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Harvester - ScornStar - 07-24-2008

We use our SHF and sale them too. (in RP) They just don't move far from bases. Just for the record.

[Image: screen7-1.jpg]

Harvester - Unseelie - 07-24-2008

I'm not sure it is a freelancerish ship in any way. It looks rather like a Dom'Kavosh design, and all they left behind is the nomads.

The ships in freelancer are all blocky, and not nearly so smooth. A machine intelligence wouldn't design a ship counter to 800 years of human design evolution, humans just aren't that dumb. And the ship isn't organic, so I really don't see a place for the curves...

Harvester - ScornStar - 07-24-2008

The harvester bio is connected to the Daam Kavosh.

The Harvesters have organic curcitry.

And we are not part of the Human evolution.

Is the Huntress more freelancerish?

Im sure if we can fit two battlestars and every Homeworld ship in here we can make an original ship for Freelancer, based on Freelancer elements and not hurt anyones RP. We are already here and official so our RP is there anyway. Just giveing us a piece of our own.

Harvester - chopper - 07-24-2008

Looks great..

Why wouldn't it replace Talarca? I guess I missed something.

Harvester - Xing - 07-24-2008

Talarca is suposedly some kusari cruiser. Even though someone needs to explain me why it is so.

Harvester - chopper - 07-24-2008

So what? No one uses it, it's very ugly as well.

It can be replaced with this thing, and moved to more fitting location.

Harvester - McNeo - 07-24-2008

I dont think so, since I assume that harvester RP is based on a planet controlled by robots who are distinctly Zoner. If you RP taking control of the planet, then fine, but I dont think you deserve the ship, to be honest. Neither do I think it should be the huntress, it looks a little to smooth for that.

As far as I can see, this would be an incentive to fly this cruiser and only this cruiser. Whilst your reasoning is admirable, fighters are much more cost effective than cruisers and dreadnoughts. Economically speaking, your best bet would be to fighterswarm rather than cap swarm, as you'll just get raped by bombers.

I would recommend making this a Molly ship, considering its Bretonian looks. Since the Mollys got independance, it makes sense that they would begin to field cruisers, based on Bretonian design principles but siginficantly different. Might need a bit of a reskin to do that, but I reckon a Molly cruiser would be nice. They certainly have the capital for it, owning most of the gold in that system now, anyway.

Harvester - Unseelie - 07-24-2008

I'm just trying to justify the fact that I don't think it fits freelancer at all.

It doesn't feel like a logical evolution of any other ship class, nor does it fit with any other ship that I consider freelancerish. It just doesn't fit.

Dont get me wrong, its an amazing ship, and I even detect Bretonian elements...and so would like to see the front section with a red texture. But all in all, I don't think it is freelancerish. I don't want it in the game, because I think it will break my immersion.

Scorn, you know how I treat many elements of your RP, so I'm disregarding that argument.

The huntress, in my opinion, actually does look rather freelancerish. It needs a gun fix and a retexture, but I like the model, aesthetically.

Harvester - chopper - 07-24-2008

Yes, huntress is rather... blocky! :-)

Quote:The ships in freelancer are all blocky

Harvester - ScornStar - 07-24-2008

' Wrote:I'm just trying to justify the fact that I don't think it fits freelancer at all.

It doesn't feel like a logical evolution of any other ship class, nor does it fit with any other ship that I consider freelancerish. It just doesn't fit.

Dont get me wrong, its an amazing ship, and I even detect Bretonian elements...and so would like to see the front section with a red texture. But all in all, I don't think it is freelancerish. I don't want it in the game, because I think it will break my immersion.

Scorn, you know how I treat many elements of your RP, so I'm disregarding that argument.

The huntress, in my opinion, actually does look rather freelancerish. It needs a gun fix and a retexture, but I like the model, aesthetically.

I could just as easily say your not the queen of Britonia. It is very easy to just ssay i dont believe in that.

Britonian?!?! Wow I want what ya'll are smoking! Im sorry about your immersion but it's not just your game and I pity such fragile imagination.

So since we agree to disreguard each other there no need to hear from you anymore right? Or did I take you wrong? Because it did sound like an insulting, selfish, preteen, snot, of a statment. :rtfm:

Huntress > freelancer than Harvester :lol:

' Wrote:Scorn, you know how I treat many elements of your RP, so I'm disregarding that argument.

This statment shows what kind of team player you can be. How considerate and imaginative you can be. is this how you want new players to feel about things they cant get thier head around seriously you lead a faction or two? This is a repulsive and most exclusive elitest (I was here first dont steal my lime light) additude that one could portray.

Very rude, and uncalled for.