:45:58] Altaris : quickly yo in 101st
[17:46:10] Altaris : doc or mike may arrive soon
[17:46:26] Altaris : cheers mate

Altaris: Trollin' other chats for 101st 'yo's since 817.A.S.