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Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Printable Version

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RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Megpoid - 08-13-2015

He opens his eyes wide at the realization while remembering shes still in her flightsuit, he was entrhalled by the conversation he almost didn't realise. Getting a bit hot eh? it does look a bit unconfortable. Sure, go change, I won't go anywhere. he smiles at her while giving a look to the suit. closes his eyes quick and comes back to look directly at her. Also, do you want another drink? I pay this round too *smiles* he throws yet another flirty smile at her.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Kauket - 08-14-2015

She puts down her drink and puts her hands together, with howling dead-serious choleric eyes, her expression scowling at him, directly in his eye, her hair slightly parted down the side of her face slightly. She raises her hood a little and proceeds to say,

“You're a very brave person. “

She inspects him, briefly looking up and down, “Say – how lucky do you feel? “

I love toying with people - ha. But god, my brain just feels like death.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Lythrilux - 08-14-2015

Erik, dressed in a grey suit and black tie, walks into the Mad Mako . Upon entry a large crowd of Core pilots flock towards the Guildmaster proclaiming his name, treating him like a celebrity. He smiles graciously and hails his comrades, before clicking his fingers as a gesture to get them to leave him be.

Moments later a waitress approaches him. "Guildmaster Nodtviet! It is an honor for you to grace us with your presence. Gloria aeterna!" she cheers loudly. Erik nods, before giving the waitress a response. "If you will waitress, I want a glass of water. Furthermore, look for Guildkeeper Raven and inform her I have arrived then bring her to me". The waitress bows and then leaves to find Raven.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Kauket - 08-14-2015

She suddenly drops her jokingly hostile expression and attitude and looks with surprise at all the people cheering out.

”What the bloody christ...?”

Oh – looks like he did come then. Huh.

The people clear out of the way, she looks towards the bar” and notices the Guildmaster, she sighs and rolls her eyes, “Of course, making his entry like some kind of dramatic cheesy cherry-queen at a prom.“

She signals towards him, hoping he said, she gives a small wave.

“If you'll excuse me... “she notes to Cas. She then stands up and walks up to him with her fruit drink, leaving behind the empty glass. She nods slightly, retaining politeness, “Afternoon, Guildmaster Nodtviet... “ she says as she warmly smiles. It's also noticable that her skin is pale, and her face enervated of any energy left within her.

I hope he doesn't note what happened with the Nomad outside the Freeport. Crap.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Swifty - 08-14-2015

Hmph... It's been a while since i stepped in one of these... It's time for a change, i guess. Carter thought to himself, sitting calmly at the entrance of the Mad Mako. He took a deep breathe and stepped inside, slowly walking to the bar but looking around the place at the same time. Well this looks nice... He muttered to himself as he noticed the familiar faces in there. And now this seems more like a reunion... christ... He muttered to himself once more and raised his eyebrow like he's not surprised.What can i offer you, Mr. Carter? Carter turned his look to the bartender. Anything that involves alcohol, thank you. Carter replied calmly turned his head again to look around a bit more. A Delta Dingerino is probably what you're looking for, then...The Bartender fills a glass with some sort of drink Carter had never seen before. Here. Carter took the drink and took a small sip from it. Not bad... Thank you. He smiled slightly and walked to an empty table, ignoring the rest. He then takes a seat and relaxes for a moment as he's taking small sips from the drink.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - luka.ace - 08-14-2015

Ah, there you have it. The boss arrived just in time to... well... to what? Save my hide, or hinder my efforts to score a night with the deadliest assassin in the Omicrons.... hm?

"Sure Raven, go hang out with the boss. We can continue our discussion at another time.... oh and to answer your question: I don't feel lucky. But it looks like I am, since I haven't been blown to bits yet. Or is it just my skill, who knows?"

He tips his imaginary hat to her and thinks to himself "well. I at least now I know she doesn't want me dead... yet at least haha."
He switches the cigar in his mouth to the other side again and blows out a big cloud of smoke filled with fragrant smells as the corners of his mouth turn into a smile again.
He scans the bar for the waiter and sees him at the counter.
"yes well, I guess there is no better place to be." and starts strolling towards the counter.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Flash™ - 08-14-2015

Newton and Ruby approach the bar and enter in. He looked around as they walked in, seeing some familiar faces like Nodtviet and Raven. They seemed busy and he didn't want to bother them, after all, it could be important. He began walking to a table at the far side of the bar, where it was much less crowded. As he and Ruby were walking, some people would recognize him and give a slight nod towards him. They came to the table and took a seat together, as a waitress comes by. "Guildkeeper Holt, pleasure to see you come by the bar, is there anything I can get you sir?". Newton answered in a rather deeper tone then his normal voice. "I'll have a Omega Rade...thank you." He then looked at Ruby, waiting for her to order something.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Chuba - 08-14-2015

Ruby slighty smiled "I will have glass of water..." waitress nodded and walked of as Ruby sighed and looked around to see if she recognises anyone in the bar and then back to Newton and sighs "So...this is the bar...?" She waited her drink "Nice...coloring..I guess..." Waitress soon came back to them and gave the drinks, Ruby smiled "So...Newton...I wonder if it was really worth going here..." she took a sip of her drink "If this will get too boring we will go away, okay?" she took another sip and yawned.

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Flash™ - 08-14-2015

Newton grabbed his drink and smiled as he took a sip from it. He then looked at Ruby and answered in a softer tone. "Not sure if it was worth it..I prefer more quiet places." He leaned back and put his arm around her, leaving the drink on the table. "Omega Rade isn't all that bad as I thought it would be...heh."

RE: Durban Station Biodome: The Mad Mako - Chuba - 08-14-2015

"Is it good..?" she asked that and looked at Newton. "I wonder if anything interesting will happen here..." She sighed and hugged Newton slighty " doesn't really matter, we are together it's good enough for me." she then placed her head on his shoulder. "Music here is pretty bad though..." She sighed "I wonder if I should try the drink you're having..."