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RE: Irregularities - Doc Holliday - 10-08-2022

Somewhere in an ethereal worlds with Admete Sonja and Doc.

"Remember those Canaria sunsets we used to watch, Dahlin'?" asked Doc to Midori as they looked out and over the scenery before them. We would wait until it was almost pitch dark out and then we would use our feet to feel our way back to the house, often giggling as we got there."
"I do," she replied with a light smile. "Tombstone was such a beautiful home. I also remember we would often make love after watching those sunsets."
He smiled a bit himself, "I remember that too."

They both then turned back toward one another. As she stood, she left her arms at her sides allowing him to part her gown so that he could look at her body one last time. He caressed her bosoms and enjoyed the touch of her skin. Every curve, every reaction she had to his touch was what he remembered. Drawing each other close, they shared a deep kiss and an embrace. Looking down at her while she looked up as they smiled.
"John Henry you deserve happiness. I am only here for but a short time." She then stood back just enough to put her hand on his chest just above his heart. Doc felt it beating harder as she touched. Was it his love for her? Was it the depth of the memory or was it just the power of Sonja or Admete? He would never know. All he knew is that it felt special.
"I will always be here, John Henry," she told him, "Always! No matter who you are with, I will always be here."

For a moment, those attempted relationships after her went away. None of them even came close to what he had with Midori.
"I know you will," he answered. "I am lucky today as most men will never again see the woman they lost."

"John Henry, I must go now," she explained as she looked up for one last kiss which he obliged. "I will be waiting for you when your life draws to a close. I will wait.....always."
Stepping back, she released his hands and closed her robe before turning to walk away. After about two steps, she turned around.
"By the way, do not be so hard on Emiko," she explained, "she loves you even if she will not admit it and she lives with a lot of guilt over the death of Shane even if she does not show it."

Turning back, she began walking again. "Good by, John Henry," she said over her shoulder.
"Good by, my Love," he replied watching her with a light smile.
With those final words, she disappeared. Doc could only look out where she had just disappeared.

RE: Irregularities - Broken Wings - 10-11-2022

Medforce General and Resarch. In Orbit of Planet Eris , Baffin System

Sonja Smiled as she Sits in DocĀ“s Office and sipped from her Tea. In the Dreamworld they were for Several Hours But here in Real Life, they were only gone for a Minute or Two. The Tea was Still Hot and the Young Doctor enjoyed it deeply as she Watched over at Doc, he Looked like he Was taking a Nap after a Long and hard Day of Work. Sonja Could feel how Much John had Missed Midori and she had a feeling that he needed this Opportunity to say Good Bye to the Love of his Life. As a Doctor, she knew that Such a Meeting could either Benefit or Hurt the Healing Process. It was a Risk but Sonja was sure that it was worth it so that John could find happiness in the Future and maybe even a new Love. Sonja had felt how much he was still suffering from the Loss of Midori and that he couldn't say Good Bye to her back then.

Admete: you are too Soft Sister, he is a Human after all.

Sonja smiled kindly as she talked to Admete in her head and sipped from the Tea in her hand while she watched over Doc. She knew her sister and she knew that she was more Kind than she lets others see.

Sonja: you forget that I can sense your Feelings for Sister, and I know that you were almost Crying as well as he has seen Midori Again. You are softer than you want any of us to believe, but you can't hide your True Feelings from the Light Sister.

Admete made a sound like a Stubborn Child that doesn't want to admit that she was Caught with her hands in the Cookie Jar. But this was one of the things that Sonja loved about her Sister. She smiled and decided to let her Sister think about this on her own and she hoped that she would see that it's sometimes more effective to show Kindness and to Help someone to have a bigger Reward in the end. She smiled as she Looked over to John and wondered how long he would be still asleep or if he would wake up at all.

RE: Irregularities - Doc Holliday - 10-15-2022

Medforce General and Resarch. In Orbit of Planet Eris , Baffin System

He took one last look over the landscape after Midori had faded away. He felt at ease, a huge weight now taken off of his shoulders and for the first time in years, he had no sense of guilt over her loss. With a big sigh, he turned and walked away. He then took a short walk to a door in a large building and went through. Once inside, he found a desk and chair. On the desk was a glass and bottle. Sitting, he poured a glass of the liquid and took a sip. Seltzer it was and it had an orange flavor to it. Taking another sip, he put the glass down and sat back. Then, with a twitch, he woke up to find Sonja sitting there before him.
Not visible but present in mind was Admete. He shook his head and realized that he had just woke up.

He became a bit scared....scared that his time with Midori wasn't real. "Oh please do not tell me that was but a dream," he demanded, "because if it is, send me back and leave me there as I want that to stay with me forever." Scared and a bit confused, it was quite obvious.

RE: Irregularities - Broken Wings - 10-15-2022

Medforce General and Resarch. In Orbit of Planet Eris , Baffin System

Sonja Waited till Doc had Woken up and began to speak before she took his hand like she often does with her Patients to Calm them down when they are Confused and a bit Lost in their Thoughts. She smiled softly at him and Talked in a Calm and Kind Voice to him as she looked into his eyes.

Sonja: it was more than a Dream John, it was a combination of all of your Memories about Midori. But it wasn't the Real Midori, you could say she was more than a Dream but less than a Ghost. I wanted to give you a chance to make Peace with this Part of your Life as I could feel how much her Loss has Still Hurt you. I won't send you back John then if I would do this I would only Drive you into an Addiction. As a Doctor I would Break my Oath if I do this, then we both know that I would do more harm than good to My Friend and Patient in this Case.

She smiled at him as Niki Rubbs her Head on Doc and Purrs Loudly to give the Man some comfort and take some of his Confusion and pain away. Sonja smiled at her Litle Companion and was thankful again to have this Litle Furrball always at her side.

RE: Irregularities - Doc Holliday - 10-22-2022

Medforce General and Resarch. In Orbit of Planet Eris , Baffin System

He nodded. It hurt him to think of the truth if she were to send him back but he nodded. "You are right." he said softly as if he had just been defeated. "You are absolutely right."
He then stood up and looked skyward for a few moments that seemed like an eternity. It would be an addiction worth taking but the oath that she took, the oath that HE took, was stronger.
He took a deep breath and let it go before he finally looked back down and walked towards a window overlooking Shasta Orbital Skyhook off in the distance. His hands were behind his back as he looked out for a moment.
"I knew that bringing you into Med Force Enterprises was a great choice," he said gently. "The abuse you suffered only made you stronger and made you resilient."
He then turned back toward her, taking a few steps back to where they were initially sitting, his hands still behind his back.
"It also made you that much better of a student and it has made you a great head of our mental health department. Only one other person has made such an impact in my life, well, two but I just made my peace with her. I just hope you and Admete."

He then sat down. "Midori wants me to be happy and I only promised to try. If you will have me, I will remain your patient while I find my way to it."
He then addressed both her and Admete, "Your secret is safe with me. From here out, I will be the one who does your check-ups to keep a lid on things. As to the Order, they do not concern me and doctor/patient confidentiality applies to them too."

He smiled as Niki was bunting her head on him. He reached over and began to scratch her in between the ears. "Niki, you sure do have a way."

RE: Irregularities - Broken Wings - 10-24-2022

Medforce General and Resarch. In Orbit of Planet Eris , Baffin System

Sonja Noticed the Conflicted State that John was in at this moment, but she knew that a Doctor had to give the Patient some Room in Some Situation so that the Patient can Figure out Things on their own. She knew that John as a Man of Medicine and Healing would make the Right Decision and Choose the Right Way. Sonja Blushed Deeply as she was Praised by him and looked a bit shy, it was still new to her that her work was Praised.

Sonja: Well as the old Quote goes "Only Experience makes us Great". But to be honest, I don't think that I am as good as you say I am, it almost sounds as if I was something Special. But I am just a Simple Doctor that tries to help People.

She smiled kind and warmly at him as Niki began to cuddle onto him and Lay down in his arms as she enjoyed the Pet and Cuddles by him. Sonja and Admete Listen Closely to his Words, Admete had decided that she would see John in a More Positive Light than most other Humans.

Sonja: yes John I will Stay, I have a lot of Patients that need my help and I can't abandon them. And I trust you to keep my Secrets and those of Admit. And if you want I would like to Accompany you on the way to making the Promise to Midori become a Reality. You Deserve a New Love John, Midori knew that you need someone to Share your Life with after she can't be with you anymore. That is Nothing Wrong John and it would make your Love for Midori less important or Smaller when you allow someone new into your Heart.

She smiled and chuckled as she sees how Niki tried to comfort John and made him feel better and put a smile back on his face. The Litle Cat had a Feeling for situations like these when other people needed a Friendly and Purring Animal at their Side.

Sonja: yes Niki is someone Special, she is my Best Friend and a Certified Therapy Cat. She is even Listed as a Nurse on my Ship, but that is more of a Honor Position than her actual Work. But she knows when she is needed by others and helps them if she can.

RE: Irregularities - Doc Holliday - 10-30-2022

Medforce General and Resarch. In Orbit of Planet Eris , Baffin System

He took the old pocket watch from his shirt, flipped it open and looked. Not quite thirty minutes had passed but it seemed like a very long visit. Still, he remembered everything that had just went on. The bar scene, the old West and Midori. The watch was quite old but still functional and in very good shape. Inscribed on the back was his father's name and a date: 1851. Like himself, it's existence was a mystery. He smiled, closed it and put it away before returning his attention to Sonja and Admete.

"I must say it has been a rather interesting evening but productive," he stated. "If I remember correctly, I called you here over some strange scans during your annual physical."
He studied them again and nodded. "Everything looks just fine to me. I mean, everything matches your baselines." He smiled big, re-assuring that no one else would ever know.
He removed the part of the file with the scan and set them on the metal floor several feet away and lit them on fire with a lighter. Together, they watched them burn to ashes which were then swept up and thrown away in his waste basket.
He also took the memory card from the scanner used and handed it to Sonja with the instructions, "Make sure this finds it's way into a sun when you fly by or something."

He had little to offer Admete but then, she was one with Sonja so in effect, he had given her the same. To her he said, "Your secret is safe with me. Perhaps one day the rest of your people and I can...." He paused a moment, looking for the right word but couldn't find it. He just ended it with ""
He then gave Niki a final petting between the ears and several strokes down her back.
"Ladies," he stated acknowledging the three, "we all have work to do. Until next time."
Together, they would exit his office as they headed toward their prospective ships.