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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-02-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
02.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Junior Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Low
Uroven' of danger: Low
Current Baza: Mykolaiv Research Station
Mission Temy: A test of capabilities

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

I passed the first test that was put on me, the task of getting to The Hispania and collecting the device where each one has to sign his or her name in. I expected the resistance to be more aggressive but my journey was rather calm and kind of enjoyable, the Omicrons ... a beautiful place but also dangerous. I came back in one piece and hope you consider me ready for the fight we are in.

That is alles for now.

Lena Riemann
[Image: rlZex5Y.png]
Junior Lieutenant

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-03-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
03.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Junior Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Medium
Uroven' of danger: Medium
Current Baza: Zviezdny Gorodok
Mission Temy: A new Kamerad

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

I allowed myself to venture far beyond our borders back into my old home, Rheinland, as well as Bretonia, talking with Mollys and making friends. I encountered a DSE transport in Neu Berlin, he didn't bother to answer me and the wonderful message I delivered, his fate was sealed, crushing the ones that crush the small people.

There was someone who listened to my calling, though. A certain man named Horatio Nicholson, a former miner. Why former? I convinced him to join our cause! For now he serves the secondary fleet, he told me that he plans to apply tomorrow. He has a good soul and understands what we do and why we do it, he doesn't remember much of his past, an accident is responsible for that. He wanted to start over, got a new name and life in New Moscow now. I hope this makes you proud, as it does make me very proud, I hope he does well, I promised to help him in our Coalition, just how Kameraden do it.

That is alles for now.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann
[Image: rlZex5Y.png]
Junior Lieutenant

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-03-2017

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Our recent recruits
Priority: Moderate
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, you have gone forth and seen the ark that bore many of our fore-bearers to Sirius, you have seen deep in the hive of the inhumane Outcast nation that even now spreads it's filth across Sirius. Remember these things Comrades, commit these sights deep to your memory, for if we do not stand up and stop such things...No one else shall.

The Houses are too mired in their own self-interests to strike out at parasites such as the Outcasts, the Corporations would seek to make a profit from this drug while some in the Core would attempt to seize control and supplant the Outcasts as the distributer of the Orange Plague.

You have all done well, to that end the People's Republic honours you with the Hispania Memorium Medal. Let it remind you why we fight, how we came here and the lengths we may go to ensure a united Sirius capable of standing up to those who seek our extermination.

Now, your next task. The Corsair Empire has been quiet as of late. This is frankly un-nerving to the High Command. Corsair Facilities and ships must be accounted for in the Omega Cluster. Go forth and perform recon against their facilities in Omega-47, Omega-5, Omega-41 and Omicron Omega. If you see any Corsair ships or something suspicious investigate it, find out why it is there and report back immediately. If you can capture or destroy anything out of the ordinary while on the front lines our friends in the Ministry of Truth would be greatful.

Long live the Republic!"

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-04-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
04.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Junior Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Medium
Uroven' of danger: High
Current Baza: Zviezdny Gorodok
Mission Temy: Another victory for our cause

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

another trip which was almost as successful as the one from yesterday, as much as I wish that I could report about another Kamerad who found his path to join us, it will only be about two confirmed takedowns of Armed Forces ships. Bretonia is a sinking ship in its state, I know how much it gets attacked from all sides, small strikes like those will lead to their ultimate failure. I am fine, my ship is fine, everything went perfectly, I have returned to New Moscow later on.

That is alles for now.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann
[Image: qhsE9jR.png]
Junior Lieutenant

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Mushy - 04-05-2017

[Transmission Begins]

From: Jr. Lt. Pyotr Ledovskoy
To: Coalition High Command
Priority: Low
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]

The trip to the very core of Maltese space went smooth. Before the trip, I packed a bottle of vodka to keep myself warm, and a bundle of promotional material, just in case I stumbled upon someone who would like to hear the word of The Coalition. Apart from the occasional rookie patrol on the way to the Tau systems, my flight has not met any resistance.

Soon enough, after drinking half of the bottle, I found myself in "Omicron Alpha", there was no wreckage charted on my navigation map, so I had to fly around, scout the area. The resistance here was stronger, but nothing I couldn't handle. I noticed something big, surrounded with a lot of small debris on visuals very soon. My sensors could pick it up already. I went closer and closer, and after a quick survey, the scanner identified it as The Hispania. It was around that moment that another patrol of around five of those Maltese pilots were closing in. To avoid a firefight, I quickly slipped into the wreckage, and turned all systems off. By some luck, they never noticed I was there, they flew right past the wreckage.

Afterwards, I did what was asked of me. I entered my credentials into the device mentioned in the assignment, and as I haven't been lucky with spreading the word on the way here, I instead elected to drop off the bundle of promotional materials inside the wreckage and secure it within so it would be difficult to get picked up by scanners. One day, someone might stumble upon these, and may spread the word around Sirius!

As of sending this message, I'm safely sitting in my ship, orbiting Planet Volgograd once more, ready for additional assignments.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-05-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
04.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Junior Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: High
Uroven' of danger: High
Current Baza: Zviezdny Gorodok
Mission Temy: First report about given reconnaissance mission

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

I went out to do the task we were assigned to, doing reconnaissance work against the Corsairs for the listed systems. For this, I went in the direction to Omicron-Omega which I had to pass for getting deeper into their territory. I am sure most of you already know about Battleship Prox, an Osiris-Class vessel that guards the Cayman jumphole heavily, combined with a few weapon platforms to fend off smaller vessels. I didn't search for more in this system, it was too heavily guarded and I would require assistance while being there. I went to Omicron Gamma, from there one is able to reach Omega-41 and thus Omega-47. My way wasn't half as calm as I expected it to be, in fact, I never reached said systems, instead, I met one of my old colleagues from the Order and we encountered a squadron of Corsairs, consisting of Titan's and even the famous Pepe Ladron. I wanted to ask them about this intel, trying to use their idiocy for our use, unfortunately, not even Corsairs are that dumb and they wouldn't let me know anything. A huge fight broke out, I managed to destroy 2 Spartacus squad ships and Pepe Ladron's Titan himself. The Order Agent and I are both well and left the system heavily damaged but alive.

That is alles for now.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann
[Image: qhsE9jR.png]
Junior Lieutenant

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-05-2017

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Our recent recruits
Priority: Moderate
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Jr. Lieutenant Ledovskoy, you have gone forth and seen the corrupted of Sirius, a society based upon the backs of slaves and the profiteering upon desperate people across Sirius. You now see what we are fighting against. Not only that you have laid eyes upon the ark that bore us to Sirius from our original homelands. To that end you are awarded the Hispania Memorium Medal. Well Done Comrade.

Jr. Lieutenant Lena Riemann, you are to be commended for your actions against the nefarious Corsair Empire, as you can see their leaders cannot be negotiated with and their subordinates are indoctrinated into their barbaric mindset. Once we have removed the Council of Elders from power and instituted the foundations for a Socialist Republic we can truly change the Corsair people into a force for the Revolution. But until that day they remain under the yoke of criminals and megalomaniacs who only seek to advance their own self-interests.

Your information on the Battleship Prox has been directed to the Ministry of Truth for analysis, you have done good work Comrade and have earned your place amongst us. Henceforth you are nolonger a mere Jr Lieutenant. You are now a full Officer of the Coalition with the rank of Lieutenant. Continue in your primary objectives and show Sirius that we shall not abide tyranny. No matter what guise it comes in.

Long live the Republic!"

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Reeves - 04-07-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: Lukas.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lukas Riemann
07.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Junior Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Low
Uroven' of danger: Low
Current Baza: Zhukhovsky Station
Mission Temy: Advanced Reconnaissance

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

Advanced reconnaissance into deep corsair space was performed which yielded the following gun-cam feeds which will be attached below. After this I regrouped with a Colonel of our Army and attended a trans-Sirius patrol spanning through Bretonia, Kusari and the Corsair-populated part of the Edge worlds all the way back to New Moscow. Nothing else of interest transpired.

Gun-cam feeds: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6

Lukas Riemann
[Image: rlZex5Y.png]
Junior Lieutenant

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Mushy - 04-09-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]


[Image: 6FvQP7z.gif]

From: Jr. Lt. Pyotr Ledovskoy

Location: Zhukovsky Station, New Moscow

Topic: Mission Report > Spreading the Word

Yesterday, something interesting has happened. I met an independent miner flying an Uruz transport, and decided to tag along on his trip. Apparently, he used to work for Kruger at first, but then defected to the Independent Miners Guild, as the capitalist-ridden corporation had no use for him anymore, or so it seems. He noted he liked the way the IMG worked, and somehow, we got to the point where he mentioned a friend of his who shares the same views as The Coalition.

Thus, I let him finish his quick errand, and instructed him to stay close by. This was a good opportunity to let his friend know that he is not alone, and that he can become one of us. The IMG Transport stayed close by in Omega-49, while I fetched a few papers and fliers from Zhukovsky. I also brought a vodka for his friend. I moored my vessel to the transport and dropped the items off. Afterwards, I performed a quick check if the transaction was completed successfully.

Hopefully, his friend will be joining us shortly!
The revolution is coming!

Transmission Appendix:


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-09-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
09.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: High
Uroven' of danger: High
Current Baza: Freistadt Base
Mission Temy: More victories, and they didn't end yet

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

I need to make it fast here, this is an emergency hideout and I am writing this from my ship, Gott sei Dank I have Laufey. Now I was going to Bretonia where I encountered a BMM ship which, after a discussion got destroyed, the same is to be said about an MND ship in Rheinland. As I wanted to return, I stumbled over two Corsairs, one of them a Titan,
one of them a cruiser, I cut the Titan away from the cruiser and destroyed it, now I had to run from the cruiser and hide here.

I will return home soon.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann
[Image: Atez8rK.png]