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Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 05-02-2011

Uhm..Angus Quinn..the name is familiar. Please, answer the questions brutally delivered by our attack dog.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 05-02-2011

Mister Quinn, now I remember you, I had a chance to fight you not long ago. I liked your style and it would be an honour to have you fly with us. Suit up!

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Littleone - 05-02-2011

::Incoming transmission::
::Location:: Withheld
::Sender:: Ben Skap

Guten tag... My name is Ben Skap... I originate from Bretonia, but I moved to Rheinland. When I grew up in Bretonia, I had van brother and a father who was in the Bretonia police, my mother died ven I was very small. I vas 16 at ze time, my father kept beating me ven I did something wrong... Von day, I came home from flight school, to show my father that I'd done very vell in ze targets test. Ven I valked in, my vather vasn't zere, but my brother vas. My brother vas covered in blood, crying, the tears catching bits of blood and moving zem down his cheek making ze floor all vet and red. I stared at my brother, zen I saw a knife next to zim, it vas covered in blood... I vent over to vit and picked it up. Zen I vent to bed without speaking to my brother. Late at night.. Maybe 1am, I woke up with a start, I had heard something move quite close. I looked ahead of me, and I saw my father holding a gun. I vould have screamed, vut he vas facing avay from me, so I wanted to catch him with surprise. I slowly got out of ved, zen I crept up behind him, and brought the knife down on zis neck, he collapsed underneath me, I finished him off quickly. After zis, I got very worried, I could not stay in Bretonia, the police would be after me, I had killed one of zem! I ran out of ze house and stole his ship, I flew up and fled. Eventually, after jumping through many jump holes, I came across a orangey cloud called ze walker nebula. Some mercenaries came across me and took me to a nearby base, I slept zere for ze night, ze next morning I left ze base, wondering vat to do next. I came across another freelancer, who said he'd pay me if I could kill somevon. I agreed, knowing zat I had already killed, and zere was no turning back. After I'd "dealt" with ze man he asked me to kill, he paid me. I figured I may asvell do what I do best for a living. Zat is vay I vant to join ze Mandalorian Mercenaries.

Name: Ben Skap //Ben.Skap
Age: 22
Hight: 1.9meters
Birthplace: Planet New London

Ben Skap... Over... And out.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - VoluptaBox - 05-02-2011

What an interesting accent, son...and an interesting story...patricide isn't easily condoned, but we give everyone a second chance. Answer the questions whispered to you by your father...creepy, right?

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Garuda - 05-08-2011

*drinks a bottle Rheinland Schwarzbier and take some cookies*

Paper War again.


From Neu-Berlin
Subject: Recruit


My name Dominik.Mertins. I'm Ex-Military and Ex-Polizei Officer. Now you will say, "What do you want from us" or "I'm sure you are a spy." I hear always this kind of jokes. But well.

My Bio from my last recruit junk:

S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username):Honky-Trolly
Height:184 cm
Weight:84 Kg
Hair Color:blond
Eye Color:green
Planet/Station of Origin:Planet Stuttgart
Background Information:
I was born on the Planet-Suttgart. On a little farm outside of the central. It was a good life with my family.
With 19 I joined the Military secondery Fleet and I helped for Rheinland against Liberty.
I was a Bomber pilot in our Squadron and a good one. 3 Years was my Military Duty.
I leaved, the Military because I have enough from the nonsense.
I joined the Rheinland Polizei but I joined back the Military.
But with a little difference, I joined the Primary Fleet. The Primary Fleet was good place, until to a part where I should kill civilians. I refused the order and turned around and shot down our own fighters. At this moment I was alone without support. I had only my Mjolnir from the Rheinland Federal Police. It is a modified version for the Military with better scanners and more.
But now after the big mistake with the DHC, I fight on the side of the Hessians against the Rheinland Government.
Basic Personality Traits: Fighting for peace. It is maybe wrong, but a Mercenary could change some thing in Sirius.

If you are not happy with my Application, then say something.
Oh and I forgot something, Herr Bishop met me today. If you want something to know about my Character then ask him.

So that is all.


Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 05-08-2011

Herr Mertins.

Please answer the questions the monkey throws at you.

The paper will not be clean.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Dieter Schprokets - 05-08-2011

Herr Mertins.

Suit up. Money to be made.

Please proceed to Vogtland Base, Dresden; That is Loki Squadron's forward base of operations.

They will direct you to our upper management.

Guten Tag.

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Aazalot - 06-04-2011

::Incoming Transmission from Java Station::
:: Originator: Jerard Voncloud::

To the Mandalorian Mercenaries.
I am unsure who out of you all remeber me, but i am Voncloud, a previous member of the Mandalors.
Due to unforseen circumstances i had to forcefully retire from the scene due to some unintentional health issues.
However the staff at Java, ave kept myself and my Ship in somewhat good condition, however, most of my equipment was sold in order to maintain the ship itself. I wasnt aware the Mandalors were still around when i checked, and pressumed them to have either moved on, or prehaps more worse circumstances.
However, it has come to my fox like ears that you are indeed still around, and wonder if an EX Mandalore such as myself maybe welcome back into your ranks.

J. Voncloud

::Transmission Ends::

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - The Mandalore - 06-13-2011

J. Voncloud, I guess you were here before my time.
So, we don't know eachother, if you are still capable of shooting, you might be of help to the MM.

We will send someone to contact you personally.

Welcome back.

<div align="right]Consul Sebastian Rodriguez

Mandalorian Mercenaries Recruitment Centre - Crusty - 06-14-2011

[Image: sshushy3.jpg]
Real name: Shin Taiki
Birth location: planet Honshu - New Takashima Island/Town
Age: 21
Location: Barrier Gate Docking Wing
Subject: Application Form

[color=#33CC00]You can find my childhood in this card:;#entry933757

I only wrote a message there once, with request of infamous Joker. And yes, I'm one of those also infamous ex. Joker's Thugs. After he left in his hibernation ship, I didn't restart my life as i was told. Kept all the weaponry and ID, flew few years around the Sirius doing nearly nothing. And yes, rumors are right, i still kill people on the way... I just like to see the way they burn...
Joker woke up from hibernation before planned, gathered his few remaining Thugs, called their group "Ministry of ban" and returned to what they were doing before... But even thought I like seeing people burn alive in their ships, now I feel like there's something missing... maybe it's A REASON...
But today I believe I've finally found it: a random trader paid me few millions to kill a pirate on a trading line - killed that poor guy the same way I'm used to do - no mercy, lots of fire and enjoying the way a human being burns alive, but it felt much better... So maybe this is the exact way I need to live: flying around and burning people cause someone paid to do so...

Bored of writing...

---Information missing---