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RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Omicron - 10-19-2014

Spotting the contact, Order operative approached at table where Liberty officer took seat. All distinctions and uniform were well recognizable to the captain, leaving no doubt of the affilation. Female envoy betrayed no emotion, holding neutral and proffesional face.

"Captain Ellington, commanding officer of LNS Pine Ridge."

She spoke in welcoming manner before introducing herself.

"I am Valkyrie, representative of Primary Fleet... And lets leave it at that. You and your warship are rare sight in Edge nebula, sparking attention of no doubt more than our own. It is even rarer occurence for the commander to seek an audience with The Order... but your request has been granted by our command. I am entitled to speak on behalf of The Overwatch in this place and momenth. What is that you seek from us?"

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Jane Hartman - 10-20-2014

Captain Jane Hartman may as well have been planetside. Carefully seeded grass folded beneath her boots, trees rose from the dirt before her stretching wooden limbs up towards an inky black sky. Save for the honeycomb of beams that hung above her, bracing the Lone Dome's tiny bubble of atmosphere against the void, the illusion was almost perfect. Or it would have been perfect if she hadn't needed to climb three flights of stairs through life support machinery to get here. Oh, it looked like a planetside forest, sure enough, but like everything else in orbit it existed only by the grace and ceaseless labors of humanity's machines. After two days crammed aboard Triton, Hartman had been glad of the walk. She was less fond of the biodome itself. It was an illusion, a luxury sustained purely for the sake of it, and provided nothing that could not have been replicated by hydroponics beds for a fraction of the cost. The whole thing seemed vaguely dishonest to her.

Then again, if she had a problem with dishonesty she was in entirely the wrong place.

Ellington was waiting at a table, engaged in conversation with a red-haired woman wearing a uniform that Hartman had seen once before. The Order. Outstanding. Hartman had never before encountered an organisation that seemed to take such perverse pride in their own machinations. Terrorists. Or the last hope of humanity, if you were foolish enough to believe that dark uniforms and double meanings made you the good guys. Special Operations and spooks. Outstanding.

Hartman swallowed her distaste and made her way across the bar.

"Commander Ellington. Making friends already, I see."

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Alley - 10-21-2014

Ellington nodded at the Order operative.

"Greetings, Valkyrie. I am glad to see the Overwatch still has a little bit of sanity left. The Order is quite used to the way we The Navy operate, after all both of our organisations have common roots. I asked to see you because I know very well how it ends when a warship ventures too close to an area of specific interest to the Order, if you see what I mean."

She paused, gazing at Valkyrie.

"We're here to prevent a pretty nasty thing from happening. We have an individual in possession of informations the Nomads are really, really interested into. It's useless to us humans, but to them... Suffice to say we'd all be in deep trouble."

Ellington opened a paper folder, stamped with a big red Classfied. Paper was largely considered useless in this era of technological advancement and conspiracies, but not to people that needed something to never show up on the neural net, in one way or another.

She took a picture out of the folder, handing it to Valkyrie. The picture featured a child with long purple hair and slightly glowing eyes.
"I assume you already know who that is."

Ellington carried on after a short pause. "We need to bring her back where she belongs, and her secrets with us."

At this very moment, she saw a woman wearing a uniform she knew well enter the Resort Bar and heading toward them. Hartman managed to make her way here, Ellington felt relieved and listened to her introduction.

"The Omicrons are a fun place, Captain. The unexpected is common, and the expected a rare sight. Please, have a seat."

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Omicron - 10-21-2014

Valkyrie recognized girl in an instant. Ignoring the remark on her superior officers sanity and intrusion of a Hartmann for now, she did not took long before handing back the photography and commenting.

"I know that 'things' parents, personally I may add. The Order is also well aware of that particular... mutant. Late Admiral Hale's unfinished business before his departure from Liberty armed forces, I presume. Now, given Liberty as a whole never did selflessly aided anyone, especially when Nomads are in question... What profit - other than denying Nomads their 'prize' as if that was not enough motivation as it is - your benefactors have in capturing this specimen alive? There is more to it than you are letting me know."

Valkyrie awaited for answer calmly.

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Alley - 10-21-2014

Ellington glanced at Hartman. She promised her answers, and all she had so far was a mysterious dark cloud of secret informations.

"Objective Gamma-7, as we call her, was integrated to the Valhalla-1 team. Ageira and the Navy have made gigantic steps in several technological fields in the past few months with her assistance, as she appears to natively understand the K'Vosh language and its complexity for a reason that still elude us. Yet it appears something happened, something that caused Gamma-7 to snap out and turn against us. She was already outside Liberty before we understood what happened. If she reaches them, they will no more have to try to infiltrate the Valhalla-1 team, as the data is coming to them for free."

Ellington eyed Valkyrie and Hartman for a second and inspired.

"Do you want that Hypergate to become active again, Valkyrie? Do you want what was sent into the unknown to return? This is what is at stake here, because not only she has all these informations in her mind, she's carrying the original data block with her."

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Jane Hartman - 10-21-2014

"Thank you Commander, but I think I'll stand."

Hartman stood, palms resting neatly behind her, listened, and did her utmost not to betray the growing sense of disorientation nestling in her gut as the two spoke. Valhalla-1? Gamma 7? It was just noise to her. Code-names and cryptics, and she didn't have the cipher. This was Lewis' territory, through and through. She was a Logistics Officer. A glorified supply clerk, when you got down under the ribbons. Oh, she'd been a marine once, been a warship commander. But Lewis had been right. The years and the desk job had made her soft. An assignment with the First Fleet didn't change that, no matter how she twisted it in her mind. She was horribly, crushingly, out of her depth.

Still, she knew enough not to show her ignorance. That was one of the first thing she'd learned at West Point, and perhaps the most valuable of the lot. Confidence. Bluster. No-one ever knew what they were doing, but it was an exceptionally poor officer indeed who let on to the fact. A faint smile. A nod, as though she knew exactly what Ellington was referring to. As though she'd been briefed on the flight in instead of frantically hovering over transport records, trying to patch trivial security holes. No lapses. Not here. Don't show weakness. Not in front of the Order. Not in front of a subordinate.

I hope you know what you're doing, Commander. Hartman raked her eye over the dome looming beyond the bar, the silhouette of Pine Ridge jutting across the horizon like a mad architect's mountain. And I sure as hell hope you plan to tell the rest of us.

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Omicron - 10-21-2014

Valkyrie barely was able to hid dissapointment. One of the most secure secrets of Liberty and by extension of it also of The Order: Valhalla, let this slip past. Capture or termination of the subject has been on their agenda for some time now, source of the head's up not disclosed to her by Michal Golanski yet. Were we first to know? Now Valkyrie satisfied her own curiosity as far she could extract information from Ellington herself. The speech of hypergate made her trully realize importance of that directive.

"In this case you will fully understand that termination of one specific being is fate preffered to extinction of whole species, should capture be proved impossible to achieve. You do not have to tour me about importance of hypergate to Sirius itself either, we are well aware and anticipated many scenarios... this one included. End will justify means here."

No matter the cost was mantra repeated over and over, for many years past; A tool for The Order to justify their morally questionable actions over course of history. She realized how this reflected on their image, never fully feeling right herself with quite a number of deeds. The Order, after all remained effective in the field specifically due to dead, cold calculations. Straining state of affairs to long standing operatives... balancing their own humanity or lack thereof. Was she finally counting among them as she proposed pulling the trigger as the first measure? As they have talked, Valkyrie hid her true thoughts behind face of proffesionalism.

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Alley - 10-21-2014

The atmosphere suddenly became tense as Valkyrie seemed to understand what was at stake. Ellington could feel it from the tone of her voice.

"Were it so easy. Unfortunately we cannot allow Gamma-7 to be killed. We have everything set up and are ready for every scenario. The only thing we need is that The Order stay out of this so we can get her back and the data block with the least casualties possible. Can I count on you for that, Valkyrie?"

Commander Ellington stared at Valkyrie with determination, waiting patiently for her answer that would be The Order's word.

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Omicron - 10-29-2014

No, this is not enough. Valkyrie needed more than a mere dreadnought out of the blue covering this. As Nomads cannot get a hold of this block, The Order would intervene regardless. She tried to think of what advantages Liberty gains from it and whether such potentially “unfair advantage” would turn good or ill for Sirius as a whole. Suppressing this thought for moment, Valkyrie needs to satisfy both sides to get it work without issues.

“You let it escape once, there is no guarantee that it cannot slip past you either. As you perhaps realize, The Order cannot stand idly to such opportunity. If you can get this done without shedding too much blood, be our guest… but we will need total assurance on success of this operation. Our own team and our own carrier on site to pull the trigger should you fail. A necessary precaution."

Valkyrie weighed whether it is more beneficial to remove this threat permanently or let it fall to Liberty’s hands.

“Beyond security issues, The Order is always interested in progression of science. This brings me to a personal question to you, Captain… Do you believe Liberty truly deserves exclusiveness on power coming from within Valhalla 1? It was not so long time ago that Liberty government allied with Bretonian aggressors in the Tau war… and declared war on Rheinland. Sirius is neither united nor at state of stability to know whether your leaders won't turn against us all once Gallic war is resolved.”

RE: The Lone Dome; meetings on the final frontier. - Alley - 11-20-2014

Ellington stared at Valkyrie for a mere second.

"We have no intention of letting her escape, be sure of that. The matter here is that we -need- the girl alive, killing her is not an option, period. If she gets any close to Iota, then fine, take care of it but until then, stay out of this. That's my request."

She appeared as determined to make her intentions well known to Valkyrie. The Commander paused for a second and continued.

"As for Valhalla... I am well aware it is relevant to your interests. You see, my employers in this matter are not quite so trusting when it comes to The Order. You've earned yourselves a reputation when your focus shifted from the... threat... to operations that have recently shown to be unrelated to them. It is not something they appreciated very much.

As an answer to your question, no. Liberty does not deserve the exclusivity to Valhalla One... but that is because they already don't have it anymore. While Valhalla One is located in Liberty and cannot be moved, it has come past the boundaries of houses and affiliations. Even race for two of our owns. I believe I can not say more to you until your problems with the House are sorted.

It seems to me we're done here."