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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Razer - 07-04-2011

incoming transmission from KNF. Riyo, Kurogane

Sadly im must ask for dismissal from KNF, two months on planet has given me time to think and being in a military orginization isnt something i think im cut out for, i plan on living planet side from now on and hopefully raise a family. all i ask is for an escort to planet new tokyo where i will hand over my naval id and look at the stars for the last time. if this early retirement will be met with a dishonorable dis-charge i will accept that any reprecussions this may bring about.

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 07-05-2011

[Image: comheader.png]

Kurogane-sama, we are sorry to lose another good officer at this fraught time. High command understands your commitment to your family and respects your decision: your commission has been resigned.
Of course your skills will always be welcome back, if your situation changes.
Genki de ne!
[color=#FFFFFF]Shōshō Takahashi, Mikako
Kusari Naval Forces.

[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Torch Rose - 07-07-2011

Incoming Transmission
Sender ID: Aimi Ayaka
Source: Planet Honshu

[Image: rsz_274452697180526970808.jpg]

Konnichiwa, my name is Aimi Ayaka. I am contacting you, because I wish to transfer over to the primary fleet. I'm including an application file.


Aimi Hoshi Ayaka
Age: 21
Gender: F
Score on Flight Exam(//skill): 7
Score on Kusari History(//roleplay): 6
S.K.Y.P.3: rosa.roja20
Aimi was born in the city of Nagoya in 798 A.S. She came from a middle class family, attending Seirangijuku Public School. after graduating in the year 816, Aimi joined the Navy academy in Nagoya and passed a year later. However, after Aimi's squadron graduated from the academy, they were put into the reserve fleet, not seeing any active action. During this time, Aimi took odd jobs as an independent trader to help her home with the war effort.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 07-07-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Aimi Ayaka
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Blacknest - 07-12-2011

~Transmission Initiated...~
~Origin: Planet New Tokyo, New Tokyo System~
<span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%]"Greetings, honorable ones. My name is Kaede Tokoyama. My father was a junior officer in the Naval Forces, as was my mother. In fact, it is how the two of them met. Because of this, I wish to keep my family's legacy strong, and am applying as well. I have experience in smaller to heavy fighters, as I have previously served as a guard on several merchant runs."
~Transmission Terminated~
~S.K.Y.P.E Protocol information: karasu_ookami~

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 07-13-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Kaede Tokoyama
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - ObviousAlt - 07-18-2011

[Message Inbound]

Target: KNF Recruitment Officer - Chujo Kagakagari Takaya

Greetings Chujo, I am Tenga Shira. I hear you are looking for fresh meat for the grinder yeah? Well, I ain't exactly fresh - but I like fighting and if I get the chance to put my blades through someone, I'm just smiling.

Not exactly much to say about myself, parents are....who know's....and I was born....somewhere in Kusari - but I reckon you cut me open I'd bleed like a Kusari - and if you let me join the club, I'll help you cut plenty of other people open - sweet deal hai?

So, I'm probably about 26, never committed no crimes - that anyone know's about - and I'd like to kill for you, so go on, set this simple man on the righteous path of bushido and we'll have a festival of blood. Oh, and I get it, I'm not exactly one of the samurai-sans that you normally get walking in, but don't let that put you off - I fight as hard as the next man or woman - and look forward to hearing from you.


[Message Ends]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 07-18-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Tenga Shira
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Michelandjelo - 07-25-2011

...Incoming Transmission...
To:KNF High comand
Subject: Primary fleet Transfer request

Name: Aoi Seigun
Age: 21
Gender: M
Score on Flight Exam(//skill): 8
Score on Kusari History(//roleplay): 7
Skype-identification: ikarus_777

Biography: My name is Aoi Seigun, as you already know i'm member of secondary kusari fleet. With this request i wish to aply for a transfer to the primary fleet.
I was born in planet New Tokyo in a working class familie. Since my childhood i was eager to give the best of my self to my familie and now when i'm in the best ages i feel i could bring some useful things to our empire.
I was trained in kusari naval academy for piloting dieferent classes of ships from a fighter to a comand position of the gunboat ship class.
My expirince reflect itself mostly in dealings with ouctast-pirat threats so as the Blod Dragon terorist organisation in our border sistems wich always ends deadly for them.

PS. I would like to add tendency of my crew to join our forces on the frontline in the war against Bretonia. Afther years of expirience they feel more than ready to fight against more powerfull enemie. If i was able to chose i couldn't ghet more reliable and dedicated crew.

I hope my request for a transfer will be considered and i'm eager to ghet the reply as soon as possible.

Long live the emperor !!!

Aoi Seigun|Secondary Fleet Gunboat cpt.

...End of Transmission...

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Ebon - 07-25-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Shōshō Kogan Ryu
>>>>To: Aoi Seigun
>>>>Subject: Transfer for the Kusari Naval Forces primary fleet

Your application has been reviewed. Are you aware of fact that in Emperors Fleet you will start from the very beginning of Command Chain, that means you wont be able to fly Gunboat class vessel, and having Chimaera VHF is mandatory? It also means that your current crew will be dispatched to separate training, and all those terms will be enforced until you reach rank of Kaigun Shōsa. I just want to make things clear in here.
Shōshō Kogan Ryu Out.
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