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The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 04-07-2008

Haven & Hell (Part I)

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

-George Santayana (18631952)

Damien sits alone behind his office desk, & stares absent mindedly through the large wall sized window that overlooks the central cavern of The Green Hell, known simply as 'Dis'

At the moment, he feels lost.

He violently kicks away his chair as he stands, & snatches an almost empty bottle of Gaian Tequilla as he turns & stumbles towards the door to the balcony, above the fog covered huslte & bustle of the Beergarden, ten stories below.

The flames from dozens of black candles lining the walls flicker as the air rushes in from the open door, & Dimi lurches over the railing to vomit.

After another moment, he wipes his mouth on his sleeve, & downs the remainder of the bottles' contents in almost one fluid motion. He immedeately spins on his heel & throws the bottle full force, causing it to smash against the far wall inside, & finally releases a howl of grief that bounce & echo off of the cavern walls in the distance.

He is starting to realize that he has become a Dog without a pack.

Caulobacter Phage is dead.
Yersinia Pestis: currently jailed down the street, will be dead soon herself.
Dengue Connor & Hannah Lassa simply vanished without a word,
& Ebola Kentigearna doesn't want anything more to do with him.

'What the hell was I thinking?'

He stumbles back inside, & collapses back behind the large modified & petrified tree stump that he uses as his desk, & passes out on the floor for the night.

...& endures nightmares of loss...

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 04-07-2008

Haven & Hell (Part II)

The stations' generators turn on for the day, & the low hum goades Damien back into conciousness with a raging hangover.

He lifts himself up clumsily off the floor, & makes his way to the back of his office where a miniature rocky waterfall doubles as a sink. He dunks his head into the basin, & the near-freezing water shocks his system into full wakefulness & makes his head feel ready to explode.

After a number of moments, he lifts his head above the surface gasping for air; & plucks a portion of moss growing on the wall to his right.

While chewing on it for about a minute, his hangover subsides into a somewhat managable roar.

He returns to his desk & pulls a key from under his shirt hanging on a small chain, while revealing a safe hidden behind a framed picture of the six Plague Dogs taken back during the better days.

He pulls out five old style envelopes, & tosses them on the desk behind him.

He reaches in deeper & grabs a stamper seal, & a few sticks of different colored wax.

Taking a seat, he spreads the envelopes out on the desk, & lights a candle to his left.

The envelopes, addresed in Caul's calligraphic handwriting, were written for each member to read in the event of his death; & sealed in wax with a biohazzard symbol in an ancient style.

He glances down to the ones naming 'Dengue' & 'Lassa' & puts them to the side.

He takes the ones naming 'Ebola' & 'Yersinia Pestis' & slips them into the inside pocket of his duster hanging on the rack behind him, & turns back to stare at the two remainders...

His, & another that doesn't match the uniformity of the others.

A black envelope sealed in wax the color of blood...bearing the name 'Typhoid Mary'

He stares down at the name, his anger again begining to boil, & feels another headache starting to throb to the surface of his mind.

He drops that one to the floor & keeps it under his boot.

After spending ten minutes staring at the one with the name 'Marburg' on it, he takes a breath & snaps the seal, & begins to read the unfolded letter:

Dimi, if you're reading this, then you must be sitting at my desk right now, & beating yourself up for killing me in some form or another.

For whatever it's worth, I'm truly sorry.

Let me tell you a story about the banality of evil...

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 07-19-2008

'Sir? It appears that your presence is needed in the Erinloch cavern immedeatly.'

Irritated both by the interuption to his reading, and the pain that the sudden activation of his nueral net creates, Damien rolls his eyes, puts down his reading, & takes a breath before responding.

"Heather? how many times do I have to tell you NOT to call me sir?...You know how much I hate tha--"

'--A foot patrol has found Sean Dawson on the far side of the loch, coughing up blood Sir.'

Dimi McEwan drops everything, & is on his feet; bolting out of his office and down the stairs before his secretary can even finish her sentance.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 07-19-2008

By the time he gets there, Sean is already on a stretcher, & being pulled from the overgrowth by the cavern wall.

Damien runs to him, to find him in very sorry shape.

"What the hell happened?!" he barks out to the medics.

"It appears he was spelunking, and fell quite a ways down." one of them replied. "His left leg is broken, & we believe, a few of his ribs...and also, judging by the frostbite & dehydration, he must have been lying here for well over a day."

Dimi can do nothing but keep pace beside the NLH leader and take his hand, as the two medics trot his stretcher double-time to the nearest infirmary.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Zelot - 07-19-2008

Ze'ev's Stinger slowly pulled into the docking slip at Islay. He had gotten a message that something was wrong with Sean Dawson. Sean and Ze'ev were allies, but more than that they had become close friends. As soon as he had received the message, he had jumped into his ship for the flight to Islay. As he disembarked, he noticed the residents of Islay running around with gloom hanging over them. Ze'ev hoped he was not to late.

The Green Hell Beergarden - Marburg - 07-25-2008

Dimi enters the infimary & takes a seat at Sean Dawson's bedside.

"How is he?" he asks to the attending nurse

"We had to induce a coma in order to try to speed his healing processes." she replied.

"So, I can't even talk to him through his neural net?"

"I'm sorry Mr. McEwan, but no; it's signals are scrambled, & we don't want to dig into his head until we are certian it won't damage him any more than he already is."

Damien heaves a heavy sigh as the nurse walks out & leaves the two men alone.

"Sean," he speaks aloud to the unconcious man, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I need you to pull though this...Gaia needs you...hell, we all do."

"If it's ok, I thought I might hang out for a while & read a book."

He kicks back & opens the cover to the first page & begins reading.

After about a minute, he feels a dull pain at the base of his skull as his net activates.


Dimi glances up at the comatose Sean with a jolt of suprise.

"So you are here." he says with a happy smile, & turns back to page one & begins again...this time, aloud.

"...The Earl of Locksley returned to Nottingham after the wars, to find the life he had left in shambles.............."

The Green Hell Beergarden - Riley Mackenzie - 08-03-2008

Riley docks the Erinloch on Islay & grabs his coat on his way off the ship.

He enters a large service elevator in the back of the bay & straps himself into one of the seats that circle the walls

"Level 66" he says after securing himself in, & he drops down the shaft towards the bottom like a stone.

The doors open, & the thick fog of Hell's dusk rolls in.

It's been a long time, & visibility is close to zero, but Riley knows exactly where he is.

A chill shoots up his spine with every step that has nothing to do with the beergardens nightly drop in temperature...He's making his way to the grave of Erin Mackenzie in the Highlands, to comemerate the aniversary of her death...and he's over a day late.

Feeling stupid & forgetful, he begins to run uphill towards the banks of the loch in the ajoining cavern.

The Green Hell Beergarden - I_m_rdy - 08-23-2008

It's nighttime in the Green Hell. No one is sure about Sean's health, since he still lies in deep coma, his neural net's signals scrambled. All of a sudden, Sean's moves his left hand, almost as if he tries to reach his neural net. Even though he can't reach his neck, where the net is located, he is able to send a cryptic message to one of his closest friends, Damien McEwan.


The Green Hell Beergarden - I_m_rdy - 08-26-2008

3 days after Sean's transmission to Damien. He recovers well in his comatose state, but still doesn't wake up. The day goes on like many others, for the exception of his pule going up a slight bit in the early morning, but soon getting back to normal again. Later, in the evening, Sean's pulse goes up at higher values than the monitor ever has shown. His eyes twitch, his arms slowly moving, Sean tries to wake up. It takes him a lot of effort to release himself from the comatose state, but he is able to sit on his bed. He rubs his head, and calls the nurse.

"Oh, Mr. Dawson, you are awake already. How are you now?"

"I'm still feeling a bit dizzy, thanks. Say, can you please tell me how long I've been sleeping?"

"It's been over two months, sir."

Sean can't believe what she said. He has been lying for over two months here?

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Dawson?"

"Uh, no, thank you, I'm fine for now."

Now alone in the room, Sean checks his neural net. A notice from Damien he is leading NLH... Good, he has surely done a good job. And some other message catches his attention:

Quote:Hey there!

I'd check your bank account if I were you. I left a small surprise for you. Also something by a secret person who prefers to stay anonymous. It hurts to see Bretonia being a dirty junkyard right now, and I believe in you. I've seen one of your posters in Cambridge lately, and was impressed by your goals. Though I can't actively help, I will support you with money donations. That's a promise.

Be on your guard, green guy

He wonders who sent this message, but follows the advice and checks his bank account. Sean doesn't believe his eyes: The secret donator (or the secret donators) put a whole 600 million Credits on his bank account!

This motivation boost is what he needs. Seeing as it is late in the evening he decides to start out again tomorrow.

The Green Hell Beergarden - farmerman - 11-20-2008

While wandering Islay, Will finds himself on Level 66. "Maybe I should stop by the Green Hell," he says to himself and proceeds to do just that.

Seeing a familiar Gaian, he walks over and sits down next to him. "It does get chilly in here at night, doesn't it? Will asks. The man nods in response.

"I hope they have some of that good coffee here, that'll warm me up. I heard we Gaians grow our own stuff - I hope that includes more than just one or two things!"