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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-10-2007

To: All

From: Admiral RedBear of Texas Sqdn.

Re: AW deception


I can vouch for everything stated by the CCE. I have everything and organized the defense of Cali with very little notice. I informed all on the side of SA, SF, BSG and made alliances with those i felt held true to my House. They showed true comradeship and came to our aid with little notice. This position of little time is a farce. I was able to pull together 5 vessels and our allies brought 6-8. So our combined fleet with little notice and most of my house out of pocket was almost 13-14 vessels. CCE showed with 5-6 to supposedly oppose us. All day, yesterday, i watched as HF, Helghast and AW popped in and out of Sector and made raids into Cali. We were ready for you last night, and you did not show.

My compliments
Admiral RedBear

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 02-10-2007

A quick note, as I have no time to PM to everyone.

I'm not pissed or ticked off at anyone, I'm just too busy. For now, I'm going to grant OsoRojo and Thor joint command as governors under the advisory umbrella of Nussebull, as I am becoming more and more unable to govern this faction properly.

When and if I do return, however, I hope to see that our faction has not succumbed to defeat.

Continue recruiting more new members.

Sorry for the brief note guys, but I just have too much on my hands right now.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Nussebull - 02-10-2007

Battle report:

Small AW/HF strike force encountered at San Diego Border station,
they we're engaged by the local patrol, the Captain of the Chinook Filippe Ancel
kept them busy in his fighter to buy some time for reinforcemens.

They moved on to California Minor and destroyed civilian buildings and ships,
the California battlegroup intercepted an AW Dreadnought, it fled to
CA Minor.

The SA battleship commanders did a hit and run attack on the AW Dreadnought,
it was heavily damaged by the Pheonix's main turrets, BSG arrived later on
to assist, the SA battleships had to withdraw, the enemy had 2 Rheinland Bombers.

Kusari Naval Forces special fighterwings and C.C.E heavy capital ships
entered California to assist, they began attacking the Magellan system
where HF ships were hiding.

The enemy retreated.

Nothing more to report.

V.Adm Nuss

Liberty Forces Message dump - Kane - 02-10-2007

- Alert!
- OOC levels exceeding maximum capacity!
- Temperature levels rising!
- Advised course of action: Cease any and all OOC and flames untill a full Moderator Repair and Reclimation team can be dispatched to clean!
- Safeties have been engaged: Should OOC or temperatures rise any further, this sub-system will be locked down!

"Moderator Central Computer"

Liberty Forces Message dump - Korrd - 02-10-2007

And the OOC level went to hell...

Topic cleansed...

Do not OOC here. And do not post in the Message Dump of others unless allowed, and IN CHARACTER.

Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-11-2007

OOC: What the heck did I miss. Any and all SA PM or write After Action reoport on battle and give gist of OOC on this thread

Liberty Forces Message dump - pchwang - 02-11-2007



Liberty Forces Message dump - OsoRojo - 02-11-2007


From: Admiral RedBear of Texas Sqdn.

Re: Cali Patrol


Due to several local ION squalls the LNS-RedBear and SA-OsoRojo has entered harbor many times this day. My techies are on the job tracing all malfunctions due to the squalls; however, during the calms of the day I have fought in two engagements. First was at Cali Minor in a major fleet engagement of AW, HF, and other enemy forces in SA-OsoRojo. I engaged fighters to cover CCE, SA, and BSG CapShips. Resolution unseen by me due to ION interruption.

Second engagement was in the LNS-RedBear outside LA. The HF-Balisnter BS was engaged by 3 CCE CapShips and I joined the fray. Upon this point, the HF fled lamenting the odds he was facing. I gave pursuit and maintained, however, my comrades lost track and left me in pursuit. However, with enough distance between allies and me the lamenting HF turned as an adder upon the LNS-RedBear.

I speculate he was aware of the loss of lvl 10 shields due to civil authority cutting our budget. He, however, underestimated the LNS-RedBear and her Captain and the true odds he held. We engaged and I rattled the adders cage of misconceptions. Upon learning his mistake, he went back into CD and took position 2k off my bow. To my undying frustration, I once again hit an ION squall and lost all contact. My apologies to SA and allies. I had him! Even though I was outgunned, out armored, and out powered. The HF was flying a Liberty Dreadnaught and he fled from me, with no support within range of assistance.

My compliments and regrets

Admiral RedBear


Liberty Forces Message dump - Thor - 02-11-2007

-Incoming Transmission-

To: South Alliance DOD / All Field Officers

Comm ID: LNS Valhalla

My fellow Officers,

Over the last 72 hours we have seen some very heavy activity on the part of the enemys of Liberty. It breaks my heart that most of these incusions have taken place in California. For whatever reason I have been detained from battle (real life has become real busy as of late). This will not stand. As the Govenor of the Military District of California I am drawing a line in the Stars. This far and no farther. Our enemys will learn to fear us as they should.To this end, I would like all field Commanders to submit battle plans for taking the fight to our enemys. No enemy vessel will be tolerated within a two system radius of California. And ships will be deployed at all major jump points within CA. I will order increased patrols in both Cortez and Magellen as well as monitor actions in the safe zone of NY. Conneticut will also be corrdoned off as a no fly zone. The HF are the weakest and closest enemy and can be easily contained with increased homeland vigilance. The AW has to come a long way to strike us and should be given no quarter. Make them think twice before sticking their oily head out of Theta again. I also propose that we start planning offensive actions against the HF and AW. Take the fight to them. Our allies have seen less support from us then I would have liked and it lookes like they may be moving on. It is ashame but we will carry on. We should also focus on recruitment. To that end I am pledging an increased signup bonus for any and all who would help us to defend Liberty. Adm. Osorojo I will be dispatching engineering teams ($100 mil) to Houston to speed the construction of the LNS Wolfbear. Fine job in running off that HF dreadnaught. Lets make our enemys tremble at the very thought of our might. We are not weak. We are not divided. And we will win this war. For Honor! For Life! For Liberty!

Commodore M.L. Adamson
LNS Valhalla, California Battle Group, Commanding
South Alliance

Liberty Forces Message dump - =C.C.E= - 02-11-2007

----Incoming Message----

To: South Alliance DOD / LNS Valhalla
From: =C.C.E= High Command

We thank you for your support In this war. As a sign of friendship I am turning over command to a small but deadly force to you. They will remain in the system as long as you would like them to.

I have order them to report to LNS Valhalla and wait orders.


---End Message---