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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - CorrupteD - 10-06-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Opening Message

My name would would be Xan Hussain,and i'm interested in joining your ranks.
Now,what can be said about me.
I come from a small town from the planet Houston,creepy place it is,i gotta admit.If i remember well,my parents were casual Liberty citizens,working five days a week,15 a month..Doesn't really matter,they got shot down when i was 6.Since then,some Liberty wealthy chap kept me alive and all,making sure i got all what i needed back in my teenage years.After a point,he wanted to kill me.That was back five years ago,at the age of 20.Though what he did forget is that i was a mercenary,killing and blowing stuffs up.Of course he failed,and after that,i kept circling around Sirius for jobs,assassinations and all.
Now,there's actually no thing like me wanting to joining you to take revenge on some one.No,no.My reason for applying is i want to actually fly with some people.These days be borin',flying around Bering,Texas,Hamburg,alone.
Other than that,what can i say?I'm pretty experienced in combat,in space and on land.Other than that,i rarely do mistakes.A target's wanted dead,he's in my sight,he's dead.Pretty simple thinking of mine.
Oh yeah,what i fly.I currently have a Roc bomber stationed at Freeport 2,kitted out with Bomber EMP Cannons,Turrets,a Supernova antimatter cannon,a Train cruise disruptor,a nuclear mine and some type o' countermeasure dropper.Class VIII armor upgrade,universal one,of course.
Oh yeah,one more thing : I LOVE shooting those Corsairs,Farmer's Alliance , Hogosha and Gaian people.

If you need anything else,just say.

Xan Hussain out.

End message
*** End Transmission***

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Bestija - 10-08-2010

***incoming transmission***
***opening channel***

Good day honorable Mandalorians,

my name is Lucian Destro and I want to join your ranks. Flying alone makes you bit paranoid, I'm in a search of a team that I can always count on, and I promise you that I will NEVER disappoint you.
I know my skills can help Mandalorians allot and I shall prove it to you.

You will receive my biography in short notice after this transmission.

***Message ends***

***Incoming file transfer protocol***
***opening file***

Lucian Destro Biography

***transmission terminated***

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - lw'nafh - 11-13-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[From: Daniel Graham]
[Comms ID: Dolphin Meat]
[Encryption High]

Morning, pretty obvious why I'm sending out this transmission so I should probably get down to it.

Me name is Daniel Graham, I'm Bretonian, London born. I've had some decent experience flying, my dad being a transport captain for B.M.M., when I was old enough he hooked me up with a job... So there I was, escorting ore haulers and protecting those bigarse Hegemons when necessary. On my twenty-fifth birthday I decided to take what I'd earned including that Hawk of mine, resigned, and head out to Sirius to do a bit of exploring, gain some more experience 'out there'.

Almost a full year later and here I am, I think I have what it takes to join the Mandalorians.

[Uploading Personnel Data]

NAME: Daniel Graham
AGE: 26
PLACE OF BIRTH: New London, New London System, Bretonia.
EXPERIENCE: Escort pilot, Freelancer.


Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 11-16-2010

Mr Graham.

Suit up, son. Money to be made.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Daerune - 11-18-2010

Communications ID: Victor Vanguard

"Yea... okay here I am, come crawling back, ya happy cause I aint, so much for going off on my own." -snorts- "This is mah last option and promised my self I'd not come and apologise for skimming some of da cash but here I am alright, I blew it while I was in a brothel and some low dirty tart stole a bunch of it." -pauses- "Ya sounds like it aint mah fault but I know damn well how stupid I'd look infront of da others." -breathes angerly for a moment- "Please take me back... PLEASE."

Transmission Complete

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 11-18-2010

Son, I'd be a lot angrier if I had not done the same thing last month.

The Golden Crysanthemums can give a man heaven on earth, but eventually, you run out of money.

Suit up.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Veyron - 11-22-2010

- Opening Audio Transmission -

G'day Chief - names Rye Locke - an' I'm lookin' ta get myself blooded with tha Mandalorians- I read your message over the neural net, an' it made sense -no point scratchin' outta living workin' low end jobs, so with that in mind decided ta try my luck applyin' fer ya organisation.

'Course, ya need to know somthin' about me right, so fer what its worth I was born on California Minor, nice place - if ya can stand tha cold. And the smell. And the people....Ok, so it ain't heaven, but it's home. I spend most of mah time workin' security fer escort runs for Liberty and Bretonian out-fits - so I got a fairly good knowledge of the big players in your line o' work.
Never spent much time in either Rheinland or Kusari -can't say I gotta problem stickin' it to 'em though.
On a personal note, I ain't afraid of blood, sweat an' toil - 'specially other folks blood - never turned down a job, never will.

I got some skill in a fighter, not sayin' I'm anythin' special but I dun't nuke myself. Anymore. An' even if I ain't great, watcha gotta loose by givin' me a shot - I'm guessin' ya'll don't pay dead men heh!

I'm gonna go out on a limb here an' say ya'll probably had some fella's tell ya their real stone cold killers, an' I probably dun't measure up by comparison, an' ya'll be right of course, 'cept talk is cheap - an' I'll damn well work harder to prove myself if'n thats what it takes.

Lookin' forward ta hearin' from ya, Rye Locke out.

- Audio Transmission Terminated -

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 11-23-2010

Ok, Mr Ryan Locke

We are sending a redhaired prostitute with more detailed questions we need answered. Answer them, if you please.

Oh, and just take the message. She's actually a convincing transvestite.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - TehNoizeBox - 11-24-2010

-- Incoming Transmission --

CommID: Tyson Rios
Target: The Mandalore
Source: Barrier Gate Station, Coronado
Subject: Recruitment
> Initiating Transmission Feed <


My name's Tyson Rios, currently a mercenary for the Corsair Empire and the Gaian Terrorist movement. I listened to your transmission on the NeuralNet, and I thought about it. After awhile of thinking, I decided to attempt to become one of the Mandalorian Mercenaries. After that, I flew to Coronado, where I'd be sure that I'm far away from my soon-to-be-former employers. I haven't severed my ties yet, but I can do so if I'm accepted. If not, well...I'm not sure.

I'm currently fly a Sabre strikecraft, and am ready to sever my ties with the Empire and the Gaians. I'm hoping that you'll accept me, as my supply of food and water is dwindling along with my supply of money. I'm currently taking shelter on Barrier Gate Station, in Coronado.

If you're worried about me being a spy for the Empire, I can assure you, I'm not one. If you're worried that I won't be a reliable soldier, I can assure you, I'm quite reliable. If you want another money-craving merc to add to add to your (in)famous organization, you've got one. I have what it takes to be a Mandalorian Mercenary.

- Tyson Rios

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 11-24-2010

Ok Mr Tyson Rios

Same redhead, same story. Answer the questions she (?) passes you.