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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Jack_Scagnetti - 12-14-2010

This is suppose to be a request for membership of some kind but I don't give a s***.
I've heard about you guys, you're good. Well guess what, I'm good as well.
You follow me?

I'm Jack, Jack Scagnetti. Perhaps you've heard of me Billy, perhaps you haven't. Don't give a rat's a**. What I'm sure of is that I'm rich but I'm bored. Use to work for LPI few years back, I've seen all kinds of s***. Now I'm bored. Working for you seems like a good enough reason for me to just go around and just kill some low-life shoe-hangers. You follow me?

Anyway, I'm gunboat captain, pretty damn good. You might find a good use of me--but tell you what. I won't work for money. Enjoyment of taking out Sirius-scum would be my ultimate satisfaction.
If I'm in--I'm in. If I'm not--I'm not. Treat me right and I'll be a killing-machine. Lie to me, and give me s***--Jack Scagnetti will bring hell to you! You follow me?

Have you heard of Hell? I know all about Hell. You remember those riots on LA in 812? I know. I've been there. I've seen it. I've seen it! I've seen it all going down on LA!

I'm already recruited, I know that. Only question is--do you know that?

By the way... If you haven't read my book Scagnetti on Scagnetti, I'll sign one for you when I see you.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-14-2010

Mr Pestov, Mr Scagnetti

Suit up, gentlemen. Money to be made.

Mr Scagnetti, leave your ego at the door.

On second thought, bring it. Could prove interesting.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Shotgun - 12-19-2010

Establishing Connection
Processing Identification
Ryan "Shotgun" Locker

[color=#33CCFF]This is Shotgun. And Shotgun, always copies all.

See... I'm all for the teamwork here. Cooperation is what I like to do.

Why else would I seek out an organization run by a guy like yourself?

I'm not the best. And sure as hell, not some guy who is going to spout to you how brave he is or how awesome skills he got. 'Cus frankly, that attitude gets you killed. Instead, I'm just going to say that I do my job. Sure, sometimes I might mess up, but hey - everyone is bound to fail once in their life, right?

What matters is if you can accept that truth or not, and move on.

I don't know if all your other boys are stone-hard killers doing it for the thrill or glory, but I'm a bit more realistic. I'm risking my neck out there for the money. I suck at everything else, besides bounty hunting and well... a man gotta have money for breakfast afterall yeah.

I'm sure you don't want me to tell you about some boring story of how my parents got killed and that I must revenge on every bastard out there. Because first of all, my parents are all fine and secondly, I'm not some kind of psychopath killer. But let me tell you pal, I'm of Libertonian descent. My father was a gun-nut. He loved going to the firing-range and test out all sorts of weapons, hobby of is. Became a hobby of mine. I found a thing for the shotgun. I just love the explosive burst it gives out, roaring sound. So that's what I like to call myself. Shotgun.

Ah yes, the name is Ryan Locker. You let me in. I'm ready to follow.

Your order. My order.

Your target. My target.

Your money. Hopefully my money as well.

Connection Lost...
Transmission Terminated...

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-19-2010

Mr Locker.

Suit up. Money to be made.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Vito - 12-20-2010

- Incoming Transmission -
From: Victor "Brother Bear" Gemini
To: The Mandalore

How's it going? I heard you can hook a brother out with some cash, right? Because that is all I care about: cash, credits, money, dinero... Ya'll get the idea, right? I won'€™t go bragging '€˜bout how cool I am or how many people I killed or how some bad dudes whacked my parents '€˜cause I know nobody gives a damn '€˜bout it. I kill people fo'€™ cash and you kill people fo'€™ cash so we'€™ll go along fine, right? You point me to the target, I take care of it and I get paid, right? If that is so I'€™m your man.

If you let me work for ya all you'€™ll have to do is point me to the target list and wait for my guns to do the rest. Simple, right? Give me a call and let me know if you want this brother to work for you

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-20-2010

Suit up, Mr Gemini.

Is that seriously your nickname?

Whatever. Kill things for us for money. Thank you.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Aphil - 12-20-2010


TO: Mandalorian Recruitment Center
COMM ID: Cyrus
SUBJECT: Recruitment

[Image: Cyrus_1.jpg]

I'll get straight to the point, obviously I'm here because I want to join. I've done some hunting on my own for a while now, however, I've found hunting to be a little more thrilling when you're with battle brothers, wouldn't you agree? Money, Glory, Power, all desire it, few get it. I plan on being the one that gets it. My childhood is unimportant, my parents are alive and well but they don't particularly approve of my occupation. Regardless, I'm here now seeking to become one of you.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-22-2010

Mister... Cyrus?

That's it? No last name, or is that your last name?

No matter. Gives us plausible deniabilty if you left a heap of bodies somewhere last week.

Welcome aboard.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - pchwang - 12-27-2010

TargetID: Mandalorian Mercenary Recruitment Centre
Transmit Location: 50 Mott Street, Chinatown-2, Manhattan, NY
Transmit ID: "Chinese Dynamite"

Takes out a Fortune Cookie from its plastic wrapping.

So, you say you need the good pilot. I pretty good, best in my area in Chinatown. But many other better than me.

So, why you want me fly with you? I am single father, raise daughter because my wife tell me "You too short." She run off with some Black.Reaver guy.

I don't get it, I stand nearly the five foot ten.

I raise kid alone. Is hard, I work nearly 90 hours a week for the Interspace Commercial. And they pay me vary little. Not enough pay for daughter tuition. Not enough for medical school.

Slams fist onto the table, destroying the fortune cookie utterly.

I tired of this! My friend tell me, "Wong, why you no go merc? You good pilot!"

I think, why be merc? Those people are dirty bad boys. But I need the money.

My daughter, I raise well. She get A+ all time. When she get A-, time stop and I take out the bamboo stick. Then she get A+ again.

Now she get into best medical school in Manhattan. I need pay. So, I merc now.

Removes slip of paper from the battered remnants of what used to be an uniquely shaped(and possibly delicious) Fortune cookie

So, you say Mando kill bad guy. And you say Mando pay well for shoot bad guy. I shoot bad guy. I get paid. I pay for my daughter go to college. And then she become big doctor! And I no need to shoot no more bad guy.

But for now, you say you need someone shoot bad guy. So, I say to bad guy...

Read slip of paper.

"Confucius say, you go jail now bad boy!"

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 12-28-2010

Mr Wong

We would be most pleased if you would join us.